327 resultados para Suspect


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In this study of volcanic ash retrieved from Shatsky Rise during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198, the texture and composition of the volcanic components (glass and crystals) were used to fingerprint ash layers for detailed correlation. Correlations among ash layers in holes drilled at the same site as well as between sites, including sites on different parts (highs) of the rise, were tested. Although high-to-high correlations failed, intrahigh correlations were more successful. Our data suggest a significantly different source for some pyroclastic debris, especially at Site 1208, possibly associated with pumice rafts carried northward from the Izu-Bonin arc by the Kuroshio Current. Other ashes are consistent with rhyolitic to dacitic air fall ash from Asian arc volcanoes. We were not able to texturally distinguish between air fall ash and pumice-raft fallout but suspect that the latter is associated with higher percentages of vesiculated ash components, as we demonstrate occur in more proximal Izu-Bonin pyroclastic deposits.


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La noción aristotélica de elección (proaíresis) desde hace algunos años viene siendo objeto del interés de los estudiosos. En 1963 Pierre Aubenque sostuvo la tesis de que, en realidad, en Etica Nicomaquea habría dos proairéseis distintas: la primera, más platónica, sería aquélla que interviene en la definición de virtud como héxis proairetiké, y tendría que ver con la condición intencional de estas disposiciones; la segunda, genuinamente aristotélica, aparecería exclusivamente en Etica Nicomaquea Ô y tendría que ver con una elección de los medios que sigue a la deliberación. El propósito del presente trabajo es someter esta interpretación a un examen crítico, y, en relación a la consigna propuesta por este Coloquio, reflexionar si es legítimo sospechar en la proaíresis aristotélica algún tipo de influencia del espíritu agonal propio del êthos griego


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La noción aristotélica de elección (proaíresis) desde hace algunos años viene siendo objeto del interés de los estudiosos. En 1963 Pierre Aubenque sostuvo la tesis de que, en realidad, en Etica Nicomaquea habría dos proairéseis distintas: la primera, más platónica, sería aquélla que interviene en la definición de virtud como héxis proairetiké, y tendría que ver con la condición intencional de estas disposiciones; la segunda, genuinamente aristotélica, aparecería exclusivamente en Etica Nicomaquea Ô y tendría que ver con una elección de los medios que sigue a la deliberación. El propósito del presente trabajo es someter esta interpretación a un examen crítico, y, en relación a la consigna propuesta por este Coloquio, reflexionar si es legítimo sospechar en la proaíresis aristotélica algún tipo de influencia del espíritu agonal propio del êthos griego


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At Ocean Drilling Program Hole 748C in the Southern Indian Ocean, a total of 171 Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate taxa were encountered in 38 productive samples from Cores 120-748C-27R through 120-748C-62R (407-740 mbsf). Four provisional dinoflagellate assemblage zones and five subzones were recognized based on the character of the dinoflagellate flora and the first/last occurrences of some key species. Isabelidinium korojonense and Nelsoniella aceras occur in Zone A together with Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum and Trithyrodinium suspect urn. Zone B was delineated by the total range of Odontochitina cribropoda. Zone C was separated from Zone B by the presence of Satyrodinium haumuriense, and Zone D is dominated by new taxa. The dinocyst assemblages bear a strong affinity to Australian assemblages. Paleoenvironmental interpretations based mainly on dinocysts suggest that during the ?Santonian-Campanian to the Maestrichtian this portion of the Kerguelen Plateau was a shallow submerged plateau, similar to nearshore to offshore to upper slope environments with water depths of tens to hundreds of meters, but isolated from the major continents of the Southern Hemisphere. Starting perhaps in the late Cenomanian (Mohr and Gee, 1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.120.196.1992), the Late Cretaceous transgression over the plateau reached its maximum during the late Campanian. The plateau may have been exposed above sea level and subjected to weathering during the latest Maestrichtian. The studied dinocyst assemblages characterized by species of Amphidiadema, Nelsoniella, Satyrodinium, and Xenikoon together with abundant Chatangiella (the large-size species) and Isabelidinium suggest that a South Indian Province (tentatively named the Helby suite) may have existed during the Campanian-Maestrichtian in comparison with the other four provinces of Lentin and Williams. One new genus, three new species, and two new subspecies of dinocysts are described.


