457 resultados para Tod


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El cerdo fue introducido a Nicaragua en el año 1493, durante el segundo viaje que Cristóbal Colón realizara a América durante la colonización española. La crianza de cerdo de traspatio en el país juega un rol importante en la economía de las familias rural es, siendo característica la presencia de animales criollos. Estos animales representan un recurso adaptado a condiciones adversas de crianza. El presente trabajo se realizó en el municipio de Río Blanco departamento de Matagalpa, con el objetivo de caracterizar el manejo zootécnico del cerdo criollo. Para recabar la información se diseñó un instrumento con preguntas abiertas y cerradas (encuesta) que incluyó los componentes: socioeconómico, alimentación, salud, genética , producción y reproducción, mediante un sondeo previo. Se realizaron entrevistas al nivel de tod o el sector rural del municipio, utilizando el criterio de selección de la cría de al menos 3 cerdos, las comunidades incluidas fueron un total de 20 con un total de 68 productores y se registrar con 548 cerdos. Del total de productores el 52.94% de encuestados eran mujeres y el 47.05% eran hombres, con un promedio de edad de 43.73 años; según el estudio, el papel de la mujer en la actividad de crianza de cerdos criollos en la zona rural es impactante, pues alcanza el 98% como principal ocupación. En lo que respecta a la alimentación de los cerdos en el municipio , esta tiene como base granos básicos, tubérculos y musáceas, además de los desperdicios de cocina. La base genética de los cerdos en el municipio está constituida principalmente por grupos raciales de animales criollos con características diversas en cuanto a su exterior. Según los productores en el último año se registró un 39. 71% de muertes, mientras que el 60. 29 afirmó lo contrario, el 34. 37% de muertes ocurre por trastornos de la salud, un 34 . 37% por causas desconocidas, un 21. 87% por plastamientos y un 9. 37% por diarrea. Las categorías de cerdos lactantes y en desarrollo son las más propensas a trastornos de la salud con un 56% cada un a, la categoría de cerdos en crecimiento con un 32%, cerdas adultas y engorde con 24% y cerdos adultos con 16%. En las cerdas reproductoras se estimó según la información brindada, que incorporan a la cerda hacia los 6.51 meses, obteniendo un promedio de 1. 87 partos por año, con una prolificidad de 8.11 cerditos por camada con una viabilidad del 88.26% que equivale a 7. 16 cerditos por camada al destete. De manera general, se observó que para mejorar la producción de cerdos en la zona, no es necesario reemplazar totalmente a los cerdos criollos por razas mejoradas, sino que hay que mejorar las condiciones de crianza y manejo que hasta el momento se les ofrece


