969 resultados para Three phase core type transformers


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This paper presents solutions for fault detection and diagnosis of two-level, three phase voltage-source inverter (VSI) topologies with IGBT devices. The proposed solutions combine redundant standby VSI structures and contactors (or relays) to improve the fault-tolerant capabilities of power electronics in applications with safety requirements. The suitable combination of these elements gives the inverter the ability to maintain energy processing in the occurrence of several failure modes, including short-circuit in IGBT devices, thus extending its reliability and availability. A survey of previously developed fault-tolerant VSI structures and several aspects of failure modes, detection and isolation mechanisms within VSI is first discussed. Hardware solutions for the protection of power semiconductors with fault detection and diagnosis mechanisms are then proposed to provide conditions to isolate and replace damaged power devices (or branches) in real time. Experimental results from a prototype are included to validate the proposed solutions.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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This paper presents the design and compares the performance of linear, decoupled and direct power controllers (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFC). A simplified steady-state model of the matrix converter-based UPFC fitted with a modified Venturini high-frequency pulse width modulator is first used to design the linear controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) powers. In order to minimize the resulting cross coupling between P and Q power controllers, decoupled linear controllers (DLC) are synthesized using inverse dynamics linearization. DPC are then developed using sliding-mode control techniques, in order to guarantee both robustness and decoupled control. The designed P and Q power controllers are compared using simulations and experimental results. Linear controllers show acceptable steady-state behaviour but still exhibit coupling between P and Q powers in transient operation. DLC are free from cross coupling but are parameter sensitive. Results obtained by DPC show decoupled power control with zero error tracking and faster responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error. All the designed controllers were implemented using the same digital signal processing hardware.


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A dificuldade de controlo de um motor de indução, bem como o armazenamento de energia CC e posterior utilização como energia alternada promoveram o desenvolvimento de variadores de frequência e inversores. Assim, como projeto de tese de mestrado em Automação e Sistemas surge o desenvolvimento de um variador de frequência. Para elaboração do variador de frequência efetuou-se um estudo sobre as técnicas de modulação utilizadas nos inversores. A técnica escolhida e utilizada é a Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM). Esta técnica baseia-se na modelação por largura de impulso (PWM), o qual é formado por comparação de um sinal de referência com um sinal de portadora de elevada frequência. Por sua vez, a topologia escolhida para o inversor corresponde a um Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) de ponte trifásica completa a três terminais. O desenvolvimento da técnica de modulação SPWM levou ao desenvolvimento de um modelo de simulação em SIMULINK, o qual permitiu retirar conclusões sobre os resultados obtidos. Na fase de implementação, foram desenvolvidas placas para o funcionamento do variador de frequência. Assim, numa fase inicial foi desenvolvida a placa de controlo, a qual contém a unidade de processamento e que é responsável pela atuação de Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). Para além disso, foi desenvolvida uma placa para proteção dos IGBTs (evitando condução simultânea no mesmo terminal) e uma placa de fontes isoladas para alimentação dos circuitos e para atuação dos IGBTs. Ainda, foi desenvolvida a técnica de SPWM em software para a unidade de controlo e finalmente foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica para interação com o utilizador. A validação do projeto foi conseguida através da variação da velocidade do motor de indução trifásico. Para isso, este foi colocado a funcionar a diversas frequências de funcionamento e a diferentes amplitudes. Para além disso, o seu funcionamento foi também validado utilizando uma carga trifásica equilibrada de 3 lâmpadas de forma a ser visualizada a variação de frequência e variação de amplitude.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of direct power controllers for three-phase matrix converters (MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Theoretical principles of the decoupled linear power controllers of the MC-UPFC to minimize the cross-coupling between active and reactive power control are established. From the matrix converter based UPFC model with a modified Venturini high frequency PWM modulator, decoupled controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) power direct control are synthesized. Simulation results, obtained from Matlab/Simulink, are presented in order to confirm the proposed approach. Results obtained show decoupled power control, zero error tracking, and fast responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency and severity of the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (ALCA) from the pulmonary artery (PA). DESIGN OF THE STUDY: Prospective study of case series between March 1991 and December 1994. SETTING: Referral-based Paediatric Cardiology Department of a Tertiary Care Center. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five consecutive patients (pts) with anomalous origin of the LCA from the PA; there were three infants aged 4 months and two children one 8 year and one 9 year old. There were three girls and two boys. All pts had clinical and 2D-echo and Doppler investigation prior to cardiac catheterization (CC). Indication for CC was based in the association of symptoms and signs of myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy of acute or subacute onset and electrocardiographic (ECG) signs of ischemia in infants. In older patients (pts) diagnosis was suspected mainly from ECG. During CC in all pts, aortograms and when necessary selective coronary angiograms were performed. Surgical correction was performed in all children. In two pts stress exercise ECG and stress Thallium studies before and after surgery were performed. RESULTS: two pts had "adult" an three had "infantile" type of ALCA from the PA. CC was performed and diagnosis was confirmed at surgery in all cases. In one child, correct diagnosis was made by ECO prior to CC and in one case LCA to PA fistula was suspected on Colour-Doppler study. No complications were attributed to CC. Several types of surgery were performed: reimplantation of the ALCA from the PA to the aorta (three pts); tunnel connection of the aorta to the ALCA via the PA (one pt) and left internal mammary to LCA anastomosis (one pt). Two infants died intraoperatively due to extensive myocardial infarction and poor left ventricular function. All the three survivors are asymptomatic after a mean follow up of 34 months. Two oldest pts are currently in New York Heart Association functional class I with normal ECG and improved myocardial perfusion on Thallium scan despite almost total occlusion of LCA at the site of implantation in the aorta as diagnosed on coronary angiogram. CONCLUSIONS: ALCA from PA is associated with major morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis should be suspected in pts with unexplained myocardial ischemia on ECG and even more if it is associated to clinical signs of dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis. Careful assessment on ECO and pulsed Doppler and colour flow mapping should make the diagnosis in most cases. Although surgery can be performed based only on ECO diagnosis, we strongly advise for angiography in all cases as in our experience there are false negative diagnosis by ECO. Preoperative Thallium studies can be useful for the selection of the type of surgery as pts with very little viable myocardium will not survive the establishment of a direct systemic to coronary blood flow and may be candidates for heart transplantation.