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The hydrothermal mounds on the southern flank of the Galapagos Spreading Center are characterized by the following main features: 1) They are located over a young basement (0.5 to 0.85 m.y. of age) in a region known for its high sedimentation rate (about 5 cm/10**3 y.) because it is part of the equatorial high biological productivity zone. 2) They are located in a region with generally high heat flow (8 to 10 HFU). The highest heat-flow measurements (up to 10**3 HFU) correspond to mound peaks (Williams et al., 1979), where temperatures up to 15°C were measured during a dive of the submersible Alvin (Corliss et al., 1978). 3) They are often located on small vertical faults which displace the basement by a few meters (Lonsdale, 1977) and affect the 25- to 50-meter-thick sediment cover. Most of these characteristics have also been observed in the other three known cases of hydrothermal deposits with mineral parageneses similar to that of the Galapagos mounds. However, the case of the hydrothermal mounds south of the Galapagos Spreading Center is unique because of the unusual thickness of the hydrothermal deposits present. The mounds are composed of several, up to 4.5-meter-thick, layers of green clays which, in one case (Hole 509B), are overlain by about 1.4 meters of Mn-oxide crust. We suspect that such a large accumulation of hydrothermal products results from the "funnelling" of the hydrothermal solutions exiting from a highly permeable basement along the faults. This chapter reports a preliminary study of those green clays collected by hydraulic piston coring of the Galapagos mounds during Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 70 of the D/V Glomar Challenger. Green clays have also been reported from three presently or recently active hydrothermal areas in or close to spreading centers.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopes have been determined from Late Jurassic (Oxfordian-Tithonian) belemnites and inoceramid bivalves from two Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites located on the Falkland Plateau. Mean belemnite delta18O values, derived from well preserved skeletal material, were -1.29? from DSDP site 330 and -1.45? from DSDP site 511. Assuming a seawater SMOW value of -1.0?, mean palaeotemperatures calculated from the oxygen isotopic composition are 17.2°C and 17.9°C, respectively. The inoceramid bivalves yielded much lighter delta18O values (mean -3.58?). Petrographic and geochemical evidence points to the inoceramid bivalves being altered by diagenesis which accordingly accounts for the observed differences in isotopic values. "Vital effects" or the importation of belemnites or inocerarnids from another area, are considered not to account for the observed isotopic trends. The palaeotemperatures interpreted from the belemnites are significantly warmer than other recent estimates of Late Jurassic temperature (from oxygen isotope studies and climate model predictions) from similar southern palaeolatitudes. We suspect our apparent warmer temperatures are because of a combination of increased freshwater runoff depleting surface waters with respect to delta18O and related to the semi-enclosed nature of the depositional basin retaining warmth, relative to the open ocean of similar latitudes.


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Site 722 provides high resolution records of percent CaCO3, magnetic susceptibility, d18O, organic carbon, and coarse fraction for the past 3.4 m.y. from the crest of the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea. Within this time interval, most of the carbonate percent variations can be attributed to terrigenous dilution and do not reflect changes in the carbonate system. From the late Pliocene to Present, the average rate of calcium carbonate accumulation increases from 1 to 3 g/cm**2/k.y. and the average accumulation of organic carbon decreases from 75 to 30 mg/cm**2/k.y. The carbonate component is more dissolved in the older interval. The long-term variations in carbonate accumulation may reflect a greater input of organic matter in the late Pliocene, which decomposes to produce CO2 and dissolve carbonate. Magnetic susceptibility and % noncarbonate (100 - CaCO3%) reflect changes in the amount of the lithogenic component in the sediments. The period of variation of lithogenic material is the same period as the original forcing of the regional summer monsoon, however, the timing matches global aridity patterns and global ice volume (sea level) changes. This preliminary analysis suggests that the high frequency variation of lithogenic material persists for at least the last 3.4 m.y. Within the last million years, calcium carbonate accumulation has a large amplitude signal that covaries with major changes in ice volume. Both calcium carbonate and noncarbonate (mostly terrigenous) accumulation are greatest during glacial stages. Interglacial intervals are characterized by low mass accumulation rates, increased foraminifer fragmentation, and increased opal concentration. The accumulation of organic carbon matches the high frequency changes in sedimentation rates. We attribute this high correlation to enhanced preservation of organic carbon by increased sedimentation rate. Of the three major biological components studied, only opal exhibits the variations expected for a biological productivity system forced by monsoonal upwelling driven by changes in northern hemisphere summer radiation.


