320 resultados para Shooting.
Scientific collections are important sources of material for many areas of ornithological research. Although firearms (particularly shotguns) have been the standard for avian scientific collecting for more than 100 years, their use is restricted in many areas of the world. We describe a cheap, relatively silent, and effective air shotgun for collecting birds weighing up to 50 g at distances up to 4 m. This air shotgun is capable of shooting birdshot, uses hollow metal rivets connected to plastic straws as shot shells, and represents a simple adaptation of any 0.177 or 0.22 cal single-shot, break-barrel air rifle with at least 25 joules of muzzle energy. This air shotgun will be especially useful for focused sampling of birds (and other small vertebrates) in situations where firearm use or transport is restricted.
Quando o profissional da área de Educação Física está ensinando uma habilidade motora, ele procura avaliar o movimento realizado pelo aluno e reflete sobre quais intervenções poderiam ser feitas naquele momento. No entanto, muitas vezes, o professor não dispõe de recursos que possam auxiliá-lo no processo de avaliação do movimento a ser aprendido pelo aluno. O processo de aquisição habilidades motoras poderia ser facilitado se o professor dispusesse nesse momento de um instrumento que identificasse o erro(s) cometido(s), bem como, qual seria a informação prioritária a ser fornecida ao aprendiz. Portanto, como a literatura especializada apresenta escassez no que diz respeito a esse tipo de ferramenta, o objetivo do presente estudo foi construir, validar e testar a objetividade e fidedignidade de um instrumento (checklist) que avalia a qualidade do arremesso do basquetebol (lance livre). O checklist da habilidade foi desenvolvido e avaliado por especialistas da modalidade esportiva e, posteriormente, o checklist foi utilizado para analisar 10 arremessos (vídeo editado) de quatro indivíduos em diferentes fases de aprendizagem da habilidade. Os resultados foram organizados em função do erro crítico e somatória de erros verificados pelos especialistas em duas ocasiões com uma semana de intervalo. Contrastando as avaliações do mesmo avaliador e entre avaliadores, em ambas as medidas, observou-se um nível de erro médio de 16,9%. Concluiu-se, portanto que o checklist proposto no presente estudo é um instrumento de avaliação do lance livre consistente e, nesse sentido, pode auxiliar professores e técnicos na análise qualitativa do arremesso. Além disso, esse instrumento de avaliação permite fazer inferências sobre o processo de aprendizagem de indivíduos nessa habilidade.
Determination of the manner of death in case of intraoral firearm wounds can be a challenge, especially if the circumstances of the incident are unclear and crime scene investigation is inadequate. It is a well-known fact that the mouth is one of the selected sites for suicide with firearms. Homicidal shooting through the mouth is said to be rare, but does occur, and can be mistaken for a suicide. For discrimination between suicide and homicide in cases of intraoral firearm wounds, some useful points are the site of entry wound, the direction of the internal bullet path, the range of fire and the circumstances of death. We demonstrate these points in a case of a homicidal gunshot to the mouth assessed by both classical autopsy and post-mortem CT (PMCT).
In den Jahren 2001 bis 2007 ist bei den Polizeien der deutschen Bundesländer und bei den Polizeikorps der Schweiz die so genannte Polizeimunition eingeführt worden. Von dieser mit einem deformierenden Geschoss ausgerüsteten Munition verspricht man sich eine größere Wirksamkeit und wegen der begrenzten Durchschlagsleistung eine geringere Gefährdung unbeteiligter Personen. Bei geringerer Auftreffenergie deformiert sich jedoch das Geschoss weniger, die Wirksamkeit wird kleiner und die Eindringtiefe größer. In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurde die Abhängigkeit der Deformation und der Eindringtiefe in ballistische Seife von der Auftreffenergie für alle 4 gegenwärtig vorhandenen Polizeigeschosse untersucht. Bereits bei Schussdistanzen von 25–30 m ist mit einer verminderten Wirksamkeit zu rechnen. Bei einer viel gebrauchten Waffe kann zudem die Mündungsenergie so stark reduziert sein, dass sich bereits bei kurzen Schussdistanzen die Geschosse nicht mehr erwartungsgemäß deformieren.
