981 resultados para Transfer matrix method


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Diese Arbeit untersucht die longitudinale und transversaleStrahldynamik am Mainzer Mikrotron MAMI. Die gemessenen Abbildungseigenschaften werden mit den Design-Rechnungen verglichen. Dadurch konnte die Strahlqualitaet von MAMI B und das Design der neuen HDSM Mikrotronstufe verbessert werden. Es wurde eine Stoerungsrechnung formuliert, um die 6-DAbbildungsmatrix entlang der Beschleunigungsstrecke zu berechnen. Ausgehend von der linearisierten Hamilton Funktion wird die Transfermatrix M in eine unendliche Summe ueber Matrizen M(n) zerlegt, die jeweils eine n-fache Wechselwirkung des Strahls mit dem Quadrupolanteil des Fuehrungsfeldes darstellen. Dank des tieferen Einblicks in die Auswirkung von Feldfehlern konnte damit das Mikrotron-Modell leicht an die gemessenen Transfermatrizen angepasst werden. Ferner wurde die Identifizierung und Korrektur anti-symmetrischer Feldfehler in den Mikrotron-Dipolen untersucht. Es wurde ein Messverfahren entwickelt, um kleine Feldkomponenten in der Bahnebene von der Groessenordnung 10E-3 zu erkennen. Das vorgeschlagene Verfahren wurde mit Hilfe des Simulationsprogramms TOSCA ausgetestet. Schliesslich wurde die Stabilitaet der Longitudinaloptik verbessert. Dadurch konnte eine hochpraezise Energiestabi-lisierung verwirklicht werden. Bei 855 MeV Strahlenergie wird eine Stabilitaet von etwa 10E-6 erreicht.


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Die Drei-Spektrometer-Anlage am Mainzer Institut für Kernphysik wurde um ein zusätzliches Spektrometer ergänzt, welches sich durch seine kurze Baulänge auszeichnet und deshalb Short-Orbit-Spektrometer (SOS) genannt wird. Beim nominellen Abstand des SOS vom Target (66 cm) legen die nachzuweisenden Teilchen zwischen Reaktionsort und Detektor eine mittlere Bahnlänge von 165 cm zurück. Für die schwellennahe Pionproduktion erhöht sich dadurch im Vergleich zu den großen Spektrometern die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit geladener Pionen mit Impuls 100 MeV/c von 15% auf 73%. Demzufolge verringert sich der systematische Fehler ("Myon-Kontamination"), etwa bei der geplanten Messung der schwachen Formfaktoren G_A(Q²) und G_P(Q²), signifikant. Den Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die Driftkammer des SOS. Ihre niedrige Massenbelegung (0,03% X_0) zur Reduzierung der Kleinwinkelstreuung ist auf den Nachweis niederenergetischer Pionen hin optimiert. Aufgrund der neuartigen Geometrie des Detektors musste eine eigene Software zur Spurrekonstruktion, Effizienzbestimmung etc. entwickelt werden. Eine komfortable Möglichkeit zur Eichung der Driftweg-Driftzeit-Relation, die durch kubische Splines dargestellt wird, wurde implementiert. Das Auflösungsvermögen des Spurdetektors liegt in der dispersiven Ebene bei 76 µm für die Orts- und 0,23° für die Winkelkoordinate (wahrscheinlichster Fehler) sowie entsprechend in der nicht-dispersiven Ebene bei 110 µm bzw. 0,29°. Zur Rückrechnung der Detektorkoordinaten auf den Reaktionsort wurde die inverse Transfermatrix des Spektrometers bestimmt. Hierzu wurden an Protonen im ¹²C-Kern quasielastisch gestreute Elektronen verwendet, deren Startwinkel durch einen Lochkollimator definiert wurden. Daraus ergeben sich experimentelle Werte für die mittlere Winkelauflösung am Target von sigma_phi = 1,3 mrad bzw. sigma_theta = 10,6 mrad. Da die Impulseichung des SOS nur mittels quasielastischer Streuung (Zweiarmexperiment) durchgeführt werden kann, muss man den Beitrag des Protonarms zur Breite des Piks der fehlenden Masse in einer Monte-Carlo-Simulation abschätzen und herausfalten. Zunächst lässt sich nur abschätzen, dass die Impulsauflösung sicher besser als 1% ist.