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O período pós-parto pode ser considerado a fase em que a mulher está exposta a retenção de massa corporal (MC) e desenvolvimento da obesidade. Na maioria das situações valorizam-se mais a perda de MC e pouco se conhece a respeito dos componentes que estão sendo mobilizados. Desta forma, há interesse de se validar técnicas acessíveis, como a impedância bioelétrica (BIA), que possam ser aplicadas no acompanhamento nutricional destas mulheres. O presente estudo teve como objetivo validar diferentes modelos de impedância bioelétrica (BIA) para a determinação da composição corporal em mulheres pós-parto tendo como ?padrão ouro? a técnica de absorciometria de dupla energia de raio X(DXA). A amostra foi composta por 46 mulheres no período pós-parto com idade acima de 18anos, inicialmente recrutadas e convidadas a participar da pesquisa, logo após o parto, para posteriormente serem avaliadas. A composição corporal (CC) foi mensurada através de três aparelhos distintos de BIA: RJL , BIO e Tanita e pela DXA. Os componentes101450BC 533corporais medidos foram: massa livre de gordura (MLG), massa gorda (MG) e percentual degordura corporal (%GC). Na análise estatística foram calculadas as médias e desvio-padrãodas variáveis contínuas. A concordância entre os componentes corporais determinados pelaDXA e cada BIA foi avaliada pelo método de Bland & Altman e pelo coeficiente decorrelação de concordância (CCC). Para comparação de médias das variáveis obtidas por BIAe DXA para cada faixa de índice de massa corporal (IMC), foi aplicada a ANOVA e oadotado o teste post-hoc de Tukey. O nível de significância adotado foi de 95% (p=0,05). Amédia ( desvio padrão) de idade foi de 25,5 4,6 anos, a MC de 73,6 12,2kg, o IMC de28,7 4,3kg/m, a MG de 29,87,4kg, a MLG de 43,25,7kg e o %GC de 41,84,3%,obtidos pelo DXA. Ao comparar-se os resultados dos diferentes equipamentos com o método padrão-ouro, verificou-se que houve diferença significativa entre a DXA e as BIA para todos componentes corporais, com exceção da MG fornecida pelo RJL (27,1Kg) e TAN (27,1Kg)em relação à DXA (29,8Kg). Os resultados mostraram haver uma boa reprodutibilidade emrelação aos aparelhos de BIA TAN (r=0,74; r=0,90) e RJL (r=0,78; r=0,89) para MLG e MG.Verificou-se que os equipamentos de BIA TAN e RJL forneceram estimativas semelhantes em relação à MLG, MG e %GC. Em relação aos valores da DXA o equipamento que mais se aproximou foi a TAN e o RJL quando avaliada a MG considerando todas as mulheres, mas quando estratificadas segundo o IMC, a análise foi mais acurada em mulheres obesas.Entretanto, a concordância não foi satisfatória entre os componentes corporais fornecidos pelas BIA em relação à DXA. As BIAs avaliadas no presente estudo subestimaram o %GC e superestimaram a MLG para esse grupo de mulheres no período pós-parto. Conclui-se que as BIA avaliadas não são recomendadas para avaliação da CC neste grupo de mulheres no período pós-parto.


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Trace metal analysis of 23 species of common Pacific Coast marine foods revealed high cadmium values for Bent-nosed clams (Macoma nasuta), Bay mussels (Mytilus edulis), Bay oysters (Osrtrea lurida), Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), and Littleneck clams (Protothaca staminea). Metals were found to concentrate in the gills, heart, and visceral mass of all 10 species of bivalve mollusks examined. Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) demonstrated the highest cadmium values for fish flesh.


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In the Florida Panhandle region, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have been highly susceptible to large-scale unusual mortality events (UMEs) that may have been the result of exposure to blooms of the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and its neurotoxin, brevetoxin (PbTx). Between 1999 and 2006, three bottlenose dolphin UMEs occurred in the Florida Panhandle region. The primary objective of this study was to determine if these mortality events were due to brevetoxicosis. Analysis of over 850 samples from 105 bottlenose dolphins and associated prey items were analyzed for algal toxins and have provided details on tissue distribution, pathways of trophic transfer, and spatial-temporal trends for each mortality event. In 1999/2000, 152 dolphins died following extensive K. brevis blooms and brevetoxin was detected in 52% of animals tested at concentrations up to 500 ng/g. In 2004, 105 bottlenose dolphins died in the absence of an identifiable K. brevis bloom; however, 100% of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 29,126 ng/mL. Dolphin stomach contents frequently consisted of brevetoxin-contaminated menhaden. In addition, another potentially toxigenic algal species, Pseudo-nitzschia, was present and low levels of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) were detected in nearly all tested animals (89%). In 2005/2006, 90 bottlenose dolphins died that were initially coincident with high densities of K. brevis. Most (93%) of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 2,724 ng/mL. No DA was detected in these animals despite the presence of an intense DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia bloom. In contrast to the absence or very low levels of brevetoxins measured in live dolphins, and those stranding in the absence of a K. brevis bloom, these data, taken together with the absence of any other obvious pathology, provide strong evidence that brevetoxin was the causative agent involved in these bottlenose dolphin mortality events.


