958 resultados para Sports physiology
The aim of the study was to assess the effects of physical fitness on the relationships between body mass index (BMI) and body fat (BF) on blood pressure (BP) levels. Cross-sectional study conducted in 25 schools of Lisbon (Portugal), including 2041 boys and 1995 girls aged 10-18. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. Cardiovascular fitness was assessed by the 20-meter shuttle run and classified as fit/unfit. Obesity (BMI or BF defined) was defined according to international criteria. In both sexes, BMI was positively related with systolic and diastolic BP, while BF was only positively related with diastolic BP z-scores. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI categories regarding BP levels, while for BF a significant interaction was found. Being fit reduced the BF-induced increase in the Odds ratio (OR) of presenting with high BP: OR (95% confidence interval) 1.01 (0.73-1.40) and 0.99 (0.70-1.38) for overweight and obese fit boys, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese boys being 1.33 (0.94-1.90) and 1.75 (1.34-2.28), respectively. The values were 0.88 (0.57-1.35) and 1.66 (0.98-2.80) for overweight and obese fit girls, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese being 1.63 (1.12-2.37) and 1.90 (1.32-2.73) respectively. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI-defined overweight and obesity. Being fit reduces the negative impact of BF on BP levels and high BP status in adolescents. This protective effect was not found with BMI.
PURPOSE: To explore whether triaxial accelerometric measurements can be utilized to accurately assess speed and incline of running in free-living conditions. METHODS: Body accelerations during running were recorded at the lower back and at the heel by a portable data logger in 20 human subjects, 10 men, and 10 women. After parameterizing body accelerations, two neural networks were designed to recognize each running pattern and calculate speed and incline. Each subject ran 18 times on outdoor roads at various speeds and inclines; 12 runs were used to calibrate the neural networks whereas the 6 other runs were used to validate the model. RESULTS: A small difference between the estimated and the actual values was observed: the square root of the mean square error (RMSE) was 0.12 m x s(-1) for speed and 0.014 radiant (rad) (or 1.4% in absolute value) for incline. Multiple regression analysis allowed accurate prediction of speed (RMSE = 0.14 m x s(-1)) but not of incline (RMSE = 0.026 rad or 2.6% slope). CONCLUSION: Triaxial accelerometric measurements allows an accurate estimation of speed of running and incline of terrain (the latter with more uncertainty). This will permit the validation of the energetic results generated on the treadmill as applied to more physiological unconstrained running conditions.
Physical activity and pregnancy: cardiovascular adaptations, recommendations and pregnancy outcomes.
Regular physical activity is associated with improved physiological, metabolic and psychological parameters, and with reduced risk of morbidity and mortality. Current recommendations aimed at improving the health and well-being of nonpregnant subjects advise that an accumulation of > or =30 minutes of moderate physical activity should occur on most, if not all, days of the week. Regardless of the specific physiological changes induced by pregnancy, which are primarily developed to meet the increased metabolic demands of mother and fetus, pregnant women benefit from regular physical activity the same way as nonpregnant subjects. Changes in submaximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)) during pregnancy depend on the type of exercise performed. During maternal rest or submaximal weight-bearing exercise (e.g. walking, stepping, treadmill exercise), absolute maternal VO(2) is significantly increased compared with the nonpregnant state. The magnitude of change is approximately proportional to maternal weight gain. When pregnant women perform submaximal weight-supported exercise on land (e.g. level cycling), the findings are contradictory. Some studies reported significantly increased absolute VO(2), while many others reported unchanged or only slightly increased absolute VO(2) compared with the nonpregnant state. The latter findings may be explained by the fact that the metabolic demand of cycle exercise is largely independent of the maternal body mass, resulting in no absolute VO(2) alteration. Few studies that directly measured changes in maternal maximal VO(2) (VO(2max)) showed no difference in the absolute VO(2max) between pregnant and nonpregnant subjects in cycling, swimming or weight-bearing exercise. Efficiency of work during exercise appears to be unchanged during pregnancy in non-weight-bearing exercise. During weight-bearing exercise, the work efficiency was shown to be improved in athletic women who continue exercising and those who stop exercising during pregnancy. When adjusted for weight gain, the increased efficiency is maintained throughout the pregnancy, with the improvement being greater in exercising women. Regular physical activity has been proven to result in marked benefits for mother and fetus. Maternal benefits include improved cardiovascular function, limited pregnancy weight gain, decreased musculoskeletal discomfort, reduced incidence of muscle cramps and lower limb oedema, mood stability, attenuation of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Fetal benefits include decreased fat mass, improved stress tolerance, and advanced neurobehavioural maturation. In addition, few studies that have directly examined the effects of physical activity on labour and delivery indicate that, for women with normal pregnancies, physical activity is accompanied with shorter labour and decreased incidence of operative delivery. However, a substantial proportion of women stop exercising after they discover they are pregnant, and only few begin participating in exercise activities during pregnancy. The adoption or continuation of a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy may contribute to the development of certain disorders such as hypertension, maternal and childhood obesity, gestational diabetes, dyspnoea, and pre-eclampsia. In view of the global epidemic of sedentary behaviour and obesity-related pathology, prenatal physical activity was shown to be useful for the prevention and treatment of these conditions. Further studies with larger sample sizes are required to confirm the association between physical activity and outcomes of labour and delivery.
