937 resultados para Solanum lycopersicum L


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During their life cycle, plants are typically confronted by simultaneous biotic and abiotic stresses. Low inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies limiting plant growth in natural and agricultural ecosystems, while insect herbivory accounts for major losses in plant productivity and impacts ecological and evolutionary changes in plant populations. Here, we report that plants experiencing Pi deficiency induce the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway and enhance their defense against insect herbivory. Pi-deficient Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) showed enhanced synthesis of JA and the bioactive conjugate JA-isoleucine, as well as activation of the JA signaling pathway, in both shoots and roots of wild-type plants and in shoots of the Pi-deficient mutant pho1 The kinetics of the induction of the JA signaling pathway by Pi deficiency was influenced by PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE1, the main transcription factor regulating the expression of Pi starvation-induced genes. Phenotypes of the pho1 mutant typically associated with Pi deficiency, such as high shoot anthocyanin levels and poor shoot growth, were significantly attenuated by blocking the JA biosynthesis or signaling pathway. Wounded pho1 leaves hyperaccumulated JA/JA-isoleucine in comparison with the wild type. The pho1 mutant also showed an increased resistance against the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis that was attenuated in JA biosynthesis and signaling mutants. Pi deficiency also triggered increased resistance to S. littoralis in wild-type Arabidopsis as well as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Nicotiana benthamiana, revealing that the link between Pi deficiency and enhanced herbivory resistance is conserved in a diversity of plants, including crops.


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La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es una planta solanácea de múltiples variedades, cuyos ancestros salvajes se sitúan en Indochina y el este de África. Su cultivo fue muy temprano en zonas de China e India. Aun así, no se extendió al Occidente antiguo ni apenas se conoció, de ahí su ausencia en los textos clásicos de botánica y farmacología. Fueron los árabes quienes llevaron el cultivo de la planta por el Norte de África y Al-Andalus, de donde pasó ya a Europa. Los primeros testimonios occidentales de la berenjena aparecen en traducciones latinas de textos árabes, para incorporarse luego a la literatura farmacológica medieval y, más tarde ya, a la del Renacimiento, que empezó a tratar de ella por su posible parecido con una especie de mandrágora. Pese a que se le reconocían algunas virtudes medicinales, siempre se la tuvo bajo sospecha por ser de sabor poco agradable, indigesta y causante de algunas afecciones. Solo los botánicos de finales del Renacimiento describirían la planta y sus variedades con criterios más «científicos» y botánicos, ya sin apenas intereses farmacológicos.


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Antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase) and carotenoids (lutein and â-carotene) are often used as biomarkers of metal contamination of water and agricultural soils. In this study, the effects of heavy metals present in irrigation water on the aforementioned carotenoids of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and carrots (Daucus carota L.), cultivated in a greenhouse and irrigated with a water solution including different levels of Cr(VI) and Ni(II) were investigated. These results were compared to the levels of the same metabolites that had been assessed in market-available potato and carrot samples. The findings indicated that the levels of the examined metabolites on the treated with Cr and Ni samples, resemble the levels of the same parameters in the market samples, originating from polluted areas. Therefore, the antioxidant enzymes, catalase and peroxidase, and the carotenoids, lutein and â-carotene, could be handled as indicators of heavy metal pollution.


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Introduction Compounds exhibiting antioxidant activity have received much interest in the food industry because of their potential health benefits. Carotenoids such as lycopene, which in the human diet mainly derives from tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), have attracted much attention in this aspect and the study of their extraction, processing and storage procedures is of importance. Optical techniques potentially offer advantageous non-invasive and specific methods to monitor them. Objectives To obtain both fluorescence and Raman information to ascertain if ultrasound assisted extraction from tomato pulp has a detrimental effect on lycopene. Method Use of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor carotenoids in a hexane extract obtained from tomato pulp with application of ultrasound treatment (583 kHz). The resultant spectra were a combination of scattering and fluorescence. Because of their different timescales, decay associated spectra could be used to separate fluorescence and Raman information. This simultaneous acquisition of two complementary techniques was coupled with a very high time-resolution fluorescence lifetime measurement of the lycopene. Results Spectroscopic data showed the presence of phytofluene and chlorophyll in addition to lycopene in the tomato extract. The time-resolved spectral measurement containing both fluorescence and Raman data, coupled with high resolution time-resolved measurements, where a lifetime of ~5 ps was attributed to lycopene, indicated lycopene appeared unaltered by ultrasound treatment. Detrimental changes were, however, observed in both chlorophyll and phytofluene contributions. Conclusion Extracted lycopene appeared unaffected by ultrasound treatment, while other constituents (chlorophyll and phytofluene) were degraded.


