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Trees are a great bank of data, named sometimes for this reason as the "silentwitnesses" of the past. Due to annual formation of rings, which is normally influenced directly by of climate parameters (generally changes in temperature and moisture or precipitation) and other environmental factors; these changes, occurred in the past, are"written" in the tree "archives" and can be "decoded" in order to interpret what hadhappened before, mainly applied for the past climate reconstruction.Using dendrochronological methods for obtaining samples of Pinus nigra fromthe Catalonian PrePirineous region, the cores of 15 trees with total time spine of about 100 - 250 years were analyzed for the tree ring width (TRW) patterns and had quite high correlation between them (0.71 ¿ 0.84), corresponding to a common behaviour for the environmental changes in their annual growth.After different trials with raw TRW data for standardization in order to take outthe negative exponential growth curve dependency, the best method of doubledetrending (power transformation and smoothing line of 32 years) were selected for obtaining the indexes for further analysis.Analyzing the cross-correlations between obtained tree ring width indexes andclimate data, significant correlations (p<0.05) were observed in some lags, as forexample, annual precipitation in lag -1 (previous year) had negative correlation with TRW growth in the Pallars region. Significant correlation coefficients are between 0.27- 0.51 (with positive or negative signs) for many cases; as for recent (but very short period) climate data of Seu d¿Urgell meteorological station, some significant correlation coefficients were observed, of the order of 0.9.These results confirm the hypothesis of using dendrochronological data as aclimate signal for further analysis, such as reconstruction of climate in the past orprediction in the future for the same locality.
1. Identifying the boundary of a species' niche from observational and environmental data is a common problem in ecology and conservation biology and a variety of techniques have been developed or applied to model niches and predict distributions. Here, we examine the performance of some pattern-recognition methods as ecological niche models (ENMs). Particularly, one-class pattern recognition is a flexible and seldom used methodology for modelling ecological niches and distributions from presence-only data. The development of one-class methods that perform comparably to two-class methods (for presence/absence data) would remove modelling decisions about sampling pseudo-absences or background data points when absence points are unavailable. 2. We studied nine methods for one-class classification and seven methods for two-class classification (five common to both), all primarily used in pattern recognition and therefore not common in species distribution and ecological niche modelling, across a set of 106 mountain plant species for which presence-absence data was available. We assessed accuracy using standard metrics and compared trade-offs in omission and commission errors between classification groups as well as effects of prevalence and spatial autocorrelation on accuracy. 3. One-class models fit to presence-only data were comparable to two-class models fit to presence-absence data when performance was evaluated with a measure weighting omission and commission errors equally. One-class models were superior for reducing omission errors (i.e. yielding higher sensitivity), and two-classes models were superior for reducing commission errors (i.e. yielding higher specificity). For these methods, spatial autocorrelation was only influential when prevalence was low. 4. These results differ from previous efforts to evaluate alternative modelling approaches to build ENM and are particularly noteworthy because data are from exhaustively sampled populations minimizing false absence records. Accurate, transferable models of species' ecological niches and distributions are needed to advance ecological research and are crucial for effective environmental planning and conservation; the pattern-recognition approaches studied here show good potential for future modelling studies. This study also provides an introduction to promising methods for ecological modelling inherited from the pattern-recognition discipline.
