769 resultados para TCP, ritrasmissione


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This statement was prepared by the participants of the FAO/NACA-STREAM Workshop on Aquatic Resources and Livelihoods: Connecting Policy and People, 17-19 March 2005, in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. This was the concluding event of the FAO Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) project entitled “Assistance in Poverty Alleviation through Improved Aquatic Resources Management in Asia-Pacific.” The purpose of the workshop was to review and share experiences of the NACA-STREAM Initiative, build consensus on the value of livelihoods approaches in aquatic resources management and poverty alleviation, and identify ways of promoting livelihoods approaches throughout the region. (Pdf contains 2 pages).


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[ES]En este proyecto se realizará un análisis del protocolo de nivel de transporte multi-path TCP en una maqueta de pruebas. Para poder llevar a cabo este análisis del protocolo, diseñaremos y construiremos un entorno de pruebas controlado en el que simularemos diferentes problemas y situaciones en la red y analizaremos las respuestas del protocolo ante estos fallos.


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We are at the cusp of a historic transformation of both communication system and electricity system. This creates challenges as well as opportunities for the study of networked systems. Problems of these systems typically involve a huge number of end points that require intelligent coordination in a distributed manner. In this thesis, we develop models, theories, and scalable distributed optimization and control algorithms to overcome these challenges.

This thesis focuses on two specific areas: multi-path TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and electricity distribution system operation and control. Multi-path TCP (MP-TCP) is a TCP extension that allows a single data stream to be split across multiple paths. MP-TCP has the potential to greatly improve reliability as well as efficiency of communication devices. We propose a fluid model for a large class of MP-TCP algorithms and identify design criteria that guarantee the existence, uniqueness, and stability of system equilibrium. We clarify how algorithm parameters impact TCP-friendliness, responsiveness, and window oscillation and demonstrate an inevitable tradeoff among these properties. We discuss the implications of these properties on the behavior of existing algorithms and motivate a new algorithm Balia (balanced linked adaptation) which generalizes existing algorithms and strikes a good balance among TCP-friendliness, responsiveness, and window oscillation. We have implemented Balia in the Linux kernel. We use our prototype to compare the new proposed algorithm Balia with existing MP-TCP algorithms.

Our second focus is on designing computationally efficient algorithms for electricity distribution system operation and control. First, we develop efficient algorithms for feeder reconfiguration in distribution networks. The feeder reconfiguration problem chooses the on/off status of the switches in a distribution network in order to minimize a certain cost such as power loss. It is a mixed integer nonlinear program and hence hard to solve. We propose a heuristic algorithm that is based on the recently developed convex relaxation of the optimal power flow problem. The algorithm is efficient and can successfully computes an optimal configuration on all networks that we have tested. Moreover we prove that the algorithm solves the feeder reconfiguration problem optimally under certain conditions. We also propose a more efficient algorithm and it incurs a loss in optimality of less than 3% on the test networks.

Second, we develop efficient distributed algorithms that solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem on distribution networks. The OPF problem determines a network operating point that minimizes a certain objective such as generation cost or power loss. Traditionally OPF is solved in a centralized manner. With increasing penetration of volatile renewable energy resources in distribution systems, we need faster and distributed solutions for real-time feedback control. This is difficult because power flow equations are nonlinear and kirchhoff's law is global. We propose solutions for both balanced and unbalanced radial distribution networks. They exploit recent results that suggest solving for a globally optimal solution of OPF over a radial network through a second-order cone program (SOCP) or semi-definite program (SDP) relaxation. Our distributed algorithms are based on the alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM), but unlike standard ADMM-based distributed OPF algorithms that require solving optimization subproblems using iterative methods, the proposed solutions exploit the problem structure that greatly reduce the computation time. Specifically, for balanced networks, our decomposition allows us to derive closed form solutions for these subproblems and it speeds up the convergence by 1000x times in simulations. For unbalanced networks, the subproblems reduce to either closed form solutions or eigenvalue problems whose size remains constant as the network scales up and computation time is reduced by 100x compared with iterative methods.


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[ES]La interoperabilidad entre distintas redes ferroviarias europeas es muy escasa. Para dar solución a este problema, la Unión Europea creó el sistema europeo de gestión del tráfico ferroviario (ERTMS), encargado de crear un estándar único para toda la red europea. El objetivo de este proyecto es la implementación del sistema ETCS ( European Train Control System ) en un entorno cliente-servidor. La implementación incluye el sistema del tren y el del centro de control (RBC). Se ha implementado de forma que se pueda operar sobre dos protocolos de red transporte, de forma que será compatible tanto para redes orientadas a la conexión (TCP) como no orientadas a conexión (UDP).


