685 resultados para Universidade Católica de Pelotas.


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Informe del Proyecto


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The current article aims to update the discussion on the South American context making use of the theory of Regional Security Regional Complexes (RSC). It begins with a theoretical discussion, based on Buzan and Wæver's work. It then presents the hypothesis that, differently from what is assumed in the literature, the South American RSC is not a standard one, but a centred one, in which the centre is not a global power. An empirical analysis follows, showing that Brazil possesses the necessary resources, and has presented some cogent political initiatives, such as the creation of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and its Defense Council (SDC), but in other moments has been reluctant take a leadership role in South America. The analysis concludes that, regarding its configuration, the South American RSC corroborates the authors' hypothesis and that Brazil should consolidate its role at the centre of such a complex.


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This study presents different modalities of ethics - guardianship, interlocution, social action, care and finally the ethics of listening to the subject's unconscious desire - as analyzers of the care practices conducted by psychologists in the field of Social Assistance. In an institutional approach, cases found in the literature are presented, in a questioning way, which can be considered examples of the practices performed by psychologists and other workers who operate in a wide variety of healthcare establishments. It was concluded that psychologists may encounter, in the field of Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis, consistent theoretical-technical and ethical-political instrumentals to guide institutional performance in an effective and informed way so as to include the individual as a citizen and also as the subject of the unconscious.


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The aim of this paper was to discuss aspects of applying a methodology to evaluate usability in digital libraries. A methodology that deals with the systematization of a usability assessment tool for digital libraries was used. The aim was to investigate the level of usability of the Virtual Health Library, applying a method that measures effectiveness, efficiency and users' satisfaction when using the digital library. Methodologically, it is characterized as a formal test of usability. This test consisted of a list of ten tasks to be performed while using the website of the Virtual Health Library and the Likert scale was used to assess users' satisfaction. A quantitative approach based on descriptive statistics was adopted to analyze the results. The test was applied between December 5 and December 21, 2011, at the computer lab of the Health Sciences Center of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba. The results of the usability test enabled us to measure the level of usability of the Virtual Health Library, which is considered to provide a high level of usability.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do resveratrol sobre a via de sinalização da insulina e melhora do quadro inflamatório no miocárdio de ratos Wistar obesos induzidos por dieta.MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram divididos em grupos: controle (dieta padrão para roedores), obeso (dieta hiperlipídica) e obeso suplementado com resveratrol (20 mg/kg/dia), por 8 semanas (n=10). Ao final do período experimental, realizou-se o teste de tolerância à insulina, nos tempos 0 (sem insulina), 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 e 30 minutos após injeção intraperitoneal de insulina (2 U/kg). O peso corporal e o tecido adiposo epididimal foram mensurados. Fragmentos do miocárdio foram extraídos para análises da via da insulina e moléculas pró-inflamatórias através de Western blot.RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicam que a intervenção com resveratrol aumenta a constante de decaimento da glicose, fosforilação do receptor de insulina, substrato do receptor de insulina e da proteína quinase B. A suplementação de resveratrol também reduziu os níveis proteicos do fator de necrose tumoral alfa e de moléculas envolvidas com a transdução do sinal pró-inflamatório (quinase indutora do kappa B e fator nuclear kappa B). Os resultados ainda sugerem que a melhora na sensibilidade à insulina e a redução das moléculas pró-inflamatórias ocorreram independentemente da perda de peso corporal e da redução do tecido adiposo epididimal.CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação de resveratrol aumenta a sensibilidade à insulina, o que está relacionado à redução de fatores inflamatórios no miocárdio.


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This paper aims to build a set for methodological studies involving territorial aspects of development, from two research plan: the analytical, related to development categories and models within the repertoire of territorialization, deterritorialization-reterritorialization, and the conceptual: regarding conceptions of territory, territorial development, in their qualitative, scalar and temporal aspects.


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The search for international impact and the need to create formal or informal networks of academic cooperation are some of the most common features of the current training offered by many universities. Aware of this difficulty and the desirability of creating synergies to enrich teaching and academic collaboration networks between universities, an experience is presented, in the context of the teaching of Information and Documentation, of inter-university collaboration for the joint design of learning activities and skills assessment, developed by teachers in the public universities of Zaragoza and Salamanca (Spain) and the São Paulo Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (São Paulo, Brazil). The experience is developed using models that facilitate the structuring of learning activities aimed at the acquisition of common skills. Each activity that is proposed and developed is recorded in a spreadsheet which collects the information arranged in various fields such as: description, skills, objectives, expected learning outcomes, tools, required resources and materials, evaluation criteria, amongst others, so that the student can see what he is asked to do, how to do it and how useful it will be. This way of designing skills-based learning activities is possible, in geographically diverse academic settings through the use of Information Technology and Communication, enabling both remote cooperation between teachers and also materials offered on the platforms of each of the universities.


