875 resultados para Tight and adherence junctions


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This cross-sectional and descriptive study aimed to verify the adherence of patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) to medication and to identify possible causes of adherence and non-adherence to medication according to the pharmacotherapeutic profile. The study was carried out in a mental health service in a city in the interior of the state of Sao Paulo. Participants included 101 patients with BAD. Structured interviews and the Morisky-Green test were used for data collection, and the Statistical Package for Social Science was employed for data analysis. Most subjects (63%) did not adhere to medication. Although there were no significant differences between the adherent and non-adherent groups for the researched variables, the use of polypharmacotherapy and complex treatment regimens was observed in treatment for BAD. In practice, implementing strategies to improve the adherence of patients to medication treatment remains a challenge.


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L’aumento dei costi in sanità, l’aumentata prevalenza delle patologie croniche, le disuguaglianze attuali, evidenziano la domanda crescente di una popolazione fragile che richiede una risposta globale ai bisogni della persona nel suo insieme, attraverso la costruzione di un sistema sanitario integrato che ne garantisca una presa in carico efficace. Riuscire a gestire le patologie croniche in modo appropriato è la sfida a cui sono chiamati i professionisti socio-sanitari; ma quali sono gli elementi per riuscirci? Le evidenze scientifiche dimostrano che è fondamentale l’integrazione tra i professionisti e lo sviluppo dei Percorsi Diagnostici Terapeutici Assistenziali (PDTA). In quest’ottica, in Italia e in particolare in Emilia-Romagna e nell’Azienda USL di Bologna si sono succeduti, e ancora si stanno evolvendo, diversi modelli di organizzazione per migliorare la gestione appropriata delle patologie croniche e l’aderenza alle linee guida e/o ai PDTA. Il ruolo del medico di medicina generale (MMG) è ancora fondamentale e il suo contributo integrato a quello degli gli altri professionisti coinvolti sono imprescindibili per una buona gestione e presa in carico del paziente cronico. Per questo motivo, l’Azienda USL di Bologna ha sviluppato e implementato una politica strategica aziendale volta a disegnare i PDTA e incoraggiato la medicina generale a lavorare sempre di più in gruppo, rispetto al modello del singolo medico. Lo studio ha individuato nelle malattie cardiovascolari, che rimangono la causa principale di morte e morbilità, il suo focus prendendo in esame, in particolare,lo scompenso cardiaco e il post-IMA. L’obiettivo è verificare se e quanto il modello organizzativo, le caratteristiche del medico e del paziente influiscono sul buon management delle patologie croniche in esame valutando la buona adesione alla terapia farmacologica raccomandata dalle linee guida e/o PDTA dello scompenso cardiaco e post-IMA.


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La Valvola Aortica Bicuspide (BAV) rappresenta la più comune anomalia cardiaca congenita, con un’incidenza dello 0,5%-2% nella popolazione generale. Si caratterizza per la presenza di due cuspidi valvolari anziché tre e comprende diverse forme. La BAV è frequentemente associata agli aneurismi dell’aorta toracica (TAA). La dilatazione dell’aorta espone al rischio di sviluppare le complicanze aortiche acute. Materiali e metodi Sono stati reclutati 20 probandi consecutivi sottoposti a chirurgia della valvola aortica e dell'aorta ascendente presso l'Unità di Chirurgia Cardiaca di Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi di TAA associata a BAV. Sono stati esclusi individui con una condizione sindromica predisponente l’aneurisma aortico. Ciascun familiare maggiorenne di primo grado è stato arruolato nello studio. L’analisi di mutazioni dell’intero gene ACTA2 è stata eseguita con la tecnica del “bidirectional direct sequencing”. Nelle forme familiari, l’intera porzione codificante del genoma è stata eseguita usando l’exome sequencing. Risultati Dopo il sequenziamento di tutti i 20 esoni e giunzioni di splicing di ACTA2 nei 20 probandi, non è stata individuata alcuna mutazione. Settantasette familiari di primo grado sono stati arruolati. Sono state identificate cinque forme familiari. In una famiglia è stata trovata una mutazione del gene MYH11 non ritenuta patogenetica. Conclusioni La mancanza di mutazioni, sia nelle forme sporadiche sia in quelle familiari, ci suggerisce che questo gene non è coinvolto nello sviluppo della BAV e TAA e, l’associazione che è stata riportata deve essere considerata occasionale. L’architettura genetica della BAV verosimilmente dovrebbe consistere in svariate differenti varianti genetiche che interagiscono in maniera additiva nel determinare un aumento del rischio.


