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BRCA1 is a major breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene, with mutations in this gene predisposing women to a very high risk of developing breast and ovarian tumours. BRCA1 primarily functions to maintain genomic stability via critical roles in DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoint control, transcriptional regulation, apoptosis and mRNA splicing. As a result, BRCA1 mutations often result in defective DNA repair, genomic instability and sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. BRCA1 carries out these different functions through its ability to interact, and form complexes with, a vast array of proteins involved in multiple cellular processes, all of which are considered to contribute to its function as a tumour suppressor. This review discusses and highlights recent research into the functions of BRCA1-related protein complexes and their roles in maintaining genomic stability and tumour suppression.


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The introduction of microarray technology to the scientific and medical communities has dramatically changed the way in which we now address basic biomedical questions. Expression profiling using microarrays facilitates an experimental approach where alterations in the transcript level of entire transcriptomes can be simultaneously assayed in response to defined stimuli. We have used microarray analysis to identify downstream transcriptional targets of the BRCA1 (Breast Cancer 1) tumour-suppressor gene as a means of defining its function. BRCA1 has been implicated in the predisposition to early onset breast and ovarian cancer and while its exact function remains to be defined, roles in DNA repair, cell-cycle control and transcriptional regulation have been implied. In the current study we have generated cell lines with tetracycline-regulated, inducible expression of BRCA1 as a tool to identify genes, which might represent important effectors of BRCA1 function. Oligonucleotide array-based expression profiling identified a number of genes that were upregulated at various times following inducible expression of BRCA1 including the DNA damage-responsive gene GADD45 (Growth Arrest after DNA Damage). Identified targets were confirmed by Northern blot analysis and their functional significance as BRCA1 targets examined.


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The breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 encodes a protein implicated in the cellular response to DNA damage, with postulated roles in homologous recombination as well as transcriptional regulation. To identify downstream target genes, we established cell lines with tightly regulated inducible expression of BRCA1. High-density oligonucleotide arrays were used to analyze gene expression profiles at various times following BRCA1 induction. A major BRCA1 target is the DNA damage-responsive gene GADD45. Induction of BRCA1 triggers apoptosis through activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK), a signaling pathway potentially linked to GADD45 gene family members. The p53-independent induction of GADD45 by BRCA1 and its activation of JNK/SAPK suggest a pathway for BRCA1-induced apoptosis.


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BRCA1 and BRCA2 are highly penetrant breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes that are mutated in a significant proportion of familial breast and ovarian cancer syndromes. Both of these genes are tumour suppressors, the products of which play vital roles in the cellular response to DNA damage. These proteins function in a number of cellular pathways in order to maintain genomic stability including DNA damage signaling, DNA repair, cell cycle regulation, protein ubiquitination, chromatin remodeling, transcriptional regulation and apoptosis. This chapter will discuss the functions of these proteins and how they relate to tumour development, and therapy. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is an invaluable tool in the study of transcriptional regulation. ChIP methods require both a priori knowledge of the transcriptional regulators which are important for a given biological system and high-quality specific antibodies for these targets. The androgen receptor (AR) is known to play essential roles in male sexual development, in prostate cancer and in the function of many other AR-expressing cell types (e.g. neurons and myocytes). As a ligand-activated transcription factor the AR also represents an endogenous, inducible system to study transcriptional biology. Therefore, ChIP studies of the AR can make use of treatment contrast experiments to define its transcriptional targets. To date several studies have mapped AR binding sites using ChIP in combination with genome tiling microarrays (ChIP-chip) or direct sequencing (ChIP-seq), mainly in prostate cancer cell lines and with varying degrees of genomic coverage. These studies have provided new insights into the DNA sequences to which the AR can bind, identified AR cooperating transcription factors, mapped thousands of potential AR regulated genes and provided insights into the biological processes regulated by the AR. However, further ChIP studies will be required to fully characterise the dynamics of the AR-regulated transcriptional programme, to map the occupancy of different AR transcriptional complexes which result in different transcriptional output and to delineate the transcriptional networks downstream of the AR.


