310 resultados para Surf


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Recent changes in the dynamics of Greenland's marine terminating outlet glaciers indicate a rapid and complex response to external forcing. Despite observed ice front retreat and recent geophysical evidence for accelerated mass loss along Greenland's northwestern margin, it is unclear whether west Greenland glaciers have undergone the synchronous speed-up and subsequent slow-down as observed in southeastern glaciers earlier in the decade. To investigate changes in west Greenland outlet glacier dynamics and the potential controls behind their behavior, we derive time series of front position, surface elevation, and surface slope for 59 marine terminating outlet glaciers and surface speeds for select glaciers in west Greenland from 2000 to 2009. Using these data, we look for relationships between retreat, thinning, acceleration, and geometric parameters to determine the first-order controls on glacier behavior. Our data indicate that changes in front positions and surface elevations were asynchronous on annual time scales, though nearly all glaciers retreated and thinned over the decade. We found no direct relationship between retreat, acceleration, and external forcing applicable to the entire region. In regard to geometry, we found that, following retreat, (1) glaciers with grounded termini experienced more pronounced changes in dynamics than those with floating termini and (2) thinning rates declined more quickly for glaciers with steeper slopes. Overall, glacier geometry should influence outlet glacier dynamics via stress redistribution following perturbations at the front, but our data indicate that the relative importance of geometry as a control of glacier behavior is highly variable throughout west Greenland.


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The relationship between mesoscale hydrodynamics and the distribution of large particulate matter (LPM, particles larger than 200 ?m) in the first 1000 m of the Western Mediterranean basin was studied with a microprocessor-driven CTD-video package, the Underwater Video Profiler (UVP). Observations made during the last decade showed that, in late spring and summer, LPM concentration was high in the coastal part of the Western Mediterranean basin at the shelf break and near the continental slope (computed maximum: 149 ?g C/l between 0 and 100 m near the Spanish coast of the Gibraltar Strait). LPM concentration decreased further offshore into the central Mediterranean Sea where, below 100 m, it remained uniformly low, ranging from 2 to 4 ?g C/l. However, a strong variability was observed in the different mesoscale structures such as the Almeria-Oran jet in the Alboran Sea or the Algerian eddies. LPM concentration was up to one order of magnitude higher in fronts and eddies than in the adjacent oligotrophic Mediterranean waters (i.e. 35 vs. 8 ?g C/l in the Alboran Sea or 16 vs. 3 ?g C/l in a small shear cyclonic eddy). Our observations suggest that LPM spatial heterogeneity generated by the upper layer mesoscale hydrodynamics extends into deeper layers. Consequently, the superficial mesoscale dynamics may significantly contribute to the biogeochemical cycling between the upper and meso-pelagic layers.


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Microbial communities were analyzed at 17 sites visited during the expedition Tundra Northwest 1999 (TNW-99) by microscopic analyses (epifluorescence microscopy and image analyses). The data were used to describe the communities of bacteria, fungi and algae in detail by number, biovolume and biomass. Great variability was found, which could be related to organic matter content of soils and features of vegetation patterns. The amounts (numbers and abundance) of organisms and data on microbial biomass are discussed in relation to other polar environments of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.


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Monitoring the impact of sea storms on coastal areas is fundamental to study beach evolution and the vulnerability of low-lying coasts to erosion and flooding. Modelling wave runup on a beach is possible, but it requires accurate topographic data and model tuning, that can be done comparing observed and modeled runup. In this study we collected aerial photos using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle after two different swells on the same study area. We merged the point cloud obtained with photogrammetry with multibeam data, in order to obtain a complete beach topography. Then, on each set of rectified and georeferenced UAV orthophotos, we identified the maximum wave runup for both events recognizing the wet area left by the waves. We then used our topography and numerical models to simulate the wave runup and compare the model results to observed values during the two events. Our results highlight the potential of the methodology presented, which integrates UAV platforms, photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems to provide faster and cheaper information on beach topography and geomorphology compared with traditional techniques without losing in accuracy. We use the results obtained from this technique as a topographic base for a model that calculates runup for the two swells. The observed and modeled runups are consistent, and open new directions for future research.


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Ice shelves strongly interact with coastal Antarctic sea ice and the associated ecosystem by creating conditions favourable to the formation of a sub-ice platelet layer. The close investigation of this phenomenon and its seasonal evolution remain a challenge due to logistical constraints and a lack of suitable methodology. In this study, we characterize the seasonal cycle of Antarctic fast ice adjacent to the Ekström Ice Shelf in the eastern Weddell Sea. We used a thermistor chain with the additional ability to record the temperature response induced by cyclic heating of resistors embedded in the chain. Vertical sea-ice temperature and heating profiles obtained daily between November 2012 and February 2014 were analyzed to determine sea-ice and snow evolution, and to calculate the basal energy budget. The residual heat flux translated into an ice-volume fraction in the platelet layer of 0.18 ± 0.09, which we reproduced by a independent model simulation and agrees with earlier results. Manual drillings revealed an average annual platelet-layer thickness increase of at least 4m, and an annual maximum thickness of 10m beneath second-year sea ice. The oceanic contribution dominated the total sea-ice production during the study, effectively accounting for up to 70% of second-year sea-ice growth. In summer, an oceanic heat flux of 21 W/m**2 led to a partial thinning of the platelet layer. Our results further show that the active heating method, in contrast to the acoustic sounding approach, is well suited to derive the fast-ice mass balance in regions influenced by ocean/ice-shelf interaction, as it allows sub-diurnal monitoring of the platelet-layer thickness.


