876 resultados para Vienna. Maria am Gestade (Church).


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On 31 Oecember 1992, the Institut für Seefischerei Hamburg (ISH) will dissolve its branch of systematic ichthyology at the Zoologieal Museum Hamburg University. Remaining ISH ichthyology staff and facilities will move back in January 1993 to Institut für Seefischerei headquarters in Palmaille 9, D-·2000 Hamburg 50 (Tel. 040·389050, Fax 040·38905 129). The research field systematic ichthyology will not be continued at ISH. The ISH fish collection will be handed over to the Zoological Museum of Hamburg University (ZMH) as future responsible holder from 1 January 1993 onward. Loan requests for former ISH material should be addressed from January 1993 on only to: Prof. Dr. H. Wilkens, Kustos Ichthyologie, Zoological Museum der Universität, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D·2000 Hamburg 13 (Tel. 040·4123 3870, Fax 040·4123 3937). A couple of months will be needed before requests for loan of former ISH holdings can be handled again. It should, however, be noted that even for a longer period there may be problems in serving loan requests promptly due to logistic difficulties and shortage of staff at the ZMH ichthyology department.


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Im Rahmen des Internationalen Jungfischprogramms des ICES untersuchten von Januar bis März 1991 Forschungsschiffe mehrerer Nationen die Jungtischbestände der Nordsee. FFS "Walther Hcrwig" beteiligte sich vom 13. Januar bis 15. Februar an diesen Untersuchungen.


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Seit den vierziger Jahren ist bekannt, dass in der Irminger See und nordwestlich vom Reykjanes-Rücken (ICES-Gebiet XIV b und teilweise XII) ein Rotbarschbestand anzutreffen ist, der wegen seiner pelagischen Lebensweise auch als "ozeanischer Bestand" bezeichnet wird.


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Seit 1978 wird im Bereich der Nordsee und der westbritischen Gewässer auf Vorschlag französischer Fischereibiologen ein besonderer Grundschleppnetztyp als Standardgerät für Forschungsfänge eingesetzt. Sein Name ist GOV (eine Abkürzung für eine seiner wichtigen Eigenschaften: Grande Ouverture Verticala = große Öffnungshöhe). Die Eiführung erfolgte in den Bestandskundlichen Gruppen des Internationalen Rats für Meeresforschung (ICES) ohne Einschaltung des für die Fragen der Festsetzung eines Standardgeräts eigendlich zuständigen Komitees für Fangtechnik (Fish Capture Committee). Über diesen Verzicht auf fachlichen Rat wäre hinwegzusehen, wenn es nicht dauernde Probleme und eine überdurchschnittliche Schadenshäufigkeit mit diesem Fanggerät gäbe. So aber besteht gegenwärtig die Situation, daß nach geschaffenen Fakten versucht werden muß, das beste aus der Lage zu machen.


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Während der 95. Reise, die wir im Rahmen des Internationalen Jungfischprogramms des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung (ICES)durchführten, wurde auch zwischen dem Westabhang der Norwegischen Rinne und den Shetlands gefischt. Verwendet wurde dabei das GOV-Netz mit Innensteert.


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The attitude of the medieval church towards violence before the First Crusade in 1095 underwent a significant institutional evolution, from the peaceful tradition of the New Testament and the Roman persecution, through the prelate-led military campaigns of the Carolingian period and the Peace of God era. It would be superficially easy to characterize this transformation as the pragmatic and entirely secular response of a growing power to the changing world. However, such a simplification does not fully do justice to the underlying theology. While church leaders from the 5th Century to the 11th had vastly different motivations and circumstances under which to develop their responses to a variety of violent activities, the teachings of Augustine of Hippo provided a unifying theme. Augustine’s just war theology, in establishing which conflicts are acceptable in the eyes of God, focused on determining whether a proper causa belli or basis for war exists, and then whether a legitimate authority declares and leads the war. Augustine masterfully integrated aspects of the Old and New Testaments to create a lasting and compelling case for his definition of justified violence. Although at different times and places his theology has been used to support a variety of different attitudes, the profound influence of his work on the medieval church’s evolving position on violence is clear.


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The Danube is ca. 2850 km in length and is the second largest river in Europe. The Austrian part of the Danube falls 156 metres in altitude over its 351 km length and, since the early 1950s, the river has been developed into a power-generating waterway, so that the continuity of the river is now interrupted by ten impounded areas. Only two stretches of the original free-flowing river are left, the Wachau region (above river-km 2005, west of Vienna) and the region downstream from the impoundment at Vienna (river-km 1921). Most of the recent theories and concepts related to invertebrates, in the context of the ecology of running waters, are based on studies on small streams, whereas investigations of large rivers have played a minor role for a long time, mainly due to methodological difficulties. The authors' recent detailed studies on macroinvertebrates in the free-flowing section of the Danube below Vienna, provide an excellent opportunity to survey or restate scientific hypotheses on the basis of a large river. In this review the main interest focuses on the investigation of biodiversity, i.e. the number of species and their relative proportions in the whole invertebrate community, as well as major governing environmental factors. The article summarises the species composition, the important environmental variables at the river cross-section and the effect of upstream impoundment on the riverbed and its fauna.


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Esta pesquisa trata das alterações ocorridas na propriedade dos monges da Ordem de São Bento no Rio de Janeiro. O crescimento da cidade, a falta de monges nos claustros e o aumento do número de escravos no século XIX, contribuíram para a configuração desse espaço e também nas mudanças dos preceitos religiosos. Com base a Regra de São Bento novas práticas foram apontadas nesse universo monástico exigindo maior rigor na conduta dos monges e da sua mão-de-obra cativa no cotidiano do mosteiro. Dessa forma, aponto como as transformações ocorridas na administração da Congregação Beneditina do Brasil e os interesses do Governo Imperial no patrimônio da Ordem estabeleceram uma relação de poder entre os monges e seus escravos, no período de 1819 a 1842. A partir da análise da Confraria do Rosário, constituída na capela-mor do mosteiro, ilumino o lugar dos cativos nessa nova organização, observando-a como parte de uma tática de produção de corpos submissos à moral e à disciplina.


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