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We reconstructed the surface hydrography of the South Equatorial Current in the western Indian Ocean for the last 65,000 years using a marine sediment core record. Results show that tropical Indian Ocean temperatures resemble temperatures from Antarctic ice cores with warm and cold fluctuations synchronous with the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Antarctic warm events A1-A4. The most likely thermal link involves Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) which forms north of the subpolar frontal zone and spreads northward into the Indian Ocean. This subsurface water mass is the prime suspect because of a stronger temperature response in the thermocline (recorded by the foraminifer N. dutertrei) than in surface water (G. ruber).


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Most empirical disciplines promote the reuse and sharing of datasets, as it leads to greater possibility of replication. While this is increasingly the case in Empirical Software Engineering, some of the most popular bug-fix datasets are now known to be biased. This raises two significants concerns: first, that sample bias may lead to underperforming prediction models, and second, that the external validity of the studies based on biased datasets may be suspect. This issue has raised considerable consternation in the ESE literature in recent years. However, there is a confounding factor of these datasets that has not been examined carefully: size. Biased datasets are sampling only some of the data that could be sampled, and doing so in a biased fashion; but biased samples could be smaller, or larger. Smaller data sets in general provide less reliable bases for estimating models, and thus could lead to inferior model performance. In this setting, we ask the question, what affects performance more? bias, or size? We conduct a detailed, large-scale meta-analysis, using simulated datasets sampled with bias from a high-quality dataset which is relatively free of bias. Our results suggest that size always matters just as much bias direction, and in fact much more than bias direction when considering information-retrieval measures such as AUC and F-score. This indicates that at least for prediction models, even when dealing with sampling bias, simply finding larger samples can sometimes be sufficient. Our analysis also exposes the complexity of the bias issue, and raises further issues to be explored in the future.


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El trabajo de investigación que presentamos tiene como principal objetivo, la recopilación, el registro, el análisis y la reflexión sobre una época, tan trascendental como poco estudiada desde el ámbito arquitectónico, como es el período comprendido entre las dos normas de mayor relevancia en relación a la protección del Patrimonio Histórico Español del último siglo. Nos referimos a la Ley sobre Defensa, Conservación y Acrecentamiento del Patrimonio Histórico Nacional de 13 de mayo de 1933 y la Ley 13/1985, de 25 de junio, del Patrimonio Histórico Español. A través de la investigación realizada, se pretende aportar una visión integral de esta etapa, desde el enfoque arquitectónico, fundamentando la misma en el desarrollo de pautas metodológicas, abordadas desde la recopilación exhaustiva del material bibliográfico y documental para su posterior análisis. A partir de esta fase inicial, se han identificado los nexos comunes entre los estudios existentes sobre el patrimonio monumental español previos a la Guerra Civil y las investigaciones dedicadas a la historia de las últimas décadas del siglo XX. De esta forma, se ha procurado trazar un “puente” documental, con el que trasponer virtualmente el vacío bibliográfico existente. Históricamente, la protección del patrimonio histórico edificado y urbano, ha preocupado y ocupado a multitud de profesionales que, desde disciplinas dispares, han emprendido la tarea ímproba de comprender y explicar cuáles han sido los avatares, históricos y legales, que han marcado su evolución. Tal preocupación ha generado una bibliografía ingente y diversa, desde la protección formal y precisa, sobre uno u otro material, pasando por el marco historiográfico de las tendencias conservacionistas y las teorías decimonónicas, las filigranas formadas por las cuantiosas normas promulgadas desde la Novísima Recopilación, hasta la incidencia del planeamiento urbano en la tutela del patrimonio, incluidas la trama de competencias y yuxtaposiciones administrativas. Documentos de toda índole y profundidad científica, que como mosaicos hispanomusulmanes, dibujan el panorama patrimonial en el que la criba de material resulta una tarea, en ocasiones, inextricable. El título de este documento, en sí mismo, circunscribe la materia que ha sido el objeto de análisis durante el proceso de investigación, el Patrimonio Arquitectónico Monumental. El eje o núcleo basal de estudio se sitúa en los bienes inmuebles, los edificados, que, a su vez, ostentan la declaración de Bien de Interés Cultural, y que, por ende, pertenecen al Patrimonio Histórico Español. La metodología de trabajo se ha desarrollado de forma concéntrica, desde aspectos generales de la protección del patrimonio monumental, como el marco legal que antecede a la promulgación de la Ley de 1933, y el estado previo de los bienes susceptibles de ser preservados. Reconocemos en el ámbito legislativo, el