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The effect of third-order dispersion in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer is investigated using a ZnSe crystal as a dispersive medium. A value for the TOD coefficient of ZnSe is extracted which is consistent with literature values. © OSA 2013.


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刺五加系人参同科属植物,具有类似人参的功效。近年来研究表明:刺五加叶也具有较好的药理活性,对心血管系统疾病疗效显著。总皂苷为其主要药理活性成分,已发现有近20种。由于分离刺五加皂苷标准品的困难,刺五加总皂芽含量测定目前尚无药典方法,文献报道的也仅有薄层扫描等方法。但薄层扫描法操作较繁琐且线性范围窄。本文用分光光度法测定了不同提取方法提取的刺五加叶总皂苷,得到较好的结果,并观察到用超声法提取刺五加叶总皂苷并与常规提取方法相比,总皂苷提取率有显著提高。2 实验部分二.1 仪胃与材料S8r'tod。BP ZLLD精密电子天平(北京塞多利斯天平有限公司);bolo紫外-可见分光光度计(安捷伦上海分析仪器有限公司);CSF-IA超声波发生器(上海超声波仪器厂)。刺五加叶(白山正茂药业有限公司提供);齐墩果酸标准品(中国药品生物制品检定所);香兰素、浓硫酸、甲醇、乙醇均为分析纯。水为去离子水。二.2 实骏方法 标准溶泣及试剂的配制 精密称取齐墩果酸14.7lug置于10InL容量瓶中,加甲醇定容,则标准溶液浓度为 1.47IL;香兰素配成8%乙醇溶液;硫酸配成 72%(VIV)溶液。


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Tod, D., Iredale, F., McGuigan, M., Strange, D., Gill, N. (2005). 'Psyching-up' enhances force production during the bench press exercise. Tod, 19 (3), 599-603. RAE2008


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McGuigan, M. R., Ghiagiarelli, J., Tod, D. (2005). Maximal strength and cortisol responses to psyching-up during the squat exercise. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23 (7), 687-692. RAE2008


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Tod, D. A., Iredale, F., Gill, N. (2003). 'Psyching-up' and muscular force production. Sports Medicine, 33 (1), 47-58. RAE2008


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We present single-dish Arecibo 21-cm H i observations, covering a 0 degrees 675x0 degrees 625 RA-Dec. grid, of the intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC) centred upon the M15 globular cluster. The velocity and positional structure of the IVC gas at V-LSR=70 km s(-1) are investigated; it is found to be clumpy and has a peak surface density N(H i)similar to 8x10(19) cm(- 2). Additionally, we have performed a long H i integration towards HD 203664, a Galactic halo star some 3 degrees1 from M15, in which optical IVC absorption has previously been detected. No H i with a velocity exceeding 60 km s(-1) was found to a brightness temperature limit of 0.05 K. However, additional pointings did detect IVC gas approximately mid-way between HD 203664 and M15. Finally, we present both Arecibo H i pointings and low-resolution spectra in the Ca ii H and K lines towards 15 field stars in the general field towards M15, in an attempt to obtain the distance to the IVC. Intermediate- velocity H i is detected towards seven sightlines. Stellar spectral types are derived for 12 of the sample. Assuming that these stars lie on the main sequence, their distances are estimated to lie in the range 150 less than or equal tod less than or equal to 1350 pc. No Ca ii absorption is observed, either because the IVC is further away than similar to 1350 pc or more likely because the gas along these sightlines is of too low a density to be detected by the current observations.


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Selected strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas putida (previously shown to effect dioxygenase-catalysed asymmetric cis-dihydroxylation of alkenes) have been found to yield chiral sulfoxides from the corresponding sulfides with a strong preference for the (R)- or (S)-configurations but without evidence of sulfone formation; similar results obtained using an Escherichia coli clone (pKST11, containing the Tod C1 C2 B and A genes encoding toluene dioxygenase from P. putida NCIMB 11767) are again consistent with a stereoselective dioxygenase-catalysed sulfoxidation.


