749 resultados para Small and medium sized businesses
Saudi Arabian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will face fierce competition from new entrants to local markets as a result of their accession to the Word Trade Organisation (WTO), and electronic commerce (e-commerce) technologies can reinforce SME's competitive edge. This study investigates the state of e-commerce adoption and analyses the factors that determine the extent to which SMEs in Saudi Arabia are inclined towards deploying e-commerce technologies. This could assist future firms in designing effective implementation projects. Seven SMEs' e-commerce adoption levels are studied as a case. The Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework was used as the major source of inspiration in our analysis of e-commerce adoption amongst Saudi SMEs. In addition to advancing research on e-commerce in Saudi Arabia, this chapter also highlights several directions for future inquiry and implications for managers and policymakers.
A tanulmány a hazai kis- és középvállalati szektorban 2006-ban elvégzett, majd 2010-ben megismételt kérdőíves felmérések eredményei alapján igyekszik bemutatni a racionális vállalati gazdálkodás sajátosságait. Vizsgálatunk fő kérdése, hogy e szektor vállalkozásainak gazdálkodását milyen tényezők teszik ésszerűvé, s hogy a 2006-2010 között eltelt időszakban milyen változások figyelhetők meg a gazdálkodói magatartásuk alakulásában. Eredményeink alapján megállapíthatjuk, hogy a mai napig megtalálhatók a kisvállalkozói - háztartási szemléletű, megélhetésorientált - gazdálkodás nyomai, de a racionális gazdálkodás általunk használt mutatói szerint e vállalkozások körében szakszerűbbé vált a gazdálkodás. Ebben a folyamatban szerepet játszott a gazdasági válság, amely által előidézett helyzethez kénytelenek voltak alkalmazkodni a kis- és közepes vállalkozások: felismerték, hogy célravezetőbb a hatékonyság és a költségek szempontjából a racionális pénzpiaci magatartás követése, s ezzel összhangban a válság miatti zavarok elhárítására kiadáscsökkentő eszközök alkalmazása. A kis- és közepes vállalkozások gazdálkodásával kapcsolatos racionális döntések előmozdításában elsősorban a korszerű pénzügyi ismereteknek és a szakmai tudásnak van szerepe. / === / The study seeks to identify the attributes of rational business operation, using a questionnaire survey of small and medium-sized firms made in 2006 and a repeat of it in 2010. The main questions addressed are what factors contribute to rational operation in the firms in the sector and what changes over the 2006-10 period can be discerned in business behaviour. The findings show that traces of small business-style operation (a household or livelihood orientation) could still be found, but the indicators of rationality employed in the survey show that the operation of the firms became more rational. A role in the process was played by the economic crisis, which forced small and medium-sized businesses to adapt: they recognized that it was better from the point of view of efficiency and costs to follow rational money-market behaviour, and in line with that, use spending-reduction tools to evade the disturbances of the crisis. The main factors behind the shift towards rational decision-making in the running of small and medium-sized firms are up-to-date financial information and professional expertise.
A kis- és középvállalkozások (kkv-k) a legtöbb országban, így Magyarországon is kiemelt szerepet töltenek be a gazdaság életében. A velük kapcsolatos kutatások elérkeztek abba a fázisba, amikor például a kisvállalkozás- fejlesztés és az ellátásilánc-menedzsment összekapcsolásával megismerhetjük egy adott vállalati funkció szerepét és helyét a célcsoportban. A szerzők tanulmányukban egy kutatás eredményeit mutatják be, mely egyenrangú módon fókuszál a beszerzési tevékenység és a kkv-k sajátosságaira. A beszerzési aspektusok kiemelésével lehetőség van mélyebben megismerni a kkv-k bizonytalanságának forrásait, a beszállítókkal kapcsolatos igényeik megfogalmazását, a vevők preferenciáit, melyen keresztül általános kép kapható a szállítófejlesztés lehetőségeiről, kifejezetten a beszerzési tevékenység informatikai támogatásáról, továbbá véleményükről a beszerzés mint szolgáltatás kiszervezésével kapcsolatban. A kutatást megalapozó kérdőíves felmérés nemzeti összehasonlításra is lehetőséget ad, valamint segíti egy adott tevékenységre fókuszálva a hazai kis- és középvállalkozások helyzetének bemutatását. ______ Small and medium enterprises (SME) play an important role in the economy of Hungary, just like in most other countries. Studies on SMEs recently have focused on the role of a particular company function in the target group by linking the development of SMEs to new advanced options, such as supply chain management. This paper provides an overview of authors’ ques a questionnaire research focusing on the specific characteristics of both purchasing and SMEs. Focusing on the purchasing aspects enables us to gain a deeper knowledge on the main causes of the instability of SMEs as well as on their expectations regarding suppliers and a better understanding on the preferences of the clients. As a result authors can highlight the main options of developing the supply chain as well as the IT support of purchasing and they can state their opinion on the outsourcing of the purchasing as a service. The questionnaire survey providing the basis for the study enables authors to make international comparisons as well as to present the current state of the Hungarian SMEs focusing on a particular business activity.