In many animals, melanin-based coloration is strongly heritable and is largely insensitive to the environment and body condition. According to the handicap principle, such a trait may not reveal individual quality because the production of different melanin-based colorations often entails similar costs. However, a recent study showed that the production of eumelanin pigments requires relatively large amounts of calcium, potentially implying that melanin-based coloration is associated with physiological processes requiring calcium. If this is the case, eumelanism may be traded-off against other metabolic processes that require the same elements. We used a correlative approach to examine, for the first time, this proposition in the barn owl, a species in which individuals vary in the amount, size, and blackness of eumelanic spots. For this purpose, we measured calcium concentration in the left humerus of 85 dead owls. Results showed that the humeri of heavily spotted individuals had a higher concentration of calcium. This suggests either that plumage spottiness signals the ability to absorb calcium from the diet for both eumelanin production and storage in bones, or that lightly spotted individuals use more calcium for metabolic processes at the expense of calcium storage in bones. Our study supports the idea that eumelanin-based coloration is associated with a number of physiological processes requiring calcium.
This article describes the physiologic and neural mechanisms that cause neuromuscular fatigue in racquet sports: table tennis, tennis, squash, and badminton. In these intermittent and dual activities, performance may be limited as a match progresses because of a reduced central activation, linked to changes in neurotransmitter concentration or in response to afferent sensory feedback. Alternatively, modulation of spinal loop properties may occur because of changes in metabolic or mechanical properties within the muscle. Finally, increased fatigue manifested by mistimed strokes, lower speed, and altered on-court movements may be caused by ionic disturbances and impairments in excitation-contraction coupling properties. These alterations in neuromuscular function contribute to decrease in racquet sports performance observed under fatigue.
Body accelerations during human walking were recorded by a portable measuring device. A new method for parameterizing body accelerations and finding the pattern of walking is outlined. Two neural networks were designed to recognize each pattern and estimate the speed and incline of walking. Six subjects performed treadmill walking followed by self-paced walking on an outdoor test circuit involving roads of various inclines. The neural networks were first "trained" by known patterns of treadmill walking. Then the inclines, the speeds, and the distance covered during overground walking (outdoor circuit) were estimated. The results show a good agreement between actual and predicted variables. The standard deviation of estimated incline was less than 2.6% and the maximum of the coefficient of variation of speed estimation is 6%. To the best of our knowledge, these results constitute the first assessment of speed, incline and distance covered during level and slope walking and offer investigators a new tool for assessing levels of outdoor physical activity.
En France, la décentralisation et la territorialisation de l'action publique ont fait des sports de nature un objet d'action publique légitime en donnant naissance à de nouveaux outils de management public dédiés à la concertation et à la planification des usages de la nature. Nés de l'article 52 de la Loi sur le sport modifiée en 2000, la Commission Départementale des Espaces, Sites et Itinéraires relatifs aux sports de nature (CDESI) et le Plan Départemental des Espaces Sites et Itinéraires relatifs aux sports de nature (PDESI) sont des outils de concertation territoriale dédiés à la gestion publique des sports de nature au niveau départemental. Un enjeu de ce travail tient à l'appréhension des transformations de l'action publique en s'attachant à l'étude des dispositifs de concertation sur les sports de nature. Un deuxième enjeu de ce travail s'attache à mettre en évidence les effets de la concertation en analysant les interactions et les différents modes d'engagements des acteurs au cours de la « chose publique en train de se faire » (Cefaï, 2002). Les acteurs s'engagent non seulement dans la concertation comprise comme une activité sociale faite d'interactions, mais ils s'engagent également dans la concertation en tant que processus d'action publique. Aussi, un autre enjeu de ce travail est d'appréhender les effets de la concertation par une analyse processuelle des engagements (Fillieule, 2004) des acteurs et des organisations. En mobilisant les outils conceptuels de la sociologie interactionniste, de la sociologie pragmatique, ainsi que de la sociologie structuraliste, l'analyse des situations interactionnelles a notamment permis d'identifier les procédures de cadrage et les techniques dramaturgiques mises en oeuvre par les interactants, ainsi que les répertoires argumentatifs mobilisés par ces acteurs pendant l « 'épreuve » de la concertation. Les confrontations des points de vue et les justifications des prises de positions des acteurs peuvent faire évoluer la configuration initiale des jeux d'acteurs même si, pour certains, ces changements ne restent parfois qu'éphémères. Les organisations s'engagent dans la concertation en fonction de la revendication d'une légitimité qui est à comprendre comme une forme militantisme institutionnel s'articulant autour de la valorisation d'une expertise militante, environnementale, institutionnelle, ou encore de leur statut de partenaire institutionnel. In France, decentralization and territorialization of public action have made outdoor sports become an object of public policies justifiable by giving birth to new tools of public management dedicated to the public consultation, the dialogue, and the planning of the uses of the landscapes. Indeed, born of article 52 of the Law on sport modified in 2000, the Departmental committee for Spaces, Sites and Routes relative to natural sports ( CDESI) and the Departmental Plan of Spaces Sites and Routes relative to natural sports ( PDESI) are governance tools dedicated to the public management of outdoor sports for counties. A challenge of this work is to understand the changes of public policy by focusing on the study of mechanisms for consultation on outdoor sports. A second item of this work is to highlight the effects of cooperation by focusing on the analysis of interactions and actor's commitments during the "public thing in the making" (Cefaï, 2002). Actors commit themselves not only in the dialogue included as a social activity made by interactions, but they also take part to the dialogue included as a process of public action. Also, another issue of this work is to understand the effects of consultation by a processual approach of individual commitments (Fillieule, 2004) of actors and organizations. Using the conceptual tools of symbolic interactionism, pragmatic sociology, and structuralist sociology, the analysis of interactional situations has highlighted the framing work and procedures implemented by the interactants, as well as the dramaturgical techniques and argumentative directories which, they mobilize during the "test" of the consultation. Confrontation of viewpoints and justifications of interactants' positions can evolve from their initial configuration sets, even if for some of them these changes are sometimes ephemeral. Organizations involve themselves according to demands of legitimacy which, are to understand as a shape institutional militancy articulating around the valuation of a militant, environmental, institutional expertise, or still around their status of institutional partner.
