979 resultados para Visual Function
By means of fixed-links modeling, the present study identified different processes of visual short-term memory (VSTM) functioning and investigated how these processes are related to intelligence. We conducted an experiment where the participants were presented with a color change detection task. Task complexity was manipulated through varying the number of presented stimuli (set size). We collected hit rate and reaction time (RT) as indicators for the amount of information retained in VSTM and speed of VSTM scanning, respectively. Due to the impurity of these measures, however, the variability in hit rate and RT was assumed to consist not only of genuine variance due to individual differences in VSTM retention and VSTM scanning but also of other, non-experimental portions of variance. Therefore, we identified two qualitatively different types of components for both hit rate and RT: (1) non-experimental components representing processes that remained constant irrespective of set size and (2) experimental components reflecting processes that increased as a function of set size. For RT, intelligence was negatively associated with the non-experimental components, but was unrelated to the experimental components assumed to represent variability in VSTM scanning speed. This finding indicates that individual differences in basic processing speed, rather than in speed of VSTM scanning, differentiates between high- and low-intelligent individuals. For hit rate, the experimental component constituting individual differences in VSTM retention was positively related to intelligence. The non-experimental components of hit rate, representing variability in basal processes, however, were not associated with intelligence. By decomposing VSTM functioning into non-experimental and experimental components, significant associations with intelligence were revealed that otherwise might have been obscured.
OBJECTIVE Visuoperceptual deficits are common in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Alzheimer disease (AD). Testing visuoperception in dementia is complicated by decline in other cognitive domains and extrapyramidal features. To overcome these issues, we developed a computerized test, the Newcastle visuoperception battery (NEVIP), which is independent of motor function and has minimal cognitive load.We aimed to test its utility to identify visuoperceptual deficits in people with dementia. PARTICIPANTS AND MEASUREMENTS We recruited 28 AD and 26 DLB participants with 35 comparison participants of similar age and education. The NEVIP was used to test angle, color, and form discrimination along with motion perception to obtain a composite visuoperception score. RESULTS Those with DLB performed significantly worse than AD participants on the composite visuoperception score (Mann-Whitney U = 142, p = 0.01). Visuoperceptual deficits (defined as 2 SD below the performance of comparisons) were present in 71% of the DLB group and 40% of the AD group. Performance was not significantly correlated with motor impairment, but was significantly related to global cognitive impairment in DLB (rs = -0.689, p <0.001), but not in AD. CONCLUSION Visuoperceptual deficits can be detected in both DLB and AD participants using the NEVIP, with the DLB group performing significantly worse than AD. Visuoperception scores obtained by the NEVIP are independent of participant motor deficits and participants are able to comprehend and perform the tasks.
By means of fixed-links modeling the present study assessed processes involved in visual short-term memory functioning and investigates how these processes are related to intelligence. Using a color change detection task, short-term memory demands increased across three experimental conditions as a function of number of presented stimuli. We measured amount of information retained in visual short-term memory by hit rate as well as speed of visual short-term memory scanning by reaction time. For both measures, fixed-links modeling revealed a constant process reflecting processes irrespective of task manipulation as well as two increasing processes reflecting the increasing short-term memory demands. For visual short-term memory scanning, a negative association between intelligence and the constant process was found but no relationship between intelligence and the increasing processes. Thus, basic processing speed, rather than speed influenced by visual short-term memory demands, differentiates between high- and low-intelligent individuals. Intelligence was positively related to the experimental processes of shortterm memory retention but not to the constant process. In sum, significant associations with intelligence were only obtained when the specific processes of short-term memory were decomposed emphasizing the importance of a thorough assessment of cognitive processes when investigating their relation to intelligence.
