856 resultados para Viabilidade microbiana


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de N-NH3, o pH do líquido ruminal e a eficiência de síntese microbiana de rações que continham diferentes fontes energéticas: milho (MI), milho + casca de mandioca desidratada (MC), raspa de mandioca (RM) e farinha de varredura de mandioca (FV). Foram utilizados quatro novilhos da raça Holandesa (270 kg), portadores de cânulas ruminal e duodenal, distribuídos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4x4. A cinza insolúvel em ácido foi utilizada como indicador do fluxo duodenal e fecal. Não houve efeito das rações experimentais no pH ruminal. No entanto, menor concentração de N-NH3 foi observada para a ração com FV. O fluxo duodenal de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio e a composição química das bactérias ruminais não foram influenciados pelas rações experimentais. A maior eficiência microbiana aparente foi obtida para a ração com FV. Nas condições do presente experimento a FV, possivelmente apresentou uma melhor sincronização com a fonte protéica (farelo de soja), diminuindo a perda de nitrogênio na forma de N-NH3 e aumentando a eficiência microbiana.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, in vitro, o efeito da adição de 1 mg pentoxifilina por mL de amostras seminais diluídas em meio Kenney, e resfriadas a 5º C, de garanhões normospérmicos, sobre os seguintes parâmetros: taxas de motilidade total e motilidade progressiva, velocidade espermática ao longo da trajetória real, índice retilíneo, taxa de linearidade, velocidade progressiva, taxa de viabilidade e taxa de integridade da membrana plasmática. Foram avaliados 20 ejaculados de quatro garanhões, com o auxílio do Hamilton Thorn Research (Animal Version 12.0 L, EUA), em câmara de Makler. A taxa de viabilidade foi realizada por coloração de eosina e microscopia de contraste e a taxa de integridade de membrana, por coloração com fluorocromos, iodeto de propídio e diacetato de carboxifluoresceina e microscopia de fluorescência. As análises foram realizadas aos 30, 60, e 120 minutos de incubação a 37º C, após 12, 24 e 48 horas de resfriamento a 5ºC. A pentoxifilina incrementou significativamente, em relação ao grupo controle, os parâmetros espermáticos relacionados à motilidade dos espermatozóides e de integridade da membrana plasmática, durante todo o período de incubação, da seguinte forma: taxa de motilidade total em 8,2%; motilidade progressiva em 4,7%; velocidade real em 23,1 mm/s; taxa de espermatozóides com velocidade rápida em 7,4%; taxa de viabilidade em 4,7%; e integridade da membrana plasmática em 3,5 % do tratado. Quanto aos parâmetros índice de retilinidade e linearidade, não foi observada diferença significativa entre os grupos. Os resultados obtidos nas condições deste experimento indicam que a adição de pentoxifilina ao ejaculado resfriado de garanhões, até 48 horas após o resfriamento, pode ser benéfica à qualidade dos espermatozóides para uso na inseminação artificial.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o padrão de fermentação e a composição química de silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo confeccionadas com ou sem o uso de inoculante microbiano. Avaliou-se, no experimento 1, a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho e, no experimento 2, a silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo. O material foi ensilado em silos experimentais de PVC (50 cm de comprimento e 100 mm de diâmetro), três por tratamento (tempo de armazenagem, com ou sem inoculante) para cada grão. Amostras foram tomadas antes (0) e aos 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32 e 64 dias após a ensilagem, totalizando 48 silos experimentais para cada grão. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 9 (com e sem inoculante microbiano, nove tempos de armazenagem), com três repetições para cada grão. Não houve efeito da inoculação e do tempo pós-ensilagem sobre o teor de MS dos grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo, com médias de 64,13 e 64,03% e de 67,66 e 67,48% para silagens controle e inoculadas, respectivamente. Não houve efeito da inoculação sobre o pH dos grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo aos 64 dias após ensilagem, com médias de 3,97 e 3,92 e de 3,94 e 3,95 unidades para silagens controle e inoculadas, respectivamente. O inoculante microbiano não promoveu alterações na composição química nem redução de perdas da MS nas silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo. Nas condições estudadas, não é necessária inoculação para melhoria nos padrões fermentativos de silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo.


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To determine the effects of the pre-slaughter showering on some meat quality parameters, the bacterial changes in the Longus colli muscle and the contamination of the meat surface at three different points of the slaughter line were studied. Sixteen Nelore steers were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Eight animals were submitted to pre-slaughter showering; a control group of eight animals were slaughtered without showering. Aseptic samples were collected for evaluations in the muscle depth, in the anterior portion of Longus colli muscle, just before chilling. The swab method was used for sampling carcass surface right after dressing, before carcasse washing, and at the beginning of chilling. Longus colli muscle samples were used to determine bacteria total count, psychrotrophic count and Enterobacteriaceae count, after 5, 24 and 48 hours from slaughtering, and in carcass surface, bacteria total count and psychrotrophic count. Multivariate methods were used to evaluate bacterial data the use of pre-slaughter showering did not affect the bacteria total counts, in the deep tissue. A significant growth of psychrotrophic bacteria was detected in both treatments. No significant differences (P>.05) were found in bacteria total count and psychrotrophic count between treatments. Also, no differences (P>.05) were detected between counts taken at different momments at the kill floor: skinning, before carcasse washing, and at the cooler, before chilling.