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Androgen and androgen receptors (AR) play critical roles in the proliferation of prostate cancer through transcriptional regulation of target genes. Here, we found that androgens upregulated the expression of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1), which is involved in the induction of mitochondrial fission, a common event in mitosis and apoptosis. Clinical tissue samples and various prostate cancer cell lines revealed a positive correlation between Drp1 and AR levels. Treatment of androgen-sensitive cells with an AR agonist, R1881, and antagonist, bicalutamide, showed that Drp1 is transcriptionally regulated by androgens, as confirmed by an AR ChIP-seq assay. Live imaging experiments using pAcGFP1-Mito stably transfected LNCaP (mito-green) cells revealed that androgen did not induce significant mitochondrial fission by itself, although Drp1 was upregulated. However, when treated with CGP37157 (CGP), an inhibitor of mitochondrial Ca²⁺ efflux, these cells exhibited mitochondrial fission, which was further enhanced by pretreatment with R1881, suggesting that androgen-induced Drp1 expression facilitated CGP-induced mitochondrial fission. This enhanced mitochondrial fission was correlated with increased apoptosis. Transfection with dominant-negative (DN-Drp1, K38A) rescued cells from increased apoptosis, confirming the role of androgen-induced Drp1 in the observed apoptosis with combination treatment. Furthermore, we found that CGP reduced the expression of Mfn1, a protein that promotes mitochondrial fusion, a process which opposes fission. We suggest that androgen-increased Drp1 enhanced mitochondrial fission leading to apoptosis. The present study shows a novel role for androgens in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology that could potentially be utilized in prostate cancer therapy.


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The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are unique cellular sensors that are widely expressed in many neuronal and nonneuronal cells. Among the TRP family members, TRPA1 and TRPV4 are emerging as candidate mechanosensitive channels that play a pivotal role in inflammatory pain and mechanical hyperalgesia. Odontoblasts are nonneuronal cells that possess many of the features of mechanosensitive cells and mediate important defense and sensory functions. However, the effect of inflammation on the activity of the odontoblast's mechanosensitive channels remains unknown. By using immunohistochemistry and calcium microfluorimetry, we showed that odontoblast-like cells express TRPA1 and TRPV4 and that these channels were activated by hypotonicity-induced membrane stretch. Short treatment of odontoblast-like cells with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α enhanced TRPA1 and TRPV4 responses to their chemical agonists and membrane stretch. This enhanced channel activity was accompanied by phospho-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) expression. Treatment of cells with the p38 inhibitor SB202190 reduced TNF-α effects, suggesting modulation of channel activity via p38 MAPK. In addition, TNF-α treatment also resulted in an up-regulation of TRPA1 expression but down-regulation of TRPV4. Unlike TRPV4, enhanced TRPA1 expression was also evident in dental pulp of carious compared with noncarious teeth. SB202190 treatment significantly reduced TNF-α-induced TRPA1 expression, suggesting a role for p38 MAPK signaling in modulating both the transcriptional and non-transcriptional regulation of TRP channels in odontoblasts.


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HOX genes are master regulators of organ morphogenesis and cell differentiation during embryonic development, and continue to be expressed throughout post-natal life. To test the hypothesis that HOX genes are dysregulated in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) we defined their expression profile, and investigated the function, transcriptional regulation and clinical relevance of a subset of highly expressed HOXD genes. Two HOXD genes, D10 and D11, showed strikingly high levels in HNSCC cell lines, patient tumor samples and publicly available datasets. Knockdown of HOXD10 in HNSCC cells caused decreased proliferation and invasion, whereas knockdown of HOXD11 reduced only invasion. POU2F1 consensus sequences were identified in the 5' DNA of HOXD10 and D11. Knockdown of POU2F1 significantly reduced expression of HOXD10 and D11 and inhibited HNSCC proliferation. Luciferase reporter constructs of the HOXD10 and D11 promoters confirmed that POU2F1 consensus binding sites are required for optimal promoter activity. Utilizing patient tumor samples a significant association was found between immunohistochemical staining of HOXD10 and both the overall and the disease-specific survival, adding further support that HOXD10 is dysregulated in head and neck cancer. Additional studies are now warranted to fully evaluate HOXD10 as a prognostic tool in head and neck cancers.


