357 resultados para Sulfated titania
Synthetische Glycopeptide mit Sulfatyl-Lewis X-Struktur als potenzielle Inhibitoren der Zelladhäsion
Zelladhäsionsprozesse sind von großer Bedeutung für zahlreiche biologische Prozesse, wie etwa die Immunantwort, die Wundheilung und die Embryogenese. Außerdem spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle im Verlauf inflammatorischer Prozesse. An der Zelladhäsion sind verschiedene Klassen von Adhäsionsmolekülen beteiligt. Die erste leichte „rollende“ Adhäsion von Leukozyten am Ort einer Entzündung wird durch die Selektine vermittelt. Diese binden über die Kohlenhydrat-Strukturen Sialyl-Lewisx und Sialyl-Lewisa über eine calciumabhängige Kohlenhydrat-Protein-Bindung an ihre spezifischen Liganden und vermitteln so den ersten Zellkontakt, bevor andere Adhäsionsmoleküle (Cadherine, Integrine) die feste Adhäsion und den Durchtritt durch das Endothel bewirken. Bei einer pathogenen Überexpression der Selektine kommt es jedoch zu zahlreichen chronischen Erkrankungen wie z. B. rheumatoider Arthritis, Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder dem Reperfusions-syndrom. Außerdem wird eine Beteiligung der durch die Selektine vermittelten Zellkontakte bei der Metastasierung von Karzinomzellen angenommen. Ein Ansatzpunkt für die Behandlung der oben genannten Erkrankungen ist die Gabe löslicher kompetitiver Inhibitoren für die Selektine. Ziel der Arbeit war die Modifikation des Sialyl-Lewisx-Leitmotivs zur Steigerung der metabolischen Stabilität und dessen Einbau in die Peptidsequenz aus der für die Bindung verantwortlichen Domäne des endogenen Selektin-Liganden PSGL-1. Dazu wurden mit einer modifizierten Lewisx-Struktur glycosylierte Aminosäurebausteine dargestellt (Abb.1). Die Verwendung von Arabinose und des Sulfatrestes anstelle von Fusose und Sialinsäure sollte außerdem zu einer gesteigerten metabolischen Stabilität des synthetischen Liganden beitragen. Die so erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäuren sollten nun in die Festphasenpeptidsynthese eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der großen säurelabilität konnte hier nicht auf das Standartverfahren (Wang-Harz, Abspaltung mit TFA) zurückgegriffen werden. Deshalb kam ein neuartiges UV-labiles Ankersystem zum Einsatz. Dazu wurde ein Protokoll für die Synthese und Abspaltung von Peptiden an diesem neuen System entwickelt. Daran gelang die Synthese des nichtglycosylierten Peptidrückgrats sowie eines mit der dem sulfatierten Lewisx-Motiv versehenen Glycopeptids. Ein vierfach sulfatiertes Glycopeptid, welches durch den Einsatz von im Vorfeld chemisch sulfatierer Tyrosin-Bausteinen dargestellt werden sollte, konnte massenspektrometrisch nachgewiesen werden.
Upgrade of biomass to valuable chemicals is a central topic in modern research due to the high availability and low price of this feedstock. For the difficulties in biomass treatment, different pathways are still under investigation. A promising way is in the photodegradation, because it can lead to greener transformation processes with the use of solar light as a renewable resource. The aim of my work was the research of a photocatalyst for the hydrolysis of cellobiose under visible irradiation. Cellobiose was selected because it is a model molecule for biomass depolymerisation studies. Different titania crystalline structures were studied to find the most active phase. Furthermore, to enhance the absorption of this semiconductor in the visible range, noble metal nanoparticles were immobilized on titania. Gold and silver were chosen because they present a Surface Plasmon Resonance band and they are active metals in several photocatalytic reactions. The immobilized catalysts were synthesized following different methods to optimize the synthetic steps and to achieve better performances. For the same purpose the alloying effect between gold and silver nanoparticles was examined.