Cet article se veut une revue des effets ergogéniques et potentiellement délétères des principaux compléments alimentaires consommés par les sportifs populaires ou d'élite. De nombreux produits sont proposés sur le marché avec des allégations prometteuses, le plus souvent sans preuve scientifique sur leur validité ou leur innocuité. Les antioxydants n'augmentent ni la force ni l'endurance. La créatine améliore la capacité de récupération pour les exercices en intervalle anaérobie mais pas en course à pied ni en natation. L'hormone de croissance et les stéroïdes anabolisants augmentent la synthèse protéique et la masse maigre mais comportent des effets secondaires graves et souvent irréversibles. Les médecins, les diététiciens et les fédérations sportives ont un rôle important à jouer dans l'information et la prévention, afin d'éviter des attitudes néfastes pour la santé, pouvant même créer des addictions. This article reviews the evidence-based ergogenic potential adverse effects of the most common products in use by recreational and elite athletes today. This is an aggressively marketed and controversial area of sports medicine wordwide. It is therefore important for the scientific societies, clinicians, dieticians sports federations to be well versed in the more popular supplements and drugs in order to have an important role in information and prevention attitudes that can lead to health risks or addictions!
Proper examination of the pupil provides an objective measure of the integrity of the pregeniculate afferent visual pathway and allows assessment of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation to the eye. Infrared videography and pupillography are increasingly used to study the dynamic behavior of the pupil in common disorders, such as Horner's syndrome and tonic pupil.
The major objective of this study was to investigate the effects of several days of intense exercise on the growth hormone marker approach to detect doping with human growth hormone (hGH). In addition we investigated the effect of changes in plasma volume on the test. Fifteen male athletes performed a simulated nine-day cycling stage race. Blood samples were collected twice daily over a period of 15 days (stage race + three days before and after). Plasma volumes were estimated by the optimized CO Rebreathing method. IGF-1 and P-III-NP were analyzed by Siemens Immulite and Cisbio Assays, respectively. All measured GH 2000 scores were far below the published decision limits for an adverse analytical finding. The period of exercise did not increase the GH-scores; however the accompanying effect of the increase in Plasma Volume yielded in essentially lower GH-scores. We could demonstrate that a period of heavy, long-term exercise with changes in plasma volume does not interfere with the decision limits for an adverse analytical finding. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
BACKGROUND: MR tissue tagging allows the noninvasive assessment of the locally and temporally resolved motion pattern of the left ventricle. Alterations in cardiac torsion and diastolic relaxation of the left ventricle were studied in patients with aortic stenosis and were compared with those of healthy control subjects and championship rowers with physiological volume-overload hypertrophy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve aortic stenosis patients, 11 healthy control subjects with normal left ventricular function, and 11 world-championship rowers were investigated for systolic and diastolic heart wall motion on a basal and an apical level of the myocardium. Systolic torsion and untwisting during diastole were examined by use of a novel tagging technique (CSPAMM) that provides access to systolic and diastolic motion data. In the healthy heart, the left ventricle performs a systolic wringing motion, with a counterclockwise rotation at the apex and a clockwise rotation at the base. Apical untwisting precedes diastolic filling. In the athlete's heart, torsion and untwisting remain unchanged compared with those of the control subjects. In aortic stenosis patients, torsion is significantly increased and diastolic apical untwisting is prolonged compared with those of control subjects or athletes. CONCLUSIONS: Torsional behavior as observed in pressure- and volume-overloaded hearts is consistent with current theoretical findings. A delayed diastolic untwisting in the pressure-overloaded hearts of the patients may contribute to a tendency toward diastolic dysfunction.