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The identification of genes involved in signaling and regulatory pathways, and matrix formation is paramount to the better understanding of the complex mechanisms of bone formation and mineralization, and critical to the successful development of therapies for human skeletal disorders. To achieve this objective, in vitro cell systems derived from skeletal tissues and able to mineralize their extracellular matrix have been used to identify genes differentially expressed during mineralization and possibly new markers of bone and cartilage homeostasis. Using cell systems of fish origin and techniques such as suppression subtractive hybridization and microarray hybridization, three genes never associated with mechanisms of calcification were identified: the calcium binding protein S100-like, the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase sdr-like and the betaine homocysteine S-methyltransferase bhmt3. Analysis of the spatial-temporal expression of these 3 genes by qPCR and in situ hybridization revealed: (1) the up-regulation of sdr-like transcript during in vitro mineralization of gilthead seabream cell lines and its specificity for calcified tissues and differentiating osteoblasts; (2) the up-regulation of S100-like and the down-regulation of bhmt3 during in vitro mineralization and the central role of both genes in cartilaginous tissues undergoing endo/perichondral mineralization in juvenile fish. While expression of S100-like and bhmt3 was restricted to calcified tissues, sdr-like transcript was also detected in soft tissues, in particular in tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Functional analysis of gene promoters revealed the transcriptional regulation of the 3 genes by known regulators of osteoblast and chondrocyte differentiation/mineralization: RUNX2 and RAR (sdr-like), ETS1 (s100-like; bhmt3), SP1 and MEF2c (bhmt3). The evolutionary relationship of the different orthologs and paralogs identified within the scope of this work was also inferred from taxonomic and phylogenetic analyses and revealed novel protein subfamilies (S100-like and Sdr-like) and the explosive diversity of Bhmt family in particular fish groups (Neoteleostei). Altogether our results contribute with new data on SDR, S100 and BHMT proteins, evidencing for the first time the role for these three proteins in mechanisms of mineralization in fish and emphasized their potential as markers of mineralizing cartilage and bone in developing fish.


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Background Entry into mitosis is regulated by cyclin dependent kinases that in turn are phosphoregulated. In most eukaryotes, phosphoregulation is through WEE1 kinase and CDC25 phosphatase. In higher plants a homologous CDC25 gene is unconfirmed and hence the mitotic inducer Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp) cdc25 has been used as a tool in transgenic plants to probe cell cycle function. Expression of Spcdc25 in tobacco BY-2 cells accelerates entry into mitosis and depletes cytokinins; in whole plants it stimulates lateral root production. Here we show, for the first time, that alterations to cytokinin and ethylene signaling explain the rooting phenotype elicited by Spcdc25 expression in Arabidopsis. Results Expressing Spcdc25 in Arabidopsis results in increased formation of lateral and adventitious roots, a reduction of primary root width and more isodiametric cells in the root apical meristem (RAM) compared with wild type. Furthermore it stimulates root morphogenesis from hypocotyls when cultured on two way grids of increasing auxin and cytokinin concentrations. Microarray analysis of seedling roots expressing Spcdc25 reveals that expression of 167 genes is changed by > 2-fold. As well as genes related to stress responses and defence, these include 19 genes related to transcriptional regulation and signaling. Amongst these was the up-regulation of genes associated with ethylene synthesis and signaling. Seedlings expressing Spcdc25 produced 2-fold more ethylene than WT and exhibited a significant reduction in hypocotyl length both in darkness or when exposed to 10 ppm ethylene. Furthermore in Spcdc25 expressing plants, the cytokinin receptor AHK3 was down-regulated, and endogenous levels of iPA were reduced whereas endogeous IAA concentrations in the roots increased. Conclusions We suggest that the reduction in root width and change to a more isodiametric cell phenotype in the RAM in Spcdc25 expressing plants is a response to ethylene over-production. The increased rooting phenotype in Spcdc25 expressing plants is due to an increase in the ratio of endogenous auxin to cytokinin that is known to stimulate an increased rate of lateral root production. Overall, our data reveal important cross talk between cell division and plant growth regulators leading to developmental changes.