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For the first time, a high optical quality Yb3+-doped lutetium pyrosilicate laser crystal Lu2Si2O7 (LPS) was grown by the Czochralski (Cz) method. The segregation coefficient of ytterbium ion in Yb:LPS crystal detected by the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (TCP-AES) method is equal to 0.847. X-ray powder diffraction result confirms the C2/m phase monoclinic space group of the grown crystal and the peaks corresponding to different phases were indexed. The absorption and fluorescence spectra, as well as fluorescence decay lifetime of Yb3+ ion in LPS have been investigated. The absorption and fluorescence cross-sections of the transitions F-2(7/2) <-> F-2(5/2) of Yb3+ ion in LPS crystal have been determined. The advantages of the Yb:LPS crystal including high crystal quality, quasi-four-level laser operating scheme, high absorption cross-sections (1.33 x 10(-2) cm(2)) and particularly broad emission bandwidth (similar to 62 nm) indicated that the Yb:LPS crystal seemed to be a promising candidate used as compact, efficient thin chip lasers when LD is pumped at 940 and 980 nm due to its low-symmetry monoclinic structure and single crystallographic site. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A extração de regras de associação (ARM - Association Rule Mining) de dados quantitativos tem sido pesquisa de grande interesse na área de mineração de dados. Com o crescente aumento das bases de dados, há um grande investimento na área de pesquisa na criação de algoritmos para melhorar o desempenho relacionado a quantidade de regras, sua relevância e a performance computacional. O algoritmo APRIORI, tradicionalmente usado na extração de regras de associação, foi criado originalmente para trabalhar com atributos categóricos. Geralmente, para usá-lo com atributos contínuos, ou quantitativos, é necessário transformar os atributos contínuos, discretizando-os e, portanto, criando categorias a partir dos intervalos discretos. Os métodos mais tradicionais de discretização produzem intervalos com fronteiras sharp, que podem subestimar ou superestimar elementos próximos dos limites das partições, e portanto levar a uma representação imprecisa de semântica. Uma maneira de tratar este problema é criar partições soft, com limites suavizados. Neste trabalho é utilizada uma partição fuzzy das variáveis contínuas, que baseia-se na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e transforma os atributos quantitativos em partições de termos linguísticos. Os algoritmos de mineração de regras de associação fuzzy (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) trabalham com este princípio e, neste trabalho, o algoritmo FUZZYAPRIORI, que pertence a esta categoria, é utilizado. As regras extraídas são expressas em termos linguísticos, o que é mais natural e interpretável pelo raciocício humano. Os algoritmos APRIORI tradicional e FUZZYAPRIORI são comparado, através de classificadores associativos, baseados em regras extraídas por estes algoritmos. Estes classificadores foram aplicados em uma base de dados relativa a registros de conexões TCP/IP que destina-se à criação de um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos.


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Hoje em dia, distribuições de grandes volumes de dados por redes TCP/IP corporativas trazem problemas como a alta utilização da rede e de servidores, longos períodos para conclusão e maior sensibilidade a falhas na infraestrutura de rede. Estes problemas podem ser reduzidos com utilização de redes par-a-par (P2P). O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o desempenho do protocolo BitTorrent padrão em redes corporativas e também realizar a análise após uma modificação no comportamento padrão do protocolo BitTorrent. Nesta modificação, o rastreador identifica o endereço IP do par que está solicitando a lista de endereços IP do enxame e envia somente aqueles pertencentes à mesma rede local e ao semeador original, com o objetivo de reduzir o tráfego em redes de longa distância. Em cenários corporativos típicos, as simulações mostraram que a alteração é capaz de reduzir o consumo médio de banda e o tempo médio dos downloads, quando comparados ao BitTorrent padrão, além de conferir maior robustez à distribuição em casos de falhas em enlaces de longa distância. As simulações mostraram também que em ambientes mais complexos, com muitos clientes, e onde a restrição de banda em enlaces de longa distância provoca congestionamento e descartes, o desempenho do protocolo BitTorrent padrão pode ser semelhante a uma distribuição em arquitetura cliente-servidor. Neste último caso, a modificação proposta mostrou resultados consistentes de melhoria do desempenho da distribuição.