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This paper presents the design and the prototype implementation of a three-phase power inverter developed to drive a motor-in-wheel. The control system is implemented in a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device. The paper describes the Field Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm and the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique that were implemented. The control platform uses a Spartan-3E FPGA board, programmed with Verilog language. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the developed system operation under different load conditions. Finally are presented conclusions based on the experimental results.


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This paper presents the conversion process of a traditional Internal Combustion Engine vehicle into an Electric Vehicle. The main constitutive elements of the Electric Vehicle are presented. The developed powertrain uses a three-phase inverter with Field Oriented Control and space vector modulation. The developed on-board batteries charging system can operate in Grid-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Grid modes. The implemented prototypes were tested, and experimental results are presented. The assembly of these prototypes in the vehicle was made in accordance with the Portuguese legislation about vehicles conversion, and the main adopted solutions are presented.


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This paper presents a comparison between three switching techniques that can be used in three-phase four-wire Shunt Active Power Filters (SAPFs). The implemented switching techniques are: Periodic-Sampling (PS), Triangular Carrier Pulse-Width Modulation (TC-PWM) and Space Vector PWM (SVPWM). The comparison between them is made in terms of the compensated currents THD%, implementation complexity, necessary CPU time and SAPF efficiency. To perform this comparison are presented and analyzed several experimental results, obtained with a 20 kVA Shunt Active Power Filter prototype, specially developed for this purpose. The control system of the developed SAPF is based in the p-q Theory with a grid synchronization algorithm p-PLL.


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The nitrogen dioxide is a primary pollutant, regarded for the estimation of the air quality index, whose excessive presence may cause significant environmental and health problems. In the current work, we suggest characterizing the evolution of NO2 levels, by using geostatisti- cal approaches that deal with both the space and time coordinates. To develop our proposal, a first exploratory analysis was carried out on daily values of the target variable, daily measured in Portugal from 2004 to 2012, which led to identify three influential covariates (type of site, environment and month of measurement). In a second step, appropriate geostatistical tools were applied to model the trend and the space-time variability, thus enabling us to use the kriging techniques for prediction, without requiring data from a dense monitoring network. This method- ology has valuable applications, as it can provide accurate assessment of the nitrogen dioxide concentrations at sites where either data have been lost or there is no monitoring station nearby.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e de Computadores