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A continuous flow reactor, inoculated with Aspergillus niger AN400, with total volume of 5 L was operated at 29 degrees C, with eight hours of retention hydraulic time and 150 L.h(-1) of air flow rate in order to remove 25 mg.L(-1) of Congo Red dye from a synthetic wastewater. The feeding of the reactor, inoculated with Aspergillus niger AN400, was done in two phases: Phase I, with 0,5 g/L of saccharose and Phase II, with no saccharose. In Phase I, it was possible to verify efficiencies of organic matter and color (mg Pt.L(-1)) removal of 80 +/- 16% and 82 +/- 10%, respectively. In Phase II, the efficiency of organic matter removal was 75 +/- 13% and color removal was 89 +/- 7%. The higher removals of nutrients were achieved by the reactor in Phase I with 25% to ammonia, 90% to nitrite, 93% to nitrate and 21% to phosphorus. Apparently, the presence of saccharose improved the removal of the nutrients.


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Microbial activity constitutes a good indicator of soil quality, and is influenced by the addition of carbon in the system serving as a substrate for microorganisms that increase their activity and release of CO2, comprising the edaphic respiration of the soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial activity in different soil types with the addition of cake press of castor bean and cotton textile residue. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at the headquarters of Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Cotton in randomized block design in 4 x 3 factorial arrangement with four replications. At predetermined intervals of 4 days, the containers were opened and the solution of NaOH titrated with HCl 2N in the presence of acid/base indicator phenolphthalein. After reading, the same amount of NaOH was added and the containers were closed again. The difference between the amounts of acid needed to neutralize the sodium hydroxide in a control container and the treatments was equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide produced by soil microorganisms. It was found that the residues influenced the microbial activity in different soil types, especially in the initial determinations, presenting themselves as good sources for mineralization and nutrient supply, the castor bean proportionating higher cumulative release of CO2 by microorganisms.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the mycelial growth of the Coprinus comatus strain CCO 01/01 in culture based on organic residues of Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane bagasse), Citrus sinensis (orange bagasse), Ananas comosus (pineapple residues) and Musa sp. (banana leaf), supplemented with wheat bran in the proportions of 0, 10 and 20%, kept at 27 degrees C. The mycelial growth of C. comatus was evaluated daily by measurement of the diameter of the colony during seven days of incubation. The banana leaf was considered the best residue for the cultivation of the C. comatus even without supplementation, meaning lower production costs. The supplementation of pineapple residues with 10% of wheat bran favored fungi growth. Sugar-cane bagasse was suitable for the growth of the C. comatus provided it is enriched with wheat bran. The orange bagasse, without pH correction, was not appropriate for the mycelial growth of C. comatus.


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The recuperation of areas used during the construction of the hydroelectric plant, especially in 'borrowed areas', is a difficult and long process since all vegetation and the fertile layer of soil were removed. Interventions in these degraded areas could accelerate the revegetation process. The objective of this research was to evaluate the association of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in tree species, microbial activity (basal respiration) and fertility of 'cerrado' degraded areas. Soil from two areas, pasture soil and exposed subsoil, were utilized. Organic and mineral fertilization, and liming, were added to the pit for better seedlings' initial growth, where 50 mL of preserved cerrado soil was applied as inoculum of microorganisms. Seedlings of 11 tree species were planted: Anadenanthera falcata (Benth.) Speg ('angico-preto'), Acacia polyphylla D. C. ('monjoleiro'), Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville ('barbatimao'), Dimorphandra mollis Benth ('faveiro'), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne ('jatoba-de-cerrado'), Dipteryx alata Vog. ('baru'), Machaerium acutifolium Vogel ('jacaranda-do-campo'), Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi ('aroeirapimenteira'), Magonia pubescens St. Hil. ('tingui'), Lafoensia pacari St. Hil. ('dedaleira') and Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook ('ipe-amarelo'). Twelve months later, root samples were colleted at the depth of 0-0.10 m and used for evaluations. The subsoil, as compared to pasture soil, was poor in organic matter and presented less microbial activity. The highest mycorrhizal colonization was seen in the species Acacia polyphylla D. C. (monjoleiro), Magonia pubescens St. Hil. (tingui), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne (jatoba-de-cerrado) and Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (aroeira-pimenteira). These species could be indicated in revegetation projects in 'cerrado' degraded areas. Plants from both areas showed seedlings form high mycorrhizal colonization and low numbers of spores.


