842 resultados para Theoretical model and wind action


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Information on the catch efficiency and selective action of coloured gill nets in relation to the reservoir fishes of India are lacking. Authors, in the present studies have attempted to evaluate the comparative catch efficiency of gill nets of four shades viz. yellow, orange, green and blue over the colourless ones, by conducting fishing experiments, in the Govindsagar reservoir. Attempts have also been made to study the preference shown to colours by the four major species of fishes of the reservoir.


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《胞内共生与细胞研究》( 《Endocytobiosis and Cell Research》)是由国际胞内共生学会(International Society of Endocytobiology, ISE)主办的期刊, 它主要发表有关内共生物(endosy mbioses)和真核细胞的起源、发展、分化、进化和系统发育的研究论文. 在胞内共生和真核细胞的起源进化研究领域享有声誉. 去年该杂志发表了我国学者李靖炎先生的长篇论著“The primitive nucleus model and the origin of the cell nucleus(原始细胞核的模型与细胞核的起源)”(见1999, 13(1-3):1-86). 国外一家 SCI 收录的专业性刊物为中国学者发表一篇长达86页的 Review, 实不多见, 是我国学者在此领域的殊荣。


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A new method for the optimal design of Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) is proposed in this paper. Instead of using the widely used explicit functional models, a feature tree based procedural model is proposed to represent generic material heterogeneities. A procedural model of this sort allows more than one explicit function to be incorporated to describe versatile material gradations and the material composition at a given location is no longer computed by simple evaluation of an analytic function, but obtained by execution of customizable procedures. This enables generic and diverse types of material variations to be represented, and most importantly, by a reasonably small number of design variables. The descriptive flexibility in the material heterogeneity formulation as well as the low dimensionality of the design vectors help facilitate the optimal design of functionally graded materials. Using the nature-inspired Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method, functionally graded materials with generic distributions can be efficiently optimized. We demonstrate, for the first time, that a PSO based optimizer outperforms classical mathematical programming based methods, such as active set and trust region algorithms, in the optimal design of functionally graded materials. The underlying reason for this performance boost is also elucidated with the help of benchmarked examples. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In spite of over two decades of intense research, illumination and pose invariance remain prohibitively challenging aspects of face recognition for most practical applications. The objective of this work is to recognize faces using video sequences both for training and recognition input, in a realistic, unconstrained setup in which lighting, pose and user motion pattern have a wide variability and face images are of low resolution. The central contribution is an illumination invariant, which we show to be suitable for recognition from video of loosely constrained head motion. In particular there are three contributions: (i) we show how a photometric model of image formation can be combined with a statistical model of generic face appearance variation to exploit the proposed invariant and generalize in the presence of extreme illumination changes; (ii) we introduce a video sequence re-illumination algorithm to achieve fine alignment of two video sequences; and (iii) we use the smoothness of geodesically local appearance manifold structure and a robust same-identity likelihood to achieve robustness to unseen head poses. We describe a fully automatic recognition system based on the proposed method and an extensive evaluation on 323 individuals and 1474 video sequences with extreme illumination, pose and head motion variation. Our system consistently achieved a nearly perfect recognition rate (over 99.7% on all four databases). © 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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In current methods for voice transformation and speech synthesis, the vocal tract filter is usually assumed to be excited by a flat amplitude spectrum. In this article, we present a method using a mixed source model defined as a mixture of the Liljencrants-Fant (LF) model and Gaussian noise. Using the LF model, the base approach used in this presented work is therefore close to a vocoder using exogenous input like ARX-based methods or the Glottal Spectral Separation (GSS) method. Such approaches are therefore dedicated to voice processing promising an improved naturalness compared to generic signal models. To estimate the Vocal Tract Filter (VTF), using spectral division like in GSS, we show that a glottal source model can be used with any envelope estimation method conversely to ARX approach where a least square AR solution is used. We therefore derive a VTF estimate which takes into account the amplitude spectra of both deterministic and random components of the glottal source. The proposed mixed source model is controlled by a small set of intuitive and independent parameters. The relevance of this voice production model is evaluated, through listening tests, in the context of resynthesis, HMM-based speech synthesis, breathiness modification and pitch transposition. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.