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在模式植物金鱼草中的花对称性分子发育与遗传学研究揭示出相关调控基因在花对称性形成过程中的功能和表达式样及其相互作用机制,但被子植物中花对称性的繁杂多样远非模式植物的表达模式所能概括。因此,我们选择车前科和苦苣苔科中与金鱼草较近缘的典型类群地黄属和非洲紫罗兰属作为研究对象,针对它们在花对称性形成方面区别于金鱼草的不同式样,开展这些类群中花对称性主控基因CYCLOIDEA(CYC)类基因的进化发育生物学研究。该研究旨在探讨CYC 类基因的功能和表达式样的变化在进化上的内在联系。 地黄花对称性基因的进化发育研究结果显示,地黄中CYC 类基因RgCYC 的表达模式与CYC 基因在金鱼草中和McCYC 基因在Mohavea 中的表达模式存在明显的差异。首先, RgCYC 基因在近轴雄蕊预期发生位置表皮细胞下的强烈表达与地黄近轴雄蕊的缺失密切相关。转录因子中的氨基酸替代所导致蛋白质功能的改变使RgCYC 基因对细胞周期基因cyclin D3b 抑制作用的增强可能是地黄中近轴雄蕊原基发生过程被彻底阻断的主要原因。由此看来,CYC 类基因的作用不仅导致近轴花器官生长缓慢或退化,而且可能与自然类群中花近轴器官丢失的现象有关。其次,同McCYC 基因在Mohavea 中的表达模式相似,RgCYC 基因的表达也从近轴雄蕊延伸到了两侧雄蕊,但是并没有强烈地抑制两侧雄蕊的发育,仅仅使得两侧雄蕊短于远轴雄蕊从而在地黄中形成二强雄蕊。这一现象可能是由于RgCYC 基因的表达与McCYC 基因的表达在时间和空间上的差异所造成的,并显示地黄中二强雄蕊的形成机制和金鱼草完全不同。第三,RgCYC 基因在近轴花冠裂片的表达没有象CYC 在金鱼草中一样明显促进它们的生长。此外,近轴花冠裂片明显的自身对称性显示在地黄中RgCYC 基因在两侧对称性形成方面可能单独对近轴花器官进行调控。地黄中RgCYC 基因的表达模式反映了广义唇形目中从五数花到四数花进化过程的一种新的进化机制。 两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花的反演进化机制在花对称性进化发育研究中倍受关注。我们在苦苣苔科中选择非洲紫罗兰栽培品种作为研究材料,通过 mTAIL-PCR 分别在两侧对称花和辐射对称花的栽培品种中分离出了包含完整的 ORF 的CYC 类基因:SiCYC1A 和SiCYC1B。这两个基因的完整序列在DNA 水平的相似性为88%,均包含了完整的TCP domain, R domain 和 5’ 端区段。令人意外的是SiCYC1A 和SiCYC1B 这两个基因的DNA 序列在两侧和辐射对称花品种中均完全一致。根据对导致辐射对称花产生机制的比较分析,我们认为在这两个栽培品种中的SiCYC1A 和 SiCYC1B 基因可能存在着某一共同的调节因子对其进行调控。其可能途径是该调节因子同时调控SiCYC1A 和 SiCYC1B 基因,这一共同的调节因子的改变导致了SiCYC1A 和 SiCYC1B 基因部分或完全失去功能,从而使两侧对称花转变为辐射对称花。 崖白菜属的花部器官发生研究显示其花萼和花冠裂片的发生顺序与毛地黄族和婆婆纳族相似,花冠裂片早期生长的迟滞和花冠裂片折叠式样介于毛地黄族和婆婆纳族之间。但是,近轴雄蕊的发育缺失完全不同于毛地黄族中的其它类群。对地黄属和崖白菜属以及它们近缘类群的ITS 或trnL-F 序列所构建的系统树的分析显示,地黄属和崖白菜属呈姊妹群。然而,分子系统学研究结果并不支持传统系统学和个体发育研究对这两个属科级系统位置的认识。毛地黄属与婆婆纳属和车前属构成一个单系分支,而地黄属与崖白菜属则形成另外一个独立的分支,并与泡桐属与透骨草科所形成的分支首先聚在一支。因此,毛地黄族可能并不是一个单系类群,地黄属和崖白菜属的科级系统位置可能需要重新考虑。