The list of chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) was compiled, the vast literature has been scrutinized, and unpublished data have been added. Altogether, 50 chromosome races could be listed. The name and its synonyms, chromosomal constitution, author of the description, type locality, known distribution range, and additional information are reported for individual races. The present list should be considered a working document that will be regularly updated and supplemented.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Objective: To investigate the association between common carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT) and exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) in children. Methods: Data were available at baseline in the Quebec Adiposity and Lifestyle investigation in Youth (QUALITY) study, an ongoing longitudinal investigation of Caucasian children aged 8e10 years at cohort inception, who had at least one obese parent. Data on exposure to parents, siblings and friends smoking were collected in interviewer-administered child, and self-report parent questionnaires. Blood cotinine was measured with a high sensitivity ELISA. cIMTwas measured by ultrasound. The association between blood cotinine and cIMT was investigated in multivariable linear regression analyses controlling for age, body mass index, and child smoking status. Results: Mean (SD) cIMT (0.5803 (0.04602)) did not differ across age or sex. Overall 26%, 6% and 3% of children were exposed to parents, siblings and friends smoking, respectively. Cotinine ranged from 0.13 ng/ml to 7.38 ng/ml (median (IQR)¼0.18 ng/ml)). Multivariately, a 1 ng/ml increase in cotinine was associated with a 0.090 mm increase in cIMT (p¼0.034). Conclusion: In children as young as age 8e10 years, exposure to SHS relates to cIMT, a marker of pre-clinical atherosclerosis. Given the wide range of health effects of SHS, increased public health efforts are needed to reduced exposure among children in homes an private vehicles.
Glucagon-like peptide-1(7-36)amide (tGLP-1), oxyntomodulin (OXM), and glucagon are posttranslational end products of the glucagon gene expressed in intestinal L-cells. In vivo, these peptides are potent inhibitors of gastric acid secretion via several pathways, including stimulation of somatostatin release. We have examined the receptors through which these peptides stimulate somatostatin secretion using the somatostatin-secreting cell line RIN T3. tGLP-1, OXM, and glucagon stimulated somatostatin release and cAMP accumulation in RIN T3 cells to similar maximum levels, with ED50 values close to 0.2, 2, and 50 nM and 0.02, 0.3, and 8 nM, respectively. Binding of [125I]tGLP-1, [125I]OXM, and [125I]glucagon to RIN T3 plasma membranes was inhibited by the three peptides, with relative potencies as follows: tGLP-1 > OXM > glucagon. Whatever the tracer used, the IC50 for tGLP-1 was close to 0.15 nM and was shifted rightward for OXM and glucagon by about 1 and 2-3 orders of magnitude, respectively. Scatchard analyses for the three peptides were compatible with a single class of receptor sites displaying a similar maximal binding close to 2 pmol/mg protein. In the hamster lung fibroblast cell line CCL39 transfected with the receptor for tGLP-1, binding of [125I]tGLP-1 was inhibited by tGLP-1, OXM, and glucagon, with relative potencies close to those obtained with RIN T3 membranes. Chemical cross-linking of [125I]tGLP-1, [125I]OXM, and [125I]glucagon revealed a single band at 63,000 mol wt, the intensity of which was dose-dependently reduced by all three peptides. These data suggest that in the somatostatin-secreting cell line RIN T3, OXM and glucagon stimulate somatostatin release through a tGLP-1-preferring receptor. This suggests that some biological effects, previously described for these peptides, might be due to their interaction with this receptor.
Smoking influences body weight such that smokers weigh less than non-smokers and smoking cessation often leads to weight increase. The relationship between body weight and smoking is partly explained by the effect of nicotine on appetite and metabolism. However, the brain reward system is involved in the control of the intake of both food and tobacco. We evaluated the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting body mass index (BMI) on smoking behavior, and tested the 32 SNPs identified in a meta-analysis for association with two smoking phenotypes, smoking initiation (SI) and the number of cigarettes smoked per day (CPD) in an Icelandic sample (N=34,216 smokers). Combined according to their effect on BMI, the SNPs correlate with both SI (r=0.019, P=0.00054) and CPD (r=0.032, P=8.0 × 10(-7)). These findings replicate in a second large data set (N=127,274, thereof 76,242 smokers) for both SI (P=1.2 × 10(-5)) and CPD (P=9.3 × 10(-5)). Notably, the variant most strongly associated with BMI (rs1558902-A in FTO) did not associate with smoking behavior. The association with smoking behavior is not due to the effect of the SNPs on BMI. Our results strongly point to a common biological basis of the regulation of our appetite for tobacco and food, and thus the vulnerability to nicotine addiction and obesity.
