937 resultados para Transmission network expansion


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In this paper, analysis and synthesis approach for two new variants within the Class-EF power amplifier (PA) family is elaborated. These amplifiers are classified here as Class-E3 F2 and transmission-line (TL) Class-E3 F 2. The proposed circuits offer means to alleviate some of the major issues faced by existing topologies such as substantial power losses due to the parasitic resistance of the large inductor in the Class-EF load network and deviation from ideal Class-EF operation due to the effect of device output inductance at high frequencies. Both lumped-element and transmission-line load networks for the Class-E 3 F PA are described. The load networks of the Class-E3 F and TL Class-E 3 F2amplifier topologies developed in this paper simultaneously satisfy the Class-EF optimum impedance requirements at fundamental frequency, second, and third harmonics as well as simultaneously providing matching to the circuit optimum load resistance for any prescribed system load resistance. Optimum circuit component values are analytically derived and validated by harmonic balance simulations. Trade-offs between circuit figures of merit and component values with some practical limitations being considered are discussed. © 2010 IEEE.


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A novel Class-E power amplifier (PA) topology with transmission-line load network is presented in this brief. When compared with the classic Class-E topology, the new circuit can increase the maximum operating frequency up to 50% higher without trading the other Class-E figures of merit. Neither quarterwave line/massive radio-frequency choke for collector/drain biasing nor additional fundamental-frequency output matching circuit are needed in the proposed PA, thus resulting in a compact design. Closed-form formulations are derived and verified by simulations with practical design limitations carefully taken into consideration and good agreement achieved.


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In this paper, characterizing transmission losses according to their origin is carried out. Transmission loss is decomposed into three components. The first is due to the current flow from generators to loads. The second is due to the circulating current between generators. The third represents the contribution of network structure and controls to increasing or decreasing transmission losses. Analytical proofs of the proposed loss decomposition are presented along with methods of allocating each component to the parties contributing to it. Illustration on simple dc and ac systems is presented. Results of application of the proposed method compared with other methods are also presented.


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Experimental assessments of the modified power-combining Class-E amplifier are described. The technique used to combine the output of individual power amplifiers (PAs) into an unbalanced load without the need for bulky transformers permits the use of small RF chokes useful for the deployment in the EER transmitter. The modified output load network of the PA results in excellent 50 dBc and 46 dBc second and third-harmonic suppressions, dispensing the need for additional lossy filtering block. Operating from a 3.2 V dc supply voltage, the PA exhibits 64% drain efficiency at 24 dBm output power. Over a wide bandwidth of 350 MHz, drain efficiency of better than 60% at output power higher than 22 dBm were achieved. © 2010 IEICE Institute of Electronics Informati.


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Analysis and synthesis of the new Class-EF power amplifier (PA) are presented in this paper. The proposed circuit offers means to alleviate some of the major issues faced by existing Class-EF and Class-EF PAs, such as (1) substantial power losses due to parasitic resistance of the large inductor in the Class-EF load network, (2) unpredictable behaviour of practical lumped inductors and capacitors at harmonic frequencies, and (3) deviation from ideal Class-EF operation mode due to detrimental effects of device output inductance at high frequencies. The transmission-line load network of the Class-EF PA topology elaborated in this paper simultaneously satisfies the Class-EF optimum impedance requirements at fundamental frequency, second, and third harmonics as well as simultaneously providing matching to the circuit optimum load resistance for any prescribed system load resistance. Furthermore, an elegant solution using an open and short-circuit stub arrangement is suggested to overcome the problem encountered in the mm-wave IC realizations of the Class-EF PA load network due to lossy quarter-wave line. © 2010 IEICE Institute of Electronics Informati.


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Introduction: Amplicon deep-sequencing using second-generation sequencing technology is an innovative molecular diagnostic technique and enables a highly-sensitive detection of mutations. As an international consortium we had investigated previously the robustness, precision, and reproducibility of 454 amplicon next-generation sequencing (NGS) across 10 laboratories from 8 countries (Leukemia, 2011;25:1840-8).