fundamento orgánico que regula y dirige la tutela del patrimonio histórico español y la acción conservadora, y que delimita el ámbito a partir del cual se condiciona el devenir de los bienes culturales. Del esquema de situación surgido del análisis previo, se han detectado los factores claves en la transición hacia la Ley de Patrimonio Histórico Español; la evolución conceptual del “Patrimonio”, como apreciación genérica, y el testimonio de este progreso a través de los valores históricos, artísticos y culturales. El presente documento de investigación, consta de una primera fase, correspondiente al Capítulo 1, que se ha desarrollado a partir, principalmente, de la ordenación jurídica que rige el Patrimonio Histórico Español, a través de leyes, decretos, órdenes y disposiciones anexas, complementado con el material bibliográfico dedicado a la revisión histórica del proceso legal de la protección del patrimonio histórico-artístico. Si bien no ha sido nuestro propósito realizar un estudio pormenorizado del volumen jurídico e histórico que precede a la Ley de 1933, y que da inicio al período de estudio de la presente investigación, sí lo ha sido centrarnos en la elaboración de un extracto de aquellos elementos de la doctrina de mayor relevancia y repercusión en la protección del patrimonio histórico-artístico y/o monumental español. A lo largo de este estudio hemos comprobado lo que algunos juristas ya habían planteado, acerca de la profunda dispersión, ramificación, y diversificación de esfuerzos, tanto en la legislación específica como en la urbanística. Esta disgregación se ha extendido al ámbito de las medidas de reconocimiento caracterizado por la elaboración de múltiples catálogos e inventarios, con desigual transcendencia, alcance y utilidad. El resultado ha sido una división de esfuerzos, desdibujando el objetivo y convirtiendo la acción del reconocimiento en múltiples empresas inconexas y de escasa trascendencia. Nuestra investigación avanza en el análisis de la protección del patrimonio, como concepto globalizador, con el desarrollo del Capítulo 2, en el que se incluye una serie de mecanismos directos e indirectos que, individualmente, suelen carecer de la fuerza efectiva que muchos de los monumentos o conjuntos monumentales requieren para sobrevivir al paso del tiempo y sus circunstancias. En primer lugar, en este segundo capítulo nos hemos centrado, específicamente, en el mecanismo regulado por la Ley del Patrimonio Histórico Español, y el régimen general de protección implementado a partir de su promulgación en 1985. En especial, consideraremos la declaración de Interés Cultural como grado máximo de protección y tutela de un bien, y su posterior inscripción en el Registro General correspondiente, dependiente del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Este mecanismo representa el instrumento por antonomasia que condensa las facultades de tutela del Estado sobre un bien del que se considera poseedor y aglutinador de valores “culturales” —como cohesión de los valores históricos, artísticos, sociales, etc. — representativos de la idiosincrasia española, y sobre el cual no existen dudas sobre la necesidad de garantizar su permanencia a través de su conservación. En segunda instancia, hemos analizado el Planeamiento Urbanístico, como aglutinador de valores culturales contenidos en la ciudad y como contenedor de los efectos generados por el hombre a partir de su interacción con el medio en el que habita y se relaciona. En tercer término, hemos recopilado y estudiado la concepción de los catálogos, como noción genérica de protección. Desde hace siglos, este género ha estado definido como una herramienta capaz de intervenir en la protección del patrimonio histórico, aunque de una manera difícilmente cuantificable, mediante la identificación, enumeración y descripción de una tipología concreta de monumentos o grupos de ellos, contribuyendo al reconocimiento de los valores cualitativos contenidos en éstos. El tercer capítulo analiza el mecanismo directo de tutela que ejerce la Administración en el patrimonio monumental. La declaración de monumentalidad o de Bien de Interés Cultural y su inclusión en el Registro General de Protección. La protección teórica y la protección jurídica de un monumento, analizadas hasta el momento, resultan tan necesarias como pueriles si no van seguidas de su consumación. En el caso de este tipo de patrimonio monumental, toda acción que tenga como objeto resguardar los valores implícitos en un bien mueble o inmueble, y en su materia, implica el cumplimiento de la protección. Por último, el cuarto capítulo se convierte en el punto culminante, y por ende crucial, del proceso de protección del Patrimonio Cultural, el de la consumación de la intervención. La teoría, la crítica, la normativa y hasta las doctrinas más radicales en materia de protección del patrimonio cultural, carecen de sentido si no las suceden los hechos, la acción, en antítesis a la omisión o la desidia. De ello ha dado pruebas elocuentes la propia historia en multitud de ocasiones con la destrucción, por indolencia o desconocimiento, de importantes vestigios del patrimonio arquitectónico español. Por este motivo, y para ser consecuentes con nuestra tesis hemos recuperado, concentrado y analizado la documentación de obra de tres monumentos imprescindibles del patrimonio construido (la Catedral de Burgos, el Palacio-Castillo de la Aljafería en Zaragoza y la Muralla de Lugo). En