Since the invention of firearms, arrow wounds represent a rarity in the daily routine of forensic pathologists. In the present paper, we describe a homicide by a broadhead arrow shot from a compound bow in a domestic environment. Based on this homicide, we discuss the characteristics of the lesion caused by broadhead arrows and field-tip arrows. We look critically at the free saleability of this equipment mostly used for sport shooting in Germany.
This is a European cohort study on predictors of spinal injury in adult (≥16 years) major trauma patients, using prospectively collected data of the Trauma Audit and Research Network from 1988 to 2009. Predictors for spinal fractures/dislocations or spinal cord injury were determined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. 250,584 patients were analysed. 24,000 patients (9.6%) sustained spinal fractures/dislocations alone and 4,489 (1.8%) sustained spinal cord injury with or without fractures/dislocations. Spinal injury patients had a median age of 44.5 years (IQR = 28.8-64.0) and Injury Severity Score of 9 (IQR = 4-17). 64.9% were male. 45% of patients suffered associated injuries to other body regions. Age <45 years (≥45 years OR 0.83-0.94), Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 3-8 (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.02-1.19), falls >2 m (OR 4.17, 95% CI 3.98-4.37), sports injuries (OR 2.79, 95% CI 2.41-3.23) and road traffic collisions (RTCs) (OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.83-2.00) were predictors for spinal fractures/dislocations. Age <45 years (≥45 years OR 0.78-0.90), male gender (female OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.72-0.85), GCS <15 (OR 1.36-1.93), associated chest injury (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.01-1.20), sports injuries (OR 3.98, 95% CI 3.04-5.21), falls >2 m (OR 3.60, 95% CI 3.21-4.04), RTCs (OR 2.20, 95% CI 1.96-2.46) and shooting (OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.21-3.00) were predictors for spinal cord injury. Multilevel injury was found in 10.4% of fractures/dislocations and in 1.3% of cord injury patients. As spinal trauma occurred in >10% of major trauma patients, aggressive evaluation of the spine is warranted, especially, in males, patients <45 years, with a GCS <15, concomitant chest injury and/or dangerous injury mechanisms (falls >2 m, sports injuries, RTCs and shooting). Diagnostic imaging of the whole spine and a diligent search for associated injuries are substantial.
We investigate a class of optimal control problems that exhibit constant exogenously given delays in the control in the equation of motion of the differential states. Therefore, we formulate an exemplary optimal control problem with one stock and one control variable and review some analytic properties of an optimal solution. However, analytical considerations are quite limited in case of delayed optimal control problems. In order to overcome these limits, we reformulate the problem and apply direct numerical methods to calculate approximate solutions that give a better understanding of this class of optimization problems. In particular, we present two possibilities to reformulate the delayed optimal control problem into an instantaneous optimal control problem and show how these can be solved numerically with a stateof- the-art direct method by applying Bock’s direct multiple shooting algorithm. We further demonstrate the strength of our approach by two economic examples.