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Induction of resistance is defined as the activation of a state of resistance against diseases which is induced systemically in plants by the use of biotic or abiotic agents without any modification of the plant genome, occurring non-specific way, by activating genes coding for various plant defense responses. Chitosan is a polymer derived from the deacetylation of chitin, which is found in large quantities in crustacean shell, and studied with the potential to control plant pathogens, both by its direct fungistatic action, as the ability to induce protection of plants, indicating the presence of molecules of elicitoras characteristics. Three experiments with objective of evaluating the potential of chitosan in the seedling resistance induction were developed, beet (Beta vulgaris) seeds, cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seeds and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds, and the control of Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia solani K¨uhn e Pythium sp. in vitro conditions. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications. Beet seeds, tomato and cucumber were submerged in chitosan solution for 20 minutes, in concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2% in the control and distilled water. Seeds were sown in trays containing Plantmax Florestalr substrate sterilized and inoculated with Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia solani K¨unh and Pythium sp., respectively for the three cultures. The experiment was conducted for 14 days in growth chamber with controlled temperature (25 C 2 C), light (12 hour photoperiod) and humidity (70% 10%). The evaluations were seed emergency, seedling damping-off, seedling length, fresh weight and activity of the enzymes phenylalanine amˆonia-liase (PAL), chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase. It was also rated the mycelial growth of Fusarium sp., Pythium sp. and R. solani on P.D.A. (Potato-Dextrose and Agar) culture medium containing chitosan at the same concentrations evaluated in seeds. For beet growing, seed treatment with chitosan presented higher emergence and the length of the seedlings, and reduced the percentage of tipping. Treatment with chitosan activated the systemic acquired resistance with expression of chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase enzymes. For the tomato crop in chitosan concentration of 0.25% favored the emergency of seedlings, reduced the incidence of tipping and activated the PAL enzymes, chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase. In cucumber on the concentration of up 0.5% favored seedlings emergence and reduces the incidence of tipping. Chitosan activated the PAL enzymes and b-1,3-glucanase. Chitosan also presented fungistatic action on the initial growth of Pythium sp. and R. solani in vitro conditions, however, such action did not prevail until the end of the experiment. To Fusarium sp. the concentration of chitosan resulted in the reduction of mycelial growth in vitro.


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Considerando la escasa información referente al efecto del bioactivador tiametoxam y los potenciales beneficios que este compuesto puede proporcionar en producción de semillas, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia del producto en el desempeño fisiológico de semillas de berenjena, morrón y tomate. Semillas de tres lotes de cada una de las especies fueron tratadas con seis dosis crecientes de tiametoxam (0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 y 1,0 mL del producto por cada mil semillas) y sometidas a germinación, primer conteo de germinación, test de frío, test de envejecimiento acelerado, longitud total de las plántulas y emergencia de plántulas en invernadero. El bioactivador tuvo efecto positivo sobre los parámetros analizados, estimulando el desarrollo fisiológico de las semillas, con intensidades variables de acuerdo con el lote. En berenjena, el aumento medio porcentual de la germinación en el primer conteo tuvo un incremento de aproximadamente 11 %, en morrón de 13 % y para los lotes de tomate aproximadamente de 17 %. La dosis de 0,6 mL cada mil semillas resultó ser la más efectiva para aumentar el vigor de las semillas de las tres especies.