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In the last years it has become increasingly clear that the mammalian transcriptome is highly complex and includes a large number of small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Here we review the biogenesis pathways of the three classes of sncRNAs, namely short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs) and PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). These ncRNAs have been extensively studied and are involved in pathways leading to specific gene silencing and the protection of genomes against virus and transposons, for example. Also, lncRNAs have emerged as pivotal molecules for the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression which is supported by their tissue-specific expression patterns, subcellular distribution, and developmental regulation. Therefore, we also focus our attention on their role in differentiation and development. SncRNAs and lncRNAs play critical roles in defining DNA methylation patterns, as well as chromatin remodeling thus having a substantial effect in epigenetics. The identification of some overlaps in their biogenesis pathways and functional roles raises the hypothesis that these molecules play concerted functions in vivo, creating complex regulatory networks where cooperation with regulatory proteins is necessary. We also highlighted the implications of biogenesis and gene expression deregulation of sncRNAs and lncRNAs in human diseases like cancer.


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RESUMO: As células endoteliais definem e delineiam todo o sistema vascular...Nesta tese procurámos explorar o papel que o ambiente tumoral exerce sobre as células endoteliais. ... Avaliamos também a capacidade anti-angiogénica de alguns derivados do estrogénio... Em suma os nossos resultados mostram a importância de um controlo rigoroso da regulação transcricional...


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La transcription, la maturation d’ARN, et le remodelage de la chromatine sont tous des processus centraux dans l'interprétation de l'information contenue dans l’ADN. Bien que beaucoup de complexes de protéines formant la machinerie cellulaire de transcription aient été étudiés, plusieurs restent encore à identifier et caractériser. En utilisant une approche protéomique, notre laboratoire a purifié plusieurs composantes de la machinerie de transcription de l’ARNPII humaine par double chromatographie d’affinité "TAP". Cette procédure permet l'isolement de complexes protéiques comme ils existent vraisemblablement in vivo dans les cellules mammifères, et l'identification de partenaires d'interactions par spectrométrie de masse. Les interactions protéiques qui sont validées bioinformatiquement, sont choisies et utilisées pour cartographier un réseau connectant plusieurs composantes de la machinerie transcriptionnelle. En appliquant cette procédure, notre laboratoire a identifié, pour la première fois, un groupe de protéines, qui interagit physiquement et fonctionnellement avec l’ARNPII humaine. Les propriétés de ces protéines suggèrent un rôle dans l'assemblage de complexes à plusieurs sous-unités, comme les protéines d'échafaudage et chaperonnes. L'objectif de mon projet était de continuer la caractérisation du réseau de complexes protéiques impliquant les facteurs de transcription. Huit nouveaux partenaires de l’ARNPII (PIH1D1, GPN3, WDR92, PFDN2, KIAA0406, PDRG1, CCT4 et CCT5) ont été purifiés par la méthode TAP, et la spectrométrie de masse a permis d’identifier de nouvelles interactions. Au cours des années, l’analyse par notre laboratoire des mécanismes de la transcription a contribué à apporter de nouvelles connaissances et à mieux comprendre son fonctionnement. Cette connaissance est essentielle au développement de médicaments qui cibleront les mécanismes de la transcription.