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The upgrade of the Mainz Mikrotron (MAMI) electron accelerator facility in 2007 which raised the beam energy up to 1.5,GeV, gives the opportunity to study strangeness production channels through electromagnetic process. The Kaon Spectrometer (KAOS) managed by the A1 Collaboration, enables the efficient detection of the kaons associated with strangeness electroproduction. Used as a single arm spectrometer, it can be combined with the existing high-resolution spectrometers for exclusive measurements in the kinematic domain accessible to them.rnrnFor studying hypernuclear production in the ^A Z(e,e'K^+) _Lambda ^A(Z-1) reaction, the detection of electrons at very forward angles is needed. Therefore, the use of KAOS as a double-arm spectrometer for detection of kaons and the electrons at the same time is mandatory. Thus, the electron arm should be provided with a new detector package, with high counting rate capability and high granularity for a good spatial resolution. To this end, a new state-of-the-art scintillating fiber hodoscope has been developed as an electron detector.rnrnThe hodoscope is made of two planes with a total of 18432 scintillating double-clad fibers of 0.83 mm diameter. Each plane is formed by 72 modules. Each module is formed from a 60deg slanted multi-layer bundle, where 4 fibers of a tilted column are connected to a common read out. The read-out is made with 32 channels of linear array multianode photomultipliers. Signal processing makes use of newly developed double-threshold discriminators. The discriminated signal is sent in parallel to dead-time free time-to-digital modules and to logic modules for triggering purposes.rnrnTwo fiber modules were tested with a carbon beam at GSI, showing a time resolution of 220 ps (FWHM) and a position residual of 270 microm m (FWHM) with a detection efficiency epsilon>99%.rnrnThe characterization of the spectrometer arm has been achieved through simulations calculating the transfer matrix of track parameters from the fiber detector focal plane to the primary vertex. This transfer matrix has been calculated to first order using beam transport optics and has been checked by quasielastic scattering off a carbon target, where the full kinematics is determined by measuring the recoil proton momentum. The reconstruction accuracy for the emission parameters at the quasielastic vertex was found to be on the order of 0.3 % in first test realized.rnrnThe design, construction process, commissioning, testing and characterization of the fiber hodoscope are presented in this work which has been developed at the Institut für Kernphysik of the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.


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The Imbrie and Kipp transfer function method (IKM) and the modern analog technique (MAT) are accepted tools for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions. However, no uncomplicated, flexible software has been available to apply these methods on modern computer devices. For this reason the software packages PaleoToolBox, MacTransfer, WinTransfer, MacMAT, and PanPlot have been developed. The PaleoToolBox package provides a flexible tool for the preprocessing of microfossil reference and downcore data as well as hydrographic reference parameters. It includes procedures to randomize the raw databases; to switch specific species in or out of the total species list; to establish individual ranking systems and their application on the reference and downcore databasessemi; and to convert the prepared databases into the file formats of IKM and MAT software for estimation of paleohydrographic parameters.