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Untersucht werden Prozess-Ergebnis-Zusammenhänge einer kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Gruppentherapie für Diabetes und Depression im Rahmen der DAD-Studie. rnAufgrund des Mangels an geeigneten Erhebungsinstrumenten der validen, ökonomischen und komplementären Sitzungsbewertung von Gruppenpatienten und -therapeuten wurden angelehnt an einen Patienten- (GTS-P) zwei Therapeutenstundenbögen entwickelt: der GTS-T zur Bewertung der Gesamtgruppe und der GTS-TP zur Bewertung einzelner Patienten. Die GTS-Bögen zeigen bei der Überprüfung der Testgüte insgesamt gute Itemparameter und Reliabilitäten. Das in den exploratorischen Faktorenanaylsen des GTS-P identifizierte zweifaktorielle Modell (1. wahrgenommene Zuversicht hinsichtlich der Gruppentherapie, 2. wahrgenommene persönliche Beteiligung) kann in den konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysen bestätigt werden. Dazu wurden GTS-P-Daten aus einer Untersuchung mit Patienten mit somatoformen Störungen (Schulte, 2001) einbezogen. Den Ergebnissen der Item- und Faktorenanalysen folgend, wurden zwei Items des GTS-P und zwei weitere Items des GTS-T aus den Instrumenten ausgeschlossen. Für den GTS-T zeigt sich eine einfaktorielle, für den GTS-TP eine zum GTS-P parallele zweifaktorielle Struktur. rnIn den Mehrebenenanalysen zur Vorhersage des Therapieergebnisses (Post-Depressionssymptomatik) zeigt sich die Skala Zuversicht des GTS-P zu Therapiebeginn (1.-4. Sitzung) kontrolliert an der Skala Beteiligung und der Prä-Symptomatik, als valider Prädiktor. Das Item 5 „Anregungen“ (Skala Zuversicht) und Item 2 „Aktive Mitwirkung“ (Skala Beteiligung) sind am stärksten an diesem Effekt beteiligt, da diese Itemkombination das Therapieergebnis ebenfalls valide vorhersagen kann. Die Prognose ist schon durch die Werte der ersten Gruppentherapiesitzungen in der Remoralisierungsphase (Howard et al., 1993) möglich und verbessert sich nicht bei Berücksichtigung aller 10 Gruppensitzungen. Die Therapeutenbögen zeigen keine prädiktive Validität. Bedeutsame Zusammenhänge der Patienten- und Therapeutenbewertungen finden sich lediglich für den GTS-P und GTS-TP. Weitere Prädiktoren, wie der Diabetestyp, Diabeteskomplikationen und die Adhärenz, konnten nicht zur Verbesserung der Vorhersage beitragen. Für sekundär überprüfte Kriterien gelang die Prognose lediglich für ein weiteres Maß der Depressionssymptomatik und für eine Gesamtbewertung der Gruppentherapie durch die Patienten zu Therapieende. Bei der deskriptiven Betrachtung der Prozessqualität der DAD-Gruppentherapien zeigen sich positive, über den Verlauf der Gruppe zunehmende und nach Therapiephasen differenzierbare Bewertungsverläufe. rnDie Ergebnisse der Studie sprechen für die Relevanz von unspezifischen Wirkfaktoren für das Therapieergebnis von kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppentherapien. Die von den Gruppenpatienten wahrgenommene Zuversicht und Beteiligung als Zeichen der Ansprechbarkeit auf die Therapie sollte mit Hilfe von Stundenbögen, wie den GTS-Bögen, von Gruppentherapeuten zur Prozessoptimierung und Prävention von Therapieabbrüchen und Misserfolgen beachtet werden. rn