The south-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, including the southern branch of the Iberian Massif, has recently been the subject of several magnetotelluric (MT) studies. This area is made up of three different tectonic terranes: the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ), the Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) and the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ). The boundaries between these zones are considered to be sutures, which appear as high electrical conductivity anomalies in the MT surveys. The OMZ is characterised by a conductive layer at middle-lower crustal levels. To investigate the continuity of this conductive layer into the CIZ, a new MT profile was carried out. This 75-km long ENE profile goes through the boundary between the OMZ and the CIZ. The results of a two-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion revealed a high-conductivity anomaly in the transition OMZ/CIZ (the so-called Central Unit), which is interpreted as due to interconnected graphite along shear planes. High-conductivity anomalies appeared in the middle crust of the CIZ, whose geometry and location are consistent with the conductive layer previously found in the OMZ, thus confirming the prolongation of the conductive layer into the CIZ. The top of this layer correlated spatially with a broad reflector detected by a seismic profile previously acquired in the same area. This, together with other geological and petrological evidence, points to a common origin for both features.
The present research deals with an important public health threat, which is the pollution created by radon gas accumulation inside dwellings. The spatial modeling of indoor radon in Switzerland is particularly complex and challenging because of many influencing factors that should be taken into account. Indoor radon data analysis must be addressed from both a statistical and a spatial point of view. As a multivariate process, it was important at first to define the influence of each factor. In particular, it was important to define the influence of geology as being closely associated to indoor radon. This association was indeed observed for the Swiss data but not probed to be the sole determinant for the spatial modeling. The statistical analysis of data, both at univariate and multivariate level, was followed by an exploratory spatial analysis. Many tools proposed in the literature were tested and adapted, including fractality, declustering and moving windows methods. The use of Quan-tité Morisita Index (QMI) as a procedure to evaluate data clustering in function of the radon level was proposed. The existing methods of declustering were revised and applied in an attempt to approach the global histogram parameters. The exploratory phase comes along with the definition of multiple scales of interest for indoor radon mapping in Switzerland. The analysis was done with a top-to-down resolution approach, from regional to local lev¬els in order to find the appropriate scales for modeling. In this sense, data partition was optimized in order to cope with stationary conditions of geostatistical models. Common methods of spatial modeling such as Κ Nearest Neighbors (KNN), variography and General Regression Neural Networks (GRNN) were proposed as exploratory tools. In the following section, different spatial interpolation methods were applied for a par-ticular dataset. A bottom to top method complexity approach was adopted and the results were analyzed together in order to find common definitions of continuity and neighborhood parameters. Additionally, a data filter based on cross-validation was tested with the purpose of reducing noise at local scale (the CVMF). At the end of the chapter, a series of test for data consistency and methods robustness were performed. This lead to conclude about the importance of data splitting and the limitation of generalization methods for reproducing statistical distributions. The last section was dedicated to modeling methods with probabilistic interpretations. Data transformation and simulations thus allowed the use of multigaussian models and helped take the indoor radon pollution data uncertainty into consideration. The catego-rization transform was presented as a solution for extreme values modeling through clas-sification. Simulation scenarios were proposed, including an alternative proposal for the reproduction of the global histogram based on the sampling domain. The sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) was presented as the method giving the most complete information, while classification performed in a more robust way. An error measure was defined in relation to the decision function for data classification hardening. Within the classification methods, probabilistic neural networks (PNN) show to be better adapted for modeling of high threshold categorization and for automation. Support vector machines (SVM) on the contrary performed well under balanced category conditions. In general, it was concluded that a particular prediction or estimation method is not better under all conditions of scale and neighborhood definitions. Simulations should be the basis, while other methods can provide complementary information to accomplish an efficient indoor radon decision making.
