291 resultados para Trastorns respiratoris


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Objectives: the goals of the present study were: 1) to compare the levels of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders in young patients assisted at a children"s hospital for obesity; 2) to determine whether anxiety and depression explain the symptoms of the eating disorders; and 3) to know which of these symptoms better discriminate the young people with different degrees of obesity. Materials and method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with a sample comprised by 281 youngsters (56% girls) aged 11-17 years. The BMI percentiles were calculated by using the WHO growth tables. Two study groups were created: severe obesity and overweight/light-moderate obesity. The following questionnaires were used: Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2), depression questionnaire (DQ), and Status-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire (STAI). Results: The youngsters with obesity showed more psychological problems than youngsters with overweight/ light-moderate obesity, 12% had anxiety, and 11% depression. In both groups, the behaviours related with eating disorders were partially explained by the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression. Dissatisfaction with the body and high anxiety trait increased the risk for perpetuating the obesity and were the two symptoms that better discriminated the patients with or without severe obesity. Conclusion: Obesity prevention programmes should include body dissatisfaction and the anxiety trait into the assessment and management protocols, and prevent anxiety getting fixed as a personality trait.


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Introducción. La comorbilidad entre el síndrome de Asperger (SA) y los trastornos del estado de ánimo y de ansiedad parece ser altamente significativa. Por ello, se presenta una revisión de la bibliografía científica más actual que aporte evidencias empíricas a tal hipótesis con el objetivo de plantear una prospectiva de investigación. Desarrollo. La valoración y el diagnóstico del funcionamiento psicosocial analizado en personas con SA o autismo de alto funcionamiento (AAF) confirman una proporción significativa de casos con sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa, y en muchos de ellos se eleva a la categoría de trastornos comórbidos. Conclusión. Es necesaria una mejor formulación diagnóstica ya que las perturbaciones afectivo-emocionales y conductuales pueden aparecer enmascaradas como sintomatología asociada al SA/AAF. Identificar y reconocer dicha comorbilidad psiquiátrica mejorará el funcionamiento psicosocial de estas personas.


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The aim of this article was to study the effect of virtual-reality exposure to situations that are emotionally significant for patients with eating disorders (ED) on the stability of body-image distortion and body-image dissatisfaction. A total of 85 ED patients and 108 non-ED students were randomly exposed to four experimental virtual environments: a kitchen with low-calorie food, a kitchen with high-calorie food, a restaurant with low-calorie food, and a restaurant with high-calorie food. In the interval between the presentation of each situation, body-image distortion and body-image dissatisfaction were assessed. Several 2 x 2 x 2 repeated measures analyses of variance (high-calorie vs. low-calorie food x presence vs. absence of people x ED group vs. control group) showed that ED participants had significantly higher levels of body-image distortion and body dissatisfaction after eating high-calorie food than after eating low-calorie food, while control participants reported a similar body image in all situations. The results suggest that body-image distortion and body-image dissatisfaction show both trait and state features. On the one hand, ED patients show a general predisposition to overestimate their body size and to feel more dissatisfied with their body image than controls. On the other hand, these body-image disturbances fluctuate when participants are exposed to virtual situations that are emotionally relevant for them.


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Muchos padres educan a sus hijos con ausencia de referentes o permisividad excesiva. Lo anterior obliga a los educadores a iniciarles para que aprendan a poner límites, cuidar su formación e insistir en la paternidad responsable. Este planteamiento permitirá ganar terreno en un campo donde la desorientación por el cambio sociofamiliar requiere ganar nuevos esquemas dentro de un modelo educativo, el cual se ve desbordado por una conflictividad que tiene sus raíces en el seno familiar. Desde la comunidad escolar no debe dejarse al azar y a la intuición una parcela tan decisiva en la confor­ma­ción de la personalidad autónoma de nuestros hijos y alumnos. La función altamente orientadora de las Ciencias de la Educación nos obliga a no descuidar una parcela donde se requiere cuidar con esmero la formación de los padres y educadores infantiles, para enseñarles a conocer a sus hijos y alumnos, comunicarse con ellos, entender sus respuestas y ejercer con seguridad sus decisiones, especialmente en el período de los primeros años. Saber entender la imposición de límites y aprender a utilizarlos, representa romper una barrera, por la difi­cul­tad que ello supone para muchos padres que nunca han tenido la oportunidad de ser formados para afrontar estas situaciones que les desbordan, les hacen sufrir y les angustian.