ocasiones, al examinar retrospectivamente las intervenciones en monumentos de gran envergadura, física y cultural como catedrales o murallas, algunos investigadores han tenido la sospecha o prevención de que las actuaciones no han seguido un plan de actuación premeditado, sino que han sido el resultado de impulsos o arrebatos inconexos producto de la urgencia por remediar algún tipo de deterioro. En oposición a esto, y a través del estudio de las intervenciones llevadas a cabo en los tres monumentos mencionados, hemos podido corroborar que, a excepción de intervenciones de emergencia fruto de circunstancias puntuales, existe coherencia desde el proceso de análisis de situación de un bien a la designación de prioridades, que ha regido el proceso restaurador a lo largo de dos siglos. La evolución de las intervenciones realizadas en los monumentos analizados ha estado definida, además de por su complejidad, magnitud y singularidad constructiva, por el devenir de su estructura y su uso. En conclusión, la efectividad de la protección del patrimonio cultural español, radica en la concomitancia de múltiples aspectos, entre ellos: el cumplimiento acertado de las normas vigentes, específicas y accesorias; el conocimiento del bien y de sus valores históricos, artísticos, y culturales; su catalogación o inclusión en los inventarios correspondientes; el compromiso de los agentes e instituciones de los cuales depende; la planificación de las tareas necesarias que garanticen tanto la salvaguarda estructural como la conservación de sus valores; y la incorporación de un plan de seguimiento que permita detectar eventuales peligros que atenten contra su conservación. Pero, la situación óptima estaría dada por un sistema en el que estos mecanismos —regulaciones específicas y urbanísticas, Declaraciones de Bien de Interés Cultural, Catálogos e Inventarios, etc. — funcionaran, de forma parcial o total, como una maquinaria, donde cada pieza operara con independencia relativa, pero en sintonía con los demás engranajes. Hasta el momento, la realidad dista mucho de esta situación, convirtiendo esta convivencia en una utopía. Tanto los legisladores, como las autoridades y los técnicos involucrados, deben tener presente que, de ellos, de los parámetros asignados por la legislación, de la implementación de los instrumentos estipulados por ésta y de las decisiones tomadas por cada uno de los poderes directivos de los órganos competentes, dependerá el alcance y efectividad de la protección, ya que en cada vertiente existe, en mayor o menor medida, un porcentaje de interpretación y subjetividad. ABSTRACT The research that we present has as the main objective to collect, record, analyzed and reflection on a time, that was little studied from the architectural field. It is the period between the two laws of most relevance to the protection of Spanish Historical Heritage of the last century. We refer to the Law on the Protection and Conservation of National Heritage of 1933 and Law 16/1985 of Spanish Historical Heritage. Through this research, it aims to provide a comprehensive view of the stage from the architectural approach, basing it on the development of methodological guidelines. The investigation was initiated by the bibliography and documentary for further analysis. After this initial phase, we have identified the common links between existing studies on the Spanish architectural heritage prior to the Civil War and dedicated research into the history of the late twentieth century. Thus, we have tried to draw a documental bridge, with which virtually transpose the gap that has existed. Historically, professionals from diverse disciplines have been worried and busy of the protection of the built and urban heritage. They have undertaken the daunting task of understanding and explaining the historical and legal difficulties, which have marked its evolution. This concern has generated an enormous and diverse literature, from formal and precise protection, in the framework of conservation historiographical trends and nineteenth-century theories. Also, they have studied the impact of urban planning in the protection of heritage, including the competences and administrative juxtapositions. They have generated a lot of documents of all kinds and scientific depth. The title of this document, in itself, circumscribes the matter that has been analyzed during this research process, the Monumental Architectural Heritage. The basal studio is located in the historical buildings, which, in turn, hold the declaration of cultural interest, and thus belong to the Spanish Historical Heritage. The work methodology was developed concentrically from general aspects of the protection of monuments, such as the legal framework that predates the enactment of the 1933 Act, and the previous state of the monuments that should be preserved. We recognize in the legislative sphere, the organic base that regulates and directs the tutelage of Spanish heritage and conservative action. The situation scheme emerged from the previous analysis, and we detected the key factors in the transition to the Spanish Historical Heritage Act; the conceptual evolution of the Heritage as a generic assessment, and witness this progress through historical, artistic and cultural values. This research paper consists of a first phase, corresponding to Chapter 1, which has developed from the legal regulation governing the Spanish Historical Heritage, through