880 resultados para Socio-environmental vulnerability


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This study analyzes the process of generation and management of solid waste in the Municipality of the City of Chibuto-Mozambique, drawing on the different approaches towards allocation and the socio-environmental implications resulting from this process and waste spatial distribution. To answer these objectives a questionnaire was administered to 367 households distributed in 14 neighborhoods of the city to elicit information on how solid waste is treated and what could be its impact on public health of the residents. From this perspective, the questionnaire gasp information from immigrant residents regarding both their origin, and socio economic condition. Apart from the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews were conducted to staff working on the Sanitation Sector, Urbanization Sector of the Chibuto Municipality, including the Health Service, and Women and Social Affairs. In addition to these data collection methods, for further discussion on the subject, the researcher draw a theoretical framework grounded through literature review, as well as systematic observation of the phenomenon. Research findings revealed that the solid waste collection services provided by the Chibuto Municipality do not follow the procedures laid down in the Regulation on Solid Waste Management, which advocates environmentally safe, sustainable, and complete management of waste. First, the services use open dumps for waste management. Secondly, waste collection does not cover all citizens living in the neighborhoods governed by the municipality, due to financial, technical, and organizational reasons. More importantly, the study found that due to this failure, more than 90% of households surveyed continue to use the traditional methods on waste management which include burning, or the burial techniques. On the other hand, some citizens throw waste on the streets, a method that threatens public health because it increases cases of diseases related to sanitation problems such as (diarrhea and malaria), especially in suburban and peripheral urban areas. Concerning with the above mentioned problems which constitute a real threat to the public health, some ways are proposed for more sustainable and spatially appropriate solid waste management through recycling, waste sorting, composting, reuse, and reduction of solid waste generation.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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We provide new evidence on sea surface temperature (SST) variations and paleoceanographic/paleoenvironmental changes over the past 1500 years for the north Aegean Sea (NE Mediterranean). The reconstructions are based on multiproxy analyses, obtained from the high resolution (decadal to multi-decadal) marine record M2 retrieved from the Athos basin. Reconstructed SSTs show an increase from ca. 850 to 950 AD and from ca. 1100 to 1300 AD. A cooling phase of almost 1.5 °C is observed from ca. 1600 AD to 1700 AD. This seems to have been the starting point of a continuous SST warming trend until the end of the reconstructed period, interrupted by two prominent cooling events at 1832 ± 15 AD and 1995 ± 1 AD. Application of an adaptive Kernel smoothing suggests that the current warming in the reconstructed SSTs of the north Aegean might be unprecedented in the context of the past 1500 years. Internal variability in atmospheric/oceanic circulations systems as well as external forcing as solar radiation and volcanic activity could have affected temperature variations in the north Aegean Sea over the past 1500 years. The marked temperature drop of approximately ~2 °C at 1832 ± 15 yr AD could be related to the 1809 ?D 'unknown' and the 1815 AD Tambora volcanic eruptions. Paleoenvironmental proxy-indices of the M2 record show enhanced riverine/continental inputs in the northern Aegean after ca. 1450 AD. The paleoclimatic evidence derived from the M2 record is combined with a socio-environmental study of the history of the north Aegean region. We show that the cultivation of temperature-sensitive crops, i.e. walnut, vine and olive, co-occurred with stable and warmer temperatures, while its end coincided with a significant episode of cooler temperatures. Periods of agricultural growth in Macedonia coincide with periods of warmer and more stable SSTs, but further exploration is required in order to identify the causal links behind the observed phenomena. The Black Death likely caused major changes in agricultural activity in the north Aegean region, as reflected in the pollen data from land sites of Macedonia and the M2 proxy-reconstructions. Finally, we conclude that the early modern peaks in mountain vegetation in the Rhodope and Macedonia highlands, visible also in the M2 record, were very likely climate-driven.