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Deletions in the 2p16.3 region that includes the neurexin (NRXN1) gene are associated with intellectual disability and various psychiatric disorders, in particular, autism and schizophrenia. We present three unrelated patients, two adults and one child, in whom we identified an intragenic 2p16.3 deletion within the NRXN1 gene using an oligonucleotide comparative genomic hybridization array. The three patients presented dual diagnosis that consisted of mild intellectual disability and autism and bipolar disorder. Also, they all shared a dysmorphic phenotype characterized by a long face, deep set eyes, and prominent premaxilla. Genetic analysis of family members showed two inherited deletions. A comprehensive neuropsychological examination of the 2p16.3 deletion carriers revealed the same phenotype, characterized by anxiety disorder, borderline intelligence, and dysexecutive syndrome. The cognitive pattern of dysexecutive syndrome with poor working memory and reduced attention switching, mental flexibility, and verbal fluency was the same than those of the adult probands. We suggest that in addition to intellectual disability and psychiatric disease, NRXN1 deletion is a risk factor for a characteristic cognitive and dysmorphic profile. The new cognitive phenotype found in the 2p16.3 deletion carriers suggests that 2p16.3 deletions might have a wide variable expressivity instead of incomplete penetrance


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We had described that epidermal growth factor (EGF) interfered with the lipolytic effect of catecholamines in isolated adipocytes. Since catecholamines stimulate the release of EGF from submandibular salivary glands to blood plasma in male mice, we studied whether EGF affected also the lipolytic response to adrenaline in whole animals. We studied the effect of adrenaline in sialoadenectomized and sham-operated mice receiving or not a high dose of EGF following adrenaline injection. There was no difference in plasma EGF concentration between sham-operated and sialoadenectomized animals receiving saline. After adrenaline administration plasma EGF increased by 20-fold in sham-operated but did not increase in sialoadenectomized mice. Indeed, the increase was much higher (more than 100-fold) in mice receiving exogenous EGF. The effect of adrenaline on plasma concentration of both glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids was higher as lower was plasma EGF concentration. Isolated adipocytes obtained from sham-operated or sialoadenectomized mice had identical lipolytic response to adrenaline. The lipolytic response of adipocytes to isoproterenol was decreased by addition of EGF. To study whether the interference with the in vivo lipolytic effect of adrenaline had further metabolic consequences, we measured plasma b-hydroxybutyrate concentration in plasma. There was no difference in the response to adrenaline between sham-operated and sialoadenectomized mice in spite of the difference in plasma nonsterified fatty acid concentration. Studies in isolated hepatocytes indicated that ketogenesis run at near maximal rate in this range of substrate concentration. These results suggest that EGF in the physiological range decreases the lipolytic effect of adrenaline but does not compromise further metabolic events like the enhancement of ketogenesis.


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Mutations in the PYGM gene encoding skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase (GP) cause a metabolic disorder known as McArdle's disease. Previous studies in muscle biopsies and cultured muscle cells from McArdle patients have shown that PYGM mutations abolish GP activity in skeletal muscle, but that the enzyme activity reappears when muscle cells are in culture. The identification of the GP isoenzyme that accounts for this activity remains controversial.


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Centrándonos en la exploración del paciente que ha sufrido o sufre caídas frecuentes, presentamos unas pruebas específicas para valorar el alcance de las alteraciones que provocan pérdidas de equilibrio. Exposición de varios casos clínicos que presentan afecciones podológicas que alteran la estabilidad, y ofreceremos una alternativa de Tratamiento Ortopodológico demostrando su acción en favor del mantenimiento del equilibrio. Conclusiones referidas al diagnóstico y expectativas de Tratamientos Ortopodológicos en los pacientes ancianos.


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Se hace una referencia a la evolución del índice de envejecimiento en Cataluña. Se estudia la relación del equilibrio con las caídas recurrentes en la tercera edad y presentamos un protocolo de interrogatorio dirigido a estos pacientes.