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The putative translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a highly abundant and conserved protein in all eukaryotes and archaebacteria. This factor is essential for cell viability and is the only cellular protein known to contain the unusual amino acid residue hypusine. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A is expressed in aerobic conditions by the gene TIF51A. Although eIF5A has been known for almost 30 years, the biological role of this protein is still obscure. This article reviews the research on the function of eIF5A, discussing the evidence for its involvement in various steps of mRNA metabolism, including translation initiation, nucleocytoplasmic transport and mRNA decay. Moreover, it indicates other studies that have associated eIF5A with cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. Finally, this review presents recent results obtained in our laboratory that reemphasize the role of eIF5A in the translation scenario. Further experiments will be necessary to define the role played by eIF5A in the translational machinery.


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The degraded soil shows, in general, poor biological activity, considering its physical characteristics, low fertility and organic matter, mainly due to removal or degradation of its superficial layer. The sewage sludge, due to its high content of easily decomposed organic matter can be an alternate source of organic residues and combined to its high content of the principal nutrients for the plants can be an important factor to promote biological activities in degraded soil. In order to study the actions of the sewage sludge in the recovery of a degraded Latosol, the carbon in the microbial biomass (C mic), the carbon released CO2 (C-CO2) and the relation between microbial and organic carbon (Cmic/Corg) were used as indicators of the effects. To do so, two doses (30 and 60 Mg ha-1) of sewer slime applied in topdressing and incorporated together with a mineral fertilizer treatment, using the eucalyptus as a test crop. A completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 repetitions was used. The sewage sludge promoted increase of liberated C-CO2 and the C mic, which constitute the adequate quality indicators for monitoring the soil recovery.


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Type-1 diabetes patients suffer from frequent episodes of acidosis caused by an increased fatty acid metabolism and consequently increased plasma level of acetoacetate (AcAc) and β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HOB). This article describes a study of the effects of pathological concentrations of AcAc and β-HOB on lipoperoxidation, cell viability and the release of the CXCL8 (IL-8) cytokine by activated neutrophils. Neutrophils from healthy donors were isolated by density gradient (Histopaque® 1077/1119) and incubated with the ketone bodies. Lipoperoxidation was determined as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The cell viability was evaluated by the release of intracellular lactate dehydrogenase. The release of CXCL8 was measured by ELISA in a 24-h culture of opsonized zymosan-stimulated neutrophils. AcAc, but not β-HOB, provoked a dose-dependent increase in the neutrophil membrane lipoperoxidation (p<0.05; r =0.9915). In the cytotoxicity assay, a dose-dependent release of LDH was observed when the neutrophils were incubated with AcAc in concentrations up to 40 mM (p<0.05). β-HOB was devoid of effect. The release of CXCL8 was inhibited by AcAc and β-HOB in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, these results suggest that the accumulation of ketone bodies in diabetic patients could be involved in their usually increased susceptibility to infection.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work aimed to determine ruminal parameters of dry mater (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and protein synthesis in the rumen of animals fed diets based on sorghum with different tannin levels. In situ degradation was evaluated by rumen incubation of level 1 (L1) and level 2 (L2) sorghum silages during 0, 6, 24, 48 and 96 hours. A duplicated 4 × 4 Latin Square was used. Potential degradability (PD) of DM was similar among silages, whereas the effective degradability (ED) decreased when the diets were supplemented with concentrate. Microbial nitrogen flux and microbial synthesis efficiency were not affected by roughage source. The synthesis efficiency, expressed in organic matter and crude protein digested in rumen, was higher in L1 tannin diets supplemented with concentrate. There was not relationship between the presence of tannins and the parameters of ruminal degradation.


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The region of Alfenas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is predominantly constituted of Pre-Cambrian rocks with well developed alteration profiles in association with colluvial and alluvial sediments. No study to date has examined in detail its potential use in the ceramic industry. The scarce knowledge of its mineralogical and technological properties limits its value and consequently its industrial use. Until now, these clay materials have been used in a rudimental manner, in small scale in the fabrication of red tiles. The present study aimed at analyzing these clays mineralogically (X-ray diffraction), chemically (major and minor elements by X-ray fluorescence and organic carbon analysis) and technologically (pressing granulometric distribution; mechanical resistence; water absorption, apparent porosity; linear firing shrinkage; color of firing and others) in order to better understand the raw material and develop adequate technological applications. The best results of ceramic properties were the samples with higher organic content (more plastic clays) and higher values of Al2O3 (kaolinite and gibbsite) and Fe2O3 as well lower SiO2 content and finer grain size which contribute to a better sinterization.