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We demonstrate the ability to control the molecular dissociation rate using femtosecond pulses shaped with third-order dispersion (TOD). Explicitly, a significant 50% enhancement in the dissociation yield for the low lying vibrational levels (v ∼ 6) of an H+2 ion-beam target was measured as a function of TOD. The underlying mechanism responsible for this enhanced dissociation was theoretically identified as non-adiabatic alignment induced by the pre-pulses situated on the leading edge of pulses shaped with negative TOD. This control scheme is expected to work in other molecules as it does not rely on specific characteristics of our test-case H+2 molecule.


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Dieser Aufsatz analysiert die Darstellung der apokalyptischen Bilder in zwei frühen Werken von Ernst Jünger mit dem Ziel, ihre Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zu den biblischen Apokalypse-Darstellungen zu zeigen. Untersucht werden das Kriegstagebuch 1914/1918 Ernst Jüngers, ein bislang noch unveröffentlichtes Werk des Autors, und In Stahlgewitten, das aus einer literarischen Reinterpretation der Kriegserlebnisse Ernst Jüngers, die im Kriegstagebuch aufgezeichnet wurden, beruht. Alle direkten oder indirekten Erwähnungen der Apokalypse in den untersuchten Werken beziehen sich lediglich auf die Dimension der Zerstörung, da der Autor vor allem die psychische Stärke seines Helden, der in solchen apokalyptischen Szenarien einen ständigen und erfolgreichen Kampf gegen den Tod führte, hervorheben wollte.


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Die alltägliche Konfrontation mit gesellschaftlichen Tabus wie Alter, Krankheit, Tod, die Arbeit zwischen "Macht und Ohnmacht" verlangt von den Pflegenden ein hohes Maß an sozialer und personaler Kompetenz. Das szenische Lernen bzw. Spiel ist ein Ansatz, der sich hervorragend zur Förderung dieser Schlüsselqualifikationen eignet. In diesem Aufsatz werden zunächst die allgemein didaktischen Ursprünge und Hintergründe szenischen Lernens bzw. Spiels dargestellt, um anschließend seine pflegedidaktische Auslegung und Akzentuierung zu charakterisieren. Zum Schluss wird anhand der Lerneinheit „Reflexion der praktischen Ausbildung“ aufgezeigt, wie mit ausgewählten szenischen Spielverfahren in der pflegepädagogischen Praxis gearbeitet werden kann.


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BACKGROUND: Researchers have tested the beliefs of sportspeople and sports medicine specialists that cognitive strategies influence strength performance. Few investigators have synthesised the literature. OBJECTIVES: The specific objectives were to review evidence regarding (a) the cognitive strategy-strength performance relationship; (b) participant skill level as a moderator; and (c) cognitive, motivational, biomechanical/physiological, and emotional mediators. METHOD: Studies were sourced via electronic databases, reference lists of retrieved articles, and manual searches of relevant journals. Studies had to be randomised or counterbalanced experiments with a control group or condition, repeated measures, and a quality control score above 0.5 (out of 1). Cognitive strategies included goal setting, imagery, self-talk, preparatory arousal, and free choice. Dependent variables included maximal strength, local muscular endurance, or muscular power. RESULTS: Globally, cognitive strategies were reliability associated with increased strength performance (results ranged from 61 to 65 %). Results were mixed when examining the effects of specific strategies on particular dependent variables, although no intervention had an overall negative influence. Indeterminate relationships emerged regarding hypothesised mediators (except cognitive variables) and participant skill level as a moderator. CONCLUSIONS: Although cognitive strategies influence strength performance, there are knowledge gaps regarding specific types of strength, especially muscular power. Cognitive variables, such as concentration, show promise as possible mediators.