A közelmúltban készült kutatásban a szerzők azt vizsgálták, hogy a kis- és középvállalkozásokban az elektronikus banki ügyintézéssel kapcsolatban milyen szokásaik, attitűdjeik és jövőképeik alakultak ki. A több mint ötszáz KKV-vezetővel készült interjú alapján elmondható, hogy a vállalkozás elektronikus ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos hozzáállása egyáltalán nem, vagy csak nagyon gyenge mértékben hozható összefüggésbe a cég objektív tulajdonságaival, például a létszámmal, az árbevétellel vagy a tevékenységi körrel. Egyértelműen látszik, hogy már az elektronikus banki ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos fogalmak értelmezése is problémát jelent a KKV-vezetők egy részénél. A tudásbeli hiányosságok pedig egyértelműen befolyásolják az e-banking attitűdöt és a használati szokásokat, pedig az elektronikus csatornákat használók elégedettsége minden vizsgált bank ügyfeleinek esetében 80% fölötti értékeket mutat. Így a legfontosabb kérdés az, hogy miként lehetne megértetni a „Szkeptikusok”-kal és a „Mérlegelők”-kel, hogy érdemes a „Haladók” klaszterébe tartozni. Az ügyfélelégedettség sikertényezői egyértelműen a biztonság, az időben és térben széles körű elérhetőség és az egyszerű használat. A válaszadók jövőképe szerint a banki szolgáltatások igénybevétele egyre inkább eltolódik majd az elektronikus csatornák irányába. Jelen cikkben a kutatás legfontosabb tanulságait mutatják be a szerzők. _________ The authors’ research was conducted to explore the ebanking attitudes, habits and vision of small and medium enterprises. By the interviews of more than 500 managers of SMEs, it is concluded that e-banking attitudes are not, or not significantly related to the objective characteristics of the enterprises, e.g. to the number of employment, the revenues or its activities. It became clear, that the interpretation of the specific e-banking terms means an important problem for some managers. The deficiencies of knowledge have direct effects on e-banking attitude and the use of electronic banking methods of the enterprises, although the value of the satisfaction level is above 80% among the customers of each examined banks. Thus, the main objective is to explain to the “Scepticals” and the “Considerers” the benefits of the “Progressives” cluster. The most important success factors of customer satisfaction are safety, availability in time and space and ease of use. According to the vision of the respondents, banking services will probably be shifted towards e-channels. In this study, the most important findings of our researches were summarized.
Purpose of this paper:
Recent literature indicates that around one third of perishable products finish as waste (Mena et al., 2014): 60% of this waste can be classified as avoidable (EC, 2010) suggesting logistics and operational inefficiencies along the supply chain. In developed countries perishable products are predominantly wasted in wholesale and retail (Gustavsson et al., 2011) due to customer demand uncertainty the errors and delays in the supply chain (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). While research on logistics of large retail supply chains is well documented, research on retail small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) capabilities to prevent and manage waste of perishable products is in its infancy (c.f. Ellegaard, 2008) and needs further exploration. In our study, we investigate the retail logistics practice of small food retailers, the factors that contribute to perishable products waste and the barriers and opportunities of SMEs in retail logistics to preserve product quality and participate in reverse logistics flows.