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ATM, SDH or satellite have been used in the last century as the contribution network of Broadcasters. However the attractive price of IP networks is changing the infrastructure of these networks in the last decade. Nowadays, IP networks are widely used, but their characteristics do not offer the level of performance required to carry high quality video under certain circumstances. Data transmission is always subject to errors on line. In the case of streaming, correction is attempted at destination, while on transfer of files, retransmissions of information are conducted and a reliable copy of the file is obtained. In the latter case, reception time is penalized because of the low priority this type of traffic on the networks usually has. While in streaming, image quality is adapted to line speed, and line errors result in a decrease of quality at destination, in the file copy the difference between coding speed vs line speed and errors in transmission are reflected in an increase of transmission time. The way news or audiovisual programs are transferred from a remote office to the production centre depends on the time window and the type of line available; in many cases, it must be done in real time (streaming), with the resulting image degradation. The main purpose of this work is the workflow optimization and the image quality maximization, for that reason a transmission model for multimedia files adapted to JPEG2000, is described based on the combination of advantages of file transmission and those of streaming transmission, putting aside the disadvantages that these models have. The method is based on two patents and consists of the safe transfer of the headers and data considered to be vital for reproduction. Aside, the rest of the data is sent by streaming, being able to carry out recuperation operations and error concealment. Using this model, image quality is maximized according to the time window. In this paper, we will first give a briefest overview of the broadcasters requirements and the solutions with IP networks. We will then focus on a different solution for video file transfer. We will take the example of a broadcast center with mobile units (unidirectional video link) and regional headends (bidirectional link), and we will also present a video file transfer file method that satisfies the broadcaster requirements.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es la elaboración de un procedimiento para la medida del coeficiente de absorción sonora normal en un tubo de impedancia. Para ello se han estudiado los fundamentos básicos de la ecuación de ondas y sus soluciones. Se han considerado las soluciones pertinentes que describen el comportamiento de una onda sonora dentro de un tubo rígido. Se ha considerado también la teoría básica de funciones de transferencia. Estas teorías son claves a la hora de poder desarrollar el procedimiento de medida, ya que el coeficiente de absorción acústica se obtendrá con la ayuda de un tubo de impedancias que mide las funciones de transferencia entre dos posiciones de micrófonos incorporados en una de las caras del tubo. La utilización de esta técnica tiene como principal ventaja, la necesidad de poco espacio en un laboratorio y el empleo de muestras pequeñas de material. La implementación de los visto teóricamente a su aplicación práctica se ha hecho a través de un procedimiento de medida que sigue la Norma UNE-EN ISO 10534-2 (2002) “Determinación del coeficiente de absorción sonoro y la impedancia en tubos de impedancia Parte 2: método función de transferencia”. El valor del coeficiente de absorción se puede obtener a través de una instrumentación específica y un programa computador. Para poder validar los cálculos que realiza el programa utilizado, se ha realizado una batería de medidas del coeficiente de absorción a diferentes tipos de materiales acústicos, y los cálculos se han hecho por la vía del programa y por la vía de una hoja de cálculo. Como parte del procedimiento de medida se ha calculado la incertidumbre en las medidas. En definitiva se pretende contribuir con este trabajo a establecer un procedimiento de medida del comportamiento acústico de diversos materiales. SUMMARY. The aim of this work is the development of a procedure for measuring the sound absorption coefficient normal of an impedance tube. To this end we have studied the basics of the wave equation and its solutions. We have considered the relevant solutions that describe the behavior of a sound wave in a rigid tube. It has also considered the basic theory of transfer functions. These theories are key when we want to develop the measurement method, since the absorption coefficient is obtained with the aid of an impedance tube measuring transfer functions between two positions of microphones incorporated into one side of the tube. The use of this technique has the main advantage, the need of little space on a laboratory and use of small samples of material. The implementation of theoretically seen to his practical application has been made through a measurement procedure following the UNE-EN ISO 10534-2 (2002) "Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes Part 2 : transfer function method ". The value of the absorption coefficient can be obtained through a specific instrumentation and computer software. In order to validate the calculations performed by the program used, there has been realized a series of measures of the absorption coefficient at different types of acoustical materials, and calculations were made by means of the program and by means of a spreadsheet. As part of the measurement procedure has been estimated uncertainty in the measurements. Ultimately it’s tried to contribute with this work to establish a procedure measuring the acoustic behavior of various materials.


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During the last two decades the topic of human induced vibration has attracted a lot of attention among civil engineering practitioners and academics alike. Usually this type of problem may be encountered in pedestrian footbridges or floors of paperless offices. Slender designs are becoming increasingly popular, and as a consequence, the importance of paying attention to vibration serviceability also increases. This paper resumes the results obtained from measurements taken at different points of an aluminium catwalk which is 6 m in length by 0.6 m in width. Measurements were carried out when subjecting the structure to different actions:1)Static test: a steel cylinder of 35 kg was placed in the middle of the catwalk; 2)Dynamic test: this test consists of exciting the structure with singles impulses; 3)Dynamic test: people walking on the catwalk. Identification of the mechanical properties of the structure is an achievement of the paper. Indirect methods were used to estimate properties including the support stiffness, the beam bending stiffness, the mass of the structure (using Rayleigh method and iterative matrix method), the natural frequency (using the time domain and frequency domain analysis) and the damping ratio (by calculating the logarithmic decrement). Experimental results and numerical predictions for the response of an aluminium catwalk subjected to walking loads have been compared. The damping of this light weight structure depends on the amplitude of vibration which complicates the tuning of a structural model. In the light of the results obtained it seems that the used walking load model is not appropriate as the predicted transient vibration values (TTVs) are much higher than the measured ones.


