999 resultados para User charges.


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This article reports on a cross-sectional case study of a large construction project in which Electronic document management (EDM) was used. Attitudes towards EDM from the perspective of individual end users were investigated. Responses from a survey were combined with data from system usage log files to obtain an overview of attitudes prevalent in different user segments of the total population of 334 users. The survey was followed by semi-structured interviews with representative users. A strong majority of users from all segments of the project group considered EDM as a valuable aid in their work processes, despite certain functional limitations of the system used and the complexity of the information mass. Based on the study a model describing the key factors affecting end user EDM adoption is proposed. The model draws on insight from earlier studies of EDM enabled projects and theoretical frameworks on technology acceptance and success of information systems, as well as the insights gained from the case study.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of a two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel(GMAC) have been recently reported. For such a channel, code pairs based on trellis coded modulation are proposed in this paper with MPSK and M-PAM alphabet pairs, for arbitrary values of M,toachieve sum rates close to the CC sum capacity of the GMAC. In particular, the structure of the sum alphabets of M-PSK and M-PAMmalphabet pairs are exploited to prove that, for certain angles of rotation between the alphabets, Ungerboeck labelling on the trellis of each user maximizes the guaranteed squared Euclidean distance of the sum trellis. Hence, such a labelling scheme can be used systematically,to construct trellis code pairs to achieve sum rates close to the CC sum capacity. More importantly, it is shown for the first time that ML decoding complexity at the destination is significantly reduced when M-PAM alphabet pairs are employed with almost no loss in the sum capacity.


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Capacity region for two-user Gaussian Broadcast Channels (GBC) is well known with the optimal input being Gaussian. In this paper we explore the capacity region for GBC when the users' symbols are taken from finite complex alphabets (like M-QAM, M-PSK). When the alphabets for both the users are the same we show that rotation of one of the alphabets enlarges the capacity region. We arrive at an optimal angle of rotation by simulation. The effect of rotation on the capacity region at different SNRs is also studied using simulation results. Using the setup of Fading Broadcast Channel (FBC) given by [Li and Goldsmith, 2001], we study the ergodic capacity region with inputs from finite complex alphabets. It is seen that, using the procedure for optimum power allocation obtained in [Li and Goldsmith, 2001] for Gaussian inputs, to allocate power to symbols from finite complex alphabets, relative rotation between the alphabets does not improve the capacity region. Simulation results for a modified heuristic power allocation procedure for finite-constellation case, show that Constellation Constrained capacity region enlarges with rotation.


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In this paper, we introduce the three-user cognitive radio channels with asymmetric transmitter cooperation, and derive achievable rate regions under several scenarios depending on the type of cooperation and decoding capability at the receivers. Two of the most natural cooperation mechanisms for the three-user channel are considered here: cumulative message sharing (CMS) and primary-only message sharing (PMS). In addition to the message sharing mechanism, the achievable rate region is critically dependent on the decoding capability at the receivers. Here, we consider two scenarios for the decoding capability, and derive an achievable rate region for each one of them by employing a combination of superposition and Gel'fand-Pinsker coding techniques. Finally, to provide a numerical example, we consider the Gaussian channel model to plot the rate regions. In terms of achievable rates, CMS turns out to be a better scheme than PMS. However, the practical aspects of implementing such message-sharing schemes remain to be investigated.


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In this paper, Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) with reduced Sphere Decoding Complexity (SDC) are constructed for two-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) fading multiple access channels. In this set-up, both the users employ identical STBCs and the destination performs sphere decoding for the symbols of the two users. First, we identify the positions of the zeros in the R matrix arising out of the Q-R decomposition of the lattice generator such that (i) the worst case SDC (WSDC) and (ii) the average SDC (ASDC) are reduced. Then, a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the lattice generator is provided such that the R matrix has zeros at the identified positions. Subsequently, explicit constructions of STBCs which results in the reduced ASDC are presented. The rate (in complex symbols per channel use) of the proposed designs is at most 2/N-t where N-t denotes the number of transmit antennas for each user. We also show that the class of STBCs from complex orthogonal designs (other than the Alamouti design) reduce the WSDC but not the ASDC.