laws, decrees, orders and related provisions, supplemented the bibliography dedicated to the historical review of the legal process of protecting historical and artistic heritage. While it was not our intention to conduct a detailed study of the legal and historical volume preceding the 1933 Act, and that started the study period of this investigation, yes he has been focusing on the production of an extract from those elements of the doctrine with greater relevance and impact on the protection of Spanish art-historical and / or architectural heritage. Throughout our study we have seen what some jurists had already raised, about the scattering, branching and diversification of efforts, both in specific law and in urban law. This disaggregation has been extended to the field of recognition measures characterized by the development of multiple catalogs and inventories, with varying significance, scope and usefulness. The result has been a division of efforts, blurring the objective and turning the action of the recognition in multiple attempts little consequence. Our research advances in the analysis of heritage protection, as globalization concept in the Chapter 2, which includes a number of direct and indirect mechanisms that individually, often lack the effective force that many of monuments have required to survive the test of time and circumstances. First, in this second chapter we focused specifically on the mechanism regulated by the Spanish Historical Heritage Act, and the general protection regime implemented since its enactment in 1985 . In particular, we consider the declaration of cultural interest as maximum protection and protection of cultural assets, and their subsequent entry in the relevant General Register under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports . This mechanism is the instrument par excellence that condenses the powers of state care about a cultural asset, and which represents the cohesion of the historical, artistic, social values , etc. Secondly, we analyzed the Urban Planning, as a unifying cultural value in the city and as a container for the effects caused by man from its interaction with the environment in which he lives and relates. Thirdly, we have collected and studied the origin of catalogs, as generic notion of protection. For centuries, this genre has been defined as a tool to intervene in the protection of historical heritage, although difficult to quantify, through the identification, enumeration and description of a particular typology of monuments, and that contributing to the recognition of qualitative values contained therein. The third chapter analyzes the direct mechanism of protection performed by the Administration in the monuments with the statement of Cultural asset and inclusion in the General Protection Register. The theoretical and legal protection of a monument is as necessary as puerile if they are not followed by intervention. For this type of architectural heritage, any action which has the aim to safeguard the values implicit in the cultural asset involves protection compliance. Finally, the fourth chapter becomes the highlight, because it treated of the end process of the cultural heritage protection, the consummation of the intervention. The theory, the criticism, the rules and even the radical doctrines on the protection of cultural heritage, are meaningless if they do not take place the facts, the action, in antithesis to the omission. The history of the architectural heritage has given eloquent proof by itself. A lot of vestiges have been lost, in many times, for the destruction, through indolence or unknowledge. For this reason, and to be consistent with our thesis, we have collected and analyzed the projects documentation of three monuments (the Burgos Cathedral, the Aljafería Palace-Castle in Zaragoza and the Wall of Lugo). Sometimes, some researchers have suspected that there had not been planning. They suspect that the projects have been the result of different emergency situations. In opposition of this, we confirm that, except for emergency interventions result of specific circumstances, there have been a process of analysis to conclude in the priorities designation, which has guided the restoration process over two centuries. The complexity, magnitude and constructive uniqueness have defined the evolution of intervention. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the protection of Spanish cultural heritage lies in the conjunction of many aspects, including: the successful implementation of existing, specific and ancillary standards; the knowledge of good and its historical, artistic and cultural values; the cataloging and inclusion in the relevant inventories; and the commitment of the actors and institutions on which it depends. These planning tasks are necessary to ensure both structural safeguards as conservation values; and the introduction of a monitoring plan to detect possible dangers that threaten its conservation. But, the optimal situation would be given by a system in which these urban-regulations and specific mechanisms, would work together like a machine, where each piece operated with relative independence, but in tune with the other gears. So far, the reality is far from this situation, turning this coexistence in a utopia. Both legislators and officials and technicians involved must be aware that the effectiveness and scope of protection depends on your insight and commitment.