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Flowering is a fundamental process in the life cycle for plant. This process is marked by vegetative to reproductive apical meristem conversion, due to interactions between several factors, both internal and external to plant. Therefore, eight subtractive libraries were constructed using apical meristem induced or not induced for two contrasting species: Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom and Solanum pimpinellifolium. Several cDNAs were identified and among these, were selected two cDNAs: one homologous cDNA to cyclophilin (LeCYP1) and the other to Auxin repressed protein (ARP). It has observed that LeCYP1 and ARP genes are important in the developmental process to plants. In silico analysis, were used several databases with the exclusion criterion E-value <1.0x10-15. As a result, conservation was observed for proteins analyzed by means of multiple alignments and the presence of functional domains. Then, overexpression cassettes were constructed for the ARP cDNA in sense and antisense orientations. For this step, it was used the CaMV35S promoter. The cDNA orientation (sense or antisense) in relation to the promoter was determined by restriction enzymes and sequencing. Then, this cassette was transferred to binary vector pZP211 and these cassettes were transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404. S. lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom (MT) and MT-Rg1 plants were transformed. In addition, seedlings were subjected to hormone treatments using a synthetic auxin (- naphthalene acetic acid) and cyclosporin A (cyclophilin inhibitor) treatments and it was found that the hormone treatment there were changes in development of lateral roots pattern, probably related to decreases in auxin signaling caused by reduction of LeCYP1 in MT-dgt plants while cyclosporin A treatments, there was a slight delay in flowering in cv. MT plants. Furthermore, assay with real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) were done for expression level analysis from LeCYP1 and ARP in order to functionally characterize these sequences in tomato plants.


