959 resultados para Triple Bottom-Line
A well-known, and unresolved, conjecture states that every partial Steiner triple system of order u can be embedded in a Steiner triple system of order v for all v equivalent to 1 or 3 (mod 6), v greater than or equal to 2u + 1. However, some partial Steiner triple systems of order u can be embedded in Steiner triple systems of order v < 2u + 1. A more general conjecture that considers these small embeddings is presented and verified for some cases. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We study partitions of the set of all ((v)(3)) triples chosen from a v-set into pairwise disjoint planes with three points per line. Our partitions may contain copies of PG(2, 2) only (Fano partitions) or copies of AG(2, 3) only (affine partitions) or copies of some planes of each type (mixed partitions). We find necessary conditions for Fano or affine partitions to exist. Such partitions are already known in several cases: Fano partitions for v = 8 and affine partitions for v = 9 or 10. We construct such partitions for several sporadic orders, namely, Fano partitions for v = 14, 16, 22, 23, 28, and an affine partition for v = 18. Using these as starter partitions, we prove that Fano partitions exist for v = 7(n) + 1, 13(n) + 1, 27(n) + 1, and affine partitions for v = 8(n) + 1, 9(n) + 1, 17(n) + 1. In particular, both Fano and affine partitions exist for v = 3(6n) + 1. Using properties of 3-wise balanced designs, we extend these results to show that affine partitions also exist for v = 3(2n). Similarly, mixed partitions are shown to exist for v = 8(n), 9(n), 11(n) + 1.
The age of sex reversal of the venus tusk fish Choerodon venustus, caught by line fishing at various locations on the southern Great Barrier Reef, indicated that C. venustus is capable of modifying its life cycle in response to increased mortality. The evidence suggests Masthead Reef fish, which experience the highest mortality, underwent sex reversal at a smaller size and younger age than at the other sites. The largest female fish, sexually transitional fish and males were smaller at Masthead Reef than at the Swains Reefs or One Tree Reef at Masthead Reef. There was also considerable overlap in the size of males and females within the exploited populations indicating that sex reversal is not initiated at a particular length but may have a social cause. The sex ratio of fish was essentially the same for fish fully susceptible to line fishing in the Swains and Masthead samples. Circumstantial evidence suggested that the absence of large males in a population may initiate sex reversal, indicating the maintenance of a constant sex ratio may have a social basis. (C) 2002 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
The processing of lexical ambiguity in context was investigated in eight individuals with schizophrenia and a matched control group. Participants made speeded lexical decisions on the third word in auditory word triplets representing concordant (coin-bank-money), discordant (river-bank-money). neutral (day-bank-money), and unrelated (river-day-money) conditions. When the interstimulus interval (ISI) between the words was 100 ms. individuals with schizophrenia demonstrated priming consistent with selective. context-based lexical activation. At 1250 ms ISI a pattern of nonselective meaning facilitation was obtained. These results suggest an attentional breakdown in the sustained inhibition of meanings on the basis of lexical context. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Examination of the lateral line canals in the Epaulette Shark reveals a much more differentiated sensory system than previously reported from any elasmobranch. Two main types of lateral line canals are found. In one type rounded patches of sensory epithelia are separated by elevations of the canal floor. The other type is a straight canal without restrictions and with an almost continuous sensory epithelium. In addition, we found epithelia (type A) with very long apical microvilli on the supporting cells. These microvilli reach beyond the stereovilli of the hair cells. Another type (B) of sensory epithelium has short microvilli on the supporting cells. In this latter type of epithelium the stereovilli of the hair cells are comparatively tall and reach out beyond the supporting cell microvilli. New hair cells are found widely in both types of sensory epithelia. These always occur as single cells, unlike those described in teleost lateral line canal sensory epithelia where new hair cells seem to form in pairs. Dying hair cells are also widespread, indicating a continuous turnover of hair cells.
