952 resultados para Transient


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The transient optical nonlinearity of a nematic liquid crystal doped with azo-dye DR19 is examined. The optical reorientation threshold of a 25-mu m-thick planar-aligned sample of 5CB using a 50 ns pulse duration 532 nm YAG laser pulse is observed to decrease from 800 mJ/mm(2) to 0.6 mJ/mm(2) after the addition of 1 vol% azo dopant, a reduction of three orders of magnitude. When using a laser pulse duration of 10 ns, no such effect is observed. Experimental results indicate that the azo dopant molecules undergo photoisomerization from trans-isomer to cis-isomer under exposure to light, and this conformation change reorients the 5CB molecules via intermolecular coupling between guest and host. This guest-host coupling also affects the azo photoisomerization process.


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Deep level transient spectroscopy measurements were used to characterize the electrical properties of metal organic chemical vapor deposition grown undoped, Er-implanted and Pr-implanted GaN films. Only one deep level located at 0.270 eV below the conduction band was found in the as-grown GaN films. But four defect levels located at 0.300 eV, 0.188 eV, 0.600 eV and 0.410 eV below the conduction band were found in the Er-implanted GaN films after annealing at 900 degrees C for 30 min, and four defect levels located at 0.280 eV, 0.190 eV, 0.610 eV and 0.390 eV below the conduction band were found in the Pr-implanted GaN films after annealing at 1050 degrees C for 30min. The origins of the deep defect levels are discussed. After annealing at 900 degrees C for 30min in a nitrogen flow, Er-related 1538nm luminescence peaks could be observed for the Er-implanted GaN sample. The energy-transfer and luminescence mechanism of the Er-implanted GaN film are described.


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Transient photoconductivity and its light-induced change were investigated by using a Model 4400 boxcar averager and signal processor for lightly boron-doped a-Si : H films. The transient photoconductivities of the sample were measured at an annealed state and light-soaked states. The transient decay process of the photoconductivity can be fitted fairly well by a second-order exponential decay function, which indicates that the decay process is related with two different traps. It is noteworthy that the photoconductivity of the film increases after light-soaking. This may be due to the deactivity of the boron acceptor B-4(-), and thus some of the boron atoms can no longer act as acceptors and drives E-F to shifts upward. Consequently, the number of effective recombination centers may be reduced and so the photoconductivity increases.


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Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS) has been used to investigate defects in the low-temperature-grown GaAs after postgrowth rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Two samples A and B were grown at 220 degreesC and 360 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. After growth, samples were subjected to 30s RTA in the range of 500-800 degreesC. Before annealing, X-ray diffraction measurements show that the concentrations of the excess arsenic for samples A and B are 2.5 x 10(19) and 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), respectively. It is found that there are strong negative decay signals in the optical transient current (OTC) for the annealed sample A. Due to the influence of OTC strong negative decay signals, it is impossible to identify deep levels clearly from OTCS. For a comparison, three deep levels can be identified for sample B before annealing. They are two shallower deep levels and the so-called As-Ga antisite defect. At the annealing temperature of 600 degreesC, there are still three deep levels. However, their structures are different from those in the as-grown sample. OTC strong negative decay signals are also observed for the annealed sample B. It is argued that OTC negative decay signals are related to arsenic clusters. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PI, were employed to study the steady and transient optical properties of cubic InxGa1-xN epilayers grown by MBE. The results suggest that the PL transitions in InGaN epilayers are mainly from localized exciton states. The localization energies are estimated to be 60 meV, independent of In composition. The PL decay is characterized by a hi-exponential dependence. The fast process (50 ps at 12K) is related to the fast relaxation of excitons, while a slower contribution (200-270 ps at 12K) is attributed to the decay process of localized excitons.