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A remediação de locais contaminados com metais pesados usando plantas hiperacumuladoras aparenta ser uma alternativa bastante viável. Neste trabalho comparou-se a acumulação e tolerância ao cádmio (Cd), ambas baseadas nas respostas ao stress oxidativo em três espécies de plantas diferentes: Brassica juncea (L.) Czem., Nicotiana tabacum L. e Solanum nigrum L., descritas na literatura como plantas bastante tolerantes ou até com características híper acumuladoras. As plantas cresceram num solo contaminado com diferentes concentrações de Cd (O- 35 mg kg-1) durante um período de 90 dias. O factor de translocação (FT), utilizado para medir a translocação efectiva do Cd da raiz para a parte aérea, variou consideravelmente entre as espécies desenvolvidas. A N. tabacum foi a planta que apresentou os maiores valores de FT. Neste trabalho foi a única planta que preencheu todas as condições para ser considerada hiperacumuladora para todos os níveis de contaminação do solo. Por outro lado, a S. nigrum apresentou os maiores valores de concentração de Cd nos tecidos, com um FT > 1, na presença de 5 mg Cd kg·1 de solo. Apesar da B. juncea ter apresentado um resultado de FT inferior às restantes, foi a única planta com valores crescentes de FT com o aumento da contaminação de Cd. O stress oxidativo nas plantas desenvolvidas foi avaliado pela peroxidação lipídica e pelas actividades da catalase (CAT), ascorbato peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) e superóxido dismutase (SOO), quer na raiz quer na parte aérea. Foi observado um aumento significativo (versus controlo) na peroxidação lipídica e actividade enzimática da CATe APX na parte aérea da B. juncea, N. tabacum e S. nigrum para os níveis de contaminação mais elevados, 15 e/ou 35 mg Cd kg-1 A B. juncea apresentou maior sensibilidade na resposta da GPX, para todas as concentrações de Cd no solo. A peroxidação lipídica e a actividade da CAT foram superiores na parte aérea em relação à raiz para todas as plantas em todas as contaminações de Cd presentes no solo. A actividade da SOO não apresentou respostas consistentes para nenhuma das plantas. ABSTRACT: Remediation of sites contaminated with heavy metals using hyper accumulators seems a promising alternative to engineering approaches. ln this work, we compared cadmium (Cd) accumulation and tolerance (based on responses to oxidative stress) in three different species, Brassica juncea (L) Czem., Nicotiana tabacum L. and Solanum nigrum L., described in the literature as very tolerant or even as hyper accumulators. The plants were grown in soil spiked with different Cd concentrations (O- 35 mg kg- 1) over a period of 90 days. The translocation factor (TF), used to measure the effectiveness of translocating Cd from roots to shoots, depended greatly on the species. N. tabacum was the plant which exhibited the highest TF values. lt was the only plant under study that fulfilled the conditions of a hyper accumulator for all levels of soil contamination. On the other hand, S. nigrum presented the highest Cd concentration in plant tissues, with TF > 1 in the presence of 5 mg Cd kg-1 of soil. Although B. juncea had presented the lowest TF and Cd concentrations, it was the only plant with TF values increasing with the level of cadmium. Oxidative stress in plants was evaluated by lipid peroxidation and activities of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOO), both in roots and shoots. A significant enhancement (versus control) on lipid peroxidation and enzymatic activity of CAT and APX in shoots of B. juncea, N. tabacum and S. nigrum was observed for the highest levels of Cd in soil, 15 and/or 35 mg Cd kg-1. B. juncea presented the most sensitive response of GPX, for all levels of Cd in soil. Lipid peroxidation and CAT activity were greater in shoots than in roots for all plants and soil Cd concentrations. SOO activity did not present consistent trends for any plant.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a implementação de estratégias de remediação de duas minas abandonadas na região do Alto Alentejo, a mina da Tinoca e a mina da Mostardeira. Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de fitoremediação com as espécies Brassica juncea (L.) Czern, Solanum nigrum L., Piptatherum miliaceum (L.)Coss. e Spergularia purpurea (Persoon)G. Don fil. As misturas utilizadas como suporte para desenvolvimento das plantas resultaram da mistura (1:1) de resíduos de escombreira e solo. Estas misturas foram realizadas para as duas minas independentemente. A estas misturas foram adicionados correctivos minerais e um correctivo orgânico. Dos estudos realizados observou-se que medidas de atenuação/diluição não se mostraram suficientemente eficazes para permitir uma estabilização da zona superficial em causa, pelas espécies de plantas estudadas. Por outro lado, a adição de um correctivo orgânico, juntamente com a subida do pH do solo, conduziu a um melhoramento das características físicas e químicas das misturas originais facilitando a sua revegetação. ABSTRACT: This study was designed to implement remediation strategies in two abandoned mines in the region of Alto Alentejo, the Tinoca mine and Mostradeira mine. Phytoremediation tests were carried out with the species Brassica juncea (L.) Czern, Solanum nigrum L., Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss. and Spergularia purpurea (Persoon) G. Don fil. The mixtures used to support plant growth resulted from the admixture (1:1) of waste tailings and soil and were performed independently for the two mines. Soil mineral correctives and organic fertilizers were added to these mixtures. The study showed that mitigation/dilution measures were not sufficiently effective to allow the stabilization of the area with the plant species studied. However, the addition of an organic corrective, along with the rise of soil pH, led to an improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the original amendment soil mixtures, hence facilitating its phytorestoration.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo detectar efeitos de fertilizantes organominerais e do indutor acilbenzolar-S-metil(ASM) na preferência hospedeira de mosca-branca devido à indução de resistência por antixenose no tomateiro.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar linhagens e cultivares comerciais de tomate quanto à ressitência a isolados de S. Lycopersici.


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In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of mini tomato cultivars of determinate growth habit, in two crop seasons in the conditions of the Sub-Mid São Francisco Valley, Brazil.