Aims: In Phase II of the study, we established distinct working groups for various hematological malignancies, i.e. acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), and multiple myeloma. Currently, 27 laboratories from 13 countries are part of this research consortium. In total, 74 gene targets were selected by the working groups and amplicons were developed for a NGS deep-sequencing assay (454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT). A data analysis pipeline was developed to standardize mutation interpretation both for accessing raw data (Roche Amplicon Variant Analyzer, 454 Life Sciences) and variant interpretation (Sequence Pilot, JSI Medical Systems, Kippenheim, Germany).

Results: We will report on the design, standardization, quality control aspects, landscape of mutations, as well as the prognostic and predictive utility of this assay in a cohort of 8,867 cases. Overall, 1,146 primer sequences were designed and tested. In detail, for example in AML, 924 cases had been screened for CEBPA mutations. RUNX1 mutations were analyzed in 1,888 cases applying the deep-sequencing read counts to study the stability of such mutations at relapse and their utility as a biomarker to detect residual disease. Analyses of DNMT3A (n=1,041) were focused to perform landscape investigations and to address the prognostic relevance. Additionally, this working group is focusing on TET2, ASXL1, and TP53 analyses. A novel prognostic model is being developed allowing stratification of AML into prognostic subgroups based on molecular markers only. In ALL, 1,124 pediatric and adult cases have been screened, including 763 assays for TP53 mutations both at diagnosis and relapse of ALL. Pediatric and adult leukemia expert labs developed additional content to study the mutation incidence of other B and T lineage markers such as IKZF1, JAK2, IL7R, PAX5, EP300, LEF1, CRLF2, PHF6, WT1, JAK1, PTEN, AKT1, IL7R, NOTCH1, CREBBP, or FBXW7. Further, the molecular landscape of CLL is changing rapidly. As such, a separate working group focused on analyses including NOTCH1, SF3B1, MYD88, XPO1, FBXW7 and BIRC3. Currently, 922 cases were screened to investigate the range of mutational burden of NOTCH1 mutations for their prognostic relevance. In MDS, RUNX1 mutation analyses were performed in 977 cases. The prognostic relevance of TP53 mutations in MDS was assessed in additional 327 cases, including isolated deletions of chromosome 5q. Next, content was developed targeting genes of the cellular splicing component, e.g. SF3B1, SRSF2, U2AF1, and ZRSR2. In BCR-ABL1-negative MPN, nine genes of interest (JAK2, MPL, TET2, CBL, KRAS, EZH2, IDH1, IDH2, ASXL1) have been analyzed in a cohort of 155 primary myelofibrosis cases searching for novel somatic mutations and addressing their relevance for disease progression and leukemia transformation. Moreover, an assay was developed and applied to CMML cases allowing the simultaneous analysis of 25 leukemia-associated target genes in a single sequencing run using just 20 ng of starting DNA. Finally, nine laboratories are studying CML, applying ultra-deep sequencing of the BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase domain. Analyses were performed on 615 cases investigating the dynamics of expansion of mutated clones under various tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapies.

Conclusion: Molecular characterization of hematological malignancies today requires high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. As part of the IRON-II study, a network of laboratories analyzed a variety of disease entities applying amplicon-based NGS assays. Importantly, the consortium not only standardized assay design for disease-specific panels, but also achieved consensus on a common data analysis pipeline for mutation interpretation. Distinct working groups have been forged to address scientific tasks and in total 8,867 cases had been analyzed thus far.