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Previously, we reported on the discovery and characterization of a mammalian chromatin-associated protein, CHD1 (chromo-ATPase/helicase-DNA-binding domain), with features that led us to suspect that it might have an important role in the modification of chromatin structure. We now report on the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster CHD1 homologue (dCHD1) and its localization on polytene chromosomes. A set of overlapping cDNAs encodes an 1883-aa open reading frame that is 50% identical and 68% similar to the mouse CHD1 sequence, including conservation of the three signature domains for which the protein was named. When the chromo and ATPase/helicase domain sequences in various CHD1 homologues were compared with the corresponding sequences in other proteins, certain distinctive features of the CHD1 chromo and ATPase/helicase domains were revealed. The dCHD1 gene was mapped to position 23C-24A on chromosome 2L. Western blot analyses with antibodies raised against a dCHD1 fusion protein specifically recognized an approximately 210-kDa protein in nuclear extracts from Drosophila embryos and cultured cells. Most interestingly, these antibodies revealed that dCHD1 localizes to sites of extended chromatin (interbands) and regions associated with high transcriptional activity (puffs) on polytene chromosomes from salivary glands of third instar larvae. These observations strongly support the idea that CHD1 functions to alter chromatin structure in a way that facilitates gene expression.


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Proportion correct in two-alternative forcedchoice (2AFC) detection tasks often varies when the stimulus is presented in the first or in the second interval.Reanalysis of published data reveals that these order effects (or interval bias) are strong and prevalent, refuting the standard difference model of signal detection theory. Order effects are commonly regarded as evidence that observers use an off-center criterion under the difference model with bias. We consider an alternative difference model with indecision whereby observers are occasionally undecided and guess with some bias toward one of the response options. Whether or not the data show order effects, the two models fit 2AFC data indistinguishably, but they yield meaningfully different estimates of sensory parameters. Under indeterminacy as to which model governs 2AFC performance, parameter estimates are suspect and potentially misleading. The indeterminacy can be circumvented by modifying the response format so that observers can express indecision when needed. Reanalysis of published data collected in this way lends support to the indecision model. We illustrate alternative approaches to fitting psychometric functions under the indecision model and discuss designs for 2AFC experiments that improve the accuracy of parameter estimates, whether or not order effects are apparent in the data.