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The world of mapping has changed. Earlier, only professional experts were responsible for map production, but today ordinary people without any training or experience can become map-makers. The number of online mapping sites, and the number of volunteer mappers has increased significantly. The development of the technology, such as satellite navigation systems, Web 2.0, broadband Internet connections, and smartphones, have had one of the key roles in enabling the rise of volunteered geographic information (VGI). As opening governmental data to public is a current topic in many countries, the opening of high quality geographical data has a central role in this study. The aim of this study is to investigate how is the quality of spatial data produced by volunteers by comparing it with the map data produced by public authorities, to follow what occurs when spatial data are opened for users, and to get acquainted with the user profile of these volunteer mappers. A central part of this study is OpenStreetMap project (OSM), which aim is to create a map of the entire world by volunteers. Anyone can become an OpenStreetMap contributor, and the data created by the volunteers are free to use for anyone without restricting copyrights or license charges. In this study OpenStreetMap is investigated from two viewpoints. In the first part of the study, the aim was to investigate the quality of volunteered geographic information. A pilot project was implemented by following what occurs when a high-resolution aerial imagery is released freely to the OpenStreetMap contributors. The quality of VGI was investigated by comparing the OSM datasets with the map data of The National Land Survey of Finland (NLS). The quality of OpenStreetMap data was investigated by inspecting the positional accuracy and the completeness of the road datasets, as well as the differences in the attribute datasets between the studied datasets. Also the OSM community was under analysis and the development of the map data of OpenStreetMap was investigated by visual analysis. The aim of the second part of the study was to analyse the user profile of OpenStreetMap contributors, and to investigate how the contributors act when collecting data and editing OpenStreetMap. The aim was also to investigate what motivates users to map and how is the quality of volunteered geographic information envisaged. The second part of the study was implemented by conducting a web inquiry to the OpenStreetMap contributors. The results of the study show that the quality of OpenStreetMap data compared with the data of National Land Survey of Finland can be defined as good. OpenStreetMap differs from the map of National Land Survey especially because of the amount of uncertainty, for example because of the completeness and uniformity of the map are not known. The results of the study reveal that opening spatial data increased notably the amount of the data in the study area, and both the positional accuracy and completeness improved significantly. The study confirms the earlier arguments that only few contributors have created the majority of the data in OpenStreetMap. The inquiry made for the OpenStreetMap users revealed that the data are most often collected by foot or by bicycle using GPS device, or by editing the map with the help of aerial imageries. According to the responses, the users take part to the OpenStreetMap project because they want to make maps better, and want to produce maps, which have information that is up-to-date and cannot be found from any other maps. Almost all of the users exploit the maps by themselves, most popular methods being downloading the map into a navigator or into a mobile device. The users regard the quality of OpenStreetMap as good, especially because of the up-to-dateness and the accuracy of the map.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of two-user Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) Gaussian Multiple Access Channels (GMAC) are computed for several Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access schemes (NO-MA) and Orthogonal Multiple Access schemes (O-MA). For NO-MA schemes, a metric is proposed to compute the angle(s) of rotation between the input constellations such that the CC capacity regions are maximally enlarged. Further, code pairs based on Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) are designed with PSK constellation pairs and PAM constellation pairs such that any rate pair within the CC capacity region can be approached. Such a NO-MA scheme which employs CC capacity approaching trellis codes is referred to as Trellis Coded Multiple Access (TCMA). Then, CC capacity regions of O-MA schemes such as Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) are also computed and it is shown that, unlike the Gaussian distributed continuous constellations case, the CC capacity regions with FDMA are strictly contained inside the CC capacity regions with TCMA. Hence, for finite constellations, a NO-MA scheme such as TCMA is better than FDMA and TDMA which makes NO-MA schemes worth pursuing in practice for two-user GMAC. Then, the idea of introducing rotations between the input constellations is used to construct Space-Time Block Code (STBC) pairs for two-user Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) fading MAC. The proposed STBCs are shown to have reduced Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding complexity and information-losslessness property. Finally, STBC pairs with reduced sphere decoding complexity are proposed for two-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) fading MAC.


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Frequency-domain scheduling and rate adaptation have helped next generation orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based wireless cellular systems such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) achieve significantly higher spectral efficiencies. To overcome the severe uplink feedback bandwidth constraints, LTE uses several techniques to reduce the feedback required by a frequency-domain scheduler about the channel state information of all subcarriers of all users. In this paper, we analyze the throughput achieved by the User Selected Subband feedback scheme of LTE. In it, a user feeds back only the indices of the best M subbands and a single 4-bit estimate of the average rate achievable over all selected M subbands. In addition, we compare the performance with the subband-level feedback scheme of LTE, and highlight the role of the scheduler by comparing the performances of the unfair greedy scheduler and the proportional fair (PF) scheduler. Our analysis sheds several insights into the working of the feedback reduction techniques used in LTE.


