870 resultados para Th pathways
In Tarim Basin, extensive carbonates of Lower Paleozoic occur, in which thick Cambrian and Lower Ordovician dolostones are widespread and show a potential perspective in hydrocarbon exploration. So they are viewed as an important target for exploration. Tarim Basin is a poly phase composite basin, which underwent multiphase tectonic modification and volcanic activities; these exerted significant influences on the basin-fills and basin fluid evolution, thereby the diagenetic history, particularly on the deep-buried Lower Paleozoic dolostones. Referring to the classification of dolomite texture proposed by Gregg & Sibley (1984) and Sibley & Gregg (1987). In view of crystal size, crystal shape, crystal surface and contact relation, eight genetic textures of dolomite crystals are identified, based on careful petrographic examinatoins. These textures include: 1) micritic dolomite; 2) relict mimetic dolomite; 3)finely crystalline, planar-e(s), floating dolomite; 4)finely crystalline, planar-e(s) dolomite; 5) finely-coarse crystalline, nonplanar-a dolomite; 6)coarse crystalline, nonplanar saddle dolomite; 7) finely-medium crystalline, planar-e(s) dolomite cement; 8) coarse crystalline, nonplanar saddle dolomite cement, in which the former six textures occurs as in matrix, the latter two in the cements. Detailed geochemistry analysis is carried out on the basis of genetic textures of dolomite and related minerals such as quartz and calcite. The result showed that the calcite has the highest average content in Sr, which can be sorted into two groups; micritic dolomite has the highest average content in Sr among all kinds of dolomites; the REE patterns of all kinds of dolomites is similar to those of marine limestone samples. Saddle dolomite cement has δ13C values from -2.44‰ to 1.27‰ PDB, and δ18O values from -13.01‰ to -5.12‰ PDB, which partially overlap with those of matrix dolomite (δ13C values from -2.83‰ to 2.01‰ PDB, δ18O values from -10.63‰ to -0.85‰ PDB). Saddle dolomite cement has 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7086 to 0.7104, which totally overlap with those of matrix dolomite (0.7084 ~ 0.7116). Compared with saddle dolomite derived from other basins all over the world, the saddle dolomites of Tarim Basin have similar δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr ratios values with those of matrix dolomite. This scenario reflects the unusual geological setting and special dolomitizing liquid of Tarim Basin. The values of δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of calcite also can be sorted out two groups, which may been resulted from the one stage of extensive uplift of Tarim Basin from Mesozoic to Cenozoic. Fluid inclusion microthermometry data of the diagenetic mineral indicates that matrix dolomite has relatively low homogenization temperatures (Th) of 80~105oC and salinities of 12.3% (wt% NaCl equivalent); saddle dolomite has highest Th values, which concentrate in 120~160oC and salinities of 13.5~23.7% (wt% NaCl equivalent); quartz has relatively low Th of 135~155oC and salinities of 17.8~22.5% (wt% NaCl equivalent); calcite has relatively low Th of 121~159.5oC and salinities of 1.4~17.5% (wt% NaCl equivalent). These data suggest that the saddle dolomites could have formed in thermal brine fluids. Based on comprehensive petrographical study, detailed geochemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry analysis on Lower Paleozoic dolomite of Tarim Basin, three types of dolomitisation mechanism are proposed: Penecontemporaneous dolomitisation (Sabkha dolomitisation & Reflux dolomitisation); Burial dolomitisation (shallow-intermediate burial dolomitisation & Deep burial dolomitisation ); Hydrothermal cannibalized dolomitisation. In view of host-specified occurrences of hydrothermal dolomite, the low abundance of saddle dolomite and high geochemical similarities between saddle dolomite and host dolomite, as well as highest Th and high salinities , the hydrothermal dolomite in Tarim Basin is thus unique, which could have been precipitated in modified fluid in the host dolomite through intraformational thermal fluid cannibalization of Mg ions from the host. This scenario is different from the cases that large scale dolomitizing fluid migration took place along the fluid pathways where abundant saddle dolomite precipitated. Detailed observations on 180 petrographic and 60 casting thin sections show original pores in Lower Paleozoic dolomite were almost died out by complicated diagenetic process after a long time geologic evolution. On the other hand, deep-buried dolomite reservoirs is formed by tectonic and hydrothermal reforming on initial dolomites. Therefore, the distribution of structure-controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs is predicted in Tabei and Tazhong Area of Tarim Basin based on the geophysical data.
