687 resultados para VERSAL DEFORMATIONS
O objetivo do presente deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade aguda, crônica e a genotoxicidade sobre E. andrei causadas por solo recém-contaminado com óleo lubrificante usado e após biorremediação por diferentes estratégias, após 22 meses, e paralelamente ao estudo de ecotoxicidade, foi conduzida uma investigação comparativa de três métodos de extração de HTP e HPA de solos para análise cromatográfica. A comparação das técnicas de extração evidenciou que para HTP, a técnica de extração acelerada por solvente-ASE foi a que melhor recuperou n-alcanos; já para as frações HRP e MCNR as técnicas soxhlet e micro-ondas-MARS não apresentaram diferenças significativas e foram melhores que ASE. Para HPA, a técnica de extração por soxhlet foi a que apresentou melhor recuperação em todos os solos. O teste de mortalidade apresentou, aos 14 dias, taxas crescentes de mortalidade de 10 6%, 20 0%, 73 25%, 93 12% e 100 0% para amostras de CONT (solo controle, sem contaminação artificial), BIOS (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo), BIOA1 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU maturado), e BIOA2 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU semi-maturado) e OLU (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU), respectivamente. Aos 28 dias, entretanto, BIOS e OLU apresentaram taxas de mortalidade de 97 % 6 % e de 100 % 0 % respectivamente, valores estes significativamente superiores ao CONT. Foram observadas deformações anatômicas nos indivíduos mantidos em BIOS e OLU, assim como diminuição da biomassa em todas as amostras, evidenciando efeitos crônicos. O teste de reprodução, aos 28 dias, foram observadas grandes quantidades de indivíduos jovens nos solos biorremediados e recém-contaminado. No entanto, aos 56 dias houve uma diminuição dessas formas e o controle (CONT) exibiu uma quantidade maior de formas juvenis. O teste de densidade e viabilidade celular mostrou ser indicador sensível para toxicidade crônica apresentando queda nos solos BIOS e OLU em relação ao CONT com diferenças significativas (p <0.05). Não foram observados micronúcleos nos solos em estudo. Tal observação reforça a necessidade de testes de ecotoxicidade para avaliar a real eficácia de tecnologias de tratamento.
O objetivo do presente deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade aguda, crônica e a genotoxicidade sobre E. andrei causadas por solo recém-contaminado com óleo lubrificante usado e após biorremediação por diferentes estratégias, após 22 meses, e paralelamente ao estudo de ecotoxicidade, foi conduzida uma investigação comparativa de três métodos de extração de HTP e HPA de solos para análise cromatográfica. A comparação das técnicas de extração evidenciou que para HTP, a técnica de extração acelerada por solvente-ASE foi a que melhor recuperou n-alcanos; já para as frações HRP e MCNR as técnicas soxhlet e micro-ondas-MARS não apresentaram diferenças significativas e foram melhores que ASE. Para HPA, a técnica de extração por soxhlet foi a que apresentou melhor recuperação em todos os solos. O teste de mortalidade apresentou, aos 14 dias, taxas crescentes de mortalidade de 10 6%, 20 0%, 73 25%, 93 12% e 100 0% para amostras de CONT (solo controle, sem contaminação artificial), BIOS (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo), BIOA1 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU maturado), e BIOA2 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU semi-maturado) e OLU (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU), respectivamente. Aos 28 dias, entretanto, BIOS e OLU apresentaram taxas de mortalidade de 97 % 6 % e de 100 % 0 % respectivamente, valores estes significativamente superiores ao CONT. Foram observadas deformações anatômicas nos indivíduos mantidos em BIOS e OLU, assim como diminuição da biomassa em todas as amostras, evidenciando efeitos crônicos. O teste de reprodução, aos 28 dias, foram observadas grandes quantidades de indivíduos jovens nos solos biorremediados e recém-contaminado. No entanto, aos 56 dias houve uma diminuição dessas formas e o controle (CONT) exibiu uma quantidade maior de formas juvenis. O teste de densidade e viabilidade celular mostrou ser indicador sensível para toxicidade crônica apresentando queda nos solos BIOS e OLU em relação ao CONT com diferenças significativas (p <0.05). Não foram observados micronúcleos nos solos em estudo. Tal observação reforça a necessidade de testes de ecotoxicidade para avaliar a real eficácia de tecnologias de tratamento.
Tensões residuais são uma das principais causas de falhas em componentes mecânicos submetidos a processos de fabricação. O objetivo do trabalho foi medir as tensões residuais presentes em um tubo quadrado soldado por resistência elétrica de alta frequência e caracterizar microestruturalmente o seu material. Para a caracterização, foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise química quantitativa. Para a medição das tensões residuais, foi utilizado o método do furo cego, baseado na norma ASTM E837-08, onde rosetas (strain-gages) são coladas à peça para medir as deformações geradas devido à usinagem de um pequeno furo no local de medição. As deformações foram associadas às tensões residuais através de equações baseadas na Lei de Hooke. A caracterização revelou uma microestrutura composta basicamente de ferrita e perlita, típica de aços com baixo teor de carbono, corroborando com a especificação fornecida pelo fabricante. As tensões residuais encontradas foram trativas e mostraram-se elevadas, com alguns valores acima do limite de escoamento do material.