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Healing algorithms play a crucial part in distributed peer-to-peer networks where failures occur continuously and frequently. Whereas there are approaches for robustness that rely largely on built-in redundancy, we adopt a responsive approach that is more akin to that of biological networks e.g. the brain. The general goal of self-healing distributed graphs is to maintain certain network properties while recovering from failure quickly and making bounded alterations locally. Several self-healing algorithms have been suggested in the recent literature [IPDPS'08, PODC'08, PODC'09, PODC'11]; they heal various network properties while fulfilling competing requirements such as having low degree increase while maintaining connectivity, expansion and low stretch of the network. In this work, we augment the previous algorithms by adding the notion of edge-preserving self-healing which requires the healing algorithm to not delete any edges originally present or adversarialy inserted. This reflects the cost of adding additional edges but more importantly it immediately follows that edge preservation helps maintain any subgraph induced property that is monotonic, in particular important properties such as graph and subgraph densities. Density is an important network property and in certain distributed networks, maintaining it preserves high connectivity among certain subgraphs and backbones. We introduce a general model of self-healing, and introduce xheal+, an edge-preserving version of xheal[PODC'11]. © 2012 IEEE.


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This article examines the mid-1840s expansion of the British railway network, which was associated with a large deterioration in shareholder value. Using a counterfactual approach and new data on railway competition, we argue that the expansion of the railway companies, and their subsequent decline in financial performance, was not due to managerial failure. Rather, the promotion of new routes by established railways and mergers with other companies was part of a managerial strategy to maintain incumbent positions, and may have been preferable to not expanding whilst their competitors did.


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Whole genome sequencing (WGS) technology holds great promise as a tool for the forensic epidemiology of bacterial pathogens. It is likely to be particularly useful for studying the transmission dynamics of an observed epidemic involving a largely unsampled 'reservoir' host, as for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British and Irish cattle and badgers. BTB is caused by Mycobacterium bovis, a member of the M. tuberculosis complex that also includes the aetiological agent for human TB. In this study, we identified a spatio-temporally linked group of 26 cattle and 4 badgers infected with the same Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) type of M. bovis. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between sequences identified differences that were consistent with bacterial lineages being persistent on or near farms for several years, despite multiple clear whole herd tests in the interim. Comparing WGS data to mathematical models showed good correlations between genetic divergence and spatial distance, but poor correspondence to the network of cattle movements or within-herd contacts. Badger isolates showed between zero and four SNP differences from the nearest cattle isolate, providing evidence for recent transmissions between the two hosts. This is the first direct genetic evidence of M. bovis persistence on farms over multiple outbreaks with a continued, ongoing interaction with local badgers. However, despite unprecedented resolution, directionality of transmission cannot be inferred at this stage. Despite the often notoriously long timescales between time of infection and time of sampling for TB, our results suggest that WGS data alone can provide insights into TB epidemiology even where detailed contact data are not available, and that more extensive sampling and analysis will allow for quantification of the extent and direction of transmission between cattle and badgers. © 2012 Biek et al.