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Shallow marine benthic communities around Antarctica show high levels of endemism, gigantism, slow growth, longevity and late maturity, as well as adaptive radiations that have generated considerable biodiversity in some taxa1. The deeper parts of the Southern Ocean exhibit some unique environmental features, including a very deep continental shelf2 and a weakly stratified water column, and are the source for much of the deep water in the world ocean. These features suggest that deep-sea faunas around the Antarctic may be related both to adjacent shelf communities and to those in other oceans. Unlike shallow-water Antarctic benthic communities, however, little is known about life in this vast deep-sea region2, 3. Here, we report new data from recent sampling expeditions in the deep Weddell Sea and adjacent areas (748-6,348 m water depth) that reveal high levels of new biodiversity; for example, 674 isopods species, of which 585 were new to science. Bathymetric and biogeographic trends varied between taxa. In groups such as the isopods and polychaetes, slope assemblages included species that have invaded from the shelf. In other taxa, the shelf and slope assemblages were more distinct. Abyssal faunas tended to have stronger links to other oceans, particularly the Atlantic, but mainly in taxa with good dispersal capabilities, such as the Foraminifera. The isopods, ostracods and nematodes, which are poor dispersers, include many species currently known only from the Southern Ocean. Our findings challenge suggestions that deep-sea diversity is depressed in the Southern Ocean and provide a basis for exploring the evolutionary significance of the varied biogeographic patterns observed in this remote environment.


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The results of oceanographic observations on board the icebreaker "Shirase" and tidal observations at Syowa Station, Antarctica, are presented in this report. The oceanographic observations were carried out by the summer party of the 37th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-37) during the austral summer of 1995/1996. The tidal observations were carried out by the winter party of JARE-36 from February 1995 to January 1996.


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The present volume contains the planktological data collected during the expedition of the "Meteor" to the Indian Ocean in 1964/65. It was the main objective of the expedition to study the up- and downwelling conditioned along the western and eastern coasts of the Arabian Sea by the northeastern monsoon. It is from these areas that the greater part of the data here presented was obtained. A few values from the Red Sea have been added. As the title "Planktological-Chemical Data" implies, it was chiefly with the help of chemical methods that the planktological investigations, with the exception of the particle size analysis and phytoplankton counting conducted optically, were carried out. These investigations were above all devoted to a quantitative survey of particulate matter and plankton, the latter being sampled by water-bottle and net. The zooplankton hauls were taken with the Indian Ocean Standard Net according to the international guidelines laid down for the expedition. As a rule, double catches were made at every station, one sample being intended for laboratory analysis at the Indian Ocean Biological Centre in Ernakulam, South India, and the other for the Institut für Meereskunde in Kiel. In addition to determining the standing stock, the production rate of phytoplankton was measured by the 14C method. These experiments were mainly conducted during the latter half of the expedition. The planktological studies primarily covered the euphotic zone, extending into the underlying water layers up to a depth of 600 m. The investigations were above all directed towards ascertaining the quantity of organic substance, formed by primary production, in its relation to environmental conditions and determining whether or not organic substance is actively transported from the surface into the deeper layers by the periodically migration organisms of the deep scattering layers. Depending on the station time available, a few samples could now and then be taken from deeper layers. The present volume of planktological-chemical data addresses itself to all those concerned processing the extensive material collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition. As a readily accessible work of reference, it hopes to serve as an aid in the evaluation and interpretation of the expedition results. The complementary ecological data such as temperature, salinity, and oxygen content as well as the figures obtained on abundance and distribution in depth of the nutrients essential for primary production may be found in the volume of physical-chemical data published in Series A of the "Meteor"-Forschungsergebnisse No. 2, 1966 (Dietrich et al., 1966).


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Various physical properties of snow and sea ice were measured during ice stations in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctic, during the POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/7 (WWOS) in 2006. Most stations were reached via a gangway directly from the vessels others by helicopter. All vertical positions are corrected to freeboard, e.g. z=0 represents the snow-ice interface. More detailed information about the data sets and methods are available from the cruise report (section 4 sea-ice physics).


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El análisis de vídeo laparoscópico ofrece nuevas posibilidades a la navegación quirúrgica al garantizar una incorporación mínima de tecnología en quirófano, evitando así alterar la ergonomía y los flujos de trabajo de las intervenciones. Una de sus principales ventajas es que puede servir como fuente de datos para reconstruir tridimensionalmente la escena laparoscópica, lo que permite dotar al cirujano de la sensación de profundidad perdida en este tipo de cirugía. En el presente trabajo de investigación se comparan dos detectores de puntos singulares, SIFT y SURF, para estimar cuál de los dos podría integrarse en un algoritmo de cálculo de coordenadas 3D, MonoSLAM, basado en la detección y el seguimiento de estos puntos singulares en los fotogramas del vídeo. Los resultados obtenidos posicionan a SURF como la mejor opción gracias a su rapidez y a su mayor capacidad de discriminación entre estructuras anatómicas e instrumental quirúrgico.