810 resultados para Social group work.
Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation.
Inaugurada em 1895 junto a Elvas, a Colónia Agrícola Correcional de Vila Fernando procurava a regeneração de jovens por meio do trabalho, buscando também acabar com as péssimas condições a que estavam sujeitos os jovens ao serem encarcerados com os adultos, nas cadeias do país. Analisaremos, no período compreendido entre finais do século XIX e início do século XX, os diferentes processos educativos presentes no quotidiano da instituição, nas práticas do trabalho, da formação profissional e do ensino escolar, procurando averiguar, numa perspetiva histórico-pedagógica, de que modo a instituição foi capaz de conciliar o carácter disciplinador do trabalho com a reintegração social.
Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular).
Este es un proyecto para el desarrollo de una tesis de introducción a una serie de proyectos de edificios de viviendas en Barcelona, con la característica común de encontrarse éstos entre medianeras, en un modelo de ciudad compacta. Lo que interesa desvelar en este estudio es la búsqueda de un canon en las obras residenciales de la época 1940-1960. La inserción de la arquitectura residencial moderna en el modelo de ciudad tradicional. El estudio se centra en el análisis detallado del legado arquitectónico de los años que van de la posguerra hasta el inicio de la autarquía, desmontando los modelos hasta descubrir las características esenciales de los ejemplos, casi podríamos decir canónicos, de una manera de proyectar y de construir para un grupo social muy concreto: la clase acomodada de Barcelona.
This paper measures the degree of inequality in child mortality rates across districts in India, using data from the 1981, 1991 and 2001 Indian population censuses. The results show that child mortality is more concentrated in less developed districts in all three census years. Further, between 1981 and 2001, the inequality in child mortality seems to have increased to the advantage of the more developed districts (i.e., there was an increasing concentration of child mortality in less developed districts). However, the inequality in female child mortality rates seems to have declined between 1991 and 2001, even as it increased – albeit at a slower rate than before – for male child mortality rates. In the decomposition analysis, it is found that while a more equitable distribution of medical facilities and safe drinking water across districts did contribute towards reducing inequality in child mortality between 1981 and 1991, different levels of structural change among districts were responsible for a very large part of the inequality in child mortality to the advantage of the more developed districts in all three census years. Other variables which played important roles in increasing inequality included a measure of infrastructure development, female literacy, and a social group status variable. The paper concludes with some brief comments on the policy implications of the findings.
This research project is an attempt to give arguments in favour of using cooperative learning activities in FL classrooms as an effective approach to learning. The arguments offered are presented from two different perspectives: the first one is based on the empirical study of three students working together to achieve a common goal. The second one is a compilation of the trainee teacher's experiences during her practicum periods in a high school regarding group work. This part is illustrated by some examples that emphasize that cooperative learning can facilitate learning, promote socialisation and increase students' self-esteem
El projecte ha estat realitzat en la Unitat de Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona i ha estat a desenvolupar en dos anys. La finalitat del projecte ha estat oferir a l'alumne un material docent en suport digital, adaptat a una metodologia més creativa i de treball en grup, orientat a la millora de la seva formació, autonomia i rendiment acadèmic, en els aspectes relacionats amb la Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia i l'Atenció Farmacèutica, i que consistirà en una primera aproximació a les directrius europees. Aquest material docent en suport digital són WebQuest (WQ) estructurades per temes i via Internet, la qual cosa possibilita un sistema dinàmic de fàcil retroalimentació i en constant actualització. Mitjançant la utilització d'aquest material docent es treballen aspectes com l'ús de metodologies docents centrades en l'alumne, autoaprenentatge a distància, aprenentatge seqüencial, treball en grup, participació activa i responsabilitat de l'alumne en el procés d'ensenyament aprenentatge i l'aproximació del mateix a la realitat professional entre altres, i tot això encaminat a promoure l'adaptació dels plans docents a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES). En aquest sentit podem indicar que s'han elaborat cinc WQs, els títols del qual són Sistemes Personalitzats de Dosificació, Compliment terapèutic: el gran repte actual: informació al pacient, Compliment terapèutic: el gran repte actual: informació al professional sanitari, Dispensació activa en Diabetis mellitus tipus 2 i Dispensació activa en Hipertensión arterial. Cadascuna de les WQs elaborades consta dels apartats Introducció, Tasca, Procés, Recursos, Avaluació, Conclusió, Guia Didàctica i Crèdits. Les WQs estan allotjades en la pàgina web de la Unitat de Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia, i a elles s'accedeix a través de l'adreça web http://www.ub.és/farcli/wp0.htm