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Background: Neonatal brain injuries are the main cause of visual deficit produced by damage to posterior visual pathways.While there are several studies of visual function in low-risk preterm infants or older children with brain injuries, research in children of early age is lacking. Aim: To assess several aspects of visual function in preterm infants with brain injuries and to compare them with another group of low-risk preterm infants of the same age. Study design and subjects: Forty-eight preterm infants with brain injuries and 56 low-risk preterm infants. Outcome measures: The ML Leonhardt Battery of Optotypes was used to assess visual functions. This test was previously validated at a post-menstrual age of 40 weeks in newborns and at 30-plus weeks in preterm infants. Results: The group of preterminfants with brain lesions showed a delayed pattern of visual functions in alertness, fixation, visual attention and tracking behavior compared to infants in the healthy preterm group. The differences between both groups, in the visual behaviors analyzed were around 30%. These visual functions could be identified from the first weeks of life. Conclusion: Our results confirm the importance of using a straightforward screening test with preterminfants in order to assess altered visual function, especially in infants with brain injuries. The findings also highlight the need to provide visual stimulation very early on in life.


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Actualment la tasca que desenvolupa l’escola és procurar que tots els infants es desenvolupin integralment, independentment de les característiques. En aquest marc sorgeix l’escola inclusiva, la qual ha d’estar preparada per atendre a tots i fer que aprenguin alumnes diferents al màxim de les seves possibilitats. Perquè això sigui real, l’escola ha de buscar noves maneres per a què els alumnes puguin aprendre no tan sols contingut sinó també valors, habilitats socials, cognitives, lingüístiques, entre moltes altres. Es per aquest motiu que la recerca vol portar a la pràctica i comprovar si mitjançant una eina lúdica, com són els jocs cooperatius, es milloren algunes habilitats socials i la cohesió d’un grup classe, en el qual també es té en compte la integració social d’una nena diagnosticada amb Trastorns Generalitzats del Desenvolupament (TGD) i, concretament, presenta trets autistes. Aquesta activitat educativa proporciona contextos nous on interactuar i desenvolupar bones pautes de relació per a tots així com també afavoreix la cohesió de grup, les relacions interpersonals i la integració d’infants amb dificultats en la interacció social.


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és analitzar les diferències i semblances que hi ha entre les concepcions dels professors que treballen fent servir l’aprenentatge cooperatiu a l’aula, les d’aquells que no ho fan i les dels seus alumnes, respecte l’educació inclusiva i l’aprenentatge cooperatiu. També s’analitzarà si el temps que porta un professor treballant cooperativament a l’aula influeix en aquestes concepcions. Per tal de fer això es realitza un estudi de cas múltiple, a través set d’entrevistes a professors i tres focus groups amb alumnes. Aquets subjectes provenen de de tres escoles d’educació primària de Mataró les quals s’han seleccionat en funció del grau d’experiència que tenen aquestes amb l’aprenentatge cooperatiu. Els resultats d’aquests estudi ens mostren algunes línies de treball per analitzar les diferències en les concepcions del professorat i els alumnes en funció del grau en que aquests fan servir l’aprenentatge cooperatiu.


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Breu exposició de la funció que exerceix l'amor de si en la configuració i dinamisme de l'equilibri psíquic humà. S'estudia la seva naturalesa i les causes explicatives de la seva gènesi, ordenació i perfeccionament, així com de la seva perversió, a la llum de l'ensenyament de la Psicologia clàssica, particularment la aristotèlic-tomista, i de les corrents de Psicologia contemporània.


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The ability to recognize mental states in oneself and others, or the theory of mind, has been a widely studied topic in last years. Traditionally, these studies have focused on the understanding of false belief, one of the most important milestones in its development. Studies conducted with children with language difficulties suggest that they have a delay in false belief acquisition. On the other hand, numerous studies have established a relationship between the understanding of false belief and language skills. In particular, it has been suggested that training based in labelling objects with double perspective facilitates the understanding of false belief. The aim of the present study is to test the effect of the structuration level of labelling training in a group of children with difficulties in language development. A total of 14 children, aged between 58 and 107 months, were trained in 3 sessions, and a pre-test and a post-test were administered to evaluate the effects of the training. The results confirm a delay in false belief understanding in children with developmental language difficulties, and suggest that the structured labelling training is effective to improve this understanding


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La finalitat d'aquest document és reflectir i sintetitzar el procés d'aprenentatge com a futura psicopedagoga que he realitzat al llarg de les meves pràctiques en un centre psicopedagògic privat. He pogut fer intervencions individuals i en parella a infants amb edats entre 6 i 12 anys amb dificultats d'aprenentatge associades a dislèxia i/o TDAH. M'he fonamentat en l'anàlisi de casos, el constructivisme i la perspectiva sistèmica.