903 resultados para Sistemas lagunares - Ria de Aveiro (Portugal)
O presente Relatório Final de Estágio tem como principal finalidade descrever as representações que os alunos têm sobre a aprendizagem de ELE. A relevância e o interesse das representações associadas a Espanha, aos espanhóis e aos países de língua oficial espanhola surgem pelo facto de os alunos que aprendem esta língua demonstrarem que as tomam como verdades inquestionáveis. Assim, com o presente trabalho de investigação, de cariz qualitativo, procurou-se, por um lado, identificar os fatores que influenciaram a escolha de ELE, por parte dos alunos e, por outro, descrever a perceção que estes têm sobre a aprendizagem desta língua. Para tal, recolhemos dados provenientes de um inquérito por questionário aplicado a 29 alunos de duas turmas do 10.º ano de escolaridade, num Agrupamento de Escolas do perímetro urbano de Aveiro. Na análise de dados, a técnica priviligiada foi a análise de conteúdo. A análise dos dados, ainda que limitados face ao número de alunos participantes, permitiu-nos concluir que os alunos optam pelo espanhol pela facilidade que julgam estar-lhe inerente, uma vez que esta é uma língua românica tal como o português. Além disso, os alunos inquiridos revelam representações positivas acerca do espanhol, de Espanha, e dos restantes países de língua espanhola e seus falantes.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a divulgação de temas e de algoritmos presentes nos tratados de aritmética prática do século XVI. Pretendemos delinear a atuação dos seus autores face aos desafios do mundo mercantil envolvente. Sendo o nosso «ator principal» Ruy Mendes, esta escolha deve-se a dois motivos: entre os três autores é aquele que tem sido menos mencionado e estudado; os interesses de Mendes parecem-nos mais distantes do mundo mercantil. Assim, no desenrolar deste estudo apresentaremos a Prática do ponto de vista da estrutura e organização, contemplando os seguintes pontos: uma Matemática básica; a Matemática pour elle Même; uma Matemática para o comércio. Neste último ponto incluiremos as regras locais do comércio português: a regra de quarto e vintena e a regra da conta de Flandres. Para cada assunto é realizado um estudo comparativo com os dois tratados da mesma época: o Tratado da Pratica d'Arismetica de Gaspar Nicolas e o Tratado da Arte d'Arismetica de Bento Fernandes. Apesar de se tratar de autores já referidos por alguns historiadores, consideramos que não foram ainda estudados do ponto de vista do interesse intrínseco presente no conhecimento histórico da Matemática, bem como na sua atuação relativamente à divulgação do cálculo aritmético e do seu contributo para o desenvolvimento da Matemática através de problemas práticos.
According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.
According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.
This dissertation introduces several methodological approaches which integrate a proposed coastal management model in an interdisciplinary perspective. The research presented herein is displayed as a set of publications comprising different thematic outlooks. The thesis develops an integrated coastal geoengineering approach which is intrinsically linked to the studied maritime environments. From sandy coasts and marine works to rocky platforms and sea cliffs, this study includes field work between Caminha – Figueira da Foz (NW Portugal) and Galicia (NW Spain). The research also involves an analysis and geological-geotechnical characterisation of natural rock (armourstone) and artificial units (concrete blocks) applied to coastal structures. The main goal is to contribute to the characterisation and re-evaluation of georesources and to determine armourstone suitability and availability from its source (quarry). It was also important to diagnose the geomaterials in situ concerning their degradation/deterioration level on the basis of the current status of the coastal protection works in order to facilitate more efficient monitoring and maintenance, with economic benefits. In the rocky coast approach the coastal blocks were studied along the platform, but also the geoforms were studied from a coastal morphodynamics point of view. A shoreline evolution analysis was developed for sandy coasts through Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) extension. In addition, the spatial and statistical analysis applied to sea cliffs allowed the establishment of susceptibility zones to erosion and hazardous areas. All of these studies have different purposes and results however, there is a common denominator – GIS mapping. Hence, apart from the studied coastal environment, there is an integrated system which includes a sequence of procedures and methodologies that persisted during the research period. This is a step forward in the study of different coastal environments by using almost the same methodologies. This will allow the characterisation, monitoring and assessment of coastal protection works, rocky coasts, and shore platforms. With such data, it is possible to propose or recommend strategies for coastal and shoreline management based on several justifications in terms of social, economic, and environmental questions, or even provide a GIS-based planning support system reinforced by geocartographic decisions. Overall the development of the applied cartography embraces six stages which will allow the production of detailed maps of the maritime environment: (1) high-resolution aerial imagery surveys; (2) visual inspection and systematic monitoring; (3) applied field datasheet; (4) in situ evaluation; (5) scanline surveying; and (6) GIS mapping. This thesis covers fundamental matters that were developed over the course of scientific publication and as a consequence they represent the results obtained and discussed. The subjects directly related to the thesis architecture are: (i) cartography applied to coastal dynamics (including an art historical analysis as a tool to comprehend the coastal evolution and the littoral zone); (ii) georesources assessment (the role of cartography in georesources zoning, assessment and armourstone durability); (iii) coastal geoengineering applications and monitoring (Espinho pilot site in NW Portugal as an experimental field); (iv) rocky coast and shore platform studies and characterisation; (v) sandy and mixed environment approaches; (vi) coastal geosciences GIS mapping and photogrammetric surveying (coastal geoengineering); and (vii) shoreline change mapping and coastal management strategies (the CartGalicia Project as an example – NW Spain). Finally, all of these thematic areas were crucial to generate the conceptual models proposed and to shape the future of integrated coastal coastal geoengineering management.