Distance sampling using line transects has not been previously used or tested for estimating koala abundance. In July 2001, a pilot survey was conducted to compare the use of line transects with strip transects for estimating koala abundance. Both methods provided a similar estimate of density. On the basis of the results of the pilot survey, the distribution and abundance of koalas in the Pine Rivers Shire, south-east Queensland, was determined using line-transect sampling. In total, 134 lines (length 64 km) were used to sample bushland areas. Eighty-two independent koalas were sighted. Analysis of the frequency distribution of sighting distances using the software program DISTANCE enabled a global detection function to be estimated for survey sites in bushland areas across the Shire. Abundance in urban parts of the Shire was estimated from densities obtained from total counts at eight urban sites that ranged from 26 to 51 ha in size. Koala abundance in the Pine Rivers Shire was estimated at 4584 (95% confidence interval, 4040-5247). Line-transect sampling is a useful method for estimating koala abundance provided experienced koala observers are used when conducting surveys.
This paper examines the use of on-line discussion as a medium for learning in a pre-service teacher education program. As part of an Education Studies course student teachers engaged in a discussion of issues related to technology and equity in schools. The design of the task and the subsequent analysis of the on-line text were part of a research project investigating whether and how communications technology can be used to integrate and extend the learning of teacher education students. The main argument developed in the paper is that through the on-line activity distinctive sets of writing practices were created. These practices enabled students to make connections between the often disparate parts of teacher education programs-theory and practice, campus and school, research and experience. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This communications describes an electromagnetic model of a radial line planar antenna consisting of a radial guide with one central probe and many peripheral probes arranged in concentric circles feeding an array of antenna elements such as patches or wire curls. The model takes into account interactions between the coupling probes while assuming isolation of radiating elements. Based on this model, computer programs are developed to determine equivalent circuit parameters of the feed network and the radiation pattern of the radial line planar antenna. Comparisons are made between the present model and the two-probe model developed earlier by other researchers.
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We describe a direct method of partitioning the 840 Steiner triple systems of order 9 into 120 large sets. The method produces partitions in which all of the large sets are isomorphic and we apply the method to each of the two non-isomorphic large sets of STS(9).
O Educacenso ?? um sistema eletr??nico de coleta de informa????es educacionais composto por um aplicativo web, que permite a coleta, migra????o e altera????o de dados educacionais das escolas em todo o territ??rio nacional, e por um banco de dados relacional, que armazena de forma sistem??tica todas estas informa????es. O Educacenso representa uma inova????o, pois se trata de um banco de dados ??nico, de base nacional, alimentado por dados e informa????es que v??m diretamente das escolas, por meio da internet. Constitui-se no mais completo cadastro de escolas, alunos e docentes do pa??s. A constru????o de um banco de dados com informa????es individualizadas amplia as possibilidades de comunica????o com outras bases de dados do governo federal. O novo desenho metodol??gico e a utiliza????o de recursos de tecnologia da informa????o permitiram ampliar a precis??o e a fidedignidade dos dados do Censo Escolar, o que possibilita realiza????o de ajustes na pol??tica educacional e maior efetividade do gasto p??blico com a educa????o b??sica
Os Postos de Seguro Social do INSS processavam os dados dos segurados da Previd??ncia em lotes, acarretando demora na Concess??o de Benef??cios e perda de tempo por parte dos segurados, com muitas idas e vindas aos postos. As criticas aos dados eram realizadas uma vez por semana e em conseq????ncia os segurados eram obrigados a voltar ao posto para resolver as pend??ncias posteriormente informadas e at?? que os dados passassem pelas cr??ticas do computador central. Havia necessidade de implantar um novo sistema para melhorar o atendimento no INSS. Foi implementado no Paran?? um projeto piloto, desenvolvido pela Dataprev e a pedido de seu cliente INSS, denominado ???Concess??o de Benef??cios On Line???. Com a utiliza????o desta tecnologia, por exemplo, passou a ser poss??vel entrar com um pedido de aposentadoria e imprimir imediatamente a Carta de Concess??o, informando o valor e o banco em que ser??o feitos os pagamentos ao Segurado da Previd??ncia Social. O novo sistema ap??ia a melhoria no atendimento do segurado do INSS, porque permite informar ao Segurado imediatamente se o Benef??cio est?? concedido ou se h?? pend??ncias que devam ser atendidas
Este documento trata de: a educa????o continuada do servidor p??blico, desenvolvimento de compet??ncias nas organiza????es p??blicas, o papel das escolas de governo na forma????o do servidor p??blico, a EaD como estrat??gia de educa????o continuada, educa????o a dist??ncia na Enap, bases de atua????o da cgead, o desenvolvimento das compet??ncias de tutoria