This research explores the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative learning departing from two different methodological studies. In the first one, we will go deep into the reflections about group work of a student-teacher in her first experiences during a two months practicum in Sabadell's Emily Bronte. In the second one, we will analyze in a more empirical way the interaction that takes place among a trio of students engaged in a question-answering task about a text based on a three minutes vignette recorded on January 2010
The project aims to target older peoples local needs and create awareness of health issues and healthier lifestyles in later years. Five information sessions (medicine, stress management, role of the pharmacist etc) were held with older people. The pharmacist offered 1-1 support and group work was also built into the sessions. The pharmacist is now more aware of older people's needs and the future services they can provide. Older people are now better informed about their health and wellbeing. The project has empowered them to be more independent and have a greater rapport with their pharmacist. 65 older people benefited from the project. The pharmacist is now signposting older people to the Active
This thesis is concerned with alcohol problems and marital relationships. It is particularly interested in these dynamics from a treatment perspective. The study addresses theory, research and clinical practice in the field of alcohol problems. It specifically considers these areas as they relate to enhancing understanding of the dynamics between alcohol problems and marriage. The study examines three theoretical paradigms, the disease concept of addiction, behavioural/cognitive behavioural and systems based approaches to understanding alcohol addiction. This provides a multiple theory base from which research in the field and the clinical data collected in the current research is analysed and interpreted. The study reviews research findings that have contributed to the recognition of marital treatment interventions as significant in the alcohol field. It highlights the discrepancies between such research findings and developments in actual clinical practice. In doing so, the study illustrates the gap between theory, research and clinical practice. The need for a more effective framework of information exchange across these areas of activity is identified and a model for better exchange is presented and discussed. This model highlights the importance of including clients' experiences to influence policy, practice, theory and research. In the research, specific attention is focused on the experiences of couples in alcohol treatment. Clinical data is collected from a series of alcohol treatment couples group therapy sessions. The research analysis of the clinical data identifies and extracts concerns as expressed by couples in treatment. Interpretation of these identified concerns or themes is conducted by employing the theoretical constructs of the three selected theoretical paradigms in conjunction with group work theory. On the basis of the findings in this thesis a model for a maritally sensitive assessment framework is developed. The model identifies a number of factors that should be considered in order to enhance appreciation of the interaction between alcohol problems and marital dynamics. This has particular significance for treatment interventions.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The female prisoner population are a very specific group with very different needs to that of the general population. The study sets out to profile these women and to examine their use of tobacco, alcohol and other substances. A census sample of female prisoners was frequency matched for age with male prisoners and also the female general population. Response rate was 74.6%. Results illustrated that female prisoners are, in the majority from a lower social group, from deprived backgrounds and from families where unemployment is high and education is low. Female prisoners smoke more, take more drugs (including heroin and injection drugs) and drink considerably more when compared to the above groups. They have more alcohol related difficulties as a result of another persons drinking, illustrating high rates of verbal, physical and sexual assault. The prison setting may be the first and possibly the only opportunity for health education and promotion for this particular group. Therefore, with such high reported levels of smoking, alcohol and other substance use, the prison provides a good setting for health promotion interventions.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
In partnership with the VEC WTID has delivered Nutrition Level 5 FETAC to a group of 24 learners, 4 being members of the Travelling community. This module was also delivered to 5 Childcare staff at WTIDs pre-school service. Staff of the Harmony Afterschool Service undertakes baking activities each week with the children. Group work has been facilitated with 16 men who were on a BTEI on salt, sugar, caffeine and fibre, as well as with a young girls group on food tasting of various fruits, cheeses and how to make healthy potato wedges and other healthy snacks. WTID as part of the local Traveller Interagency Group are writing a well-being manual to be used with community groups working with Travellers- Healthy Eating is a module of this manual. Plans are in place to run a First Instincts Men's Health programme which will run over an 8 week period with workshops, weigh ins and provision of a healthy breakfast on each morning. HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Initiative Type Community Food Centres Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Galway Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Men Older people People with mental health difficulties Travellers Unemployed Women Funding HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Partner Agencies Equal Ireland FÃÂS Galway County Council GCCCC GRD HSE Involve RAPID VEC Adult Education Service