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El objetivo del presente Trabajo Fin de Máster es estudiar la precisión de los resultados obtenidos en la medición del coeficiente de absorción acústica en tubo de impedancia, según la norma UNE-EN ISO 10534-2 “Determinación del coeficiente de absorción acústica y de la impedancia acústica en tubos de impedancia. Parte 2: Método de la función de transferencia”. En primer lugar, se han estudiado los fundamentos teóricos relacionados con el método de ensayo. A continuación, se ha detallado dicho método y se ha aplicado a un caso práctico con la instrumentación disponible en el laboratorio de Acústica de la Escuela. En relación a la precisión del método se ha analizado si la preparación e instalación de la muestra son causas de imprecisión. Para ello, se han realizado varios ensayos con dos tipos de materiales acústicos, con el fin de estudiar la dispersión entre los resultados que produce tanto el corte de la muestra, realizado en el proceso de confección, como su colocación en el tubo de impedancia. Además, se ha estudiado si desviaciones en la medida de la temperatura y de la distancia entre los micrófonos influyen en los valores del coeficiente de absorción acústica medido y de su incertidumbre asociada. Puesto que el resultado de un ensayo únicamente se halla completo cuando está acompañado de una declaración acerca de la incertidumbre de dicho resultado, en el presente trabajo se ha aplicado a este método de ensayo un procedimiento para estimar la incertidumbre empleando el método de Monte Carlo. ABSTRACT The objective of this project is studying the precision of the measurements of sound absorption coefficient in impedance tube, according to standard UNE-EN ISO 10534-2 “Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes. Part 2: Transfer-function method”. Firstly, theoretical basis related to the test method have been studied. Furthermore, this method has been defined and applied to a particular case with the instrumentation available in the Acoustics laboratory of the College. In relation to the precision of the method, the preparation and installation of the test sample have been analyzed as possible causes of imprecision. For this purpose, two types of acoustic materials have been tested in order to study the deviation between the results produced by the cutting of the test sample and the collocation in impedance tube. In addition, it has been studied if deviations in the measurement of the temperature and distance between microphones may influence the sound absorption coefficient measured and its associated uncertainty. The test result must be accompanied by a statement of the uncertainty of the result. For this reason, in this project a procedure for estimating uncertainty of the result of this test method has been applied using the Monte Carlo method.


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We consider the electron dynamics and transport properties of one-dimensional continuous models with random, short-range correlated impurities. We develop a generalized Poincare map formalism to cast the Schrodinger equation for any potential into a discrete set of equations, illustrating its application by means of a specific example. We then concentrate on the case of a Kronig-Penney model with dimer impurities. The previous technique allows us to show that this model presents infinitely many resonances (zeroes of the reflection coefficient at a single dimer) that give rise to a band of extended states, in contradiction with the general viewpoint that all one-dimensional models with random potentials support only localized states. We report on exact transfer-matrix numerical calculations of the transmission coefFicient, density of states, and localization length for various strengths of disorder. The most important conclusion so obtained is that this kind of system has a very large number of extended states. Multifractal analysis of very long systems clearly demonstrates the extended character of such states in the thermodynamic limit. In closing, we brieBy discuss the relevance of these results in several physical contexts.


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Multipole expansion of an incident radiation field-that is, representation of the fields as sums of vector spherical wavefunctions-is essential for theoretical light scattering methods such as the T-matrix method and generalised Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). In general, it is theoretically straightforward to find a vector spherical wavefunction representation of an arbitrary radiation field. For example, a simple formula results in the useful case of an incident plane wave. Laser beams present some difficulties. These problems are not a result of any deficiency in the basic process of spherical wavefunction expansion, but are due to the fact that laser beams, in their standard representations, are not radiation fields, but only approximations of radiation fields. This results from the standard laser beam representations being solutions to the paraxial scalar wave equation. We present an efficient method for determining the multipole representation of an arbitrary focussed beam. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose that the Baxter's Q-operator for the quantum XYZ spin chain with open boundary conditions is given by the j -> infinity limit of the corresponding transfer matrix with spin-j (i.e., (2j + I)-dimensional) auxiliary space. The associated T-Q relation is derived from the fusion hierarchy of the model. We use this relation to determine the Bethe Ansatz solution of the eigenvalues of the fundamental transfer matrix. The solution yields the complete spectrum of the Hamiltonian. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Manipulation of micrometer sized particles with optical tweezers can be precisely modeled with electrodynamic theory using Mie's solution for spherical particles or the T-matrix method for more complex objects. We model optical tweezers for a wide range of parameters including size, relative refractive index and objective numerical aperture. We present the resulting landscapes of the trap stiffness and maximum applicable trapping force in the parameter space. These landscapes give a detailed insight into the requirements and possibilities of optical trapping and provide detailed information on trapping of nanometer sized particles or trapping of high index particles like diamond.