The challenge on implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) fosters the development of new monitoring methods and approaches. It is now commonly accepted that the use of classical monitoring campaigns in discrete point is not sufficient to fully assess and describe a water body. Due to this the WFD promote the use of modelling techniques in surface waters to assist all phases of the process, from characterisation and establishment of reference conditions to identification of pressures and assessment of impact. The work presented in this communication is based on these principles. A classical monitoring of the water status of the main transitional water bodies of Algarve (south of Portugal) is combined with advanced in situ water profiling and hydrodynamic, water quality and ecological modelling of the systems to build a complete description of its state. This approach extends spatially and temporally the resolution of the classical point sampling. The methodology was applied during a 12 month program in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, the Guadiana estuary and the Arade estuary. The synoptic profiling uses an YSI 6600 EDS multi-parameter system attached to a boat and a GPS receiver to produce monthly synoptic maps of the systems. This data extends the discrete point sampling with laboratory analysis performed monthly in several points of each water body. The point sampling is used to calibrate the profiling system and to include variables, such as nutrients, not measured by the sensors. A total of 1427 samplings were performed for physical and chemical parameters, chlorophyll and microbiologic contamination in the water column. This data is used to drive the hydrodynamic, transport and ecological modules of the MOHID water modelling system (www.mohid.com), enabling an integrate description of the water column.
Apresenta-se um modelo de advecção-difusão do tipo Lagrangeano para a simulação da dispersão de massas de água provenientes de fontes pontuais e descreve-se o modelo hidrodinâmico usado na simulação do escoamento. Estes modelos são utilizados para a caracterização hidrodinâmica da Ria Formosa do ponto de vista da qualidade da água. Tentam-se encontrar razões para os problemas associados aos viveiros de bivalves, sugerindo-se formas de melhorar a qualidade da água.
Nos últimos anos, a rede de estações GPS permanentes tem crescido de forma sustentada em todo o mundo. Também em Portugal existe um número cada vez maior de estações permanentes, a maior parte das quais ligadas a instituições públicas e universidades. O volume de dados produzido por estas redes implica a criação de procedimentos automáticos de processamento de observações com metodologias adequadas. Tendo como objectivo principal processar os dados GPS provenientes de uma rede de estações da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), foi elaborado um sistema de processamento automático de observações para um conjunto alargado de estações. A rede é constituída por estações IGS (Madrid, Maspalomas, Ponta Delgada, San Fernando e Villa Franca del Campo), por estações EUREF (Cascais, Vila Nova de Gaia e Lagos) e estações da FCUL (Flores, Graciosa, Santa Maria, Instituto de Meteorologia da Madeira, Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa Norte, Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa Sul). O processamento de observações GPS foi feito com recurso ao Bernese Processing Engine, uma componente do Bernese GPS Software 4.2, e foram utilizadas diferentes estratégias que incluem a modificação do ângulo de máscara, a determinação de gradientes troposféricos e a inclusão do efeito de carga oceânica. Neste trabalho são analisadas várias séries temporais e discutidas as vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma das estratégias utilizadas.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de mest., Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação mest., Gestão e conservação da natureza, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação mest., Engenharia do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007