Einleitung: Im Zusammenhang mit der Leistungsdienlichkeit langer finaler Fixation (quiet eye, QE) wird vermutet, dass Leistungsverbesserungen nur für eine optimale Dauer zu beobachten sein sollten, also auch bei „überlangen“ QE-Dauern die Leistung wieder abnimmt (u.a. Janelle et al., 2000; Klostermann, 2014). Jedoch liegen zu dieser Vermutung bislang keine empirischen Befunde vor, so dass in der hier präsentierten Studie Präzisionsleistung in einer Wurfaufgabe in Abhängigkeit von (auch) sehr langen experimentell kontrollierten QE-Dauern untersucht wurde. Methode: In einem Within-subject-Design hatten 20 Sportstudierende unter acht verschiedenen QE-Bedingungen (Onset in 400-ms-Schritten von -3200 ms bis -400 ms vor Bewegungsbeginn; 16 Versuche pro Bedingung in randomisierter Abfolge) mit retro-reflektierenden Bällen auf eine Großleinwand projizierte Zielscheiben möglichst mittig zu treffen. Die QE-Manipulation erfolgte über eine an den Bewegungsbeginn gebundene Zielscheibeneinblendung samt Wurfrhythmisierung durch Tonvorgaben. Aus den mit einem Vicon-T20-System (200 Hz) sowie einem integrierten mobilen Eyetracker (EyeSeeCam, 220 Hz) erhobenen Daten wurden die QE-Dauer (ms) und die Wurfleistung (radialer Fehler, mm) als abhängige Variablen berechnet und varianzanalytisch auf Unterschiede untersucht. Resultate und Diskussion: Für die QE-Dauer wurde ein signifikanter Haupteffekt gefunden, F(7, 133) = 38.4, p < .01, ηp2 = .67, mit zumindest tendenziellen (-2000 ms vs. -2400 ms, -2800 ms vs. -3200 ms), größtenteils aber signifikanten QE-Anstiegen gemäß der experimentellen Manipulation (alle ps < .01), obgleich die jeweils angezielten QE-Dauern nicht erreicht und zum Teil deutlich unterschritten wurden (tatsächliche relativ zur angezielten Dauer im Mittel 59.95 %). Für den radialen Fehler ergab sich ein signifikanter Haupteffekt, F(7, 133) = 8.5, p < .01, ηp2 = .31, welcher durch signifikant schlechtere Leistungen bei den Onsets -400 ms und -800 ms gegenüber allen anderen Onsets erklärt wird (alle ps < .05; ausgenommen -400 ms vs. -800 ms und -800 ms vs. -2400 ms). Somit wurde der „klassische“ QE-Effekt schlechterer Leistungen infolge kurzer QE-Dauern repliziert; die Vermutung einer Leistungsverschlechterung bei überlangen QE-Dauern konnte jedoch – zumindest unter den infolge der Manipulation tatsächlich erzielten Werten – nicht untermauert werden. Literatur: Klostermann, A. (2014). Finale Fixationen, sportmotorische Leistung und eine Inhibitionshypothese: Mechanismen des „Quiet Eye“, Sportwissenschaft, 44, 49-59. Janelle, C. M., Hillman, C. H., Apparies, R. J., Murray, N. P., Meili, L., Fallon, E. A. & Hatfield, B. D. (2000). Expertise differences in cortical activation and gaze behavior during rifle shooting. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 22, 167-182.
The current analysis examined the association of several demographic and behavioral variables with prior HIV testing within a population of injection drug users (IDUs) living in Harris County, Texas in 2005 (n=563). After completing the initial univariate analyses of all potential predictors, a multivariable model was created. This model was designed to guide future intervention efforts. Data used in this analysis were collected by the University of Texas School of Public Health in association with the Houston Department of Health and Human Services for the first IDU cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. About 76% of the IDUs reported previously being tested for HIV. Demographic variables that displayed a significant association with prior testing during the univariate analyses include age, race/ethnicity, birth outside the United States, education level, recent arrest, and current health insurance coverage. Several drug-related and sexual behaviors also demonstrated significant associations with prior testing, including age of first injection drug use, heroin use, methamphetamine use, source of needles or syringes, consistent use of new needles, recent visits to a shooting gallery or similar location, previous alcohol or drug treatment, condom use during their most recent sexual encounter, and having sexual partners who also used injection drugs. Additionally, the univariate analyses revealed that recent use of health or HIV prevention services was associated with previously testing for HIV. The final multivariable model included age, race/ethnicity, recent arrest, previous alcohol or drug treatment, and heroin use. ^
Diaphorina citri es vector de la bacteria que produce la enfermedad HLB en cítricos, una de las más destructivas. En lotes comerciales de naranja dulce en Entre Ríos se analizó la abundancia espacio-temporal de adultos de D. citri y del ectoparasitoide Tamarixia radiata. Quincenalmente y durante tres años se colectaron adultos en 10 trampas cromotrópicas y los datos obtenidos fueron relacionados con el porcentaje medio de brotación de otra plantación. El número de D. citri/trampa/quincena se analizó mediante Kruskal-wallis y prueba de Mantel y la respuesta de agregación de T. radiata mediante correlación. Ambas poblaciones exhibieron la mayor abundancia el primer año: las frecuentes aplicaciones de abamectina en el segundo y tercero provocaron una marcada reducción. Espacialmente, la diferencia numérica de D. citri entre árboles no estuvo asociada a su cercanía pero la correlación entre ellos fue significativa. Temporalmente se evidenciaron cuatro picos de abundancia: tres asociados a brotación (invernal, primaveral y estival), y un cuarto no asociado a brotación. La mayor abundancia de T. radiata ocurrió en los árboles con mayor abundancia de D. citri y hubo una significativa correlación espacial entre ambas especies. El enrollamiento anti-horario del gráfico entre D. citri - T. radiata en árboles individuales sugiere una interacción huésped- parasitoide, estructurada como poblaciones locales.
