971 resultados para Sorghum Brachypodum
Two experiments tested the tolerance of steers (Bos taurus) to sorghum ergot (Claviceps africana) during cooler months in south-east Queensland. Sorghum grain containing 2.8% ergot and 28 mg/kg ergot alkaloids (84% dihydroergosine, 10% dihydroelymoclavine, 6% festuclavine) was incorporated into feedlot rations. In a previous study in summer–autumn, ergot (1.1–4.4 mg alkaloids/kg ration) severely reduced performance in steers when the temperature–humidity index (THI; dry bulb temperature °C + 0.36 dew-point temperature °C + 41.2) was ~70, whereas a THI of ~79 was tolerated by steers fed ergot-free rations. Experiment 1 was conducted in winter–spring, with rations containing 0, 2.8, 5.6, 8.2 or 11.2 mg ergot alkaloids/kg ration. All ergot inclusions depressed feed intake (14% average reduction) and growth rate (34% average reduction), even when the weekly average daily THI was less than 65. Rectal temperatures were occasionally elevated in ergot-fed steers (P < 0.05), primarily when the THI exceeded ~65. All ergot inclusions depressed plasma prolactin concentrations in steers. Experiment 2 was predominantly carried out in winter, with weekly average daily THI <65 throughout the experiment. Rations containing 0, 0.28, 0.55 or 1.1 mg ergot alkaloids/kg were fed for 4 weeks but produced no significant effect on feed intakes and growth rates of steers. Alkaloid concentrations were then changed to 0, 2.1, 4.3 and 1.1 mg/kg, respectively. Subsequently, feed intakes declined by 17.5% (P < 0.05), and growth rates by 28% (P > 0.05) in the group receiving 4.3 mg/kg alkaloid, compared with Controls. Plasma prolactin concentrations were depressed, relative to the Controls, by dietary alkaloid inclusion greater than 1.1 mg/kg, with alkaloid intake of 4.3 mg/kg causing the greatest reduction (P < 0.05). Cattle performance in these studies shows steers can tolerate up to ~2 mg ergot alkaloid/kg (0.2% ergot) in feedlot rations under low THI conditions (< ~60–65), but previous findings indicate a much lower threshold will apply at higher THI (>65).
Kafirin microparticles have been proposed as an oral nutraceutical and drug delivery system. This study investigates microparticles formed with kafirin extracted from white and raw versus cooked red sorghum grains as an oral delivery system. Targeted delivery to the colon would be beneficial for medication such as prednisolone, which is used in the management of inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, prednisolone was loaded into microparticles of kafirin from the different sources using phase separation. Differences were observed in the protein content, in vitro protein digestibility, and protein electrophoretic profile of the various sources of sorghum grains, kafirin extracts, and kafirin microparticles. For all of the formulations, the majority of the loaded prednisolone was not released in in vitro conditions simulating the upper gastrointestinal tract, indicating that most of the encapsulated drug could reach the target area of the lower gastrointestinal tract. This suggests that these kafirin microparticles may have potential as a colon-targeted nutraceutical and drug delivery system.
Increased productivity in sorghum has been achieved in the developed world using hybrids. Despite their yield advantage, introduced hybrids have not been adopted in Ethiopia due to the lack of adaptive traits, their short plant stature and small grain size. This study was conducted to investigate hybrid performance and the magnitude of heterosis of locally adapted genotypes in addition to introduced hybrids in three contrasting environments in Ethiopia. In total, 139 hybrids, derived from introduced seed parents crossed with locally adapted genotypes and introduced R lines, were evaluated. Overall, the hybrids matured earlier than the adapted parents, but had higher grain yield, plant height, grain number and grain weight in all environments. The lowland adapted hybrids displayed a mean better parent heterosis (BPH) of 19%, equating to 1160 kg ha− 1 and a 29% mean increase in grain yield, in addition to increased plant height and grain weight, in comparison to the hybrids derived from the introduced R lines. The mean BPH for grain yield for the highland adapted hybrids was 16% in the highland and 52% in the intermediate environment equating to 698 kg ha− 1 and 2031 kg ha− 1, respectively, in addition to increased grain weight. The magnitude of heterosis observed for each hybrid group was related to the genetic distance between the parental lines. The majority of hybrids also showed superiority over the standard check varieties. In general, hybrids from locally adapted genotypes were superior in grain yield, plant height and grain weight compared to the high parents and introduced hybrids indicating the potential for hybrids to increase productivity while addressing farmers' required traits.