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It is remarkable the current planet’s situation of degradation and modification of natural assets and the considerable loss of the recovery power inherent to the ecosystems. Concomitant with this, all communities and species are suffering the consequences of these changes without planning. The creation of conservation units (UCs) through the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC) was a concrete action on the deliberateness of halting these processes, which, on the other hand, generated socio-environmental, geo-economical and cultural-political conflict of interests between traditional communities in the vicinity of these units, institutions, governmental entities and society in general. The country’s National Program of Environmental Education (ProNEA) provides the integration of the communities and UCs’ managers in a co-participative administration to solve these conflicts. The principles of Environmental Education (EA) leads the methodology found to change the socio-educational paradigms of traditional teaching, still existing in our society and intrinsically related to environmental problems, which are contrary to the dialogic pedagogy from Paulo Freire, that valorize popular knowledge, pro-active citizenship, as well as contrary to Ecopedagogy, that re-integrate human being on its natural environment, the Earth. One of the tools for starting environmental sensitization is the diagnosis by environmental perception of individuals. In this context, the objective of our work was to identify the environmental perception of Tenda do Moreno community located nearby Pau Furado State Park (PEPF) in Uberlândia – MG. To reach this objective, the research sought, in a first moment, to evaluate the environmental perception of residents of this community through semi-structured interviews applied in their homes and, in a second moment, we evaluated the environmental perception of community’ school students and made Environmental Education intervention activities with the intention to make children aware of the importance of conservation and function of PEPF. Using the Content analysis methodology, we found in nearly 60% of the 118 residents a systemic perception of nature, while approximately 32% expressed an anthropocentric perception. Mixed perceptions were found in 21%. A considerable part of the residents (47 individuals) indicated not knowing the park, although many of them recognize its importance. Among the 46 interviewed students, half expressed an anthropocentric perception of nature, while almost 36% had a systemic view. Seventeen children said they did not know the park and almost half of the students recognize some aspect of the importance of its existence. During the intervention activities, we had huge participation and dedication of students, beyond the massive expression of their personal views and daily experiences. In relation to the ten students that subjected the second evaluation about their environmental perception after the intervention, 80% showed systemic perception and emphasized the importance of conservation and of park. We believe that the continuity of the intervention activities could generate positive perspectives of socio-environmental effective changes in the daily school. Activities lead by Ecopedagogy and that encourage the citizen leadership in the young students are fundamental, while in the community, closer ties and dialog by UC’s managers would be important elements to generate effective change.


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El artículo rescata la importancia del trabajo de campo geográfico en una región con conflictos socioambientales, como el del el agua en las Sierras Chicas de Córdoba. Se hace eje en una experiencia pedagógica, la Práctica Sociocomunitaria (PSC), llevada a cabo por profesores, alumnos y ayudantes de la materia Geografía Rural, de la carrera de Licenciatura en Geografía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH), en la localidad de La Granja, departamento Colón, de la provincia de Córdoba. La PSC es una experiencia que acerca a los alumnos al campo social de los conflictos territoriales. Se trata de una modalidad que va más allá de un proyecto de extensión, ya que involucra a todos los alumnos del grado que cursan la materia. Y es también una manera de aunar, en nuestro caso desde el quehacer geográfico, las funciones de docencia, investigación y extensión propias de los universitarios. Se pretende, a través de la PSC, acercar a los alumnos de Geografía Rural al trabajo de campo, con organizaciones sociales de base local motorizadas que conocen los problemas de su localidad en profundidad y que trabajan junto con nuestro equipo de investigación. A la vez, el contacto, las reflexiones grupales e individuales, los debates con los estudiantes universitarios, aportarán al colectivo social, una ampliación de la esfera de conocimientos de la realidad sobre la que viven y luchan. El artículo comienza definiendo qué se entiende por PSC. Luego, atendiendo específicamente a nuestra práctica, desarrollamos lo que para nosotros son las dos lógicas que sustentan el trabajo en terreno. Una, referida a la construcción del conocimiento, a los modos diversos de aprender y de saber. Otra, vinculada a la comprensión del conflicto socioterritorial, en relación con el escenario donde se realiza la práctica: la Mesa del Agua y Ambiente de La Granja. Incluimos un apartado sobre la descripción de la experiencia y los resultados, para finalizar con algunas reflexiones pensadas en función de la continuidad de la práctica.