The surface of the Earth is continuously undergoing changes as a result of weathering-erosion, plate tectonics and volcanic processes. Continental weathering-erosion with its complex rock-water interactions is the central process of global biochemical cycling of elements, and affects the long-term ocean atmosphere budget of carbon dioxide both through the consumption of carbonic acid during silicate weathering and through changes in the weathering and burial rates of organic carbon. Rates of the weathering-erosion depend on a variety of factors, in particular rock properties and chemical composition, climate (especially rainfall), structure, and elevation. They are quite variable on a regional scale. Thus, environmental changes in a region could be indicated by the history of weathering-erosion in the region. Recent attention has focused on increased silicate weathering of tectonically uplifted areas in the India-Asia collision zone as a possible cause for falling atmospheric CO_2 levels in the Cenozoic era. The wind blown dust deposits in the Loess Plateau is derived from the arid and semiarid regions in northwestern China, in turn, where the deposits have been derived from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the high mountains around. Therefore, geochemistry of the wind blown loess-paleosol and red clay sequences may provide insight both to paleoenvironmental changes on the Loess Plateau, and to the uplift and weathering-erosion histories of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. In this paper, uranium-thorium series nuclides and cosmogenic ~(10)Be have been employed as tracers of weathering intensities and histories of the dust sediments in the Loess Plateau. Major elements, such as Na, Al, Fe etc., are also used to estimate degree of chemical alteration of the dust sediments and to rebuild the history of weathering on the Loess Plateau. First of all, using a low-level HPGe γ-ray detector, we measured U and Th series nuclides in 170 loess and paleosol samples from five sites in the Loess Plateau, going back 2.6 Ma. The results show that ~(238)U activities are disequilibrium with its daughter nuclide ~(230)Th in young loess-paleosol sequence, indicating that weathering was happened both in dust deposition site and in dust source regions. Using concentrations of ~(238)U and ~(232)Th in the samples, we estimated the amounts of ~(238)U leached out of from paleosols due to weathering. Further, based on analyses of ~(230)Th in paleosols deposited in the past ca. 140 ka, we determined when the paleosols weathered in the source regions. We conclude that most of the weathering in the dust-source regions may have occurred during the interglacials before dust deposition.