Crop models are simplified mathematical representations of the interacting biological and environmental components of the dynamic soil–plant–environment system. Sorghum crop modeling has evolved in parallel with crop modeling capability in general, since its origins in the 1960s and 1970s. Here we briefly review the trajectory in sorghum crop modeling leading to the development of advanced models. We then (i) overview the structure and function of the sorghum model in the Agricultural Production System sIMulator (APSIM) to exemplify advanced modeling concepts that suit both agronomic and breeding applications, (ii) review an example of use of sorghum modeling in supporting agronomic management decisions, (iii) review an example of the use of sorghum modeling in plant breeding, and (iv) consider implications for future roles of sorghum crop modeling. Modeling and simulation provide an avenue to explore consequences of crop management decision options in situations confronted with risks associated with seasonal climate uncertainties. Here we consider the possibility of manipulating planting configuration and density in sorghum as a means to manipulate the productivity–risk trade-off. A simulation analysis of decision options is presented and avenues for its use with decision-makers discussed. Modeling and simulation also provide opportunities to improve breeding efficiency by either dissecting complex traits to more amenable targets for genetics and breeding, or by trait evaluation via phenotypic prediction in target production regions to help prioritize effort and assess breeding strategies. Here we consider studies on the stay-green trait in sorghum, which confers yield advantage in water-limited situations, to exemplify both aspects. The possible future roles of sorghum modeling in agronomy and breeding are discussed as are opportunities related to their synergistic interaction. The potential to add significant value to the revolution in plant breeding associated with genomic technologies is identified as the new modeling frontier.
Sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a major subsistence crop throughout the region of Sahel. With the exception of seeds and labour, no agricultural inputs are in general used in sorghum production since the grain is of a relatively low commercial value and the risk of losing the crop to drought, flooding, etc. is substantial. A meta-analysis of 118 field experiments was carried out to identify conditions in which two protective seed treatments could support a yield increase of sorghum in Burkina Faso. The two treatments were: i) treatment with the pesticide Calthio C (thiram and chlorpyrifos) and ii) treatment with an aqueous extract from the plant Eclipta alba . Both treatments were found to produce a yield increase (Medians: Calthio C +199 kg ha-1, P<2x10-9; E. alba +90.5 kg ha-1 P<4x10-4). A strong relative effect of Calthio C on yield (+36%) was found for field experiments with a low baseline yield. A strong relative effect of E. alba extract on yield (+22%) was found for experiments with a low baseline of emergence. ANOVA of the 118 field tests showed that baseline crop performance (yield and emergence) and the effect of seed treatments were strongly linked to geographical location (twelve different villages included). Roots from sorghum in the village showing the strongest effect of both seed treatments (>40% yield increase) were found to carry a comparatively high load of the infectious ascomycetes: Fusarium equiseti , Macrophomina phaseolina and Curvularia lunata .
Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is an economic and staple crop in sub-Saharan Africa. The genetic diversity in its germplasm is an invaluable aid for its crop improvement. The objective of this study was to assess the existing genetic diversity among sorghum landraces in the southwestern highlands of Uganda. A total of 47 sorghum landraces, collected from southwestern highlands of Uganda, were characterised using 12 qualitative and 13 quantitative traits. The study was conducted at Kachwekano Research Farm in Kabale District, at an altitude of 2,223 m above sea level, during growing season of December 2014 to August 2015. Panicle shape and compactness were the most varied qualitative traits. Grain yield (1.23 to 11.31 t ha-1) and plant height (144.7 to 351.6 cm) were among quantitative traits that showed high variability. Days to 50% flowering (115 to 130 days) showed the least variability. Results of UPGMA cluster analysis generated a dendrogram with three clusters. Panicle weight, leaf width, stem girth, exertion length, peduncle length, panicle shape and compactness, glume colour and threshability were major traits responsible for the observed clustering (P<0.001). Principal Component Analysis revealed the largest variation contributors.
The aim of this study was to identify sorghum hybrids that have both high yield and phenotypic stability in Brazilian environments. Seven trials were conducted between February and March 2011. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 25 treatments and three replicates...
A carência de herbicidas registrados para o controle de plantas daninhas, em sorgo sacarino, torna-se fator limitante à produção. Objetivou-se avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas em sorgo sacarino e a eficiência no controle de plantas daninhas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quarto repetições. Os tratamentos incluíram cultivares de sorgo sacarino (BRS 506, BRS 509 e BRS 511) e herbicidas aplicados isoladamente em pré-emergência (atrazine - 1.500 g ha-1; atrazine + s-metolachlor - 1.665 g ha-1 + 1.035 g ha-1; flumioxazin - 50 g ha-1; s-metolachlor - 1.440 g ha-1) e pós-emergência (tembotrione - 100,8 g ha-1) e de forma sequencial em pré e pós-emergência (atrazine + s-metolachlor + tembotrione - 1.665 g ha-1 + 1.035 g ha-1 + 100,8 g ha-1; atrazine + tembotrione - 1.500 g ha-1 + 100,8 g ha-1; flumioxazin + tembotrione - 50 g ha-1 + 100,8 g ha-1), mais duas testemunhas, uma capinada e outra sem capina. A fitotoxicidade ao sorgo foi de 98,0 %, 98,0 % e 100 % de tembotrione; 100 %, 98,7 % e 100 % de flumioxazin + tembotrione; 100 %, 100 % e 100 % de atrazine + s-metolachlor + tembotrione; e 98,7 %, 98,7 % e 99,7 % de atrazine + tembotrione, respectivamente para as cultivares BRS 509, BRS 506 e BRS 511. Tembotrione, flumioxazin + tembotrione, atrazine + s-metolachlor + tembotrione e atrazine + tembotrione apresentaram bom controle de Ipomoea indivisa, Digitaria ciliaris e Urochloa plantaginea, porém, não demonstraram seletividade às cultivares de sorgo. O atrazine, de modo geral, apresentou maior seletividade aos componentes de rendimento das cultivares BRS 509 e BRS 506.