The study of pair-wise interactions between swimming microorganisms is fundamental to the understanding of the rheological and transport properties of semi-dilute suspensions. In this paper, the hydrodynamic interaction of two ciliated microorganisms is investigated numerically using a boundary-element method, and the microorganisms are modeled as spherical squirmers that swim by time-dependent surface deformations. The results show that the inclusion of the unsteady terms in the ciliary propulsion model has a large impact on the trajectories of the interacting cells, and causes a significant change in scattering angles with potential important consequences on the diffusion properties of semi-dilute suspensions. Furthermore, the analysis of the shear stress acting on the surface of the microorganisms revealed that the duration and the intensity of the near-field interaction are significantly modified by the presence of unsteadiness. This observation may account for the hydrodynamic nature of randomness in some biological reactions, and supersedes the distinction between intrinsic randomness and hydrodynamic interactions, adding a further element to the understanding and modeling of interacting microorganisms.
We propose a computational method for the coupled simulation of a compressible flow interacting with a thin-shell structure undergoing large deformations. An Eulerian finite volume formulation is adopted for the fluid and a Lagrangian formulation based on subdivision finite elements is adopted for the shell response. The coupling between the fluid and the solid response is achieved via a novel approach based on level sets. The basic approach furnishes a general algorithm for coupling Lagrangian shell solvers with Cartesian grid based Eulerian fluid solvers. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a airbag deployment simulation. It bears emphasis that in the proposed approach the solid and the fluid components as well as their coupled interaction are considered in full detail and modeled with an equivalent level of fidelity without any oversimplifying assumptions or bias towards a particular physical aspect of the problem.
Although a wide range of techniques exist for slope monitoring, the task of monitoring slopes is sometimes complicated by the extensive nature and unpredictability of slope movements. The Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometer (BOTDR) is a distributed optical fiber strain measurement technology utilising Brillouin scattering. This method measures continuous strain along a standard optical fibre over a distance up to 10 km and hence has potential to detect deformations and diagnose problems along large sections of slopes and embankments. This paper reports the demonstration of BOTDR method for monitoring surface ground movements of clay cuttings and embankments along London's ring M25 motorway. A field trial investigating varying methods of onsite fibre optic installations was conducted. The surrounding ground was artificially moved by excavating a 3 m deep trench perpendicular to the instrumented sections. Results obtained from onsite installations after slope movement demonstrate a half-pipe covered fibre optic installed on wide (200mm) Tensar ™SS20 geogrid gives the most consistent recorded strain change profile. Initial conclusions suggest this method best represents induced ground motion at the surface and hence is recommended for implementation in future sitework. Copyright ASCE 2008.
Inflatable aerodynamic decelerators have potential advantages for planetary re-entry in robotic and human exploration missions. In this paper, we focus on an inflatable tension cone design that has potential advantages over other geometries. A computational fluid-structure interaction model of a tension cone is employed to investigate the behavior of the inflatable aeroshell at supersonic speeds for conditions matching recent experimental results. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the deflections of the tension cone as a function of inflation pressure of the torus at a Mach of 2.5. Comparison of the behavior of the structure, amplitude of deformations, and determined loads are reported. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
This paper describes large-scale simulations of compressible flows over a supersonic disk-gap-band parachute system. An adaptive mesh refinement method is used to resolve the coupled fluid-structure model. The fluid model employs large-eddy simulation to describe the turbulent wakes appearing upstream and downstream of the parachute canopy and the structural model employed a thin-shell finite element solver that allows large canopy deformations by using subdivision finite elements. The fluid-structure interaction is described by a variant of the Ghost-Fluid method. The simulation was carried out at Mach number 1.96 where strong nonlinear coupling between the system of bow shocks, turbulent wake and canopy is observed. It was found that the canopy oscillations were characterized by a breathing type motion due to the strong interaction of the turbulent wake and bow shock upstream of the flexible canopy. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.