Uromodulin is expressed exclusively in the thick ascending limb and is the most abundant protein excreted in normal urine. Variants in UMOD, which encodes uromodulin, are associated with renal function, and urinary uromodulin levels may be a biomarker for kidney disease. However, the genetic factors regulating uromodulin excretion are unknown. We conducted a meta-analysis of urinary uromodulin levels to identify associated common genetic variants in the general population. We included 10,884 individuals of European descent from three genetic isolates and three urban cohorts. Each study measured uromodulin indexed to creatinine and conducted linear regression analysis of approximately 2.5 million single nucleotide polymorphisms using an additive model. We also tested whether variants in genes expressed in the thick ascending limb associate with uromodulin levels. rs12917707, located near UMOD and previously associated with renal function and CKD, had the strongest association with urinary uromodulin levels (P<0.001). In all cohorts, carriers of a G allele of this variant had higher uromodulin levels than noncarriers did (geometric means 10.24, 14.05, and 17.67 μg/g creatinine for zero, one, or two copies of the G allele). rs12446492 in the adjacent gene PDILT (protein disulfide isomerase-like, testis expressed) also reached genome-wide significance (P<0.001). Regarding genes expressed in the thick ascending limb, variants in KCNJ1, SORL1, and CAB39 associated with urinary uromodulin levels. These data indicate that common variants in the UMOD promoter region may influence urinary uromodulin levels. They also provide insights into uromodulin biology and the association of UMOD variants with renal function.
Cross-hole radar tomography is a useful tool for mapping shallow subsurface electrical properties viz. dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity. Common practice is to invert cross-hole radar data with ray-based tomographic algorithms using first arrival traveltimes and first cycle amplitudes. However, the resolution of conventional standard ray-based inversion schemes for cross-hole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is limited because only a fraction of the information contained in the radar data is used. The resolution can be improved significantly by using a full-waveform inversion that considers the entire waveform, or significant parts thereof. A recently developed 2D time-domain vectorial full-waveform crosshole radar inversion code has been modified in the present study by allowing optimized acquisition setups that reduce the acquisition time and computational costs significantly. This is achieved by minimizing the number of transmitter points and maximizing the number of receiver positions. The improved algorithm was employed to invert cross-hole GPR data acquired within a gravel aquifer (4-10 m depth) in the Thur valley, Switzerland. The simulated traces of the final model obtained by the full-waveform inversion fit the observed traces very well in the lower part of the section and reasonably well in the upper part of the section. Compared to the ray-based inversion, the results from the full-waveform inversion show significantly higher resolution images. At either side, 2.5 m distance away from the cross-hole plane, borehole logs were acquired. There is a good correspondence between the conductivity tomograms and the natural gamma logs at the boundary of the gravel layer and the underlying lacustrine clay deposits. Using existing petrophysical models, the inversion results and neutron-neutron logs are converted to porosity. Without any additional calibration, the values obtained for the converted neutron-neutron logs and permittivity results are very close and similar vertical variations can be observed. The full-waveform inversion provides in both cases additional information about the subsurface. Due to the presence of the water table and associated refracted/reflected waves, the upper traces are not well fitted and the upper 2 m in the permittivity and conductivity tomograms are not reliably reconstructed because the unsaturated zone is not incorporated into the inversion domain.