We assessed the efficacy and the toxicity for pediatric craniopharyngioma patients of fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT). Between May 2000 and May 2009, 9 patients (male to female ratio, 5:4) with craniopharyngiomas underwent FSRT (median dose, 54 Gy). Among the 9 patients, 6 received radiation therapy (RT) for recurrent tumors and 3 for residual disease as adjuvant therapy after incomplete surgery. Median tumor 3 volume was 2.3 cm (range, 0.1-5.8). The median target coverage was 93.7% (range 79.3-99.8%). The median conformity index was 0.94 (range, 0.6-1.4). Dose to the hippocampal region was assessed for all patients. After a median follow-up of 62.5 months (range, 32-127)the treated volume decreased in size in four of eight patients (50%). One patient was lost to follow-up. Local control and survival rates at 3 years were 100% and there were no marginal relapses. One patient, with a chronic bilateral papillary oedema after surgery, visual defect deteriorated after FSRT to a complete hemianopsia. One male patient with normal pituitary function before FSRT presented with precocious puberty at the age of 7.4 years, 24 months after FSRT. Four patients (50%) were severely obese at their last visit. FSRT is a safe treatment option for craniopharyngioma after incomplete resection.
Despite rapid to-and-fro motion of the retinal image that results from their incessant involuntary eye movements, persons with infantile nystagmus (IN) rarely report the perception of motion smear. We performed two experiments to determine if the reduction of perceived motion smear in persons with IN is associated with an increase in the speed of the temporal impulse response. In Experiment 1, increment thresholds were determined for pairs of successively presented flashes of a long horizontal line, presented on a 65-cd/m2 background field. The stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between the first and second flash varied from 5.9 to 234 ms. In experiment 2, temporal contrast sensitivity functions were determined for a 3-cpd horizontal square-wave grating that underwent counterphase flicker at temporal frequencies between 1 and 40 Hz. Data were obtained for 2 subjects with predominantly pendular IN and 8 normal observers in Experiment 1 and for 3 subjects with IN and 4 normal observers in Experiment 2. Temporal impulse response functions (TIRFs) were estimated as the impulse response of a linear second-order system that provided the best fit to the increment threshold data in Experiment 1 and to the temporal contrast sensitivity functions in Experiment 2. Estimated TIRFs of the subjects with pendular IN have natural temporal frequencies that are significantly faster than those of normal observers (ca. 13 vs. 9 Hz), indicating an accelerated temporal response to visual stimuli. This increase in response speed is too small to account by itself for the virtual absence of perceived motion smear in subjects with IN, and additional neural mechanisms are considered.
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to compare clinical outcomes and sexual function between transvaginal and transabdominal repairs of vesicovaginal fistulae (VVF). STUDY DESIGN Participants (99 women with VVF at a tertiary referral center) were treated with urinary catheterization for 12 weeks and, if the procedure was unsuccessful, underwent repair either the transvaginal (Latzko) or transabdominal technique. Objective clinical parameters were analyzed; subjective outcomes were recorded prospectively at the 6-month follow-up examination with the use of the female sexual function index to evaluate sexual function and the visual analogue scale to measure general disturbance by the fistula. RESULTS After bladder drainage for 12 weeks, 8 patients had spontaneous fistula closure. Demographic variables were similar in the transvaginal (n = 60) and transabdominal (n = 31) repair groups. The transvaginal procedure showed significantly shorter operation times, less blood loss, and shorter hospital stay. Continence rates 6 months after surgery were 82% (transvaginal) and 90% (transabdominal). Sexual function in the 64 sexually active patients was significantly improved, and overall disturbance by the fistula was reduced with both operative techniques. Neither surgical intervention was superior to the other regarding any domain of sexual function or visual analog scale. CONCLUSION Fistula repair improves sexual function and quality of life with no difference attributable to surgical route. Given this and that operating time, blood loss and length of stay are less with the transvaginal approach, the transvaginal approach is preferred in VVF repair if fistula and patient characteristics are suitable.