The compressional and the shear wave velocities in the Greenland ice sheet are derived from seismic records of the EGIG 1959. Further the variation of velocities in the firn and the dependance of Poisson's ratio from depth are determined. At Station Centrale, two P-waves are recorded from underground layers. Their velocities show that the ice basement consists of crystalline rocks. The P-wave velocities derived from reflections agree well with those obtained by refraction shooting. From this agreement results that the ice is ± homogenous and ± isotropic for Pwaves. The elastic constants for isotropic ice are calculated. Finally the temperature dependence of the velocities is discussed.
En la presente investigación se buscó estudiar el efecto de la adición de fibras metálicas como refuerzo en hormigones de alta resistencia, y en especial su comportamiento frente al impacto de proyectiles. Se efectuó el estudio sobre un hormigón de alta resistencia (HAR), analizando los aspectos mecánicos, durabilidad y trabajabilidad para su colocación en obra. Las pruebas de laboratorio se llevaron a cabo en el Laboratorio de Materiales de Construcción de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Caminos Canales y Puertos de la UPM y los ensayos balísticos en la galería de tiro cubierta del Polígono de Experiencia de Carabanchel, adscrito a la Dirección General de Infraestructura del Ministerio de la Defensa. La caracterización del HAR empleado en el estudio se centró en los aspectos de resistencias mecánicas a compresión, tracción, flexotracción, tenacidad a flexotracción, punzonamiento, retracción, fluencia, temperatura interna y resistencia al impacto de proyectiles, siempre buscando de manera primordial analizar el efecto de la adición de fibras en el hormigón de alta resistencia. El programa de ensayos balísticos comprendió la fabricación de 47 placas de hormigón de diferentes espesores, desde 5 a 40 cm., 26 de dichas placas eran de HAR con una adición de fibras metálicas de 80 kg/m3, 11 de ellas eran de HAR sin fibras y 10 de un hormigón de resistencia convencional con y sin fibras; sobre dichas placas se efectuaron diversos impactos con proyectiles de los cuatro calibres siguientes: 7.62 AP, 12.70 M8, 20 mm APDS y 25 mm APDS. Las pruebas mostraron que el HAR presenta una mayor resistencia a los impactos de proyectiles, aunque sin la adición de fibras su fragilidad es un serio inconveniente para su utilización como barrera protectora, la adición de fibras reduce considerablemente la fragmentación en la cara posterior “scabbing” y en menor medida en la cara anterior “spalling”. También se incrementa la capacidad del hormigón a la resistencia de múltiples impactos. Se efectuó un estudio de las diferentes formulas y modelos, en especial el modelo desarrollado por Moreno [60], que se vienen utilizando para el diseño de barreras protectoras de hormigón contra impacto de proyectiles, analizando su viabilidad en el caso del hormigón de alta resistencia, hormigón para el cual no fueron desarrolladas y para el que no existen bases de cálculo específicas. In this research we have tried to study the effect of adding metallic fibres as a means of reinforcing high strength concrete, and especially its behaviour when impacted upon by projectiles. The study was carried out using high strength concrete (HSC), analysing its mechanical facets, durability and malleability when used in construction. The laboratory tests took place in the Laboratorio de Materiales de Construcción of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Caminos Canales y Puertos of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and the ballistic tests were carried out in the covered shooting gallery of the Polígono de Experiencias in Carabanchel (Madrid), belongs to the Departamento de Infraestructura of the Ministerio de Defensa. The aspects of the HSC studied are its mechanical strength to compression, traction, flexotraction, resilience to flexo-traction, shear strength, creep, shrinkage, internal temperature and strength to the impact of projectiles, always looking to analyse the effect of adding fibres to HSC. The ballistic testing process required the construction of 47 concrete plates of different thicknesses, from 5 to 40 cm, 26 made which HSC containing of 80 kg/m3 metallic fibres of, 11 made of HSC without fibres, and 10 made with concrete of normal strength with and without fibres. These plates