Résumé de la thèseLa fracturation des roches au cours de phases compressives ou extensives est un souvent évoquée pour expliquer la circulation de fluide au sein des roches cristallines. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, la circulation des fluides lors de l'exhumation tardive des Alpes a été étudiée en utilisant deux approches différentes: analyses structurales de la déformation fragile d'une part et analyses géochimiques des roches et des minéraux (isotopes stables, datations U/Pb, thermochronologie (U-Th)/He) d'autre part. Cette approche combinée a permis de mieux comprendre l'interaction existante entre les fluides métamorphiques et les fluides météoriques, ainsi que leur interaction avec les roches encaissantes. Le travail a été effectué dans la zone Pennique du Valais suisse.La première partie était focalisée sur la déformation fragile, le but étant de définir les différents types de déformations existantes et de déterminer l'âge relatif des différentes familles de failles. Dans la région d'étude, quatre domaines ont été distingués. Chacun d'eux comportent deux types de structures fragiles, certaines sont minéralisées alors que d'autre non. Au sein de chaque domaine, la direction principale des structures minéralisées correspond à l'orientation des accidents tectoniques majeurs de la région (Aosta- Ranzola Line au Sud, Rhône Line au Nord et Simplon Fault Zone à l'Est), alors que les structures non- minéralisées montrent des orientations plus variables. Ainsi, le premier type de structure est interprété comme résultant d'une dislocation tectonique alors que le deuxième type de structure résulterait d'une dislocation gravitaire locale. Il n'est néanmoins pas possible de classer chronologiquement la formation de ces deux types de structure ni d'attribuer un âge relatif aux changements d'orientation des contraintes majeures.La deuxième étude a été effectuée dans la région de la zone de faille du Simplon. Dans cette zone, la composition isotopique des minéraux ayant cristallisé à l'intérieur des fractures tardives permet de distinguer différents types de circulation de fluide. Les valeurs δ180 du quartz de la roche encaissante ainsi que ceux des veines tardives du bloque inférieur de la faille sont comparables. Ces valeurs indiquent un rééquilibrage et un tamponnage isotopique des fluides tardifs au contact de la roche encaissante lors de la fracturation de cette dernière et de la cristallisation des veines tardives. La même situation est observée dans la partie nord du bloque supérieur ainsi que dans sa partie sud. Ceci n'est néanmoins pas le cas pour la partie centrale du bloque supérieur où les valeurs isotopiques des minéraux dans les veines tardives sont approximativement 3 %o plus basses (avec des valeurs extrêmes négatifs), indiquant une contribution d'eau météorique aux fluides circulant dans les veines. Ces données suggèrent qu'une infiltration d'eau météorique a pu avoir lieu dans le bloque supérieur, où la fracturation des roches est plus intensive car le déplacement relatif le long de la faille y fut plus important, et la température maximale du métamorphisme plus basse. La troisième contribution traite de la géo-thermochronologie de la zone de contact entre la klippe de la Dent Blanche et la nappe de Tsaté. De petits zircons euhédraux ont été trouvés dans un plan de faille minéralisé (parallèle à la Faille du Rhône, voir première partie de l'étude), riche en hématite et quartz, de la zone d'étude. Les analyses U/Pb donnent des âges radiométriques autour de 270 - 280 Ma aux zircons extraits de la minéralisation ainsi que ceux extraits de la roche encaissante, ce qui correspond à l'âge de la nappe de la Dent Blanche et non celui de la nappe du Tsaté qui est elle-même classiquement interprétée comme une ophiolite Jurassique de l'Océan Liguro-Piémontais. Ces données suggèrent que les zircons contenus dans la veine ont été hérités de la roche encaissante. Les résultats (U-Th)/He indiquent un âge de refroidissement différent pour la roche encaissante (25.5 ± 2.0 Ma) que celui de la minéralisation (17.7 ±1.4 Ma). Le thermomètre isotopique quartz-hématite indique une température d'équilibre, et donc de mise en place de la minéralisation, d'environ 170 °C, température très proche de la température de -180 °C de fermeture du zircon pour le système (U-Th)/He. Ceci suggère que l'âge de refroidissement des zircons de la minéralisation correspond aussi à l'âge de formation de la faille.Thesis abstractFluid circulation in fractured rocks is a common process in geology, and it is generally the consequence of faulting and fracturing during both tectonic compression and extension. This thesis is focused on fluid circulation during late stages of the Alpine exhumation. After a structural analysis of the late brittle deformation of the studied samples, several analytical methods (stable isotope investigations, U/Pb radiometric dating, (U-Th)/He