The demand of energy, fuels and chemicals is increasing due to the strong growth of some countries in the developing world and the development of the world economy. Unfortunately, the general picture derived sparked an exponential increase in crude oil prices with a consequent increase of the chemical, by-products and energy, depleting the global market. Nowadays biomass are the most promising alternative to fossil fuels for the production of chemicals and fuels. In this work, the development of three different catalytic processes for the valorization of biomass-derived has been investigated. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation was studied under mild reaction condition using gold and gold/copper based catalysts synthetized from pre-formed nanoparticles and supported onto TiO2 and CeO2. The analysis conducted on catalysts showed the formation of alloys gold/copper and a strong synergistic effect between the two metals. For this reason the bimetallic catalysts supported on titania showed a higher catalytic activity respect to the monometallic catalysts. The process for the production of 2,5-bishydroxymethyl furan (BHMF) was also optimized by means the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural hydrogenation using the Shvo complex. Complete conversion of HMF was achieved working at 90 °C and 10 bar of hydrogen. The complex was found to be re-usable for at least three catalytic cycles without suffering any type of deactivation. Finally, the hydrogenation of furfural and HMF was carried out, developing the process of hydrogen transfer by using MgO as a catalyst and methanol as a hydrogen donor. Quantitative yields to alcohols have been achieved in a few hours working in mild condition: 160 °C and at autogenous pressure. The only by-products formed were light products such as CO, CO2 and CH4 (products derived from methanol transformation), easily separable from the reaction solution depressurizing the reactor.
Lo scopo della seguente tesi è quello di illustrare la disposizione dei campioni di sistemi binari Mg Pd e di deposizioni singole di Ti, nell’abito di due progetti di ricerca, l’SSHS, Solide State Hydrogen Storage nell’ambito dell’Azione COST, e la produzione di titania (TiO2) per la fotocatalisi, sintetizzati in differenti reggimi di flusso di gas d’He, realizzando la crescita con il metodo IGC. Sono state illustrate le nuove proprietà e i metodi di formazione dei materiali nanostrutturati, per poi passare alla descrizione dell’apparato dove sono stati prodotti i campioni, con la conseguente spiegazione della progettazione del controllore di flusso dei sistemi di alimentazione e interfacciamento di quest’ultimo. Dopo un’accurata analisi al microscopio elettronico, `e stata descritta la morfologia dei campioni a due diversi reggimi di flusso di gas He, per i campioni di Mg Pd non sono state apprezzate differenze al variare del flusso, per il Ti, invece, si può notare una variazione morfologica legata alle dimensioni.
In dye-sensitized solar cells a blocking layer between the transparent electrode and the mesoporous titanium dioxide film is used to prevent short-circuits between the hole-conductor and the front electrode. The conventional approach is to use a compact layer of titanium dioxide prepared by spin coating or spray pyrolysis. The thickness of the blocking layer is critical. On one hand, the layer has to be thick enough to cover the rough substrate completely. On the other hand, the serial resistance increases with increasing film thickness, because the layer acts as an ohmic resistance itself. In this thesis an amphiphilic diblock copolymer is used as a functional template to produce an alternative, hybrid blocking layer. The hybrid blocking layer is thinner than the conventional, compact titanium dioxide film and thereby possesses a higher conductivity. Still, this type of blocking layer covers the rough electrode material completely and avoids current loss through charge recombination. The novel blocking layer is prepared using a tailored, amphiphilic block copolymer in combination with sol-gel chemistry. While the hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) part of the polymer coordinates a titanium dioxide precursor to form a percolating network of titania particles, the hydrophobic poly(dimethylsiloxane) part turns into an insulating ceramic layer. With this technique, crack-free films with a thickness down to 24 nm are obtained. The presence of a conductive titanium dioxide network for current flow, which is embedded in an insulating ceramic material, is validated by conductive scanning force microscopy. This is the first time that such a hybrid blocking layer is implemented in a solar cell. With this approach the efficiency could be increased up to 27 % compared to the conventional blocking layer. Thus, it is demonstrated that the hybrid blocking layer represents a competitive alternative to the classical approach.