When tilted sideways participants misperceive the visual vertical assessed by means of a luminous line in otherwise complete dark- ness. A recent modeling approach (De Vrijer et al., 2009) claimed that these typical patterns of errors (known as A- and E-effects) could be explained by as- suming that participants behave in a Bayes optimal manner. In this study, we experimentally manipulate participants’ prior information about body-in-space orientation and measure the effect of this manipulation on the subjective visual vertical (SVV). Specifically, we explore the effects of veridical and misleading instructions about body tilt orientations on the SVV. We used a psychophys- ical 2AFC SVV task at roll tilt angles of 0 degrees, 16 degrees and 4 degrees CW and CCW. Participants were tilted to 4 degrees under different instruction conditions: in one condition, participants received veridical instructions as to their tilt angle, whereas in another condition, participants received the mis- leading instruction that their body position was perfectly upright. Our results indicate systematic differences between the instruction conditions at 4 degrees CW and CCW. Participants did not simply use an ego-centric reference frame in the misleading condition; instead, participants’ estimates of the SVV seem to lie between their head’s Z-axis and the estimate of the SVV as measured in the veridical condition. All participants displayed A-effects at roll tilt an- gles of 16 degrees CW and CCW. We discuss our results in the context of the Bayesian model by De Vrijer et al. (2009), and claim that this pattern of re- sults is consistent with a manipulation of precision of a prior distribution over body-in-space orientations. Furthermore, we introduce a Bayesian Generalized Linear Model for estimating parameters of participants’ psychometric function, which allows us to jointly estimate group level and individual level parameters under all experimental conditions simultaneously, rather than relying on the traditional two-step approach to obtaining group level parameter estimates.
Based on the Attentional Control Theory (ACT; Eysenck et al., 2007), performance efficiency is decreased in high-anxiety situations because worrying thoughts compete for attentional resources. A repeated-measures design (high/low state anxiety and high/low perceptual task demands) was used to test ACT explanations. Complex football situations were displayed to expert and non-expert football players in a decision making task in a controlled laboratory setting. Ratings of state anxiety and pupil diameter measures were used to check anxiety manipulations. Dependent variables were verbal response time and accuracy, mental effort ratings and visual search behavior (e.g., visual search rate). Results confirmed that an anxiety increase, indicated by higher state-anxiety ratings and larger pupil diameters, reduced processing efficiency for both groups (higher response times and mental effort ratings). Moreover, high task demands reduced the ability to shift attention between different locations for the expert group in the high anxiety condition only. Since particularly experts, who were expected to use more top-down strategies to guide visual attention under high perceptual task demands, showed less attentional shifts in the high compared to the low anxiety condition, as predicted by ACT, anxiety seems to impair the shifting function by interrupting the balance between top-down and bottom-up processes.
Motor-performance-enhancing effects of long final fixations before movement initiation – a phenomenon called Quiet Eye (QE) – have repeatedly been demonstrated. Drawing on the information-processing framework, it is assumed that the QE supports information processing revealed by the close link between QE duration and task demands concerning, in particular, response selection and movement parameterisation. However, the question remains whether the suggested mechanism also holds for processes referring to stimulus identification. Thus, in a series of two experiments, performance in a targeting task was tested as a function of experimentally manipulated visual processing demands as well as experimentally manipulated QE durations. The results support the suggested link because a performance-enhancing QE effect was found under increased visual processing demands only: Whereas QE duration did not affect performance as long as positional information was preserved (Experiment 1), in the full vs. no target visibility comparison, QE efficiency turned out to depend on information processing time as soon as the interval falls below a certain threshold (Experiment 2). Thus, the results rather contradict alternative, e.g., posture-based explanations of QE effects and support the assumption that the crucial mechanism behind the QE phenomenon is rooted in the cognitive domain.