thermochronology) have been applied to understand the interaction of metamorphic and meteoric fluids with one another as well as with the host rock. This thesis is articulated around three study directions. All studies were conducted in the Penninic Zone of the Valais, Switzerland. The first study deals with late, brittle deformation and focuses on the different deformation styles and on the relative age of the different families of fractures. In order to do this, late brittle structures observed in four different domains have been subdivided as a function of the existence (or not) and type of mineralization. Comparisons between mineralized and non-mineralized strike directions for all four domains show that mineralized structures follow the strike orientation of major tectonic movements indicated in the Penninic Zone of the Valais (Aosta-Ranzola Line to the S, Rhône Line to the Ν and Simplon Fault Zone to the E), whereas non-mineralized fractures have a more variable strike orientation. This difference could be interpreted as indicative of tectonic-related faulting (mineralized structures) vs. local, collapse-related faulting (non-mineralized fractures), but it is not strong enough to indicate a relative age of the late brittle structures, and/or a change in the orientation of the strain field in post-Miocene times. The second studied area is focused on the Simplon Fault Zone (SFZ). Stable isotope analyses of minerals filling these late fractures indicate that there are two different fluid circulation systems in the footwall and hanging wall of the SFZ. In the footwall, δ180 values of quartz from both the host rock and the late veins range from +10 %o to +12 %o. This is consistent with buffering of circulating fluids by the host rock during fracturing and vein precipitation. In the hanging wall, δΙ80 values for quartz crystals from the host rock and the late veins are similar in both the northern and southern parts of the detachment that are both affected by the same degree of metamorphism (greenschist to the Ν and amphibolite to the S). This is not the case in the central part of the SFZ, where there is a jump from amphibolite facies in the footwall to greenschist facies in the hanging wall. δ,80 values for quartz from the hanging wall late veins are approximately 3.0 %o lower (down to negative values in some cases) than the values observed in the footwall These data suggest that infiltration of meteoric water may have occurred in the most fractured parts of the hanging wall, where relative displacement on the SFZ was the greatest and the peak temperature lower. In the less fractured footwall the δ180 values reflect a host rock-buffered system.The third study is focused on geo-thermochronology at the contact between the Dent Blanche nappe and the Tsaté nappe where small, euhedral zircons were found in a hematite- and quartz-rich mineralization on a late normal fault plane parallel to the Rhône Line (see first part of the study). U/Pb analysis indicates that the zircons - both in the late mineralization and in the host rock - have absolute radiometric ages clustering around 270 - 280 Ma, which is the accepted age for intrusive rocks from the Austroalpine Dent Blanche units but not for the Tsaté nappe. The latter is classically interpreted as an ophiolitic remnant of the Jurassic Liguro-Piemontais Ocean. U/Pb analyses suggest that zircons in late mineralization are all inherited from the host rock; however, results of (U-Th)/He analyses indicate that cooling ages for the host rocks are different to the cooling ages for the zircons in late mineralization. Indeed, the calculated cooling age for the Arolla gneiss is 25.5 ± 2.0 Ma, whilst the cooling age for the associated mineralized fault plane is 17.7 ±1.4 Ma. Oxygen stable isotope fractionation between quartz and hematite in the same late mineralization corresponds to temperatures of about 170 °C. The proximity of the calculated emplacement temperature for the mineralization and the lower accepted closure temperature for zircon in the (U-Th)/He system (-180 °C) imply that the age of 17.7 ± 1.4 Ma can also be interpreted as the formation age of this late brittle fault.Résumé grand publicLa circulation des fluides dans les roches fracturées est typique de nombreux processus géologiques, et très souvent est la conséquence de la fracturation des roches. Cette thèse aborde la question de la circulation des fluides pendant les dernières phases du soulèvement des Alpes. Après une analyse structurale de la fracturation directement sur le terrain, plusieurs méthodes géochimiques ont été appliquées pour comprendre l'interaction entre les différents fluides circulants, et avec leur propre roche mère. L'étude, concentrée sur trois directions principales, a été conduite dans la zone Pennique du Valais suisse. La première partie traite de la déformation cassante dans le secteur cité. L'analyse détaillée des