735 resultados para She who remembers survives
Recently, we were faced with a request from a student photographer who wanted to take pictures of bodies donated to our institute and used for dissection courses for medical students or for scientific purposes. Students are expressly forbidden to take pictures in the dissection hall; however, we allowed this student photographer to do her diploma work in our institute. The reason why she was proposing such a topic was that her brother died young and her parents donated his body to science. To overcome this loss of a loved one, she wanted to know what happens to the donated bodies. She followed the procedure of embalming and different dissections that took place during the summer semester and she took pictures throughout. The outcome of this work was a very nice photographic document, called 'dissection', a book with many pictures but no figure legends. The image document shows the different steps in the preparation and preservation of bodies and the work of an anatomist in the dissection hall. As we impose rules on our students, we had also to give directives in the use of the photographs taken, especially for a photographer who will use the most prominent pictures for exhibitions, i.e. that the pictures do not show names or are used for publication on the internet, or show identification numbers of cadavers, or give indication ofn the institution and are relatively anonymous. This story tells how one can deal with death and at the same time advance one's personal career. The author represents the Swiss Anatomical Society SGAHE and is supported by the Swiss Academy of Science, ScNat.
This doctoral dissertation aims at describing the representation of holy harlots (Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, Pelagia, Thai's, Afra of Augsburg) in medieval English hagiography. These saints are unique representatives that combine both extremes of the feminine in the medieval imaginaire: she is both, as a saint, the Virgin Mary, the pure and virtuous woman, and, in her past as a prostitute, Eve, the evil female tempter who led all mankind to destruction. The initial question of this thesis is how did hagiographers negotiate the representation of a formerly sinful, sexually active, long- living woman as an authoritative saint? This thesis aims at finding elements of answer to this question, investigating the intersections between gender and authority in the saints' lives of repentant prostitutes in all the vernaculars of medieval England: Old English, Anglo-Norman, and Middle English. It posits that the portrayal of holy harlots' authority and gender is dependent upon social, religious and literary shifts during the medieval period. My contention is that the harlot's gender portrayal changes over the course of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, due notably to the rise of affective piety and the important influence of the romance genre over hagiography. In Anglo-Saxon England, the harlot's gender changes with the saint's conversion: a woman beforehand, her gender is portrayed after her repentance as ambiguous in order for her to become a saint. Her authority derives from her own sanctity in this case. From the twelfth century onward, however, the harlot, now often turned into a beautiful and landed romance lady, is more and more represented as a woman throughout her life, and becomes after her conversion a Bride of Christ. In this way, the dangerously free woman who roamed the streets and prostituted her body becomes less threatening after her conversion, being (re-)inscribed within the male dominated institution of marriage. She now draws her authoritative stance from her gendered intimacy with Christ: although she submits to Christ as his bride, she also gains greater authority than before by way of her privileged relationship with the Savior.
PURPOSE: To describe a patient with an oculomotor nerve schwannoma who had symptoms of ophthalmoplegic migraine. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: A 23-year-old woman had a history of recurrent headache accompanied by transient right oculomotor palsy since age 7 years. Ophthalmoplegic migraine was diagnosed. She was subsequently found to have a structural lesion of her right oculomotor nerve on magnetic resonance imaging. The magnetic resonance image characteristics were consistent with schwannoma originating from the oculomotor nerve. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that an intrinsic lesion of the oculomotor nerve (schwannoma) may be associated with a painful relapsing-remitting oculomotor palsy mimicking the clinical syndrome of ophthalmoplegic migraine.
The Centre de Recherche sur les Méningites et les Schistosomes (CERMES) is a research institute depending on the Organisation de Coordination et de Coopération pour la lutte contre les Grandes Endémies - a West African Organization for Public Health - devoted to the studies on schistosomiasis and meningitis. The staff includes 32 persons with 11 scientists and one financial officer. The activities of the CERMES involving schistosomiasis concern three research units: (a) ecology of human and animal schistosomiasis transmission; the CERMES defined the different patterns of schistosomiasis transmission in Niger (involving African dry savana); in this field, we have shown, (i) the existence of important variability in conditions of transmission of S. haematobium and, (ii) natural hybridization between parasitic species of the ruminants (S. bovis and S. curassoni) and genetic interaction between human and animal parasites; (b) definition of morbidity indicators usable for rapid assessment methods, for appraisal of the severity of the disease and for the evaluation of the efficiency of control methods; we have established the correlation between ultrasonographic data and some cheap and simple field indicators; (c) immune response and protective immunity induced by recombinant glutathion S-transferase (Sm28, Sb28 and Sh28) in homologous and heterologous animal models including goats, sheep and non human primates (Erythrocebus patas). In Niger, we participate in all control programs against schistosomiasis to define control strategies, to supervise operations and to participate in their evaluation with external experts. International collaborations constitute a frame including four laboratories in Africa and six laboratories in developed countries (Europe and USA)
Levetiracetam (LEV) has been considered to undergo no significant change in bioavailability during pregnancy; however, it was recently demonstrated to display modifications leading to a drop in its serum level. We describe a patient who displayed impending status epilepticus following a fall in her LEV level during the first trimester. The oral LEV dosage was increased, and phenytoin and benzodiazepines were transiently prescribed. She experienced severe anxiety and an unbearable fear over the deleterious consequences for her baby despite repeated, reassuring explanations. Her anxiety was so strong that she aborted electively shortly after leaving the hospital. This observation emphasizes the need for LEV level monitoring during pregnancy to prevent unexpected seizure relapses. The rapid increase in levetiracetam dosage in parallel with the loss of seizure control is suspected of facilitating the induction of significant psychiatric changes.