This work is focused on the development of high quality nanoporous 1D photonic crystals –so called Bragg stacks – made by spin-coating of approximately 25 nm large SiO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles bearing interparticle voids large enough to infiltrate reactive species. Therefore, the first part of this work describes the synthesis of well-dispersed TiO2 nanoparticles in this size range (the corresponding SiO2 nanoparticles are commercially available). In the second part, a protocol was developed to prepare nanoporous Bragg stacks of up to 12 bilayers with high quality and precision. Tailor-made Bragg stacks were prepared for different applications such as (i) a surface emitting feedback laser with a FWHM of only 6 nm and (ii) an electrochromic device with absorption reversibly switchable by an external electrical bias independently of the Bragg reflection. In the last chapter, the approach to 1D photonic crystals is transferred to 1D phononic crystals. Contrast in the modulus is achieved by spin-coating SiO2 and PMMA as high and low moduli material. This system showed a band gap of fg = 12.6 GHz with a width of Dfg/fg = 4.5 GHz.
This thesis deals with the investigation of exciton and charge dynamics in hybrid solar cells by time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Quasi-steady-state and transient absorption spectroscopy, as well as time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, were employed to study charge generation and recombination in solid-state organic dye-sensitized solar cells, where the commonly used liquid electrolyte is replaced by an organic solid hole transporter, namely 2,2′7,7′-tetrakis-(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenyl-amine)-9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-MeOTAD), and polymer-metal oxide bulk heterojunction solar cells, where the commonly used fullerene acceptor [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) is replaced by zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles. By correlating the spectroscopic results with the photovoltaic performance, efficiency-limiting processes and processes leading to photocurrent generation in the investigated systems are revealed. rnIt is shown that the charge generation from several all-organic donor-π-bridge-acceptor dyes, specifically perylene monoimide derivatives, employed in solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, is strongly dependent on the presence of a commonly used additive lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl)imide salt (Li-TFSI) at the interface. rnMoreover, it is shown that charges can not only be generated by electron injection from the excited dye into the TiO2 acceptor and subsequent regeneration of the dye cation by the hole transporter, but also by an alternative mechanism, called preceding hole transfer (or reductive quenching). Here, the excited dye is first reduced by the hole transporter and the thereby formed anion subsequently injects an electron into the titania. This additional charge generation process, which is only possible for solid hole transporters, helps to overcome injection problems. rnHowever, a severe disadvantage of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells is re-vealed by monitoring the transient Stark effect on dye molecules at the inter-face induced by the electric field between electrons and holes. The attraction between the negative image charge present in TiO2, which is induced by the positive charge carrier in the hole transporter due to the dielectric contrast between the organic spiro-MeOTAD and inorganic titania, is sufficient to at-tract the hole back to the interface, thereby increasing recombination and suppressing the extraction of free charges.rnBy investigating the effect of different dye structures and physical properties on charge generation and recombination, design rules and guidelines for the further advancement of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells are proposed.rnFinally, a spectroscopic study on polymer:ZnO bulk heterojunction hybrid solar cells, employing different surfactants attached to the metal oxide nanoparticles, was performed to understand the effect of surfactants upon photovoltaic behavior. By applying a parallel pool analysis on the transient absorption data, it is shown that suppressing fast recombination while simultaneously maintaining the exciton splitting efficiency by the right choice of surfactants leads to better photovoltaic performances. Suppressing the fast recombination completely, whilst maintaining the exciton splitting, could lead to a doubling of the power conversion efficiency of this type of solar cell.