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A deep level transient spectroscopy technique has been used to determine the emission activation energies and capture barriers for electrons and holes in InAs self-assembled quantum dots embedded in GaAs. The ground electron and hole energies relative to their respective energy band edges of GaAs are 0.13 and 0.09 eV. Measurements show that the capture cross section of quantum dots is thermally activated. The capture barrier of quantum dots for electrons and holes are 0.30 and 0.26 eV, respectively. The results fit well with the results of photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conduction-band offset Delta E-C has been determined for a molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As single quantum-well structure, by measuring the capacitance-voltage (C - V) profiling, taking into account a correction for the interface charge density, and the capacitance transient resulting from thermal emission of carriers from the quantum well, respectively. We found that Delta E-C = 0.227 eV, corresponding to about 89% Delta E-g, from the C - V profiling; and Delta E-C = 0.229eV, corresponding to about 89.9% Delta E-g, from the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. The results suggest that the conduction-band discontinuity Delta E-C obtained from the C-V profiling is in good agreement with that obtained from the DLTS technique. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Transient flow patterns and bubble slug lengths were investigated with oxygen gas (O-2) bubbles produced by catalytic chemical reactions using a high speed camera bonded with a microscope. The microreactor consists of an inlet liquid plenum, nine parallel rectangular microchannels followed by a micronozzle, using the MEMS fabrication technique. The etched surface was deposited by the thin platinum film, which is acted as the catalyst. Experiments were performed with the inlet mass concentration of the hydrogen peroxide from 50% to 90% and the pressure drop across the silicon chip from 2.5 to 20.0 kPa. The silicon chip is directly exposed in the environment thus the heat released via the catalytic chemical reactions is dissipated into the environment and the experiment was performed at the room temperature level. It is found that the two-phase flow with the catalytic chemical reactions display the cyclic behavior. A full cycle consists of a short fresh liquid refilling stage, a liquid decomposition stage followed by the bubble slug flow stage. At the beginning of the bubble slug flow stage, the liquid slug number reaches maximum, while at the end of the bubble slug flow stage the liquid slugs are quickly flushed out of the microchannels. Two or three large bubbles are observed in the inlet liquid plenum, affecting the two-phase distributions in microchannels. The bubble slug lengths, cycle periods as well as the mass flow rates are analyzed with different mass concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and pressure drops. The bubble slug length is helpful for the selection of the future microreactor length ensuring the complete hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Future studies on the temperature effect on the transient two-phase flow with chemical reactions are recommended.


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We investigate slow-light pulse propagation in an optical fiber via transient stimulated Brillouin scattering. Space-time evolution of a generating slow-light pulse is numerically calculated by solving three-wave coupled-mode equations between a pump beam, an acoustic wave, and a counterpropagating signal pulse. Our mathematical treatments are applicable to both narrowband and broadband pump cases. We show that the time delay of 85% pulse width can be obtained for a signal pulse of the order of subnanosecond pulse width by using a broadband pump, while the signal pulse is broadened only by 40% of the input signal pulse. The physical origin of the pulse broadening and distortion is explained in terms of the temporal decay of the induced acoustic field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) the conduction-subband energy levels in a V-shaped potential well induced by Si-delta doping in GaAs were determined. Self-consistent calculation gives four subbands in the well below the Fermi level. Experimentally, two DLTS peaks due to electron emission from these subbands were observed. Another two subbands with low electron concentration are believed to be merged into the adjacent DLTS peak. A good agreement between self-consistent calculation and experiment was obtained. (C) 1994 American Institute of Physics.


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Neutron irradiated high resistivity (4-6 kOMEGA-cm) silicon detectors in the neutron fluence (PHI(n)) range of 5 X 10(11) n/cm2 to 1 X 10(14) n/cm2 have been studied using a laser deep level transient spectroscopy (L-DLTS). It has been found that the A-center (oxygen-vacancy, E(c) = 0.17 eV) concentration increases with neutron fluence, reaching a maximum at PHI(n) almost-equal-to 5 X 10(12) n/cm2 before decreasing with PHI(n). A broad peak has been found between 200 K and 300 K, which is the result of the overlap of three single levels: the V-V- (E(c) = 0.38 eV), the E-center (P-V, E(c) = 0.44 eV), and a level at E(c) = 0.56 eV that is probably V-V0. At low neutron fluences (PHI(n) < 5 X 10(12) n/cm2), this broad peak is dominated by V-V- and the E-centers. However, as the fluence increases (PHI(n) greater-than-or-equal-to 5 X 10(12) n/cm2), the peak becomes dominated by the level of E(c) = 0.56 eV.


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The tunneling from an AlGaAs confined thin layer to a GaAs layer in the GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs structure during the trapped electron emission from deep level in the AlGaAs to its conduction band has been observed by deep level transient spectroscopy. With the aid of the tunneling effect, the conduction-band offset DELTAE(c) was determined to be 0.260 eV, corresponding to 63% of DELTAE(g). A calculation was also carried out based on this tunneling model by using the experimental value of DELTAE(c) = E2 - E1 = 0. 260 eV, and good agreement between the experimental and calculated curves is obtained.


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The investigation of deep levels of argon-implanted LEC-grown semi-insulating GaAs with implantation dosages ranging from 1 x 10(11) to 1 x 10(15) cm-2 has been performed. Using a photoinduced transient-current spectroscopy (PITCS) it was demonstrated that, for implantation dosages below 1 X 10(13) cm-2, a negative peak or negative transient current (NTC) was observed in the temperature range from 330 to 350 K. The magnitude of this negative peak increased with dosage up to a level of 1 X 10(12) cm-2, beyond which it decreased with dosage. The dosage dependence of the EL3 peak height and the resistance of the specimen have also been investigated. It was observed that the variation of the EL3 peak height with dosage was similar to the variation of the magnitude of the negative peak, that is the EL3 peak height likewise increased with dosage up to 1 X 10(12) cm-2, and then decreased. The resistance of the original high-resistivity specimen dropped abruptly when the dosage reached 1 X 10(12) cm-2. This critical dosage (1 X 10(12) cm-2) was found to be a threshold for the generation of a highly disordered state.