fractures a permis de les subdiviser en structures minéralisées et non-minéralisées, sur quatre domaines différents. La comparaison entre les directions des structures minéralisées et non-minéralisées a permis de montrer que les premières suivent l'orientation des accidents tectoniques majeurs de la région, alors que les structures non- minéralisées ont une orientation plus variable. Cette différence pourrait être interprétée comme indication d'une dislocation tectonique (structures minéralisées) contre une dislocation gravitaire locale (structures non-minéralisées), mais elle n'est pas assez forte pour indiquer un âge relatif des structures tardives et/ou un changement de l'orientation des contraintes après -20 Ma vers le présent.A partir de ces observations, la deuxième étude est concentrée dans la région de la faille du Simplon. Les analyses géochimiques sur les minéraux remplissant les structures tardives indiquent qu'il y a deux différents systèmes de circulation des fluides dans les deux parties (toit et mur) de la faille. Dans le mur, les valeurs isotopiques des minéraux cristallisés à partir d'un fluide tardif sont les mêmes de ceux de la roche mère, donc il y a eu rééquilibration chimique entre fluide et roche pendant la fracturation de cette dernière et la précipitation des minéraux. Dans le toit, les valeurs isotopiques dans la roche mère et dans les minéraux des veines tardives sont comparables dans les parties Ν et S de la faille, où les roches du toit et du mur ont atteint une température maximale - pendant phase prograde de la formation des Alpes - comparable. Au contraire, dans la partie centrale, où le mur a atteint des températures maximales plus élevées par rapport au toit, les valeurs géochimiques des minéralisations tardives du toit sont parfois plus basses que les valeurs observées dans le mur. Ces données suggèrent que l'infiltration de l'eau de surface aurait pu se produire dans la partie plus fracturée du toit, où le déplacement relatif le long de la faille était majeur et les températures maximales mineures. Au contraire, les données géochimiques du mur de la partie centrale indiquent un système isotopique équilibré par la roche mère.La troisième partie de ce travail se base sur l'étude géochimique intégrée des isotopes stables d'Oxygène et radioactifs du Plomb, Uranium, Thorium et Hélium, auprès d'une faille normale minéralisée et des roches de la région à cheval entre deux nappes, la nappe de la Dent Blanche et la nappe de Tsaté. Ici, des petits zircons ont été trouvés dans la minéralisation citée, riche en hématite et quartz. L'analyse radiométrique Uranium/Plomb a montré que les zircons dans la minéralisation et dans les roches autour ont des âges comparables (autour 280 Ma). Cela signifie que les zircons dans la minéralisation tardive ont été hérités de la roche mère pendant la fracturation et la circulation des fluides tardives. De l'autre coté, les résultats des analyses Uranium-Thorium/Hélium indiquent que les âges de refroidissement pour les roches mères sont différents comparés aux âges de refroidissement pour les zircons dans la minéralisation tardive: ces derniers sont plus jeunes d'environ 8 Ma (autour 25 Ma et autour 17 Ma respectivement). Les analyses des isotopes de l'oxygène sur quartz et hématite dans la même minéralisation donnent une température de mise en place de cette dernière d'environ 170° C. La température de fermeture du système chimique des zircons dans le système (Uranium-Thorium)/Hélium est d'environ 180 °C: la proximité de ces deux températures implique que l'âge de refroidissement de la minéralisation tardive peut également être interprété comme âge de formation de la faille.
To identify common variants influencing body mass index (BMI), we analyzed genome-wide association data from 16,876 individuals of European descent. After previously reported variants in FTO, the strongest association signal (rs17782313, P = 2.9 x 10(-6)) mapped 188 kb downstream of MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor), mutations of which are the leading cause of monogenic severe childhood-onset obesity. We confirmed the BMI association in 60,352 adults (per-allele effect = 0.05 Z-score units; P = 2.8 x 10(-15)) and 5,988 children aged 7-11 (0.13 Z-score units; P = 1.5 x 10(-8)). In case-control analyses (n = 10,583), the odds for severe childhood obesity reached 1.30 (P = 8.0 x 10(-11)). Furthermore, we observed overtransmission of the risk allele to obese offspring in 660 families (P (pedigree disequilibrium test average; PDT-avg) = 2.4 x 10(-4)). The SNP location and patterns of phenotypic associations are consistent with effects mediated through altered MC4R function. Our findings establish that common variants near MC4R influence fat mass, weight and obesity risk at the population level and reinforce the need for large-scale data integration to identify variants influencing continuous biomedical traits.