990 resultados para Velázquez, Diego, 1599-1660-Retratos
The aim of this article is to broaden our understanding of education and the concept of womanhood in the Brazilian society of the 19th century. On the basis of the analysis of a number of novels typical of the period it is concluded that novels had or intended to have a pedagogical function among the educated elite in the education of women. In this way, literature constituted an expression of a dominant and socially determined conception of womanhood and a pedagogical instrument that imposed social values.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
1792, Madri. After years of inactivity, the Spanish Inquisition is born again with the mission of containing the laic winds that blow from the revolutionary France. Inês Bilbatúa, a rich merchant’s daugther, is victim of the inquisitorial machinery which tortures and violates her, through one of their abetters, the Dominican monk Lorenzo. Before being arrested, the young lady had served as model for the painter Francisco of Goya, who had also portrayed the monk Lorenzo. The Aragonese painter’s figure serves as narrative conductor of a history that narrates the young Inês’ via crucis and, at the same time, it recreates the historical scenery of the Napoleonic invasion (1808), through a basic element, the painting. Our work intends to analyze the relationships among movie, painting and history present in “Goya’s ghosts” (2006), of the Czech director Milos Forman (1932) - whose script was adapted to a homonymous book in 2007 -, a movie that is based on the artistic production of Francisco of Goya y Lucientes (1746 -1828), official painter of Carlos’ IV (1788 -1808) court and the most lucid columnist of his time, that knew how to capture in his works the religious fanaticism, the populist fervour, the governor’s hypocrisy and the horror and the violence of the war.
Recently, Bourdieu’s sociological tradition has emerged as an important trend in research in science education. This paper presents some critiques elaborated by Bernard Lahire towards Bourdieu’s sociological approach. The main purpose of our incursion into Lahire’s critique is to argue and introduce the methodology of sociological portraits as an important resource for research in science education. After describing this methodology, it is illustrated with a portrait of dropout on an undergraduate course in chemistry. Diogo’s portrait illustrates, at the empirical level, some basic features of individual dispositions (variability, genesis, transferability, dichotomy and contextuality). From this portrait, it was possible to illustrate how the resonance between students’ and institution’s dispositions helps explain their sense of membership and belonging to the course. Finally, we highlight some potentialities of sociological portraits to the purposes of sociological research in science education.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The present study reports the identification of two new staurosporine derivatives, 2-hydroxy-7-oxostaurosporine (1) and 3-hydroxy-7-oxostaurosporine (2), obtained from mid-polar fractions of an aqueous methanol extract of the tunicate Eudistoma vannamei, endemic to the northeast coast of Brazil. The mixture of 1 and 2 displayed IC50 values in the nM range and was up to 14 times more cytotoxic than staurosporine across a panel of tumor cell lines, as evaluated using the MTT assay.
Programa de doctorado: Literatura y teoría de la literatura. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Questa tesi presenta i risultati di una ricerca qualitativa condotta presso la scuola primaria Diego Fabbri di Forlì. Si è voluto indagare sul fenomeno della mediazione linguistica ad opera di bambini in relazione con la scelta del sistema scolastico italiano di impartire un’educazione di tipo interculturale. Ci si è quindi concentrati sul percorso di accoglienza riservato agli alunni stranieri neo-arrivati. In particolare si sono analizzate le strategie messe in atto dall’istituto e dagli insegnanti per favorire l’integrazione all’interno di classi multiculturali, nonché il ruolo riservato ai compagni, sia italiani che stranieri. La prima parte del testo costituisce un quadro teorico indirizzato a meglio comprendere gli obiettivi e i risultati dello studio. Il primo capitolo verte sulle tematiche dell’immigrazione e dell’integrazione. Vengono qui esposti i principali modelli di acculturazione sviluppati dai vari paesi del mondo e in diverse epoche storiche, con particolare riferimento al contesto europeo e alle scelte operate dall’Italia nei confronti degli stranieri presenti sul suo territorio. Il secondo capitolo presenta poi il tema dell’educazione interculturale. A partire da una riflessione concettuale e terminologica sulla dicotomia fra multicultura e intercultura, si analizza la linea di pensiero seguita dalla scuola italiana nella gestione della crescente diversità etnica e culturale all’interno delle classi. Il terzo capitolo affronta il fenomeno del child language brokering o mediazione linguistica ad opera di bambini. Ne sono valutati aspetti positivi e negativi, soffermandosi specialmente sulle particolarità del contesto scolastico e dell’interazione fra pari. Gli ultimi due capitoli riguardano invece la parte operativa del lavoro di ricerca. Nel quarto capitolo è presentata la metodologia applicata, con un approfondimento sulla combinazione delle tecniche dell’osservazione e dell’intervista e la conduzione di una ricerca con i bambini. Infine, nel quinto capitolo, sono analizzati i dati raccolti sul campo.