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被子植物中,花对称性进化的一个重要方面就是从两侧对称向次生辐射对称的演化。唇形目是被子植物中以两侧对称花为主的类群,次生辐射对称花频繁发生。然而在分子发育水平上,除了模式植物金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和少数其他种外,从两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花演化的机制仍然是一个巨大的未被探索的领域。 在金鱼草和柳川鱼(Linaria vulgaris)中,腹部化反常整齐花的形成各自是由于CYC和LCYC的沉默所引起,这些基因沉默分别是由于转座子插入和DNA广泛甲基化所导致。在豆科(legumes)中,辐射对称花的形成是由于legCYC基因在所有五个花瓣均有表达,这相似于金鱼草中CYC基因同源异位表达所形成的背部化辐射对称花。然而,自然界中起源于不同的两侧对称花支系的许多次生辐射对称花好像并不是因为简单的花对称性基因功能丢失或者获得。因此,以模式植物突变体表型特征的分子机制作为研究出发点,通过对自然发生的次生辐射对称花进行详细研究探讨,有可能揭示两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花转变的新的演化途径,包括花对称性发育过程中不同基因的参与以及他们的表达在时间上的变化等。 苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)是唇形目(Lamiales sensu lato)其他类群的姊妹群, 以较弱的两侧对称花为特征,并拥有相当数量的次生辐射对称花种类;该科所拥有的辐射对称花属在唇形目所有科中占的比例最大。在苦苣苔科中,五数苣苔(Bournea leiophylla)是次生辐射对称花类群中具有两侧对称痕迹的代表类群,其花的发育过程显示出五数苣苔花经历了由花器官发育早期的两侧对称向成熟时期辐射对称的形态转变。这种发育模式暗示着五数苣苔的花可能起源于一个两侧对称花祖先;五数苣苔中控制花背腹非对称性的CYC类基因应该是有功能的,至少在花发育的早期是这样的。由于苦苣苔科和婆婆纳科(Veronicaceae)(金鱼草属于婆婆纳科)亲缘关系较近,而且CYC类基因的基本功能之一是导致背部雄蕊退化;因此五数苣苔中辐射对称花的形成很可能既不是由于CYC类基因失去,也不是因为CYC-类基因功能获得延伸或加强所致。在五数苣苔花发育过程中,从早期的两侧对称到成熟花的辐射对称的发育转变可能牵涉到TCP和MYB基因家族成员相互调节作用在时间和空间上的改变。因此,五数苣苔是探讨被子植物中次生辐射对称花新的进化途径的一个理想的候选材料。针对解决这一问题,我们对五数苣苔花进行了以下实验研究: 1 花器官发生过程的观察 成熟的五数苣苔花是辐射对称花,但是对花发育过程中花原基电镜扫描结果表明:在花器官起始和发育的早期,五数苣苔花是显著的两侧对称;但是随着进一步发育,这种两侧对称性逐步减弱,最后形成具有微弱两侧对称性痕迹的辐射对称花。 2 花对称性基因的克隆 我们应用RACE技术克隆得到了五数苣苔花对称性同源基因:BlDIV1、BlDIV2和BlRAD的翻译区全序列及其上下游非翻译区,得到了BlCYC1的3‘端翻译区和非翻译区序列。为了确定这些基因内含子的有无和位置,我们也从DNA中得到了相应同源基因的DNA序列,并且补全了BlCYC1的5‘端序列。同时也克隆到了一个没有在mRNA中得到的CYC同源基因BlCYC2。在该实验中我们第一次在金鱼草以外的类群中克隆得到了DIV和RAD的同源基因。 3 序列比较和分子系统发育分析 运用不同的比较软件和分子系统发育分析工具对五数苣苔的花对称性基因进行了比较和分析。结果表明:五数苣苔各种类型的花对称性基因和金鱼草的花对称基因在序列上是高度同源的,在分子系统发育上是非常近缘的。暗示着五数苣苔花对称性基因和金鱼草花对称性基因功能上的同源性。 4 花对称称性基因表达模式的分析 我们第一次运用组织原位杂交和RT-PCR技术对在金鱼草以外类群中所有已知类型花对称性同源基因的表达模式进行了实验研究。结果表明:五数苣苔花对称性基因的表达模式在花发育的早期类似于金鱼草;但是早期以后,BlCYC1和BlRAD被负调节,BlDIV的表达特异地在每个花瓣侧部边缘表达;这种表达结果和花的形态发生过程有很好的吻合。 上述研究表明:和金鱼草花对称基因的表达模式相比,五数苣苔三种类型花对称性基因在花发育过程中的时间和空间表达模式发生了改变;并且这种表达模式变化和五数苣苔花对称性由发育起始时期的两侧对称向成熟时期的辐射对称的转变是相互关联的。五数苣苔具有两侧对称性痕迹的辐射对称花和其他类群辐射对称花的比较显示:在五数苣苔中发育早期的两侧对称性应该是两侧对称性的遗迹;这是由于BlCYC1和BlRAD基因早期表达的保守性造成的。我们的结果揭示了一个新的花对称性演化路径:在花发育过程中,被CYC-like基因推动的RAD和DIV同源基因之间相互调节作用在时间和空间上的变化是花对称性从两侧对称向辐射对称转变或演化的基础;我们的发现还预示着:在一个调节网络的动态变化过程中,一个预先存在的两侧对称发育程序的修饰调节可能在被子植物次生辐射对称花多样性的形成中扮演重要角色。