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The economic burden associated with osteoporosis is considerable. As such, cost-effectiveness analyses are important contributors to the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making process. The aim of this study was to review the cost effectiveness of treating post-menopausal osteoporosis with bisphosphonates and identify the key factors that influence the cost effectiveness of such treatment in the Swiss setting. A systematic search of databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library) was conducted to identify published literature on the cost effectiveness of bisphosphonates in post-menopausal osteoporosis in the Swiss setting. Outcomes were compared with similar studies in Western European countries. Three cost-effectiveness studies of bisphosphonates in this patient population were identified; all were from a healthcare payer perspective. Outcomes showed that, relative to no treatment, treatment with oral bisphosphonates was predicted to be cost saving for most women aged ≥70 years with osteoporosis or at least one risk factor for fracture, and cost effective for women aged ≥75 years without prior fracture when used as a component of a population-based screen-and-treat programme. Results were most sensitive to changes in fracture risk, cost of fractures, cost of treatment, nursing home admissions and adherence with treatment. Swiss results were generally comparable to those in other European settings. Assuming similar clinical efficacy, lowering treatment cost (through the use of price-reduced brand-name or generic drugs) and/or improving adherence should both contribute to further improving the cost effectiveness of bisphosphonates in women with post-menopausal osteoporosis. Published evidence indicates that bisphosphonates are estimated to be similarly cost effective or cost saving in most treatment scenarios of post-menopausal osteoporosis in Switzerland and in neighbouring European countries.


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Intraoperative major bleeding is a common complication during surgery and can lead to the transfusion of blood products and/or procoagulant drugs. This is a therapeutic challenge, and adherence to guidelines is desirable to preserve blood product resources. The intraoperative administration of fibrinogen concentrate, a pro-coagulant drug, in bleeding patients might reduce the use and therefore the risks associated with blood products.


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Background We present a compendium of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutations, identified in our laboratory over a period of 10 years either on the basis of phenotype or whole genome and/or whole exome sequencing, and archived in the Mutagenetix database. Our purpose is threefold: 1) to formally describe many point mutations, including those that were not previously disclosed in peer-reviewed publications; 2) to assess the characteristics of these mutations; and 3) to estimate the likelihood that a missense mutation induced by ENU will create a detectable phenotype. Findings In the context of an ENU mutagenesis program for C57BL/6J mice, a total of 185 phenotypes were tracked to mutations in 129 genes. In addition, 402 incidental mutations were identified and predicted to affect 390 genes. As previously reported, ENU shows strand asymmetry in its induction of mutations, particularly favoring T to A rather than A to T in the sense strand of coding regions and splice junctions. Some amino acid substitutions are far more likely to be damaging than others, and some are far more likely to be observed. Indeed, from among a total of 494 non-synonymous coding mutations, ENU was observed to create only 114 of the 182 possible amino acid substitutions that single base changes can achieve. Based on differences in overt null allele frequencies observed in phenotypic vs. non-phenotypic mutation sets, we infer that ENU-induced missense mutations create detectable phenotype only about 1 in 4.7 times. While the remaining mutations may not be functionally neutral, they are, on average, beneath the limits of detection of the phenotypic assays we applied. Conclusions Collectively, these mutations add to our understanding of the chemical specificity of ENU, the types of amino acid substitutions it creates, and its efficiency in causing phenovariance. Our data support the validity of computational algorithms for the prediction of damage caused by amino acid substitutions, and may lead to refined predictions as to whether specific amino acid changes are responsible for observed phenotypes. These data form the basis for closer in silico estimations of the number of genes mutated to a state of phenovariance by ENU within a population of G3 mice.


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To evaluate the current management, and adherence to recommendations, of patients on oral anticoagulation (OAC) undergoing coronary stent implantation (PCI-S).


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The spectrum of side effects related to interferon beta-1b (INF-1b) treatment may compromise long-term adherence.


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The physics of the operation of singe-electron tunneling devices (SEDs) and singe-electron tunneling transistors (SETs), especially of those with multiple nanometer-sized islands, has remained poorly understood in spite of some intensive experimental and theoretical research. This computational study examines the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of multi-island single-electron devices using a newly developed multi-island transport simulator (MITS) that is based on semi-classical tunneling theory and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. The dependence of device characteristics on physical device parameters is explored, and the physical mechanisms that lead to the Coulomb blockade (CB) and Coulomb staircase (CS) characteristics are proposed. Simulations using MITS demonstrate that the overall IV characteristics in a device with a random distribution of islands are a result of a complex interplay among those factors that affect the tunneling rates that are fixed a priori (e.g. island sizes, island separations, temperature, gate bias, etc.), and the evolving charge state of the system, which changes as the source-drain bias (VSD) is changed. With increasing VSD, a multi-island device has to overcome multiple discrete energy barriers (up-steps) before it reaches the threshold voltage (Vth). Beyond Vth, current flow is rate-limited by slow junctions, which leads to the CS structures in the IV characteristic. Each step in the CS is characterized by a unique distribution of island charges with an associated distribution of tunneling probabilities. MITS simulation studies done on one-dimensional (1D) disordered chains show that longer chains are better suited for switching applications as Vth increases with increasing chain length. They are also able to retain CS structures at higher temperatures better than shorter chains. In sufficiently disordered 2D systems, we demonstrate that there may exist a dominant conducting path (DCP) for conduction, which makes the 2D device behave as a quasi-1D device. The existence of a DCP is sensitive to the device structure, but is robust with respect to changes in temperature, gate bias, and VSD. A side gate in 1D and 2D systems can effectively control Vth. We argue that devices with smaller island sizes and narrower junctions may be better suited for practical applications, especially at room temperature.