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El presente Análisis de riesgo de Plagas (ARP) se realizó en el Centro Nacional de Diagnóstico Fitosanitario (CNDF) y Cuarentena del MAG-FOR en Managua, Nicaragua, e1 cual tuvo por objetivo evaluar el riesgo de introducción, establecimiento y dispersión de plagas de importancia fitosanitaria para Nicaragua en semilla de cebolla (Allium cepa L.) importada de Canadá, así como determinar las medidas adecuadas de protección fitosanitarias para evitar la introducción de las mismas a Nicaragua. De un listado inicial de 18 plagas, sólo 6 plagas son sujetas a evaluación y manejo del riesgo después de pasar por las tres etapas de evaluación de un ARP según la Norma Centroamericana del OIRSA, por considerarse que estas presentan capacidad biológica y de comportamiento, así como rangos óptimos de temperaturas que se asemejan a las condiciones de clima de las zonas productoras de Allium cepa L. del país. (Anexo1). El cuadro 1 contiene la lista de las plagas no sujetas a Evaluación del Riesgo Puccinia allii ( DC) Rudolphi y Urocistis Cepulae. Frost que causan la Roya y el carbón de la cebolla respectivamente son consideradas plagas específicas de los cultivos del género Allium P. allí es considerada plaga de bajo riesgo de introducción al país siendo la limitante para su establecimiento que su óptimo de temperatura ( 1 O" a 15" C), no se asemeja a las condiciones de temperatura de las zonas productoras del país( Anexo l ), mientras que U. cepulae es considerado como un hongo muy peligroso capaz de provocar pérdidas en la producción de hasta 80 por ciento tiene alta probabilidad de establecimiento v diseminación en las zonas productoras del país va que las condiciones de edafoclímaticas (16-22" C y pH 5-8) le favorecen( Anexo 1) Botryotinia squamosa. Viennot-Bourgín es un hongo que causa la pudrición blanda de la cebolla, se considera una plaga especifica de cultivos del género Allium con probabilidad alta de establecimiento v disemmac1ón en las zonas productoras de cebolla del país ya que el rango superior óptimo de temperatura (23" C) se asemeja a las condiciones de temperatura de las mismas (Anexo 11. Sclerotium cepivorum. Berkeley (1841 ). Es un hongo que causa la pudrición blanca de la cebolla y es considerado una plaga general de corto rango de hospedero quien además de atacar a cultivos del género Allium ataca también a lycopersicum esculentum (tomate) puede causar pérdidas en la producción de hasta un 70 por ciento (promedio) Y, con riesgo Alto de establecimiento en el país ya que temperaturas de 1 0"-20" C y baja humedad 40%. (pariona et. al) inclusive 30"- 5"C cuando hay humedad (Agrios 1985) y pH desde 1.4 a 8.8 le favorecen y las condiciones edafoclimáticas de las zonas productoras de cebolla del país se asemejan (Anexo ll). El nemátodo Ditylenchus dipsaci es un endoparásito destructor, y es considerado plaga general de cultivos del género Allium que ataca otros cultivos como cucurbitáceas. Zea mays (Maíz), Solanum tuberosum (Papa) y Nicotiana Tabacum (Tabaco). Es capaz de reducir la producción hasta un 75 por ciento (promedio) y la probabilidad de ingreso al país es media, a pesar de que su óptimo de temperatura (15º C) no se asemejan a la temperatura de las zonas productoras de cebolla del país. se considera de gran importancia sus características como: gran capacidad reproductiva es endoparásito y podemos encontrarlo dentro de cualquier parte de la planta inclusive dentro de la semilla. Aphelenchoides fragariae es un nematodo que tiene por hospedero secundario a Allium cepa. L puede ser capaz de ocasionar pérdidas en la producción de hasta 66.5% (promedio), es considerado plaga general de cultivos del género Allium con baja probabilidad de ingreso al país, va que su hospedero primario es la fresa y no se reportan daños en cebolla (no preferencia por Allium cepa L que es hospedero secundario) Todas estas plagas son consideradas de categoría A 1 1 para Nicaragua (no presentes en el país), lo que justifica plenamente la realización de este ARP a fin de tomar las medidas pertinentes que acompañen la importación de semilla y así evitar la introducción de nuevas plagas de difícil control.