为了进一步获得贵州碳酸盐岩风化成土过程的信息,为测定风化成土速率的研究工作奠定基础,本次研究工作通过U-Th的地球化学特征与主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素的地球化学特征的对比研究以及U-Th不平衡来研究贵州两个碳酸盐岩风化剖面的风化成土过程,并得出以下总体认识: 贵州碳酸盐岩风化剖面中的238U-234U-230Th不平衡说明风化剖面中的U-Th不平衡与风化过程密切相关,与风化壳中矿物和铁壳的演化特征密切相关。风化剖面不仅被简单的持续积累或者滤失过程所控制,而且被每一个土层中的复杂的重组过程所影响。U-Th不平衡也说明风化系统的扰动可能与中更新世晚期的气候变化有关。风化剖面中的U-Th不平衡是由母岩碳酸盐岩的风化、风化流体的溶解作用、表土层中的有机质、铁质结核带中的氧化铁矿物以及伊利石、高岭石等粘土矿物对U、Th的吸附作用、α反冲作用以及微生物的还原作用等共同作用的结果。 具体结论如下: (1)两个风化剖面中的U、Th都在半风化层中相对基岩强烈富集,安顺白云岩风化剖面中U、Th在全风化层中下部富集;而遵义石灰岩风化剖面中的U在全风化层中部富集,Th在全风化层上部富集,然后向表土层逐渐减少。 (2)U、Th在半风化层中相对基岩强烈富集,是因为在半风化层中,基岩中的原生矿物发生溶解、蚀变,生成新的次生粘土矿物伊利石,而伊利石对U、Th具有强烈的吸附能力。风化剖面中U、Th的富集主要与地表水的淋滤作用以及铁壳在进一步的风化过程中溶解释放出其中所富集的U、Th,而U、Th向下重新迁移的过程有关。 (3)风化剖面中U、Th的分布特征说明U、Th的含量与风化过程密切相关,与风化壳中的矿物和铁壳的演化特征密切相关。遵义石灰岩风化剖面中U、Th的淋失程度比安顺白云岩风化剖面中U、Th的淋失程度弱也说明了遵义石灰岩风化剖面的风化程度要低于安顺白云岩风化剖面的风化程度。 (4)安顺白云岩风化剖面中,234U/238U在<1和>1之间交替变化。除在剖面中部,230Th/238U≈1外,230Th/238U基本上都>1。 (5)安顺白云岩风化剖面中的238U -234U-230Th不平衡表明:安顺白云岩风化剖面中的U-Th不平衡是母岩碳酸盐岩的风化、风化流体的溶解作用、表土层中的有机质、铁质结核带中的氧化铁矿物以及伊利石、高岭石等粘土矿物对234U、230Th的吸附作用、α反冲作用以及微生物的还原作用等共同作用的结果。 (6)遵义石灰岩风化剖面中234U/238U除少数几个点外,大多数采样点的234U/238U都<1。除了少数几个点外,大部分230Th/238U>1。 (7)遵义石灰岩风化剖面中的238U -234U-230Th不平衡表明:234U-238U不平衡主要是由地表水和入渗水的溶解作用以及α反冲作用为主要的控制机制。而风化剖面中230Th-238U不平衡主要是由表土层中的有机质、高岭石、氧化铁矿物以及伊利石对230Th吸附作用和α反冲作用共同作用的结果。 (8)将U的迁移模型应用于本研究中的两个碳酸盐岩风化剖面,说明这两个风化剖面都被U的近期积累或者滤失过程所影响,风化系统处于过渡的不稳定状态,并通过U在风化剖面中的重新迁移将系统带回稳定状态。 (9)由等时线定年法计算出的安顺白云岩风化剖面的年龄范围为:87.0±7.8-479.2±47.9ka;遵义石灰岩风化剖面的年龄范围为:62.3±8.7-353.3±31.8ka。 (10)由等时线定年法可知:两个风化系统将在~1.1Ma达到稳定状态。 (11)碳酸盐岩风化剖面应用U的迁移模型得出的U的迁移过程与风化剖面中主量元素和微量元素的迁移特征相吻合,说明模型的选择是正确的。 (12)整个风化剖面的238U-234U-230Th不平衡说明风化剖面中的U-Th不平衡与风化过程密切相关,与风化壳中矿物和铁壳的演化特征密切相关。风化系统的扰动可能与中更新世晚期的气候变化有关。碳酸盐岩风化剖面被U的近期迁移过程所影响,风化剖面中的每一个单元甚至每一个土样都具有复杂的历史。这些单元或者土样是古老的风化历史和近期的重新迁移过程的叠加。
Background: Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) has emerged as a leading cause of cirrhosis in the U. S. and across the world. To understand the role of apoptotic pathways in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, we studied the mRNA and protein expression patterns of apoptosis-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from patients with HCV infection.Methods: the present study included 50 subjects which plasma samples were positive for HCV, but negative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or hepatitis B virus (HBV). These cases were divided into four groups according to METAVIR, a score-based analysis which helps to interpret a liver biopsy according to the degree of inflammation and fibrosis. mRNA expression of the studied genes were analyzed by reverse transcription of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and protein levels, analyzed by ELISA, was also conducted. HCV genotyping was also determined.Results: HCV infection increased mRNA expression and protein synthesis of caspase 8 in group 1 by 3 fold and 4 fold, respectively (p < 0.05). in group 4 HCV infection increased mRNA expression and protein synthesis of caspase 9 by 2 fold and 1,5 fold, respectively (p < 0.05). Also, caspase 3 mRNA expression and protein synthesis had level augumented by HCV infection in group 1 by 4 fold and 5 fold, respectively, and in group 4 by 6 fold and 7 fold, respectively (p < 0.05).Conclusions: HCV induces alteration at both genomic and protein levels of apoptosis markers involved with extrinsic and intrinsic pathways.