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被子植物菊亚纲原始类群的花为辐射对称花,伴随着适应性进化和传粉者的专性化,两侧对称花随之出现并快速进化和多样化。与花对称性相关的基因首先在模式植物金鱼草中被分离出来,它们包括TCP 基因家族的两个基因Cycloidea(CYC)和Dichotama(DICH),MYB 基因家族的两个基因Radialis(RAD)和Divaricata(DIV)。模式植物金鱼草的分子发育与遗传学研究初步揭示出在花对称性形成过程中相关调控基因的功能、表达模式及其相互作用机制。研究表明,金鱼草花中CYC 和DICH 基因只在背部表达,控制背部属性。DIV基因早期在所有部位表达,但只影响腹部属性。CYC 和DICH 通过激活与DIV具有颉抗作用的RAD 基因在背部的表达来抑制DIV 基因在背部的作用从而构建了金鱼草的两侧对称花。但是,被子植物繁杂多样的花对称性远非一种模式植物所能概括。此外,被子植物花对称性的演化也是一个悬而未决的问题。要全面了解被子植物花对称性的起源、多样化及其背后的决定机制,有必要进一步研究不同类群中花对称性相关基因的功能变化和进化式样。 苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)与金鱼草所属的车前科(Plantaginaceae)同属于菊亚纲的广义唇形目。研究表明广义唇形目的祖先已经具有了两侧对称花,苦苣苔科是广义唇形目的基部类群,具有与唇形目两侧对称花早期分化相关的各种两侧对称花类型。因此,在苦苣苔科选择两侧对称花代表类群开展花对称性的进化发育生物学研究十分有助于探讨苦苣苔科花对称性基因在两侧对称花类群的调控进化,从而揭示广义唇形目基部类群花对称性的进化发育模式。我们选择苦苣苔科两侧对称花类群烟叶唇柱苣苔(Chirita heterotricha)为主要研究材料。烟叶唇柱苣苔是苦苣苔科两侧对称性比较强烈的类群,主要体现在其只有腹部两枚雄蕊能育,背部和侧部雄蕊均败育,与金鱼草的近亲沙漠幽灵花(Mohaveae confertiflora)的形态类似。在沙漠幽灵花中CYC 类基因的表达从背部延伸到了侧部,但是在烟叶唇柱苣苔中是否遵循同一模式还是存在其他途径这是我们的主要研究目的。此外,我们发现在烟叶唇柱苣苔花序的顶花中偶尔会发生腹部化的辐射对称突变花。在金鱼草和柳穿鱼中,CYC 类基因的失活导致了辐射对称突变花的产生,而在豆科植物Cadia purpurea 中,CYC 类基因的活性从背部延伸到了侧部和腹部,导致了辐射对称花的形成。烟叶唇柱苣苔中的情形则值得我们关注。再者,革叶粗筒苣苔(Briggisia mihieri)是烟叶唇柱苣苔的近缘类群,但它具有四枚能育雄蕊(侧部和腹部各两枚)。苦苣苔科两能育雄蕊类群被认为起源于四能育雄蕊类群。我们在烟叶唇柱苣苔野生型两侧对称花和辐射对称突变花中开展花对称性基因的表达模式研究,结合在革叶粗筒苣苔中的研究,试图揭示烟叶唇柱苣苔两雄蕊类两侧对称花形成的分子机制和进化发育途径。 本研究从烟叶唇柱苣苔中分离到4 个CYC 类基因(ChCYC1C,ChCYC1D,ChCYC2A,ChCYC2B),2 个DIV 类基因(ChDIV1,ChDIV2)和2 个RAD 类基因(ChRAD1,ChRAD2)。从革叶粗筒苣苔中分离到4 个CYC 类基因(BmCYC1C,BmCYC1D,BmCYC2A,BmCYC2B),2 个DIV 类基因(BmDIV1,BmDIV2)和1 个RAD 类基因(BmRAD1)。序列和系统发育分析结果显示它们均为花对称性基因。进一步的表达分析显示结果表明:(1)不同拷贝CYC 类基因的表达存在着分化,与其氨基酸序列的分化一致;烟叶唇柱苣苔的CYC 类基因表达从背部延伸到了侧部而革叶粗筒苣苔的CYC 类基因仅在背部表达,与它们的形态分化密切相关。(2)DIV 类基因在种内两个拷贝以及种间的表达无明显的分化,在花的各个部位都有表达。(3)烟叶唇柱苣苔两个拷贝的RAD 类基因的表达存在分化;两个种的同类RAD 类基因的表达也存在分化。这些花对称性基因的表达模式分析揭示了它们在烟叶唇柱苣苔和革叶粗筒苣苔两侧对称花形态建成以及二者花形态的演化中具有重要作用。 同时,我们对烟叶唇柱苣苔的辐射对称突变花进行了自交和F1 代培育,但是F1 代没有出现稳定的辐射对称突变株。我们从辐射对称突变花中分离到的CYC 类、DIV 类和RAD 类基因的核苷酸序列与野生型的完全一致。说明突变体的产生与序列变异无关。RT-PCR 分析表明突变花中CYC 类基因全部失活,而DIV 类基因和在腹部表达的RAD 类基因的表达信号有所增强,这与其腹部化辐射对称的形态相一致。这进一步证实了花对称性基因在烟叶唇柱苣苔花形态建成中的作用。