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Chronic focal and diffuse myiocarditis with interstitial fibrosis developed in Swiss outbred mice and in the inbred AKR and A/J strains of mice which were chronically infected with several Trypanosoma cruzi strains belonging to three biological types (Type I, II and III). High incidence of electrocardiographic changes with predominance of intraventricular conduction disturbances, 1st. and 2nd. degree AV block, arrhythmias, comparable with those found in human Chagas' disease, were also present. Morphological study of the conduction tissue of the heart revealed inflammatory and fibrotic changes. The presence of inflammation in the inter-atrial septum almost always coincided with the inflammatory involvement of the ventricular conduction system. Focal inflammation was associated with vacuolization and focal necrosis of the specific fibers. Most of the lesions were seen affecting the His bundel (76.3% of the cases), the right bundle branch (73.3%), AV node (43.9%) and left bundle branch (37.5%). Correlation between morphological changes in the conduction tissue and electrocardiographic alteration occured in 53.0 to 62.5% of the cases, according to the experimental groups.


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The cellular nature of the infiltrate in cutaneous lesion of rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with Leishmania (L.) amazonensis was characterized by immunohistochemistry. Skin biopsies from infected animals with active or healing lesions were compared to non-infected controls (three of each type) to quantitate inflammatory cell types. Inflammatory cells (composed of a mixture of T lymphocyte subpopulations, macrophages and a small number of natural killer cells and granulocytes) were more numerous in active lesions than in healing ones. T-cells accounted for 44.7 ± 13.1% of the infiltrate in active lesions (versus CD2+= 40.3 ± 5.7% in healing lesions) and T-cell ratios favor CD8+ cells in both lesion types. The percentage of cells expressing class II antigen (HLA-DR+) in active lesions (95 ± 7.1%) was significantly higher (P < 0.005) from the healing lesions (42.7 ± 12.7%). Moreover, the expression of the activation molecules CD25 (@ 16%), the receptor for interleukin-2, suggests that many T cells are primed and proliferating in active lesions. Distinct histopathological patterns were observed in lesions at biopsy, but healing lesions contained more organized epithelioid granulomas and activated macrophages, followed by fibrotic substitution. The progression and resolution of skin lesions appears to be very similar to that observed in humans, confirming the potential for this to be used as a viable model to study the immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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Lisburn YMCA works with at risk young people and adults. Having completed a number of level 2 projects the have now decided to deliver a level three programme. They have built up a good working relationship between themselve and Boots Pharmacy although the pharmacist has changed over the course of the programmes the Pharmacy has a good relationship with the young people of the area and YMCA. The programme will consist of 8 sessions the pharmacist being key to 5 of them. There will be one core group over the course of the three years. Core group two will change, for exampe, in year two they will focus on volunteers, demonstrate how the YMCA is seeking to integrate the work of the pharmacy into all their services an programmes. Fifteen participants will be targeted for each programme. In addition, the pharmacist will take part in ten one stop shop sessions each year and will have the oportunity to sit ona multi agency steering group.


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The influence of different Trypanosoma cruzi biodemes on the evolution of the infection and on the histopathological lesions of the heart and skeletal muscles, during the experimental infection of Calomys callosus, was investigated. Three groups of C. callosus were infected, respectively, with parasite strains representative of three different Biodemes: Type I (Y strain), Type II (21 SF strain), and Type III (Colombian strain). For each group, normal C. callosus were also used as controls. Marked differences have been detected in the responses of C. callosus to the infection with the three strains in this model. The strains Types I and II (Y and 21 SF) determined moderate lesions, mostly in the myocardium, with low parasitism, a rapid course, and total regression of the lesions by the 60th day of infection. Differently, Type III strain (Colombian), was more pathogenic for C. callosus and induced necrotic-inflammatory lesions in skeletal muscles and myocardium, in correspondence to intracellular parasitism. Proliferation of fibroblasts and amorphous matrix deposits, followed by interstitial fibrosis were present. Progressive regression of the inflammatory changes and collagen deposits occurred spontaneously. The progression and regression of both inflammation and fibrosis induced by the Colombian strain were further submitted to quantitative evaluation by morphometry. Results of the morphometric studies presented good correlation with the histopathological findings. The results confirm the importance of the different biodemes in the determination of tissue lesions and the peculiarities of response of C. callosus to infection with T. cruzi.