King, R.D., Garrett, S.M., Coghill, G.M. (2005). On the use of qualitative reasoning to simulate and identify metabolic pathways. Bioinformatics 21(9):2017-2026 RAE2008
Sibona, Bruno, 'Les Tritons de Th?ophile', L'Esprit cr?ateur - Literature and Ecology (2006) 46(2) pp.17-32
This thesis was undertaken to investigate the relevance of two bacterial isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways (Mevalonate (MVAL) and 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP)) for host-microbe interactions. We determined a significant reduction in microbial diversity in the murine gut microbiota (by next generation sequencing) following oral administration of a common anti-cholesterol drug Rosuvastatin (RSV) that targets mammalian and bacterial HMG-CoA reductase (HMG-R) for inhibition of MVAL formation. In tandem we identified significant hepatic and intestinal off-target alterations to the murine metabolome indicating alterations in inflammation, bile acid profiles and antimicrobial peptide synthesis with implications on community structure of the gastrointestinal microbiota in statin-treated animals. However we found no effect on local Short Chain Fatty Acid biosynthesis (metabolic health marker in our model). We demonstrated direct inhibition of bacterial growth in-vitro by RSV which correlated with reductions in bacterial MVAL formation. However this was only at high doses of RSV. Our observations demonstrate a significant RSV-associated impact on the gut microbiota prompting similar human analysis. Successful deletion of another MVAL pathway enzyme (HMG-CoA synthase (mvaS)) involved in Listeria monocytogenes EGDe isoprenoid biosynthesis determined that the enzyme is non-essential for normal growth and in-vivo pathogenesis of this pathogen. We highlight potential evidence for alternative means of synthesis of the HMG-CoA substrate that could render mvaS activity redundant under our test conditions. Finally, we showed by global gene expression analysis (Massive Analysis of cDNA Ends (MACE RNA-seq) a significant role for the penultimate MEP pathway metabolite (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMBPP) in significant up regulation of genes of immunity and antigen presentation in THP-1 cells at nanomolar levels. We infected THP-1 cells with wild type or HMBPP under/over-producing L. monoctyogenes EGDe mutants and determined subtle effects of HMBPP upon overall host responses to Listeria infection. Overall our findings provide greater insights regarding bacterial isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways for host-microbe/microbe-host dialogue.
Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy readily discerns the two types of melanin pigments (eumelanin and pheomelanin), although fundamental details regarding the optical properties and pigment heterogeneity are more difficult to disentangle via analysis of the broad featureless absorption spectrum alone. We employed nonlinear transient absorption spectroscopy to study different melanin pigments at near-infrared wavelengths. Excited-state absorption, ground-state depletion, and stimulated emission signal contributions were distinguished for natural and synthetic eumelanins and pheomelanins. A starker contrast among the pigments is observed in the nonlinear excitation regime because they all exhibit distinct transient absorptive amplitudes, phase shifts, and nonexponential population dynamics spanning the femtosecond-nanosecond range. In this manner, different pigments within the pheomelanin subclass were distinguished in synthetic and human hair samples. These results highlight the potential of nonlinear spectroscopies to deliver an in situ analysis of natural melanins in tissue that are otherwise difficult to extract and purify.
Oxidative stress is a deleterious stressor associated with a plethora of disease and aging manifestations, including neurodegenerative disorders, yet very few factors and mechanisms promoting the neuroprotection of photoreceptor and other neurons against oxidative stress are known. Insufficiency of RAN-binding protein-2 (RANBP2), a large, mosaic protein with pleiotropic functions, suppresses apoptosis of photoreceptor neurons upon aging and light-elicited oxidative stress, and promotes age-dependent tumorigenesis by mechanisms that are not well understood. Here we show that, by downregulating selective partners of RANBP2, such as RAN GTPase, UBC9 and ErbB-2 (HER2; Neu), and blunting the upregulation of a set of orphan nuclear receptors and the light-dependent accumulation of ubiquitylated substrates, light-elicited oxidative stress and Ranbp2 haploinsufficiency have a selective effect on protein homeostasis in the retina. Among the nuclear orphan receptors affected by insufficiency of RANBP2, we identified an isoform of COUP-TFI (Nr2f1) as the only receptor stably co-associating in vivo with RANBP2 and distinct isoforms of UBC9. Strikingly, most changes in proteostasis caused by insufficiency of RANBP2 in the retina are not observed in the supporting tissue, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Instead, insufficiency of RANBP2 in the RPE prominently suppresses the light-dependent accumulation of lipophilic deposits, and it has divergent effects on the accumulation of free cholesterol and free fatty acids despite the genotype-independent increase of light-elicited oxidative stress in this tissue. Thus, the data indicate that insufficiency of RANBP2 results in the cell-type-dependent downregulation of protein and lipid homeostasis, acting on functionally interconnected pathways in response to oxidative stress. These results provide a rationale for the neuroprotection from light damage of photosensory neurons by RANBP2 insufficiency and for the identification of novel therapeutic targets and approaches promoting neuroprotection.