This study investigates the interaction between soil and pipeline in sand subjected to lateral ground displacements with emphasis on the peak force exerted to a bended elbow-pipe. A series of three-dimensional (3D) finite-element (FE) analyses were performed in both opening and closing modes of the elbow section for different initial pipe bending angles. To model the mechanical behavior of sands, two soil models were adopted: Mohr-Coulomb and Nor-Sand soil model. Investigations also included the effects of pipe embedment depth and soil density. Results show that the opening mode exhibits higher ultimate forces and greater localized deformations than the closing mode. Nondimensional charts that account for pipeline location, bending angle, and soil density are developed. Soil-spring pipeline analyses of an elbow-pipe were performed using modified F-δ soil-spring models based on the 3D FE results and were compared to the findings of conventional spring model analyses using the standard two-dimensional soil-spring model. Results show that the pipe strain does not change in the closing mode case. However, in the opening mode case, the pipe strain computed by the modified analysis is larger than that by the conventional analysis and the difference is more pronounced when the pipe stiffness is stiffer. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
A new theoretical model that predicts the magnetostriction of multilayered composites has been developed. The model takes into account the shear stress between the composite layers and consequently predicts a non-uniform strain along their thickness. The model has been experimentally validated by producing composites formed from three materials with different magnetostrains and mechanical properties, and controlled layer thicknesses in the order of micrometers. Deformations of several ppm, up to 7.5% of the saturation magnetostrain were measured between the edge and the centre of such composites. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present a new shell model and an accompanying discretisation scheme that is suitable for thin and thick shells. The deformed configuration of the shell is parameterised using the mid-surface position vector and an additional shear vector for describing the out-of-plane shear deformations. In the limit of vanishing thickness, the shear vector is identically zero and the Kirchhoff-Love model is recovered. Importantly, there are no compatibility constraints to be satisfied by the shape functions used for discretising the mid-surface and the shear vector. The mid-surface has to be interpolated with smooth C 1-continuous shape functions, whereas the shear vector can be interpolated with C 0-continuous shape functions. In the present paper, the mid-surface as well as the shear vector are interpolated with smooth subdivision shape functions. The resulting finite elements are suitable for thin and thick shells and do not exhibit shear locking. The good performance of the proposed formulation is demonstrated with a number of linear and geometrically non-linear plate and shell examples. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Numerous piles are often subjected to the combination of cyclic axial and cyclic lateral loads in service, such as piled foundations for offshore platforms which may suffer swaying and rocking motions owing to wind and wave actions. In this research, centrifuge tests were conducted to investigate the effect of previous cyclic axial loads on the performance of pile groups subjected to subsequent cyclic lateral loads. Different pile installation methods were also applied to study the different behaviour of bored and jacked pile groups subjected to cyclic loads. During lateral load cycling, it is seen that cyclic axial loads to which pile groups were previously subjected could reduce the pile cap permanent lateral displacement in the first lateral load cycle but do not influence the incremental rate of permanent displacement in the following lateral load cycles. Moreover, it is found that previous cyclic axial loads could improve the pile cap cyclic lateral secant stiffness, especially for the pre-jacked pile group. When rocking motions were induced by cyclic lateral loads, pile groups subjected to cyclic axial loads before have smaller permanent settlement than those without the cyclic axial loading effect. The designers of piles that are intended to resist significant lateral loads without excessive deformations in service may wish to deploy cyclic axial preloading, accordingly.
This paper explores the influence of the piled foundation on the building response to excavation-induced deformations. The influence of the type of foundation, the position of positive and negative skin friction zones, and the flexibility of the piles is evaluated with respect to both horizontal and vertical soil deformations. Case histories from the Netherlands are included from Amsterdam (North South Line) and Rotterdam (a building adjacent to the Willemspoortunnel). Most of the buildings are founded on timber piles ranging in length from 12-17 m. Conclusions are drawn about the interaction between the piled building and the soil deformation. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.
Deep excavations and tunnelling can cause ground movements that affect buildings within their influence zone. The current approach for building damage assessment is based on tensile strains estimated from the deflection ratio and the horizontal strains at the building foundation. For tunnelling-induced deformations, Potts & Addenbrooke (1997) suggested a method to estimate the building response from greenfield conditions using the relative building stiffness. However, there is not much guidance for building response to excavation-induced movements. This paper presents a numerical study on the response of buildings to movements caused by deep excavations in soft clays, and proposes design guidance to estimate the deflection ratio and the horizontal strains of the building from the building stiffness. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.
Deformations of sandy soils around geotechnical structures generally involve strains in the range small (0·01%) to medium (0·5%). In this strain range the soil exhibits non-linear stress-strain behaviour, which should be incorporated in any deformation analysis. In order to capture the possible variability in the non-linear behaviour of various sands, a database was constructed including the secant shear modulus degradation curves of 454 tests from the literature. By obtaining a unique S-shaped curve of shear modulus degradation, a modified hyperbolic relationship was fitted. The three curve-fitting parameters are: an elastic threshold strain γe, up to which the elastic shear modulus is effectively constant at G0; a reference strain γr, defined as the shear strain at which the secant modulus has reduced to 0·5G0; and a curvature parameter a, which controls the rate of modulus reduction. The two characteristic strains γe and γr were found to vary with sand type (i.e. uniformity coefficient), soil state (i.e. void ratio, relative density) and mean effective stress. The new empirical expression for shear modulus reduction G/G0 is shown to make predictions that are accurate within a factor of 1·13 for one standard deviation of random error, as determined from 3860 data points. The initial elastic shear modulus, G0, should always be measured if possible, but a new empirical relation is shown to provide estimates within a factor of 1·6 for one standard deviation of random error, as determined from 379 tests. The new expressions for non-linear deformation are easy to apply in practice, and should be useful in the analysis of geotechnical structures under static loading.