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Na última década tem-se assistido a um crescimento exponencial das redes de comunicações sem fios, nomeadamente no que se refere a taxa de penetração do serviço prestado e na implementação de novas infra-estruturas em todo o globo. É ponto assente neste momento que esta tendência irá não só continuar como se fortalecer devido à convergência que é esperada entre as redes móveis sem fio e a disponibilização de serviços de banda larga para a rede Internet fixa, numa evolução para um paradigma de uma arquitectura integrada e baseada em serviços e aplicações IP. Por este motivo, as comunicações móveis sem fios irão ter um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da sociedade de informação a médio e longo prazos. A estratégia seguida no projecto e implementação das redes móveis celulares da actual geração (2G e 3G) foi a da estratificação da sua arquitectura protocolar numa estrutura modular em camadas estanques, onde cada camada do modelo é responsável pela implementação de um conjunto de funcionalidades. Neste modelo a comunicação dá-se apenas entre camadas adjacentes através de primitivas de comunicação pré-estabelecidas. Este modelo de arquitectura resulta numa mais fácil implementação e introdução de novas funcionalidades na rede. Entretanto, o facto das camadas inferiores do modelo protocolar não utilizarem informação disponibilizada pelas camadas superiores, e vice-versa acarreta uma degradação no desempenho do sistema. Este paradigma é particularmente importante quando sistemas de antenas múltiplas são implementados (sistemas MIMO). Sistemas de antenas múltiplas introduzem um grau adicional de liberdade no que respeita a atribuição de recursos rádio: o domínio espacial. Contrariamente a atribuição de recursos no domínio do tempo e da frequência, no domínio espacial os recursos rádio mapeados no domínio espacial não podem ser assumidos como sendo completamente ortogonais, devido a interferência resultante do facto de vários terminais transmitirem no mesmo canal e/ou slots temporais mas em feixes espaciais diferentes. Sendo assim, a disponibilidade de informação relativa ao estado dos recursos rádio às camadas superiores do modelo protocolar é de fundamental importância na satisfação dos critérios de qualidade de serviço exigidos. Uma forma eficiente de gestão dos recursos rádio exige a implementação de algoritmos de agendamento de pacotes de baixo grau de complexidade, que definem os níveis de prioridade no acesso a esses recursos por base dos utilizadores com base na informação disponibilizada quer pelas camadas inferiores quer pelas camadas superiores do modelo. Este novo paradigma de comunicação, designado por cross-layer resulta na maximização da capacidade de transporte de dados por parte do canal rádio móvel, bem como a satisfação dos requisitos de qualidade de serviço derivados a partir da camada de aplicação do modelo. Na sua elaboração, procurou-se que o standard IEEE 802.16e, conhecido por Mobile WiMAX respeitasse as especificações associadas aos sistemas móveis celulares de quarta geração. A arquitectura escalonável, o baixo custo de implementação e as elevadas taxas de transmissão de dados resultam num processo de multiplexagem de dados e valores baixos no atraso decorrente da transmissão de pacotes, os quais são atributos fundamentais para a disponibilização de serviços de banda larga. Da mesma forma a comunicação orientada à comutação de pacotes, inenente na camada de acesso ao meio, é totalmente compatível com as exigências em termos da qualidade de serviço dessas aplicações. Sendo assim, o Mobile WiMAX parece satisfazer os requisitos exigentes das redes móveis de quarta geração. Nesta tese procede-se à investigação, projecto e implementação de algoritmos de encaminhamento de pacotes tendo em vista a eficiente gestão do conjunto de recursos rádio nos domínios do tempo, frequência e espacial das redes móveis celulares, tendo como caso prático as redes móveis celulares suportadas no standard IEEE802.16e. Os algoritmos propostos combinam métricas provenientes da camada física bem como os requisitos de qualidade de serviço das camadas superiores, de acordo com a arquitectura de redes baseadas no paradigma do cross-layer. O desempenho desses algoritmos é analisado a partir de simulações efectuadas por um simulador de sistema, numa plataforma que implementa as camadas física e de acesso ao meio do standard IEEE802.16e.