We investigated the neural mechanisms and the autonomic and cognitive responses associated with visual avoidance behavior in spider phobia. Spider phobic and control participants imagined visiting different forest locations with the possibility of encountering spiders, snakes, or birds (neutral reference category). In each experimental trial, participants saw a picture of a forest location followed by a picture of a spider, snake, or bird, and then rated their personal risk of encountering these animals in this context, as well as their fear. The greater the visual avoidance of spiders that a phobic participant demonstrated (as measured by eye tracking), the higher were her autonomic arousal and neural activity in the amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and precuneus at picture onset. Visual avoidance of spiders in phobics also went hand in hand with subsequently reduced cognitive risk of encounters. Control participants, in contrast, displayed a positive relationship between gaze duration toward spiders, on the one hand, and autonomic responding, as well as OFC, ACC, and precuneus activity, on the other hand. In addition, they showed reduced encounter risk estimates when they looked longer at the animal pictures. Our data are consistent with the idea that one reason for phobics to avoid phobic information may be grounded in heightened activity in the fear circuit, which signals potential threat. Because of the absence of alternative efficient regulation strategies, visual avoidance may then function to down-regulate cognitive risk evaluations for threatening information about the phobic stimuli. Control participants, in contrast, may be characterized by a different coping style, whereby paying visual attention to potentially threatening information may help them to actively down-regulate cognitive evaluations of risk.
Over recent years, it has repeatedly been shown that optimal gaze strategies enhance motor control (e.g., Foulsham, 2015). However, little is known, whether, vice versa, visual performance can be improved by optimized motor control. Consequently, in two studies, we investigated visual performance as a function of motor control strategies and task parameters, respectively. In Experiment 1, 72 participants were tested on visual acuity (Landolt) and contrast sensitivity (Grating), while standing in two different postures (upright vs. squat) on a ZEPTOR-platform that vibrated at four different frequencies (0, 4, 8, 12 Hz). After each test, perceived exertion (Borg) was assessed. Significant interactions were revealed for both tests, Landolt: F(3,213)=13.25, p<.01, ηp2=.16, Grating: F(3,213)=4.27, p<.01, ηp2=.06, elucidating a larger loss of acuity/contrast sensitivity with increasing frequencies for the upright compared with the squat posture. For perceived exertion, however, a diametrical interaction for frequency was found for acuity, F(3,213)=7.45, p<.01, ηp2=.09, and contrast sensitivity, F(3,213)=7.08, p < .01, ηp2=.09, substantiating that the impaired visual performance cannot be attributed to exertion. Consequently, the squat posture could permit better head and, hence, gaze stabilization. In Experiment 2, 64 participants performed the same tests while standing in a squat position on a ski-simulator, which vibrated with two different frequencies (2.4, 3.6 Hz) and amplitudes (50, 100 mm) in a predictable or unpredictable manner. Control strategies were identified by tracking segmental motion, which allows to derive damping characteristics. Considerable main effects were found for frequency, all F’s(1,52)>10.31, all p’s<.01, all ηp2’s>.16, as well as, in the acuity test, for predictability, F(1,52)=10.31, p<.01, ηp2=.17, and by tendency for amplitude, F(1,52)=3.53, p=.06, ηp2=.06. A significant correlation between the damping amplitude in the knee joint and the performance drop in visual acuity, r=-.97, p<.001, again points towards the importance of motor control strategies to maintain optimal visual performance.
Purpose To investigate the effect of topical glucose on visual parameters in individuals with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Design Double-blind, randomized, crossover study. Participants Nondiabetic pseudophakic patients with definite POAG were recruited; 29 eyes of 16 individuals participated in study 1. A follow-up study (study 2) included 14 eyes of 7 individuals. Intervention Eyes were randomly allocated to receive 50% glucose or saline eye drops every 5 minutes for 60 minutes. Main Outcome Measures The contrast sensitivity and best-corrected logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR). Results The 50% glucose reached the vitreous in pseudophakic but not phakic individuals. Glucose significantly improved the mean contrast sensitivity at 12 cycles/degree compared with 0.9% saline by 0.26 log units (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.13–0.38; P < 0.001) and 0.40 log units (95% CI, 0.17–0.60; P < 0.001) in the follow-up study. The intraocular pressure, refraction, and central corneal thickness were not affected by glucose; age was not a significant predictor of the response. Conclusions Topical glucose temporarily improves psychophysical visual parameters in some individuals with POAG, suggesting that neuronal energy substrate delivery to the vitreous reservoir may recover function of “sick” retinal neurons.