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La chaîne invariante forme un complexe nonamérique avec les molécules classiques du CMH de classe II. HLA-DM et HLA-DO, des molécules non-classiques de classe II, sont aussi impliquées dans la présentation des peptides antigéniques aux lymphocytes T. Ces molécules chaperones de la présentation antigénique modulent la capacité d’une cellule à présenter des antigènes par les moloécules classiques du CMH de classe II. La régulation transcriptionnelle des molécules chaperones, tout comme celle des autres molécules du CMH de classe II, est assurée par le transactivateur CIITA. La molécule HLA-DR peut être régulée négativement de manière post-traductionnelle par ubiquitination grâce à l’enzyme E3 ubiquitine ligase MARCH1. Celle-ci est induite par l’interleukine-10 dans les monocytes. L’objectif de ce projet était de déterminer si l’ubiquitination par MARCH1 peut aussi réguler l’expression des molécules chaperones de la présentation antigénique. Les expériences furent réalisées dans le contexte de co-transfections en cellules HEK293T. L’expression des molécules fut évaluée par immunomarquages et cytométrie de flux. Il a été montré que l’isoforme p33 de la chaîne invariante est régulé négativement en présence de MARCH1 à partir de la surface cellulaire, causant ainsi sa dégradation. Tel que démontré par l’utilisation d’un mutant dépourvu de queue cytoplasmique, cette dernière région n’est pas indispensable à ce phénomène. Une hypothèse est qu’une molécule non-identifiée, associée à Ii, serait ubiquitinée par MARCH1, l’entraînant dans sa régulation négative. Il fut déterminer que cette molécule n’était pas CXCR2, un récepteur pouvant être impliqué, avec la chaîne invariante et CD44, en tant que récepteur de MIF (Macrophage Inhibitory Factor). Il fut aussi montré que HLA-DO peut être ciblé par MARCH1 mais ceci ne semble pas être un phénomène dominant; l’expression des complexes DO/DM n’étant pas affectée bien qu’ils entrent en interaction avec MARCH1. L’expression de HLA-DM n’est pas affectée par MARCH1. Il n’a toutefois pas été déterminé hors de tout doute si MARCH1 peut modifier DM; des résultats obtenus avec une queue cytoplasmique de DM possédant une lysine laissant suggérer qu’il est possible que MARCH1 interagisse avec DM. Dans l’ensemble, les travaux démontrent que l’ubiquitination par MARCH1 joue un rôle dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de la chaîne invariante p33 mais pas HLA-DO et HLA-DM.


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L’endothéline-1 (ET-1) est un puissant agent vasoconstricteur dont la production est dérégulée dans plusieurs maladies inflammatoires où l’expression des cyclooxygénases-1/2 (COX-1/2) est augmentée. Puisqu’il est connu que la voie p38 MAPK est impliquée dans la régulation de l’ET-1 au niveau de l’ARNm, nous avons étudié le rôle de l’un de ses substrats, la kinase MK2 dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de l’ET-1 et des COX. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des souris MK2-déficientes (MK2-/-) ainsi que des contrôles (MK2+/+) issus de la même portée. Des paramètres de la fonction cardiaque ont été mesurés sous anesthésie à l’aide d’un cathéter Millar et la réactivité vasculaire de l’artère fémorale a été mesurée par myographe. L’expression de ET-1, COX-1 et COX-2 a été quantifiée dans la cellule endothéliale aortique (CE) par qPCR. En réponse à l’ET-1 (100 nM), l’expression de la préproET-1 dans les CE augmente en fonction du temps (p<0.05) : cette variation est accentuée chez les souris MK2-/-. Bien que la pression artérielle soit similaire entre les souris MK2+/+ et MK2-/-, l’inhibition de COX (indométacine, 1 μM) augmente (p<0.05) la contraction à l’ET-1 des vaisseaux isolés provenant de souris MK2+/+ mais pas des MK2-/-. Ces données suggèrent un rôle de MK2 dans la réponse vasculaire à l’ET-1 et possiblement dans la signalisation post-récepteur de l’ET-1 en général.