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The ability to grow microscopic spherical birefringent crystals of vaterite, a calcium carbonate mineral, has allowed the development of an optical microrheometer based on optical tweezers. However, since these crystals are birefringent, and worse, are expected to have non-uniform birefringence, computational modeling of the microrheometer is a highly challenging task. Modeling the microrheometer - and optical tweezers in general - typically requires large numbers of repeated calculations for the same trapped particle. This places strong demands on the efficiency of computational methods used. While our usual method of choice for computational modelling of optical tweezers - the T-matrix method - meets this requirement of efficiency, it is restricted to homogeneous isotropic particles. General methods that can model complex structures such as the vaterite particles, such as finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) or finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) methods, are inefficient. Therefore, we have developed a hybrid FDFD/T-matrix method that combines the generality of volume-discretisation methods such as FDFD with the efficiency of the T-matrix method. We have used this hybrid method to calculate optical forces and torques on model vaterite spheres in optical traps. We present and compare the results of computational modelling and experimental measurements.


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We report on the effect of the replacement of the conventional ITO anode with the semitransparent metallic material on the performance of microcavity OLEDs. We performed comprehensive simulations of the emission from microcavity OLEDs consisting of widely used organic materials, N,N′-di(naphthalene-1- yl)-N,N′-diphenylbenzidine (NPB) as a hole transport layer and tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq3) as emitting and electron transporting layer. Silver and LiF/Al were considered as a cathode, while metallic (Au and Ag) anode was used and simulations were performed on devices with both the metallic and conventional ITO anode. The electroluminescence emission spectra, electric field distribution inside the device, carrier density, recombination rate and exciton density were calculated as a function of the position of the emission layer. The results show that the metallic anode enhances light output and that optimum emission from a microcavity OLED is achieved when the position of the recombination region is aligned with the antinode of the standing wave inside the cavity. The microcavity OLED devices with Ag/Ag and Ag/Au mirrors were fabricated and characterized. The experimental results have been compared to the simulations and the influence of the different anode, emission region width and position on the performance of microcavity OLEDs was discussed.


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A methodology is presented which can be used to produce the level of electromagnetic interference, in the form of conducted and radiated emissions, from variable speed drives, the drive that was modelled being a Eurotherm 583 drive. The conducted emissions are predicted using an accurate circuit model of the drive and its associated equipment. The circuit model was constructed from a number of different areas, these being: the power electronics of the drive, the line impedance stabilising network used during the experimental work to measure the conducted emissions, a model of an induction motor assuming near zero load, an accurate model of the shielded cable which connected the drive to the motor, and finally the parasitic capacitances that were present in the drive modelled. The conducted emissions were predicted with an error of +/-6dB over the frequency range 150kHz to 16MHz, which compares well with the limits set in the standards which specify a frequency range of 150kHz to 30MHz. The conducted emissions model was also used to predict the current and voltage sources which were used to predict the radiated emissions from the drive. Two methods for the prediction of the radiated emissions from the drive were investigated, the first being two-dimensional finite element analysis and the second three-dimensional transmission line matrix modelling. The finite element model took account of the features of the drive that were considered to produce the majority of the radiation, these features being the switching of the IGBT's in the inverter, the shielded cable which connected the drive to the motor as well as some of the cables that were present in the drive.The model also took account of the structure of the test rig used to measure the radiated emissions. It was found that the majority of the radiation produced came from the shielded cable and the common mode currents that were flowing in the shield, and that it was feasible to model the radiation from the drive by only modelling the shielded cable. The radiated emissions were correctly predicted in the frequency range 30MHz to 200MHz with an error of +10dB/-6dB. The transmission line matrix method modelled the shielded cable which connected the drive to the motor and also took account of the architecture of the test rig. Only limited simulations were performed using the transmission line matrix model as it was found to be a very slow method and not an ideal solution to the problem. However the limited results obtained were comparable, to within 5%, to the results obtained using the finite element model.