As research on waste of perishable products for SMEs is scattered, we focus on identifying key variables that contribute to the creation of avoidable waste. Secondly we identify patterns of waste creation at the retail level and its possibilities for value added recovery. We use explorative case studies (Eisenhardt, 1989) and compare four SMEs and one large retailer that operate in a developed market. To get insights into specificities of SMEs that affect retail logistics practice, we select two types of food retailers: specialised (e.g. greengrocers and bakers) and general (e.g. convenience store that sells perishable products as a part of the assortment)
Our preliminary findings indicate that there is a difference between large retailers and SME retailers in factors that contribute to the waste creation, as well as opportunities for value added recovery of products. While more factors appear to affect waste creation and management at large retailers, a small number of specific factors appears to affect SMEs. Similarly, large retailers utilise a range of practices to reduce risks of product perishability and short shelf life, manage demand, and manage reverse logistics practices. Retail SMEs on the other hand have limited options to address waste creation and value added recovery. However, our findings show that specialist SMEs could successfully minimize waste and even create possibilities for value added recovery of perishable products. Data indicates that business orientation of the SME, the buyersupplier relationship, and an extent of adoption of lean principles in retail coupled with SME resources, product specific regulations and support from local authorities for waste management or partnerships with other organizations determine extent of successful preservation of a product quality and value added recovery.
Our contribution to the SCM academic literature is threefold: first, we identify major factors that contribute to the generation waste of perishable products in retail environment; second, we identify possibilities for value added recovery for perishable products and third, we present opportunities and challenges for SME retailers to manage or participate in activities of value added recovery. Our findings contribute to theory by filling a gap in the literature that considers product quality preservation and value added recovery in the context of retail logistics and SMEs.
Research limitations/implications:
Our findings are limited to insights from five case studies of retail companies that operate within a developed market. To improve on generalisability, we intend to increase the number of cases and include data obtained from the suppliers and organizations involved in reverse logistics flows (e.g. local authorities, charities, etc.).
Practical implications:
With this paper, we contribute to the improvement of retail logistics and operations in SMEs which constitute over 99% of business activities in UK (Rhodes, 2015). Our findings will help retail managers and owners to better understand the possibilities for value added recovery, investigate a range of logistics and retail strategies suitable for the specificities of SME environment and, ultimately, improve their profitability and sustainability.
Production Planning and Control (PPC) systems have grown and changed because of the developments in planning tools and models as well as the use of computers and information systems in this area. Though so much is available in research journals, practice of PPC is lagging behind and does not use much from published research. The practices of PPC in SMEs lag behind because of many reasons, which need to be explored. This research work deals with the effect of identified variables such as forecasting, planning and control methods adopted, demographics of the key person, standardization practices followed, effect of training, learning and IT usage on firm performance. A model and framework has been developed based on literature. Empirical testing of the model has been done after collecting data using a questionnaire schedule administered among the selected respondents from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India. Final data included 382 responses. Hypotheses linking SME performance with the use of forecasting, planning and controlling were formed and tested. Exploratory factor analysis was used for data reduction and for identifying the factor structure. High and low performing firms were classified using a Logistic Regression model. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the structural relationship between firm performance and dependent variables.
A rapidly changing business environment has necessitated most small and medium sized enterprises with international ambitions to reconsider their sources of competitive advantage. To survive in the face of a changing business environment, firms should utilize their dynamic organizational capabilities as well as their internationalization capabilities. Firms develop a competitive advantage if they can exploit their unique organizational competences in a new or foreign market and also if they can acquire new capabilities as a result of engaging in foreign markets. The acquired capabilities from foreign locations enhance the existing capability portfolio of a firm with a desire to internationalize. The study combined the research streams of SME organizational dynamic capability and internationalization capability to build a complete picture on the existing knowledge. An intensive case study was used for empirically testing the theoretical framework of the study and compared with the literature on various organizational capability factors and internationalization capabilities. Sormay Oy was selected because it is a successful medium sized company operating in Finland in the manufacturing industry which has a high international profile. In addition, it has sufficient rate of growth in sales that warrants it to engage internationally in matters such as, acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships. The key findings of the study suggests that, medium sized manufacturing firms have a set of core competences arising from their organizational capabilities which were identified to be employee know how and relationship with stakeholders which aid the firm in its quest for attaining competitive advantage, ensuring production flexibility and gaining benefits present in a network. In addition, internationalization capabilities were identified under both the RAT test and CAT test whereby the primary findings suggests that, firms that outperform their competitors produce products that meet specific customer and country requirements, foresee the pitfalls of imitation brought about by the foreign local companies and members of a particular network through joint ventures, acquisitions or partnerships as well as those firms that are capable to acquire new capabilities in the foreign markets and successfully use these acquired capabilities to enhance or renew their capability portfolio for their competitive advantage. Additional significant findings under internationalization capabilities were discovered whereby, Sormay Oy was able to develop a new market space for its products despite the difficult institutional environment present in Russia.