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BACKGROUND Data on temporal trends in outcomes, gender differences, and adherence to evidence-based therapy (EBT) of diabetic patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are sparse. METHODS We performed a retrospective analysis of prospectively acquired data on 3565 diabetic (2412 males and 1153 females) STEMI patients enrolled in the Swiss AMIS Plus registry between 1997 and 2010 and compared in-hospital outcomes and adherence to EBT with the nondiabetic population (n=15,531). RESULTS In-hospital mortality dramatically decreased in diabetic patients, from 19.9% in 1997 to 9.0% in 2010 (p trend<0.001) with an age-adjusted decrease of 6% per year of admission. Similar trends were observed for age-adjusted reinfarction (OR 0.86, p<0.001), cardiogenic shock (OR 0.88, p<0.001), as well as death, reinfarction, or stroke (OR 0.92, p<0.001). However, the mortality benefit over time was observed in diabetic males (p trend=0.006) but not females (p trend=0.082). In addition, mortality remained twice as high in diabetic patients compared with nondiabetic ones (12.1 vs. 6.1%, p<0.001) and diabetes was identified as independent predictor of mortality (OR 1.23, p=0.022). Within the diabetic cohort, females had higher mortality than males (16.1 vs. 10.2%, p<0.001) and female gender independently predicted in-hospital mortality (OR 1.45, p=0.015). Adherence to EBT significantly improved over time in diabetic patients (p trend<0.001) but remained inferior - especially in women - to the one of nondiabetic individuals. CONCLUSIONS In-hospital mortality and morbidity of diabetic STEMI patients in Switzerland improved dramatically over time but, compared with nondiabetic counterparts, gaps in outcomes as well as EBT use persisted, especially in women.


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Retinal ganglion cells carry signals from the eye to the brain. One of the most common types of ganglion cells is parasol cells. They have larger dendritic trees, somas and axons than other ganglion cells. While much was known about parasol cell light responses, little was known about how these responses are formed. One possibility is that they receive input from a unique set of local circuit neurons that have similar responses. The goal was to identify these presynaptic neurons and study their synaptic connectivity.^ Ganglion cells receive input from bipolar and amacrine cells, but there are numerous subtypes of each. To determine which of these were most likely to provide input to parasol cells, the parasol cells were intracellularly-injected and then various bipolar and amacrine cells were immunolabeled and the tissue analyzed using a confocal microscope. DB3 bipolar cells labeled with antibodies to calbindin made extensive contacts with OFF parasol cells. Antibodies to recover in labeled flat midget bipolar cells (FMB). They made only random contacts with OFF parasol cells, and they are not expected to provide significant input. Type DB2 bipolar cells and FMB cells labeled with antibodies to excitatory amino acid transporter-2 made extensive contacts with OFF parasol cells. This suggests that DB2 bipolar cells are likely to provide input to parasol cells.^ Two types of amacrine cells were labeled in material containing injected parasol cells. Cholinergic amacrine cells were labeled with antibodies to choline acetyltransferase, and they made extensive contacts with ON parasol cells. The large amacrine cells labeled with antibodies to a precursor of cholecystokinin were among the amacrine cells that are tracer-coupled to parasol cells.^ From electron microscopic (EM) analysis, most of the synapses made by DB3 axons were found on varicosities. Some postsynaptic and presynaptic amacrine cells resembled AII amacrine cells. Others were relatively electron-lucent and may be cholinergic amacrine cells or cholecystokinin-containing amacrine cells. Gap junctions were found between neighboring DB3 axons. They occurred whenever two axons contacted each other, and the junctions were as large as the area of contact. In double-label EM experiments, DB3 axons made synapses onto OFF parasol cells. ^