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in sorghum yield between the Mossi zai hole and the Gourounsi zai hole, specifically examining the effects of manure and soil water conservation. A study field was created with six different treatments: (1) control with traditional management (no zai holes), (2) traditional management with manure, (3) Mossi zai holes with no manure, (4) Mossi zai holes with manure, (5) Gourounsi zai holes with no manure, and (6) Gourounsi zai holes with manure. Soil moisture readings were taken after each rainstorm (about weekly), soil properties were analyzed before planting and after harvest and above ground biomass was weighed at harvest. Manure was the only variable that significantly increased crop yield. This is different from the original hypothesis; zai holes were thought to be the main driver of increased crop yield in Sahelian West Africa. Zai holes did not have a significant effect on soil moisture.
O sorgo sacarino [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] se destaca como cultura complementar à cana-de-açúcar Saccharum spp. na produção de etanol, uma vez que este possui colmos suculentos com presença de açúcares diretamente fermentescíveis. Em decorrência deste fato, existe a necessidade de se analisar as propriedades do sorgo, a fim de atender às demandas da agroindústria. No presente trabalho, buscou-se desenvolver e estudar as curvas de maturação de sete cultivares de sorgo sacarino em dez épocas de colheita. Os resultados mostram que houve diferença significativa para cultivares e épocas de colheita para todos os parâmetros (p≤0,01). Quanto aos teores de açúcares, as cultivares BRS508, XBWS80147 e CMSXS629 apresentaram as maiores médias para as variáveis açúcares redutores totais (ART) e açúcares totais recuperáveis (ATR). Em relação à produção de etanol por tonelada de biomassa, as cultivares BRS 508 e a CMSXS629 apresentaram os melhores resultados.
Efficacy of pollination bags made of new nonwoven fabrics was compared with the traditional paper bags in sorghum during 2015 using three cultivars comprising BR007B (red seeded), SC283 (white seeded) and 1167048 hybrid with tannin (brown seeded). The five pollination bag treatments were: no bagging, traditional paper bag, paper bag plus plastic screen bag for extra bird protection, duraweb®SG2 polypropylene bag and duraweb®SG1 polyester bag. There was no bird damage on tannin hybrid but birds damaged bags to access grains of the other two varieties. Varieties and bag types differed significantly, and also showed significant interactions for panicle weight (at P<0.06), seed weight and average seed weight per panicle. The tannin hybrid was consistently a better performer for all traits regardless of bag type. The paper bags were the worst for bird damage. Duraweb® SG1 was the best performer for all traits including bird damage followed by duraweb®SG2. The joint regression analysis showed that BR007B performed consistently under all bag types with average response. On the other hand, SC283 improved its response with the increasing quality of bag type at an above average rate for panicle weight and seed traits. It was concluded that new nonwoven fabric bags could replace paper bags in providing better seed production potential and greater protection against bird damage.
O sorgo biomassa possui elevada produção de biomassa lignocelulósica, surgindo como alternativa de cultivo visando produção de energia renovável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar cultivares de sorgo biomassa visando a geração de energia para região Norte de MT. Para tal, implantou-se em 04/12/2014, em Sinop-MT, um experimento no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, composto por 36 genótipos de sorgo (34 biomassas e 2 forrageiros). As características avaliadas foram: florescimento, altura de plantas, acamamento, população de plantas, produção de massa verde, produção de massa seca, porcentagem de massa seca e umidade. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias dos genótipos foram agrupadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott. Os materiais forrageiros floresceram, em média, aos 77 dias, enquanto que os genótipos de biomassa floresceram dos 101 aos 130 dias. Enquanto o melhor genótipo forrageiro (Volumax) produziu 11,6 t de massa seca ha -1, 15 genótipos de sorgo biomassa produziram, em média, 24 t. Demonstrando estes serem os de maior interesse de cultivo na região de estudo. A matéria seca produzida pelos genótipos de sorgo biomassa associado a seu poder calorífico demonstram potencial da cultura para produção de energia renovável.