Field lab: SME competitiveness
Recent initiatives around the world have highlighted the potential for information and communications technology (ICT) to foster better service delivery for businesses. Likewise, ICT has also been applied to government services and is seen to result in improved service delivery, improved citizen participation in government, and enhanced cooperation across government departments and between government departments. The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) (2006) identified local government development assessment (DA) arrangements as a ‘hot spot’ needing specific attention, as the inconsistent policies and regulations between councils impeded regional economic activity. COAG (2006) specifically suggested that trials of various ICT mechanisms be initiated which may well be able to improve DA processes for local government. While the authors have explored various regulatory mechanisms to improve harmonisation elsewhere (Brown and Furneaux 2007), the possibility of ICT being able to enhance consistency across governments is a novel notion from a public policy perspective. Consequently, this paper will explore the utility of ICT initiatives to improve harmonisation of DA across local governments. This paper examines as a case study the recent attempt to streamline Development Assessment (DA) in local governments in South East Queensland. This initiative was funded by the Regulation Reduction Incentive Fund (RRIF), and championed by the South East Queensland (SEQ) Council of Mayors. The Regulation Reduction Incentive Fund (RRIF) program was created by the Australian government with the aim to provide incentives to local councils to reduce red tape for small and medium sized businesses. The funding for the program was facilitated through a competitive merit-based grants process targeted at Local Government Authorities. Grants were awarded to projects which targeted specific areas identified for reform (AusIndustry, 2007), in SEQ this focused around improving DA processes and creating transparency in environmental health policies, regulation and compliance. An important key factor to note with this case study is that it is unusual for an eGovernment initiative. Typically individual government departments undertake eGovernment projects in order to improve their internal performance. The RRIF case study examines the implementation of an eGovernment initiative across 21 autonomous local councils in South East Queensland. In order to move ahead, agreement needed to be reached between councils at the highest level. Having reviewed the concepts of eGovernment and eGovernance, the literature review is undertaken to identify the typical cost and benefits, barriers and enablers of ICT projects in government. The specific case of the RRIF project is then examined to determine if similar costs and benefits, barriers and enablers could be found in the RRIF project. The outcomes of the project, particularly in reducing red tape by increasing harmonisation between councils are explored.
Introduction: The Google Online Marketing Challenge is a global competition in which student teams run advertising campaigns for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) using AdWords, Google’s text-based advertisements. In 2008, its inaugural year, over 8,000 students and 300 instructors from 47 countries representing over 200 schools participated. The Challenge ran in undergraduate and graduate classes in disciplines such as marketing, tourism, advertising, communication and information systems. Combining advertising and education, the Challenge gives student hands-on experience in the increasingly important field of online marketing, engages them with local businesses and motivates them through the thrill of a global competition. Student teams receive US$200 in AdWords credits, Google’s premier advertising product that offers cost-per-click advertisements. The teams then recruit and work with a local business to devise an effective online marketing campaign. Students first outline a strategy, run a series of campaigns, and provide their business with recommendations to improve their online marketing. Teams submit two written reports for judging by 14 academics in eight countries. In addition, Google AdWords experts judge teams on their campaign statistics such as success metrics and account management. Rather than a marketing simulation against a computer or hypothetical marketing plans for hypothetical businesses, the Challenges has student teams develop and manage real online advertising campaigns for their clients and compete against peers globally.