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Os métodos de ondas superficiais com ênfase nas ondas Rayleigh foram utilizados como o núcleo desse trabalho de Doutorado. Inicialmente, as ondas Rayleigh foram modeladas permitindo o estudo de sensibilidade de suas curvas de dispersão sob diferentes configurações de parâmetros físicos representando diversos modelos de camadas, em que pôde ser observado parâmetros com maior e menor sensibilidade e também alguns efeitos provocados por baixas razões de Poisson. Além disso, na fase de inversão dos dados a modelagem das ondas Rayleigh foi utilizada para a construção da função objeto, que agregada ao método de mínimos quadrados, a partir do método de Levenberg-Marquardt, permitiu a implementação de um algoritmo de busca local responsável pela inversão de dados das ondas superficiais. Por se tratar de um procedimento de busca local, o algoritmo de inversão foi complementado por uma etapa de pré-inversão com a geração de um modelo inicial para que o procedimento de inversão fosse mais rápido e eficiente. Visando uma eficiência ainda maior do procedimento de inversão, principalmente em modelos de camadas com inversão de velocidades, foi implementado um algoritmo de pós-inversão baseado em um procedimento de tentativa e erro minimizando os valores relativos da raiz quadrada do erro quadrático médio (REQMr) da inversão dos dados. Mais de 50 modelos de camadas foram utilizados para testar a modelagem, a pré-inversão, inversão e pós-inversão dos dados permitindo o ajuste preciso de parâmetros matemáticos e físicos presentes nos diversos scripts implementados em Matlab. Antes de inverter os dados adquiridos em campo, os mesmos precisaram ser tratados na etapa de processamento de dados, cujo objetivo principal é a extração da curva de dispersão originada devido às ondas superficiais. Para isso, foram implementadas, também em Matlab, três metodologias de processamento com abordagens matemáticas distintas. Essas metodologias foram testadas e avaliadas com dados sintéticos e reais em que foi possível constatar as virtudes e deficiências de cada metodologia estudada, bem como as limitações provocadas pela discretização dos dados de campo. Por último, as etapas de processamento, pré-inversão, inversão e pós-inversão dos dados foram unificadas para formar um programa de tratamento de dados de ondas superficiais (Rayleigh). Ele foi utilizado em dados reais originados pelo estudo de um problema geológico na Bacia de Taubaté em que foi possível mapear os contatos geológicos ao longo dos pontos de aquisição sísmica e compará-los a um modelo inicial existente baseado em observações geomorfológicas da área de estudos, mapa geológico da região e informações geológicas globais e locais dos movimentos tectônicos na região. As informações geofísicas associadas às geológicas permitiram a geração de um perfil analítico da região de estudos com duas interpretações geológicas confirmando a suspeita de neotectônica na região em que os contatos geológicos entre os depósitos Terciários e Quaternários foram identificados e se encaixaram no modelo inicial de hemi-graben com mergulho para Sudeste.


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The utilization of symptom validity tests (SVTs) in pediatric assessment is receiving increasing empirical support. The Rey 15-Item Test (FIT) is an SVT commonly used in adult assessment, with limited research in pediatric populations. Given that FIT classification statistics across studies to date have been quite variable, Boone, Salazar, Lu, Warner-Chacon, and Razani (2002) developed a recognition trial to use with the original measure to enhance accuracy. The current study aims to assess the utility of the FIT and recognition trial in a pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) sample (N = 112; M = 14.6 years), in which a suboptimal effort base rate of 17% has been previously established (Kirkwood & Kirk, 2010). All participants were administered the FIT as part of an abbreviated neuropsychological evaluation; failure on the Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT) was used as the criterion for suspect effort. The traditional adult cut-off score of(99%), but poor sensitivity (6%). When the recognition trial was also utilized, a combination score of(sensitivity = 64%, specificity = 93%). Results indicate that the FIT with recognition trial may be useful in the assessment of pediatric suboptimal effort, at least among relatively high functioning children following mild TBI.


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Results of neuropsychological examinations depend on valid data. Whereas clinicians previously believed that clinical skill was sufficient to identify non-credible performance by examinees on standard tests, research demonstrates otherwise. Consequently, studies on measures to detect suspect effort in adults have received tremendous attention in the previous twenty years, and incorporation of validity indicators into neuropsychological examinations is now seen as integral. Few studies exist that validate methods appropriate for the measurement of effort in pediatric populations. Of extant studies, most evaluate standalone measures originally developed for use with adults. The present study examined the utility of indices from the California Verbal Learning Test – Children's Version (CVLT-C) as embedded validity indicators in a pediatric sample. Participants were 225 outpatients aged 8 to 16 years old referred for clinical assessment after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Non-credible performance (n = 39) was defined as failure of the Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT). Logistic regression demonstrated that only the Recognition Discriminability index was predictive of MSVT failure (OR = 2.88, p < .001). A cutoff of z ≤ -1.0 was associated with sensitivity of 51% and specificity of 91%. In the current study, CVLT-C Recognition Discriminability was useful in the identification of non-credible performance in a sample of relatively high-functioning pediatric outpatients with mTBI. Thus, this index can be added to the short list of embedded validity indicators appropriate for pediatric neuropsychological assessment.