Il lavoro di questa tesi è incentrato sulla sintesi di film nanoparticellari di TiO2 con drogaggio di vanadio e analisi delle loro proprietà, prodotti tramite la tecnica IGC. Lo studio è finalizzato ad ottenere un materiale idoneo per la costruzione di fotoelettrodi da utilizzare per la produzione di idrogeno tramite la fotoelettrolisi dell'acqua. Si è impiegata la titania perché è uno dei materiali più promettenti grazie alla sua facilità di fabbricazione, il basso costo, la resistenza alla corrosione in soluzioni elettrolitiche e alla fotocorrosione e alle sue buone proprietà fotocatalitiche. Il drogaggio di vanadio rappresenta una possibile soluzione dei principali problemi che affliggono il materiale, come lo scarso assorbimento del range visibile e la rapida ricombinazione dei portatori di carica. Nel primo capitolo è presente una breve descrizione teorica del processo di produzione di idrogeno tramite split fotocatalitico dell'acqua all'interno di PEC nelle quali la TiO2 è utilizzata come fotoanodo. Nel secondo capitolo è presente una breve digressione sulle proprietà morfologico-strutturali, cristalline, elettroniche e sulla stabilità e le trasformazioni di fase dei principali polimorfi della TiO2. Infine una descrizione del sistema Titanio-Vanadio. Nel terzo capitolo viene presentato il sistema di crescita sia illustrando la teoria che sta dietro alla tecnica che descrivendo nei dettagli l'apparato IGC. Vengono infine presentati i campioni sintetizzati durante questo lavoro di tesi. Nel quarto capitolo vengono presentati i risultati delle indagini condotte per determinare le proprietà dei nostri campioni. E' stata dapprima effettuata un'analisi morfologica con un SEM e una semi-quantitativa con l'EDX. Sono state determinate le proprietà strutturali e la presenza delle fasi cristalline, a diversi trattamenti termici, con l'XRD. Si sono poi testate le proprietà ottiche e in particolare dell'assorbimento con misure di trasmittanza spettrale. Infine si è caratterizzata la struttura locale elettronica e cristallina tramite XAS e le dinamiche di rilassamento dei portatori di carica con TR-XAS.
Biomass transformation into high-value chemicals has attracted attention according to the “green chemistry” principles. Low price and high availability make biomass one of the most interesting renewable resources as it provides the means to create sustainable alternatives to the oil-derived building blocks of the chemical industry In recent year, the need for alternative environmentally friendly routes to drive chemical reactions has in photocatalytic processes an interesting way to obtain valuable chemicals from various sources using the solar light as energy source. The purpose of this work was to use supported noble metal nanoparticles in the selective photo-oxidation of glucose through using visible light. Glucose was chosen as model molecule because it is the cheapest and the most common monosaccharide. Few studies about glucose photo oxidation have been conducted so far, and reaction mechanism is still not totally explained. The aim of this work was to systematically analyze and assess the impact of several parameters (eg. catalyst/substrate ratio, reaction time, effect of the solvent and light source) on the reaction pathway and to monitor the product distribution in order to draw a general reaction scheme for the photo oxidation of glucose under visible light. This study regards the reaction mechanism and the influence of several parameters, such as solvent, light power and substrate concentration. Furthermore, the work focuses on the influence of gold and silver nanoparticles and on the influence of metal loading. The glucose oxidation was monitored through the mass balance and the products selectivity. Reactions were evaluated in terms of glucose conversion, mass balance and selectivities towards arabinose and gluconic acid. In conclusion, this study is able to demonstrate that the photo oxidation of glucose under visible light is feasible; the full identification of the main products allows, for the first time, a comprehensive reaction mechanism scheme.