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como propósito identificar las potencialidades de exportación de los productos agrícolas orgánicos hacia la Unión Europea, dentro del marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Colombia, Perú y la UE. Esto con el fin de que tanto los pequeños y medianos productores como los exportadores colombianos pudieran identificar las oportunidades de negocio que tiene este subsector. A través de la consulta en sitios web oficiales de los diferentes países y de entrevistas con expertos sobre el tema objeto de estudio, se logró recolectar la información pertinente para el desarrollo de los objetivos planteados. Se tomaron como muestra tres países miembros de la Unión Europea, por ser parte del grupo de los principales consumidores de productos orgánicos, estos fueron: Alemania, Francia e Italia. De esta manera, se profundizó en las características de mercado de los países mencionados anteriormente, lo que permitió una aproximación al entendimiento de sus tendencias de consumo. Esta investigación expone en su contenido los aspectos más relevantes sobre la exportación de productos agrícolas orgánicos, así como también analiza la oferta y situación actual en Colombia y en los países europeos de este tipo de bienes y del desarrollo del subsector.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo primário encontrar uma métrica de risco para bancos elegível a ser uma componente específica em futuros modelos de custo de capital. Como objetivo secundário, este trabalho descreve um processo de modelagem passível de ser estendido a outros segmentos bancários. O conjunto de contribuições deste trabalho consiste na visão de aplicação, no objeto de estudo (bancos de pequeno e médio porte com baixa diversificação de produtos ou segmentos no sistema financeiro brasileiro) e na acessibilidade do processo de modelagem estruturado
When it comes to oil and gas in Brazil is almost certain that we are referring to activities in deep waters off the coast of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, the main field of action of PETROBRAS and a small number of multinational oil companies . Since the Law 9.478/97 allows, by means of concessions, that other companies other than Petrobras, to explore and produce oil and gas domestically. Soon it moved, then the private companies that want small and medium-sized businesses to invest in such activities, forming a segment of independent producers, as occurs in other countries. In this context, this work aims at making an economic feasibility study, is currently analyzing how this thread and focus on the factors that contribute to its development as well as those that constitute barriers. To this end, we conducted a survey examining some mature fields that are in production in order to capture cost information in the phases of project, operation and abandonment. The work also presents an analysis of the results obtained in the survey, identifying the costs higher. With the results obtained through the study used economic engineering tools such as NPV and IRR, using a variety of design scenarios, to study the economic viability of these fields. In scenario 4 was set a production of 4.0 m³ / d of oil, which is an expected average production for several of these fields, whose minimum value of a barrel of oil, to enable this field, was $ 55.00, this value well below what was being practiced in the market today.
OBJETIVO: Estimar o número de acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em determinada localidade e intervalo de tempo e a extensão do sub-registro de casos. MÉTODOS: Amostraram-se 4.782 domicílios residenciais do município de Botucatu, SP, contendo 17.219 moradores, em primeiro de julho de 1997. em cada um dos domicílios, um morador adulto era entrevistado para identificar ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho nos três meses precedentes à entrevista. Nos casos positivos, os acidentados foram entrevistados. Para cálculo do intervalo de confiança utilizou-se a formula de Cochran. RESULTADOS: Confirmaram ter sofrido acidente do trabalho 76 indivíduos, estimando-se em 1.810 o número desses eventos em Botucatu no ano de 1997 e a proporção de incidência em 4,1% (IC95% 3,0%-5,3%). Dos 76 acidentados, 39 não eram cobertos pelo seguro acidente previdenciário (51,3% IC95% 41,1%-61,6%), não se enquadrando na obrigatoriedade de emissão de Comunicação de Acidente do Trabalho (funcionários públicos estatutários, autônomos, assalariados sem registro em carteira, proprietários e outros). Dentre os 37 casos com obrigatoriedade de emissão desse documento, 20 casos não possuíam (54,1% IC39,4%-68,7%). Houve maior proporção de sub-registro de casos em trabalhadores de micro, pequenas e médias empresas, do que entre grandes empresas. Apenas 22,4% (IC13,8%, 30,9%) dos acidentes do trabalho informados nas entrevistas domiciliares foram captados pelos registros previdenciários CONCLUSÕES: Os achados indicam a necessidade de melhoria de utilização de outras fontes de informação, além das Comunicações de Acidentes do Trabalho, para elaboração das estatísticas oficiais sobre acidentes do trabalho.