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INTRODUCTION: Basketball is characterized with high injury rate. In the literature it's not defined whether or not there are differences between the sexes. OBJECTIVE: Characterize and analyze the incidence of athletic injuries in basketball players, comparing the sexes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen under-23 category athletes of each sex were interviewed with the reported morbidity inquire. RESULTS: The age of the female and male teams, in average, was 18 ± 0.65 and 18.20 ± 1.57 years respectively. The male team had more injuries than the female one (respectively 2.6 ± 1.45 against 1.2 ± 1.18, p < 0.05). The joint damage was the most common injury in the male team, representing 58.97%, and the second most common in the female team (33.33%). The lower limbs were the most common injured sites (80.95% in the female and 69.23% in the male). The most frequent injury mechanism in the male team was the landing (43.59%), and in the female was the vertical jump (28.57%). In both teams the most injuries occurred during the training (61.9% in the female and 71.8% in the male). The absence was necessary in 47.62% (female) and 56.41% (male). Great part of the athletes didn't received any treatment (61.9% and 51.28% in the female and male team respectively). The return to the activities was mostly symptomatic, in both female and male team (85.71% and 84.62% respectively). CONCLUSION: The incidence of injuries in basketball is higher in the lower limbs. The male team is more likely to suffer injuries, and the main injury mechanisms were different between male and female team.


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INTRODUCTION: During mechanical ventilation (MV), the airways may accumulate secretions. Patients are submitted to Respiratory Therapy (RT) and tracheal aspiration when in MV, alone or associated, to eliminate these secretions. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to compare the effects of different protocols of bronchial hygiene in blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and respiratory rate of patients undergoing MV. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled crossover, with intentional non-probabilistic sample in the Medical School Hospital of Marília. We included patients in invasive MV who were submitted to three different bronchial hygiene protocols: PP - physiotherapy protocol (manual chest compression and manual hyperinflation); AP - aspiration protocol; and PP + AP. Respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), oxygen saturation and heart rate were evaluated in three moments: before (M1), immediately after (M2) and 30 minutes after (M3) for each protocol. The differences among protocols and times were assessed using ANOVA and post hoc Student Newman-Keus (p < 0.05). RESULTS: We studied eighteen 71.2 ± 13.9 year-old patients with 15.1 ± 17.7 days of MV. There were no differences among protocols. There was a significant decreasing in SBP (p = 0.0261) and DBP (p = 0.0119) from M2 to M3 in the aspiration protocol. CONCLUSION: There was a decrease of blood pressure on MV patients after 30 minutes of aspiration and no change in the other variables, and there was no difference among protocols.


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INTRODUCTION: The incidence of stroke it increases with the aging and each successive decade above 55 years leads to a doubling of stroke incidence. Among the current complications of stroke are the unbalance postural and depression. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and correlate the postural balance and depression in elderly with and without stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated 38 subjects (19 with stroke and 19 without). The balance was evaluated by Berg Balance Scale and the depression by Yesavage Depression Scale. RESULTS: Elderly with stroke presented depression when compared with elderly without the disease (p < 0.0001). The risk of falling in elderly with stroke was 102 times higher than in elderly without stroke. There was a correlation between depression and balance (r = -0.55; p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients with sequels of stroke have unbalance and greater depression, when compared with elderly of same age without the disease.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar padrões alimentares e a distribuição dos mesmos, em uma amostra representativa de idosos do município de Botucatu, São Paulo.MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, ocorrido entre março e junho de 2011, com 355 idosos cadastrados na rede básica de saúde do município, selecionados por amostragem estratificada entre as unidades de saúde. Aplicou-se um questionário de frequência alimentar e questionário sociodemográfico. Padrões alimentares foram identificados utilizando-se análise de componentes principais. Escores de consumo individual foram divididos em tercis, caracterizando a adesão baixa, moderada e alta dos indivíduos para cada padrão alimentar. Realizaram-se análises entre os tercis dos padrões alimentares e as variáveis sociodemográficas.RESULTADOS: Identificaram-se seis padrões alimentares: saudável; lanches e refeição de final de semana; frutas; light e integral; dieta branda; e tradicional. A alta adesão aos padrões saudável e frutas é atingida por indivíduos que cursaram até o primário; e a alta adesão ao padrão lanches e refeição de final de semana é mais prevalente no sexo masculino e em indivíduos com nível máximo de escolaridade. A alta adesão aos padrões light e integral e dieta branda é mais prevalente no sexo feminino, sendo este último padrão também característico de idosos em idade mais avançada.CONCLUSÃO: Identificou-se uma diversidade de padrões alimentares nessa população de idosos e o comportamento alimentar variou de acordo com as condições sociodemográficas inseridas no grupo.