were subjected to a variety of impacts by four projectile, 7.62 AP, 12.70 M8, 20 mm APDS and 25 mm APDS. The results showed that HSC has a greater resistance to the impact of projectiles, although without the addition of fibres, its fragility makes it much less suitable for use as a protective barrier. The addition of fibres reduces considerably frontal fragmentation, known as “scabbing”, and to a lesser extent causes fragmentation of the reverse side, known as “spalling”. In addition, the concrete’s capacity to resist multiple impacts is improved by its letter ductility. A study was carried out on the various formulae and models used to design protective concrete barriers impacted on by projectiles, analysing their viability in the case of HSC for which they were not developed and for which no specific calculations exist.
The aim of the present study was to identify the importance of floorball tactical variables to predict ball possession effectiveness, when controlling quality of opposition and game periods. The sample was composed by 1500 ball possessions, corresponding to 14 games randomly selected from the International Championships played during 2008 and 2010 (World Championship, Four nations tournament and classificatory phases for World Championship) by teams from different competition levels (HIGH, INTERMEDIATE and LOW). The effects of the predictor variables on successful ball possessions according to the three game contexts (HIGH vs. HIGH; HIGH vs. LOW; LOW vs. LOW games) were analyzed using Binomial Logistic Regressions. The results showed no interaction with the game period. In HIGH vs. HIGH games, quality of opposition showed an association with ball possession effectiveness with ending zone, offensive system, possession duration, height of shooting and defensive pressures previous to the shot. In HIGH vs. LOW games the important factors were the starting zone, possession duration, defensive pressure previous to the last pass and to the shot, technique of shooting and the number players involved in each ball possession. Finally, in LOW vs. LOW games, the results emphasized the importance of starting and ending zones, the number of passes used and the technique of shooting. In conclusion, elite floorball performance is mainly affected by quality of opposition showing different game patterns in each context that should be considered by coaches when preparing practices and competitions.
One key issue in the simulation of bare electrodynamic tethers (EDTs) is the accurate and fast computation of the collected current, an ambient dependent operation necessary to determine the Lorentz force for each time step. This paper introduces a novel semianalytical solution that allows researchers to compute the current distribution along the tether efficient and effectively under orbital-motion-limited (OML) and beyond OML conditions, i.e., if tether radius is greater than a certain ambient dependent threshold. The method reduces the original boundary value problem to a couple of nonlinear equations. If certain dimensionless variables are used, the beyond OML effect just makes the tether characteristic length L ∗ larger and it is decoupled from the current determination problem. A validation of the results and a comparison of the performance in terms of the time consumed is provided, with respect to a previous ad hoc solution and a conventional shooting method.
The aim of the present study was to identify performance variability in basketball for players with intellectual impairment (II) and to compare it with able-bodied (AB) players. Official game statistics from the 13 games played in the Ankara World II-Basketball Championships (2013) were gathered and descriptive data, variability coefficient (VC), maximum scores and its Z-score were calculated from those players who participated at least 10 minutes per game (N = 46; guards = 10, forwards = 21, centers = 15). Results indicated higher performance variability and lower efficiency in shooting percentages and turnovers in II-players comparing with studies in ABplayers. Differences found between game positions indicated similar roles of guards, forwards and centers in II and AB-players. These findings are relevant to understand how II impact on basketball performance, which is a necessary step to develop specific eligibility systems in II-basketball according to the guidelines of the International Paralympic Committee.