961 resultados para Ten virgins (Parable)
Peanut is one of the few plants that synthesizes resveratrol, a phenolic compound of the stilbene class, which has been associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, pulmonary diseases, diabetes and neurological diseases. Resveratrol was detected in different parts of the peanut plant, including roots, leaves, seeds and their derivatives. The wild species of the Arachis section are also strong candidates to synthesize resveratrol because they are phylogenetically closely related to cultivated peanut. Our objective was to characterize the resveratrol content in ten wild species of Arachis with three different genomes (A, B and K). The plant material was composed of leaves of the ten species treated (test) and not treated (control) with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The test and control samples were extracted and the identification and quantification of resveratrol was performed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All species studied synthesized resveratrol and the concentrations ranged from 299.5 μg/g in A. kempff-mercadoi to 819.9 μg/g in A. cardenasii. DPPH antioxidant activity varied between 18.7 % for A. duranensis and 48.2 % in A. simpsonii. The results showed that wild Arachis species are a potential source of alleles for improvement of cultivated peanut, with the aim of achieving higher resveratrol content in leaves. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Dispute settlement mechanisms help to create a fairly predictable and accurate environment in which economic agents can pursue their activities in the international arena. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) has now been in operation for 10 years and it is fitting, at this point to assess the progress achieved by Latin America and the Caribbean, the region that made most use of this mechanism during the period, and whose countries have made significant gains against protectionism in key export sectors. These successes constitute important precedents which will influence upcoming multilateral negotiations and future trade disputes.This article reviews the work carried out by the DSB, the role of the leading stakeholders in the system (the United States and the European Union) and progress made by countries of the region in a global context marked by the complexity of trade issues and the legal framework that regulates them. The findings presented in this article are based on the study "Una década de funcionamiento del Sistema de Solución de Diferencias de la OMC: avances y desafíos".
The Regional Consultation on Financing for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean took place in Santiago on 12 and 13 March 2015, in the framework of the twentieth session of Committee of High-level Government Exports (CEGAN), established by virtue of ECLAC resolution 310(XIV) and comprising Latin American and Caribbean member countries of the Commission. The Regional Consultation was held in preparation for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in Addis Ababa in July 2015, and gave rise to 10 key messages.
Human serum paraoxonase (PON1) is an esterase associated with high density lipoproteins (HDLs) in the plasma and may confer protection against coronary artery disease. Serum PON1 levels and activity vary widely among individuals and populations of different ethnic groups, such variations appearing to be related to two coding region polymorphisms (L55M and Q192R). Several independent studies have indicated that the polymorphism at codon 192 (the R form) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease in some populations, although this association has not been confirmed in other populations. Given the possible associations of these mutations with heart diseases and the fact that little or nothing is known of their prevalence in Amerindian populations, we investigated the variability of both polymorphisms in ten Amazonian Indian tribes and compared the variation found with that of other Asian populations in which both polymorphisms have been investigated. The results show that the LR haplotype is the most frequent and the MR haplotype is absent in all Amerindians and Asian populations. We also found that South America Amerindians present the highest frequency of the PON1192*R allele (considered a significant risk factor for heart diseases in some populations) of all the Amerindian and Asian populations so far studied.
This study aimed to investigate the genetic variability of two Brazilian free range (Caipira) chickens lines using microsatellites analysis of ten loci. It was collected a total of 99 blood samples, which 49 were from Paraiso Pedres (PP) and 50 were from Rubro Negra (RN) lines. The amplification of the DNA fragments was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the genotyping was conduct using ABI 3130 sequencer. The allele number variation was among 3 (LEI0254) to 32 (LEI0212) in the PP line, and 4 (LEI0254) to 31 (LEI0212) in the RN line. The allelic average per locus was 13.3 and 13.1 in the PP and RN lines, respectively. The average observed and the expected heterozygosity were 0.650 and 0.820 in the PP line, and 0.671 and 0.804 in the RN line. All of the analyzed loci were informative (PIC>0.5). These results indicate that these free-range animals have a high genetic variability, at least for the majority of the analyzed loci, and this genetic variation is higher than the commercial chickens and similar for the no-commercial birds.