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AIMS As 4-day-old mice of the severe spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) model (dying at 5-8 days) display pronounced neuromuscular changes in the diaphragm but not the soleus muscle, we wanted to gain more insight into the relationship between muscle development and the emergence of pathological changes and additionally to analyse intercostal muscles which are affected in human SMA. METHODS Structures of muscle fibres and neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) of the diaphragm, intercostal and calf muscles of prenatal (E21) and postnatal (P0 and P4) healthy and SMA mice were analysed by light and transmission electron microscopy. NMJ innervation was studied by whole mount immunofluorescence in diaphragms of P4 mice. RESULTS During this period, the investigated muscles still show a significant neck-to-tail developmental gradient. The diaphragm and calf muscles are most and least advanced, respectively, with respect to muscle fibre fusion and differentiation. The number and depth of subsynaptic folds increases, and perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs) acquire a basal lamina on their outer surface. Subsynaptic folds are connected to an extensive network of tubules and beaded caveolae, reminiscent of the T system in adult muscle. Interestingly, intercostal muscles from P4 SMA mice show weaker pathological involvement (that is, vacuolization of PSCs and perineurial cells) than those previously described by us for the diaphragm, whereas calf muscles show no pathological changes. CONCLUSION SMA-related alterations appear to occur only when the muscles have reached a certain developmental maturity. Moreover, glial cells, in particular PSCs, play an important role in SMA pathogenesis.


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Die Förderung regelmäßiger Bewegungs- und Sportaktivitäten bei älteren Menschen gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Für eine effiziente Bewegungs- und Sportförderung werden zielgruppenspezifische Maßnahmen gefordert. Sportbezogene Motive und Ziele von Älteren werden aktuell selten systematisch in die Konzeption von Interventionen miteinbezogen, wenngleich sie für das Wohlbefinden und die Aufrechterhaltung des Sportverhaltens eine zentrale Rolle einnehmen. Das bereits bestehende BMZI ermöglicht die Individualdiagnose von Motiven und Zielen im Freizeit- und Gesundheitssport bei Personen im mittleren Erwachsenenalter. Der vorliegende Beitrag zielt auf eine Adaption des Fragebogens für Menschen im höheren Erwachsenenalter. Das BMZI-HEA deckt mit insgesamt 27 Items folgende Motive und Ziele ab: Figur/Aussehen, Kontakt, Wettkampf/Leistung, Alltagskompetenz/Gesundheit, Positive Bewegungserfahrungen, Kognitive Funktionsfähigkeit, Stimmungsregulation. Der Fragebogen wurde an drei Stichproben explorativ und konfirmatorisch überprüft. Der globale Modell-Fit des BMZI-HEA ist als zufriedenstellend zu beurteilen. Die erwartungskonformen Zusammenhänge mit der Selbstkonkordanz verweisen auf eine gute Konstruktvalidität des Instruments. Das BMZI-HEA empfiehlt sich als ökonomisches Instrument für die Individualdiagnose der psychischen Handlungsvoraussetzungen für das Sporttreiben von Menschen im höheren Erwachsenenalter.


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BACKGROUND Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) is a well-established treatment of central sleep apnea (CSA) related to congestive heart failure (CHF). Few studies have evaluated the effectiveness and adherence in patients with CSA of other etiologies, and even less is known about treatment of CSA in patients of post ischemic stroke. METHODS A single-centre retrospective analysis of ASV treatment for CSA in post-acute ischemic stroke patients without concomitant CHF was performed. Demographics, clinical data, sleep studies, ventilator settings, and adherence data were evaluated. RESULTS Out of 154 patients on ASV, 15 patients had CSA related to ischemic stroke and were started on ASV a median of 11 months after the acute cerebrovascular event. Thirteen out of the 15 patients were initially treated with continuous positive airway pressure (11/15) and bilevel positive airway pressure (2/15) therapy with unsatisfactory control of CSA. ASV significantly improved AHI (46.7 ± 24.3 vs 8.5 ± 12/h, P = 0.001) and reduced ESS (8.7 ± 5.7 vs 5.6 ± 2.5, P = 0.08) with a mean nightly use of ASV of 5.4 ± 2.4 h at 3 months after the initiation of treatment. Results were maintained at 6 months. CONCLUSION ASV was well tolerated and clinically effective in this group of patients with persistent CSA after ischemic stroke.