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Based on the proven existence of large pelagic fish resources in the southern coast of Mozambique, an experimental fishing trolling program has been designed to study the possibility of resources exploitation through the introduction of trolling technique on artisanal vessels (Project FAO/TCP/MOZ/5653). Although operational problems occurred, the program carried out during the year 1957, provided a collection of data and knowledge. It allowed the preparation of present paper, which could serve as an indicator for a possible implementation of this fishing method in the Mozambican artisanal sector. Sharing this study, the author expects to give a further contribution to the development of a greater pelagic fishery in the waters of Mozambique.


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Effects of zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) supplementation to a tricalcium phosphate (TCP) rich diet for tiger puffer have been investigated. A TCP supplement to the diet decreased the growth of fish compared to the control diet with a Ca supplementation from Ca-lactate. However, addition of either Zn or Mn to the TCP supplemented diet could not improve the growth of tiger puffer. Addition of both zinc and manganese to the TCP supplemented diet improved the growth of tiger puffer.


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This paper presents an adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo approach for real-time applications. Sequential Monte Carlo method is employed to estimate the states of dynamic systems using weighted particles. The proposed approach reduces the run-time computation complexity by adapting the size of the particle set. Multiple processing elements on FPGAs are dynamically allocated for improved energy efficiency without violating real-time constraints. A robot localisation application is developed based on the proposed approach. Compared to a non-adaptive implementation, the dynamic energy consumption is reduced by up to 70% without affecting the quality of solutions. © 2012 IEEE.


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通过土壤添加硒盆栽试验,研究了黄棕壤不同浓度Se对水稻生物量、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶系统的影响.结果表明,低浓度Se(<8mg·kg-1)对水稻根和地上生物量、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素a/b有促进作用,并整体提高了作物抗氧化酶系统,使MDA下降,SOD、CAT、POD、GSH Px活性相应提高.而高浓度Se(>16mg·kg-1)对水稻根和地上生物量、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素a/b有明显的抑制作用,对抗氧化酶系统产生胁迫效应,使GSH Px明显上升,MDA上升,SOD、CAT、POD酶活性明显下降.各项生理指标与土