Electric field mediated gene delivery or electrotransfection is a widely used method in various studies ranging from basic cell biology research to clinical gene therapy. Yet, mechanisms of electrotransfection are still controversial. To this end, we investigated the dependence of electrotransfection efficiency (eTE) on binding of plasmid DNA (pDNA) to plasma membrane and how treatment of cells with three endocytic inhibitors (chlorpromazine, genistein, dynasore) or silencing of dynamin expression with specific, small interfering RNA (siRNA) would affect the eTE. Our data demonstrated that the presence of divalent cations (Ca(2+) and Mg(2+)) in electrotransfection buffer enhanced pDNA adsorption to cell membrane and consequently, this enhanced adsorption led to an increase in eTE, up to a certain threshold concentration for each cation. Trypsin treatment of cells at 10 min post electrotransfection stripped off membrane-bound pDNA and resulted in a significant reduction in eTE, indicating that the time period for complete cellular uptake of pDNA (between 10 and 40 min) far exceeded the lifetime of electric field-induced transient pores (∼10 msec) in the cell membrane. Furthermore, treatment of cells with the siRNA and all three pharmacological inhibitors yielded substantial and statistically significant reductions in the eTE. These findings suggest that electrotransfection depends on two mechanisms: (i) binding of pDNA to cell membrane and (ii) endocytosis of membrane-bound pDNA.
To understand how our global climate will change in response to natural and anthropogenic forcing, it is essential to determine how quickly and by what pathways climate change signals are transported throughout the global ocean, a vast reservoir for heat and carbon dioxide. Labrador Sea Water (LSW), formed by open ocean convection in the subpolar North Atlantic, is a particularly sensitive indicator of climate change on interannual to decadal timescales. Hydrographic observations made anywhere along the western boundary of the North Atlantic reveal a core of LSW at intermediate depths advected southward within the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). These observations have led to the widely held view that the DWBC is the dominant pathway for the export of LSW from its formation site in the northern North Atlantic towards the Equator. Here we show that most of the recently ventilated LSW entering the subtropics follows interior, not DWBC, pathways. The interior pathways are revealed by trajectories of subsurface RAFOS floats released during the period 2003-2005 that recorded once-daily temperature, pressure and acoustically determined position for two years, and by model-simulated 'e-floats' released in the subpolar DWBC. The evidence points to a few specific locations around the Grand Banks where LSW is most often injected into the interior. These results have implications for deep ocean ventilation and suggest that the interior subtropical gyre should not be ignored when considering the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.
Stimulation of a mutant angiotensin type 1A receptor (DRY/AAY) with angiotensin II (Ang II) or of a wild-type receptor with an Ang II analog ([sarcosine1,Ile4,Ile8]Ang II) fails to activate classical heterotrimeric G protein signaling but does lead to recruitment of beta-arrestin 2-GFP and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) (maximum stimulation approximately 50% of wild type). This G protein-independent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase is abolished by depletion of cellular beta-arrestin 2 but is unaffected by the PKC inhibitor Ro-31-8425. In parallel, stimulation of the wild-type angiotensin type 1A receptor with Ang II robustly stimulates ERK1/2 activation with approximately 60% of the response blocked by the PKC inhibitor (G protein dependent) and the rest of the response blocked by depletion of cellular beta-arrestin 2 by small interfering RNA (beta-arrestin dependent). These findings imply the existence of independent G protein- and beta-arrestin 2-mediated pathways leading to ERK1/2 activation and the existence of distinct "active" conformations of a seven-membrane-spanning receptor coupled to each.
Recently, we identified a GTPase-activating protein for the ADP ribosylation factor family of small GTP-binding proteins that we call GIT1. This protein initially was identified as an interacting partner for the G protein-coupled receptor kinases, and its overexpression was found to affect signaling and internalization of the prototypical beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. Here, we report that GIT1 overexpression regulates internalization of numerous, but not all, G protein-coupled receptors. The specificity of the GIT1 effect is not related to the type of G protein to which a receptor couples, but rather to the endocytic route it uses. GIT1 only affects the function of G protein-coupled receptors that are internalized through the clathrin-coated pit pathway in a beta-arrestin- and dynamin-sensitive manner. Furthermore, the GIT1 effect is not limited to G protein-coupled receptors because overexpression of this protein also affects internalization of the epidermal growth factor receptor. However, constitutive agonist-independent internalization is not regulated by GIT1, because transferrin uptake is not affected by GIT1 overexpression. Thus, GIT1 is a protein involved in regulating the function of signaling receptors internalized through the clathrin pathway and can be used as a diagnostic tool for defining the endocytic pathway of a receptor.