993 resultados para Sombart, Werner, 1863-1941.


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This chapter looks into the gap between presentational realism and the representation of physical experience in Werner Herzog's work so as to retrieve the indexical trace – or the absolute materiality of death. To that end, it draws links between Herzog and other directors akin to realism in its various forms, including surrealism. In particular, it focuses on François Truffaut and Glauber Rocha, representing respectively the Nouvelle Vague and the Cinema Novo, whose works had a decisive weight on Herzog’s aesthetic choices to the point of originating distinct phases of his outputs. The analyses, though restricted to a small number of films, intends to re-evaluate Herzog’s position within, and contribution to, film history.


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A Landmark Case is one which stands out from other less remarkable cases. Landmark status is generally accorded because the case marks the beginning or the end of a course of legal development. Taylor v Caldwell is regarded as a landmark case because it marks the beginning of a legal development: the introduction of the doctrine of frustration into English contract law. This chapter explores the legal and historical background to the case to ascertain if it is a genuine landmark. A closer scrutiny reveals that while the legal significance of the case is exaggerated, the historical significance of the cases reveals an unknown irony: the case is a suitable landmark to the frustration of human endeavours. While the existence of the Surrey Music Hall was brief, it brought insanity, imprisonment, bankruptcy and death to its creators.


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We examine a classic ‘wheel of retailing’ episode – the abandonment of the five and dime pricing formula by American variety chains. These switched from a conventional product lifecycle, focusing on cost reduction through standardisation, to a reverse path up the ‘service cost - unit value’ continuum. We show that, rather than reflecting deteriorating managerial acumen, this was a response to the continued imperative for growth following retail format saturation. Firm-specific (rather than format-specific) competitive advantages were too weak for any chain to be confident it could win a within-format price war, making inter-format competition through raising price points more attractive.


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Difficulties concerning the taxonomy of stauromedusae are long known, and there is a clear need for taxonomic revision of the genus Haliclystus, as well as the reevaluation of some species. Haliclystus antarcticus Pfeffer, 1889 is recorded from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Due to the lack of detailed information on this species, we provide a redescription, presenting new data on the cnidome, morphometry, geographical distribution and intraspecific variation. Based on these characters, we propose that our specimens and Haliclystus auricula from Chile and Argentina are synonymous and should be classified as H. antarcticus. We also review the worldwide distribution of the genus Haliclystus Clark, 1863 and discuss taxonomic issues, concluding that some characters traditionally used in the taxonomy of the group should be used cautiously.


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Philodryas laticeps Werner, 1900 was previously known only from the holotype, which was believed to be lost during the World Wars. We found the holotype to be housed in the Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin and here redescribe it and report on three additional specimens from the collections of the Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo and Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin. We conclude that Philodryas oligolepis Gomes, 1921 and P. affinis Muller, 1928 are junior synonyms of Philodryas laticeps Werner, 1900. All specimens share the presence of a black mucosa surrounding the larynx and trachea in the floor of the mouth and distal rows of middle sized spines disposed in a typical ""V-shaped"" configuration on the asulcate surface of the hemipenial body, two uniquely derived features absent in all other species of the genus Philodryas. Intraspecific variation of external morphology, hemipenes, and coloration are documented.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa en aspekt av Faluns omvandling till modern stad. Den del i denna modernisering som vidrörs i uppsatsen är införandet av elektrisk gatubelysning. Frågeställningarna i uppsatsen rör diskussionen som föregicks i stadsförvaltningen då man införde elektrisk gatubelysning i Falun och anledningarna till införandet av elektrisk belysning. Materialet som har använts för undersökningen är protokoll från stadsfullmäktige och drätselkammare i Falun under perioden 1863-1888. Gatubelysningen i Falun har sedan 1849 varit i stadsförvaltningens regi. Flera olika metoder av gatubelysning har sedan dess tillämpats och ännu fler metoder har diskuterats men aldrig kommit till stånd. Denna uppsats rör också anledningarna till gatubelysning i Falun vilka var flera utöver att få gatorna belysta för nattvandrarna. Stävjandet av brottsligheten var en av dem, estetiken en annan men även ett självändamål tycks också skönjbart. Byggandet av den moderna staden krävde moderna metoder och material. Elektriciteten som metod för belysning av gator var i högsta grad modernt och Falun var bland de första städerna som antog elektrisk gatubelysning i Sverige.


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This volume explores key aspects of the development of the Australian Department of External Affairs in the three decades from 1941 to 1969 as it evolved from a small amateur department to a highly professional global operation.


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In his writings between 1941 and 1951, Michael Polanyi developed a distinctive view of liberal social and political life. Planned organizations are a part of all modern societies, according to Polanyi, but in liberal modernity he highlighted dynamic social orders whose agents freely adjust their efforts in light of the initiatives and accomplishments of their peers. Liberal society itself is the most extensive of dynamic orders, with the market economy, and cultural orders of scientific research, Protestant religious inquiry, and common law among its constituents. Liberal society and its dynamic orders of culture are, Polanyi explained, directed at transcendent ideals (truth, beauty, and justice). He saw knowledge, rules of practice, and standards of value in these orders as being preserved in traditions that inform and constrain the initiatives of their members. Investing faith in a cultural enterprise, Polanyi's agents choose to act   responsibly, dedicating their freedom to an ideal end. They are custodians and cultivators of the heritage of their dynamic order.