Visual neglect is considerably exacerbated by increases in visual attentional load. These detrimental effects of attentional load are hypothesised to be dependent on an interplay between dysfunctional inter-hemispheric inhibitory dynamics and load-related modulation of activity in cortical areas such as the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation (cTBS) over the contralesional PPC reduces neglect severity. It is unknown, however, whether such positive effects also operate in the presence of the detrimental effects of heightened attentional load. Here, we examined the effects of cTBS on neglect severity in overt visual search (i.e., with eye movements), as a function of high and low visual attentional load conditions. Performance was assessed on the basis of target detection rates and eye movements, in a computerised visual search task and in two paper-pencil tasks. cTBS significantly ameliorated target detection performance, independently of attentional load. These ameliorative effects were significantly larger in the high than the low load condition, thereby equating target detection across both conditions. Eye movement analyses revealed that the improvements were mediated by a redeployment of visual fixations to the contralesional visual field. These findings represent a substantive advance, because cTBS led to an unprecedented amelioration of overt search efficiency that was independent of visual attentional load.
PURPOSE To evaluate the utility of attenuation correction (AC) of V/P SPECT images for patients with pulmonary emphysema. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty-one patients (mean age 67.6 years) with pulmonary emphysema who underwent V/P SPECT/CT were included. AC/non-AC V/P SPECT images were compared visually and semiquantitatively. Visual comparison of AC/non-AC images was based on a 5-point likert scale. Semiquantitative comparison assessed absolute counts per lung (aCpLu) and lung lobe (aCpLo) for AC/non-AC images using software-based analysis; percentage counts (PC = (aCpLo/aCpLu) × 100) were calculated. Correlation between AC/non-AC V/P SPECT images was analyzed using Spearman's rho correlation coefficient; differences were tested for significance with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS Visual analysis revealed high conformity for AC and non-AC V/P SPECT images. Semiquantitative analysis of PC in AC/non-AC images had an excellent correlation and showed no significant differences in perfusion (ρ = 0.986) or ventilation (ρ = 0.979, p = 0.809) SPECT/CT images. CONCLUSION AC of V/P SPECT images for lung lobe-based function imaging in patients with pulmonary emphysema do not improve visual or semiquantitative image analysis.
Background. Research investigating symptom management in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) largely has been undertaken assuming the homeostatic construct, without regard to potential roles of circadian rhythms. Temporal relations among dyspnea, fatigue, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and objective measures of activity/rest have not been reported in COPD. ^ Objectives. The specific aims of this study were to (1) explore the 24-hour patterns of dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in subjects with COPD; (2) examine the relations among dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in COPD; and (3) examine the relations among objective measures of activity/rest and dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in COPD. ^ Methods. The repeated-measures design involved 10 subjects with COPD who self-assessed dyspnea and fatigue by 100 mm visual analog scales, and PEFR by peak flow meter in their home 5 times a day for 8 days. Activity/rest was measured by wrist actigraphy. Single and population mean cosinor analyses and correlations were computed for dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR; correlations were done among these variables and activity/rest. ^ Results. Circadian rhythms were documented by single cosinor analysis in 40% of the subjects for dyspnea, 60% for fatigue, and 60% for PEFR. The population cosinor analysis of PEFR yielded a significant rhythm (p < .05). The 8-day 24-hour means of dyspnea and fatigue was moderately correlated (r = .48, p < .01). Dyspnea and PEFR, and fatigue and PEFR, were weakly correlated in a negative way (r = −.11, p < .05 and r = −.15, p < .01 respectively). Weak to moderate correlations (r = .12–.34, p < .05) were demonstrated between PEFR and mean activity level measured up to 4 hours before PEFR measurement. ^ Conclusions. The findings suggest that (1) the dyspnea and fatigue experienced by COPD patients are moderately related, (2) there is a weak to modest positive relation between PEFR and activity levels, and (3) temporal variation in lung function may not affect the dyspnea and fatigue experienced by patients with COPD. Further research, examining the relations among dyspnea, fatigue, PEFR, and activity/rest is needed. Replication of this study is suggested with a larger sample size. ^