L’ossido di grafene è caratterizzato da una elevata quantità di gruppi funzionali contenenti ossigeno sia sulla superficie che sui bordi e grazie ad essi è altamente disperdibile in acqua. Questa peculiare caratteristica permette il suo utilizzo come catalizzatore nelle reazioni in fase liquida. I materiali grafenici possono essere impiegati come catalizzatori e come supporti in diversi campi della catalisi, tra cui la bioraffineria. Uno dei principali derivati da biomasse è il 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF). In questa tesi è stata investigata la reazione di riduzione selettiva del gruppo aldeidico di HMF per ottenere 2,5-bisidrossimetilfurano (BHMF), utilizzato per la produzione di polimeri e come intermedio per la produzione di acido adipico ed esametilediammina. In questo lavoro di tesi si è cercato di sviluppare un catalizzatore in grado di operare a bassa temperatura e con basse pressioni di H2, utilizzando acqua come solvente. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quindi lo studio e la caratterizzazione di catalizzatori eterogenei in pellet a base di Pt/ossido di grafene/ossidi ceramici (TiO2, Al2O3) e la loro applicazione nella reazione di riduzione del 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF) a 2,5-bisidrossimetilfurano (BHMF) in fase liquida. Per lo sviluppo del catalizzatore sono state indagate diverse vie di sintesi e diversi precursori di Pt. Per conoscere le condizioni ottimali di reazione, selezionare il supporto ottimale e studiare l’influenza dell’area superficiale sono stati preparati catalizzatori tradizionali di riferimento in polvere. Le prestazioni dei catalizzatori in polvere sono state inoltre confrontate con i catalizzatori analoghi in pellet per verificare l’influenza del trasferimento di materia. Infine, si è studiata l’influenza del GO nell’attività catalitica utilizzando due forme cristalline di titania. I dati catalitici ottenuti sono stati confrontati con dei catalizzatori convenzionali in polvere di Pt supportato su carbone (grafene e carbone attivo). Le proprietà dei catalizzatori preparati sono state messe in relazione con la loro attività catalitica.
Due to the limited availability of natural oil and the harmful effects of its usage, the industry has focused in searching for sustainable types of raw materials for the production of chemicals. The bioethanol, obtained by fermentation of biomass, has gained particular importance in recent years both as a biofuel, and as a “building block” molecule because it can be considered as a starting reagent to obtain other added value chemical compounds, such as ethylene, acetaldehyde, butadiene and ethyl acetate. The goal of this research was the study of the interaction of ethanol with catalysts based on TiO2-CeOX. Since the electronic properties have implications on the catalytic activity, the idea was to understand if the TiO2-CeOX systems have different reactivity from that of ceria and rutile alone, or an intermediate between them. The study was focused on the characterization of the adsorbed species on the catalysts surface after ethanol adsorption through an in-situ spectroscopic technique (DRIFTS) that allowed us to extract information that could be helpful for the understanding of the processes at the molecular level. The mass spectrometry was used to monitor on-line the desorbed products. Furthermore, reactivity tests in a flow reactor were performed, in order to verify the catalytic behavior of the samples in conditions which are more similar to those applied at an industrial scale. The samples showed to behave in different way depending on the conditions used and the thermal treatment. The particular behavior of the mixed samples with respect to the single oxides is interpreted for each case according to the spectroscopic information collected.
Articular cartilage injuries and degeneration affect a large proportion of the population in developed countries world wide. Stem cells can be differentiated into chondrocytes by adding transforming growth factor-beta1 and dexamethasone to a pellet culture, which are unfeasible for tissue engineering purposes. We attempted to achieve stable chondrogenesis without any requirement for exogenous growth factors. Human mesenchymal stem cells were transduced with an adenoviral vector containing the SRY-related HMG-box gene 9 (SOX9), and were cultured in a three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel scaffold composite. As an additional treatment, mechanical stimulation was applied in a custom-made bioreactor. SOX9 increased the expression level of its known target genes, as well as its cofactors: the long form of SOX5 and SOX6. However, it was unable to increase the synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Mechanical stimulation slightly enhanced collagen type X and increased lubricin expression. The combination of SOX9 and mechanical load boosted GAG synthesis as shown by (35)S incorporation. GAG production rate corresponded well with the amount of (endogenous) transforming growth factor-beta1. Finally, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein expression was increased by both treatments. These findings provide insight into the mechanotransduction of mesenchymal stem cells and demonstrate the potential of a transcription factor in stem cell therapy.