To compare the use of analgesia versus neonatologists' perception regarding analgesic use in painful procedures in the years 2001, 2006, and 2011. This was a prospective cohort study of all newborns admitted to four university neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) during one month in 2001, 2006, and 2011. The frequency of analgesic prescription for painful procedures was evaluated. Of the 202 neonatologists, 188 answered a questionnaire giving their opinion on the intensity of pain during lumbar puncture (LP), tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation (MV), and postoperative period (PO) using a 10-cm visual analogic scale (VAS; pain >3cm). For LP, 12% (2001), 43% (2006), and 36% (2011) were performed using analgesia. Among the neonatologists, 40-50% reported VAS >3 for LP in all study periods. For intubation, 30% received analgesia in the study periods, and 35% (2001), 55% (2006), and 73% (2011) of the neonatologists reported VAS >3 and would prescribe analgesia for this procedure. As for MV, 45% (2001), 64% (2006), and 48% (2011) of patient-days were under analgesia; 56% (2001), 57% (2006), and 26% (2011) of neonatologists reported VAS >3 and said they would use analgesia during MV. For the first three PO days, 37% (2001), 78% (2006), and 89% (2011) of the patients received analgesia and more than 90% of neonatologists reported VAS >3 for major surgeries. Despite an increase in the medical perception of neonatal pain and in analgesic use during painful procedures, the gap between clinical practice and neonatologist perception of analgesia need did not change during the ten-year period.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The U.S. hog industry, once primarily made up of small owner-operated crop-hog farms, has become dominated by large specialized operations characterized by low costs and improved technologies in livestock management. Such changes have triggered concerns over the dangers large Hog Feeding Operations (HFOs) are likely to pose to the environment. In 2007, the top ten states accounted for more than 85 percent of total U.S. hog production (Iowa (IA), North Carolina (NC), Minnesota (MN), Illinois (IL), Nebraska (NE), Indiana (IN), Missouri (MO), Oklahoma (OK), Ohio (OH), and Kansas (KS)). With such domination on production, these states are often the subject of environmental debate relating to hog production. When farmers are required to incorporate environmental measures in hog production, their costs of production increase. Metcalfe (2001) found that small HFOs have found it difficult to cope with such costs and many have exited the industry, while large operations have not been affected at the same level. Due to the variation of environmental regulations among states, other operations moved to states with lax regulations (e.g. NC prior to the late 1990s). Such regulations appear to have played a major role in shaping the structure of the hog industry.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
As a result of recent expeditions to two mountains in the Amazon basin, Tapirapeco and Pico da Neblina, two new genera of Stygnidae, Imeri g. nov. (type species Imeri lomanhungae sp. nov.) and Jime g. nov. (type species Jime chifrudo sp. nov.), and ten new species are described: Auranus hehu sp. nov., Auranus tepui sp. nov., Imeri lomanhungae sp. nov.; Jime chifrudo sp. nov.; Stygnoplus ianomami sp. nov.; Stygnus magalhaesi sp. nov.; Stygnoplus neblina sp. nov.; Stygnoplus tapirapeco sp. nov.; Stygnus nogueirai sp. nov., Stygnus kuryi sp. nov.. Additionally, new distributional records in Amazonas (Brazil) are presented for Stygnidius guerinii Soerensen, 1932, Minax tetraspinosus Pinto-da-Rocha, 1997 and Protimesius longipalpis (Roewer, 1943). Keys for genera of Heterostygninae and Stygninae are provided.
Abstract Background The development of protocols for RNA extraction from paraffin-embedded samples facilitates gene expression studies on archival samples with known clinical outcome. Older samples are particularly valuable because they are associated with longer clinical follow up. RNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue is problematic due to chemical modifications and continued degradation over time. We compared quantity and quality of RNA extracted by four different protocols from 14 ten year old and 14 recently archived (three to ten months old) FFPE breast cancer tissues. Using three spin column purification-based protocols and one magnetic bead-based protocol, total RNA was extracted in triplicate, generating 336 RNA extraction experiments. RNA fragment size was assayed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the housekeeping gene glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), testing primer sets designed to target RNA fragment sizes of 67 bp, 151 bp, and 242 bp. Results Biologically useful RNA (minimum RNA integrity number, RIN, 1.4) was extracted in at least one of three attempts of each protocol in 86–100% of older and 100% of recently archived ("months old") samples. Short RNA fragments up to 151 bp were assayable by RT-PCR for G6PD in all ten year old and months old tissues tested, but none of the ten year old and only 43% of months old samples showed amplification if the targeted fragment was 242 bp. Conclusion All protocols extracted RNA from ten year old FFPE samples with a minimum RIN of 1.4. Gene expression of G6PD could be measured in all samples, old and recent, using RT-PCR primers designed for RNA fragments up to 151 bp. RNA quality from ten year old FFPE samples was similar to that extracted from months old samples, but quantity and success rate were generally higher for the months old group. We preferred the magnetic bead-based protocol because of its speed and higher quantity of extracted RNA, although it produced similar quality RNA to other protocols. If a chosen protocol fails to extract biologically useful RNA from a given sample in a first attempt, another attempt and then another protocol should be tried before excluding the case from molecular analysis.
[EN]Research and theory on second language reading has reached heightened dimensions in recent years. It is through reading that learners access much information concerning the target language and culture, and consequently reading is an important part of almost all language programs across stages of acquisition. The purpose of this article is to offer informed suggestions for the foreign language instructor of reading. The ideas given in this paper constitute a collaborative project that developed as part of a graduate seminar on L2 Reading and Writing taught at Washington University in St. Louis.