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We develop an optimal, distributed, and low feedback timer-based selection scheme to enable next generation rate-adaptive wireless systems to exploit multi-user diversity. In our scheme, each user sets a timer depending on its signal to noise ratio (SNR) and transmits a small packet to identify itself when its timer expires. When the SNR-to-timer mapping is monotone non-decreasing, timers of users with better SNRs expire earlier. Thus, the base station (BS) simply selects the first user whose timer expiry it can detect, and transmits data to it at as high a rate as reliably possible. However, timers that expire too close to one another cannot be detected by the BS due to collisions. We characterize in detail the structure of the SNR-to-timer mapping that optimally handles these collisions to maximize the average data rate. We prove that the optimal timer values take only a discrete set of values, and that the rate adaptation policy strongly influences the optimal scheme's structure. The optimal average rate is very close to that of ideal selection in which the BS always selects highest rate user, and is much higher than that of the popular, but ad hoc, timer schemes considered in the literature.


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A mathematical model has been developed for the gas carburising (diffusion) process using finite volume method. The computer simulation has been carried out for an industrial gas carburising process. The model's predictions are in good agreement with industrial experimental data and with data collected from the literature. A study of various mass transfer and diffusion coefficients has been carried out in order to suggest which correlations should be used for the gas carburising process. The model has been interfaced in a Windows environment using a graphical user interface. In this way, the model is extremely user friendly. The sensitivity analysis of various parameters such as initial carbon concentration in the specimen, carbon potential of the atmosphere, temperature of the process, etc. has been carried out using the model.


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We consider a framework in which several service providers offer downlink wireless data access service in a certain area. Each provider serves its end-users through opportunistic secondary spectrum access of licensed spectrum, and needs to pay primary license holders of the spectrum usage based and membership based charges for such secondary spectrum access. In these circumstances, if providers pool their resources and allow end-users to be served by any of the cooperating providers, the total user satisfaction as well as the aggregate revenue earned by providers may increase. We use coalitional game theory to investigate such cooperation among providers, and show that the optimal cooperation schemes can be obtained as solutions of convex optimizations. We next show that under usage based charging scheme, if all providers cooperate, there always exists an operating point that maximizes the aggregate revenue of providers, while presenting each provider a share of the revenue such that no subset of providers has an incentive to leave the coalition. Furthermore, such an operating point can be computed in polynomial time. Finally, we show that when the charging scheme involves membership based charges, the above result holds in important special cases.


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The capacity region of a two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel (GMAC) with complex finite input alphabets and continuous output alphabet is studied. When both the users are equipped with the same code alphabet, it is shown that, rotation of one of the user’s alphabets by an appropriate angle can make the new pair of alphabets not only uniquely decodable, but will result in enlargement of the capacity region. For this set-up, we identify the primary problem to be finding appropriate angle(s) of rotation between the alphabets such that the capacity region is maximally enlarged. It is shown that the angle of rotation which provides maximum enlargement of the capacity region also minimizes the union bound on the probability of error of the sumalphabet and vice-verse. The optimum angle(s) of rotation varies with the SNR. Through simulations, optimal angle(s) of rotation that gives maximum enlargement of the capacity region of GMAC with some well known alphabets such as M-QAM and M-PSK for some M are presented for several values of SNR. It is shown that for large number of points in the alphabets, capacity gains due to rotations progressively reduce. As the number of points N tends to infinity, our results match the results in the literature wherein the capacity region of the Gaussian code alphabet doesn’t change with rotation for any SNR.


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The literature on pricing implicitly assumes an "infinite data" model, in which sources can sustain any data rate indefinitely. We assume a more realistic "finite data" model, in which sources occasionally run out of data; this leads to variable user data rates. Further, we assume that users have contracts with the service provider, specifying the rates at which they can inject traffic into the network. Our objective is to study how prices can be set such that a single link can be shared efficiently and fairly among users in a dynamically changing scenario where a subset of users occasionally has little data to send. User preferences are modelled by concave increasing utility functions. Further, we introduce two additional elements: a convex increasing disutility function and a convex increasing multiplicative congestion-penally function. The disutility function takes the shortfall (contracted rate minus present rate) as its argument, and essentially encourages users to send traffic at their contracted rates, while the congestion-penalty function discourages heavy users from sending excess data when the link is congested. We obtain simple necessary and sufficient conditions on prices for fair and efficient link sharing; moreover, we show that a single price for all users achieves this. We illustrate the ideas using a simple experiment.