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The ever-growing energy consumption in mobile networks stimulated by the expected growth in data tra ffic has provided the impetus for mobile operators to refocus network design, planning and deployment towards reducing the cost per bit, whilst at the same time providing a signifi cant step towards reducing their operational expenditure. As a step towards incorporating cost-eff ective mobile system, 3GPP LTE-Advanced has adopted the coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmission technique due to its ability to mitigate and manage inter-cell interference (ICI). Using CoMP the cell average and cell edge throughput are boosted. However, there is room for reducing energy consumption further by exploiting the inherent exibility of dynamic resource allocation protocols. To this end packet scheduler plays the central role in determining the overall performance of the 3GPP longterm evolution (LTE) based on packet-switching operation and provide a potential research playground for optimizing energy consumption in future networks. In this thesis we investigate the baseline performance for down link CoMP using traditional scheduling approaches, and subsequently go beyond and propose novel energy e fficient scheduling (EES) strategies that can achieve power-e fficient transmission to the UEs whilst enabling both system energy effi ciency gain and fairness improvement. However, ICI can still be prominent when multiple nodes use common resources with di fferent power levels inside the cell, as in the so called heterogeneous networks (Het- Net) environment. HetNets are comprised of two or more tiers of cells. The rst, or higher tier, is a traditional deployment of cell sites, often referred to in this context as macrocells. The lower tiers are termed small cells, and can appear as microcell, picocells or femtocells. The HetNet has attracted signiffi cant interest by key manufacturers as one of the enablers for high speed data at low cost. Research until now has revealed several key hurdles that must be overcome before HetNets can achieve their full potential: bottlenecks in the backhaul must be alleviated, as well as their seamless interworking with CoMP. In this thesis we explore exactly the latter hurdle, and present innovative ideas on advancing CoMP to work in synergy with HetNet deployment, complemented by a novel resource allocation policy for HetNet tighter interference management. As system level simulator has been used to analyze the proposed algorithm/protocols, and results have concluded that up to 20% energy gain can be observed.


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The number of software applications available on the Internet for distributing video streams in real time over P2P networks has grown quickly in the last two years. Typical this kind of distribution is made by television channel broadcasters which try to make their content globally available, using viewer's resources to support a large scale distribution of video without incurring in incremental costs. However, the lack of adaptation in video quality, combined with the lack of a standard protocol for this kind of multimedia distribution has driven content providers to basically ignore it as a solution for video delivery over the Internet. While the scalable extension of the H. 264 encoding (H.264/SVC) can be used to support terminal and network heterogeneity, it is not clear how it can be integrated in a P2P overlay to form a large scale and real time distribution. In this paper, we start by defining a solution that combines the most popular P2P file-sharing protocol, the BitTorrent, with the H. 264/SVC encoding for a real-time video content delivery. Using this solution we then evaluate the effect of several parameters in the quality received by peers.


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This paper presents a methodology which is based on statistical failure and repair data of the transmission power system components and uses fuzzyprobabilistic modeling for system component outage parameters. Using statistical records allows developing the fuzzy membership functions of system component outage parameters. The proposed hybrid method of fuzzy set and Monte Carlo simulation based on the fuzzy-probabilistic models allows catching both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters. A network contingency analysis to identify any overloading or voltage violation in the network is performed once obtained the system states by Monte Carlo simulation. This is followed by a remedial action algorithm, based on optimal power flow, to reschedule generations and alleviate constraint violations and, at the same time, to avoid any load curtailment, if possible, or, otherwise, to minimize the total load curtailment, for the states identified by the contingency analysis. In order to illustrate the application of the proposed methodology to a practical case, the paper will include a case study for the Reliability Test System (RTS) 1996 IEEE 24 BUS.


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In this paper is presented a Game Theory based methodology to allocate transmission costs, considering cooperation and competition between producers. As original contribution, it finds the degree of participation on the additional costs according to the demand behavior. A comparative study was carried out between the obtained results using Nucleolus balance and Shapley Value, with other techniques such as Averages Allocation method and the Generalized Generation Distribution Factors method (GGDF). As example, a six nodes network was used for the simulations. The results demonstrate the ability to find adequate solutions on open access environment to the networks.


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An auction model is used to increase the individual profits for market players with products they do not use. A Financial Transmission Rights Auction has the goal of trade transmission rights between Bidders and helps them raise their own profits. The ISO plays a major rule on keep the system in technical limits without interfere on the auctions offers. In some auction models the ISO decide want bids are implemented on the network, always with the objective maximize the individual profits for all bidders in the auction. This paper proposes a methodology for a Financial Transmission Rights Auction and an informatics application. The application receives offers from the purchase and sale side and considers bilateral contracts as Base Case. This goal is maximize the individual profits within the system in their technical limits. The paper includes a case study for the 30 bus IEEE test case.