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El artículo rescata la importancia del trabajo de campo geográfico en una región con conflictos socioambientales, como el del el agua en las Sierras Chicas de Córdoba. Se hace eje en una experiencia pedagógica, la Práctica Sociocomunitaria (PSC), llevada a cabo por profesores, alumnos y ayudantes de la materia Geografía Rural, de la carrera de Licenciatura en Geografía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH), en la localidad de La Granja, departamento Colón, de la provincia de Córdoba. La PSC es una experiencia que acerca a los alumnos al campo social de los conflictos territoriales. Se trata de una modalidad que va más allá de un proyecto de extensión, ya que involucra a todos los alumnos del grado que cursan la materia. Y es también una manera de aunar, en nuestro caso desde el quehacer geográfico, las funciones de docencia, investigación y extensión propias de los universitarios. Se pretende, a través de la PSC, acercar a los alumnos de Geografía Rural al trabajo de campo, con organizaciones sociales de base local motorizadas que conocen los problemas de su localidad en profundidad y que trabajan junto con nuestro equipo de investigación. A la vez, el contacto, las reflexiones grupales e individuales, los debates con los estudiantes universitarios, aportarán al colectivo social, una ampliación de la esfera de conocimientos de la realidad sobre la que viven y luchan. El artículo comienza definiendo qué se entiende por PSC. Luego, atendiendo específicamente a nuestra práctica, desarrollamos lo que para nosotros son las dos lógicas que sustentan el trabajo en terreno. Una, referida a la construcción del conocimiento, a los modos diversos de aprender y de saber. Otra, vinculada a la comprensión del conflicto socioterritorial, en relación con el escenario donde se realiza la práctica: la Mesa del Agua y Ambiente de La Granja. Incluimos un apartado sobre la descripción de la experiencia y los resultados, para finalizar con algunas reflexiones pensadas en función de la continuidad de la práctica.


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The social balance is turning into an instrument capable of identifying the Organizational Commitment socio-environmental. The objective of the Social Balance is to present the application of company resources on socio-environmental investments internally and externally. The research was developed based on the Balance Social and Sheet from Alumina North Brazil S / A, ALUNORTE, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, with the purpose of describing the finding of the Balance Social and Sheet from ALUNORTE about social responsibility. To validate the proposal were doing comparisons between accounting and financial datas from Alunorte and Y.Yamada, in order to highlight what they say and indicators confirm the privileges of the first against second


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Se analiza la re-configuración de los espacios urbanos y las repercusiones socio-ambientales vinculadas con la globalización neoliberal en las zonas metropolitanas de las sociedades periféricas, específicamente en la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica. La tesis central del análisis es que esta re-configuración ha moldeado y acelerado el patrón urbano, espacial y ambiental de la GAM a través de 1) la segmentación de los mercados en correlación con procesos dispares de inclusión y exclusión social y 2) la erosión de los circuitos naturales ligados a los ecosistemas terrestres ubicados en la GAM. Abstract The article analyzes the re-configuration of the urban spaces and the socio- environmental impacts related with the neoliberal globalization in the metropolitan zones of peripheral societies, specifically in the Metropolitan Area (GAM) of Costa Rica. The central thesis of the analysis is that this re-configuration has molded and accelerated the spatial and environmental urban pattern of the GAM through the 1) segmentation of the markets in correlation with different processes of social inclusion and exclusion and 2) the erosion of the natural circuits linked to the terrestrial ecosystems located in the GAM


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This book is a final product of teachers initiative of the Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Brazil, to increase information about forestry and biological sciences, produced by researchers from different and valuable institutions of the country. It is organized in five chapters, and the first is concerned with nutrient cycling through litter in natural ecosystems in Brazil. The second text is about the negative effects on soil properties in areas of natural trails. The third is about the forest extraction as means of reducing social and environmental vulnerability. Also in the line of research on soil, the fourth chapter discusses the physical attributes in a forest plantation. Last but not least, the fifth paper presents geostatistics applied to the characterization of forests.


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This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units