Ketamine, a phencyclidine derivative, is used for induction of anesthesia, as an anesthetic drug for short term surgical interventions and in subanesthetic doses for postoperative pain relief. Ketamine undergoes extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism. Enantioselective capillary electrophoresis with multiple isomer sulfated -cyclodextrin as chiral selector was used to identify cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in hepatic ketamine and norketamine biotransformation in vitro. The N-demethylation of ketamine to norketamine and subsequently the biotransformation of norketamine to other metabolites were studied via analysis of alkaline extracts of in vitro incubations of racemic ketamine and racemic norketamine with nine recombinantly expressed human cytochrome P450 enzymes and human liver microsomes. Norketamine was formed by CYP3A4, CYP2C19, CYP2B6, CYP2A6, CYP2D6 and CYP2C9, whereas CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 were identified to be the only enzymes which enable the hydroxylation of norketamine. The latter two enzymes produced metabolic patterns similar to those found in incubations with human liver microsomes. The kinetic data of ketamine N-demethylation with CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 were best described with the Michaelis-Menten model and the Hill equation, respectively. This is the first study elucidating the individual enzymes responsible for hydroxylation of norketamine. The obtained data suggest that in vitro biotransformation of ketamine and norketamine is stereoselective.
Enantioselective CE with sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors was used to determine the CYP3A4-catalyzed N-demethylation kinetics of ketamine to norketamine and its inhibition in the presence of ketoconazole in vitro. Ketamine, a chiral phencyclidine derivative, was incubated with recombinant human CYP3A4 from a baculovirus expression system as racemic mixture and as single enantiomer. Alkaline liquid/liquid extracts of the samples were analyzed with a pH 2.5 buffer comprising 50 mM Tris and phosphoric acid together with either multiple isomer sulfated β-cyclodextrin (10 mg/mL) or highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin (2%, w/v). Data obtained in the absence of ketoconazole revealed that the N-demethylation occurred stereoselectively with Michaelis-Menten (incubation of racemic ketamine) and Hill (separate incubation of single enantiomers) kinetics. Data generated in the presence of ketoconazole as the inhibitor could best be fitted to a one-site competitive model and inhibition constants were calculated using the equation of Cheng and Prusoff. No stereoselective difference was observed, but inhibition constants for the incubation of racemic ketamine were found to be larger compared with those obtained with the incubation of single ketamine enantiomers.
A robust, inexpensive, and fully validated CE method for the simultaneous determination of the enantiomers of propafenone (PPF), 5-hydroxy-propafenone (5OH-PPF) and N-despropyl-propafenone (NOR-PPF) in serum and in in vitro media is described. It is based upon liquid-liquid extraction at alkaline pH followed by analysis of the reconstituted extract by CE in presence of a pH 2.0 running buffer composed of 100 mM sodium phosphate, 19% methanol, and 0.6% highly sulfated beta-CD. For each compound, the S-enantiomers are shown to migrate ahead of their antipodes, and the overall run time is about 30 min. Enantiomer levels between 25 and 1000 ng/mL provide linear calibration graphs, and the LOD for all enantiomers is between 10 and 12 ng/mL. The assay is shown to be suitable for the determination of the enantiomers of PPF and its metabolites in in vitro incubations comprising human liver microsomes or single CYP450 enzymes (SUPERSOMES). Incubations with CYP2D6 SUPERSOMES revealed, for the first time, the simultaneous formation of the enantiomers of 5OH-PPF and NOR-PPF with that enzyme. CE data can be used for the evaluation of the enzymatic N-dealkylation and hydroxylation rates.