Percutaneous cholecystostomy for acute cholecystitis: who should really benefit from this procedure?
Maria-Antònia Oliver i Cabrer (Manacor, 1946) és una de les poques traductores al català que han aprofundit en la teoria de la traducció i que han plasmat els seus pensaments sobre paper. Coneixem a bastament el seu vessant literari gràcies a un bon grapat d’estudis que s’han dut a terme des de diverses universitats dels Països Catalans i també des d’algunes de fora de les nostres fronteres. Amb tot, la faceta de torsimany sovint ha estat esmentada de passada, malgrat hagi portat al català autors i autores de renom com ara Virginia Woolf, Herman Melville, Italo Calvino o Mark Twain. Maria-Antònia Oliver, traductora situa l’autora en el moment en què ha traduït, se centra en la seva idea sobre la traducció, cataloga les seves traduccions i visibilitza la figura d’una traductora prolífica.
Between 1927 and 1931 Marie Bonaparte had herself operated upon her clitoris three times. She did so against Freud's advice with whom she was in analysis. Among psychoanalysts these operations are still often regarded as "errors" or aberrations. But for Marie Bonaparte, who was in various ways familiar with physics and a somatic approach, surgery was the first choice, psychoanalysis only a possible alternative. She was not impressed by the skepticism of her colleagues, and adhered even more emphatically to her own strategy
The aim of this exploratory study was to assess the impact of clinicians' defense mechanisms-defined as self-protective psychological mechanisms triggered by the affective load of the encounter with the patient-on adherence to a communication skills training (CST). The population consisted of oncology clinicians (N = 31) who participated in a CST. An interview with simulated cancer patients was recorded prior and 6 months after CST. Defenses were measured before and after CST and correlated with a prototype of an ideally conducted interview based on the criteria of CST-teachers. Clinicians who used more adaptive defense mechanisms showed better adherence to communication skills after CST than clinicians with less adaptive defenses (F(1, 29) = 5.26, p = 0.03, d = 0.42). Improvement in communication skills after CST seems to depend on the initial levels of defenses of the clinician prior to CST. Implications for practice and training are discussed. Communication has been recognized as a central element of cancer care [1]. Ineffective communication may contribute to patients' confusion, uncertainty, and increased difficulty in asking questions, expressing feelings, and understanding information [2, 3], and may also contribute to clinicians' lack of job satisfaction and emotional burnout [4]. Therefore, communication skills trainings (CST) for oncology clinicians have been widely developed over the last decade. These trainings should increase the skills of clinicians to respond to the patient's needs, and enhance an adequate encounter with the patient with efficient exchange of information [5]. While CSTs show a great diversity with regard to their pedagogic approaches [6, 7], the main elements of CST consist of (1) role play between participants, (2) analysis of videotaped interviews with simulated patients, and (3) interactive case discussion provided by participants. As recently stated in a consensus paper [8], CSTs need to be taught in small groups (up to 10-12 participants) and have a minimal duration of at least 3 days in order to be effective. Several systematic reviews evaluated the impact of CST on clinicians' communication skills [9-11]. Effectiveness of CST can be assessed by two main approaches: participant-based and patient-based outcomes. Measures can be self-reported, but, according to Gysels et al. [10], behavioral assessment of patient-physician interviews [12] is the most objective and reliable method for measuring change after training. Based on 22 studies on participants' outcomes, Merckaert et al. [9] reported an increase of communication skills and participants' satisfaction with training and changes in attitudes and beliefs. The evaluation of CST remains a challenging task and variables mediating skills improvement remain unidentified. We recently thus conducted a study evaluating the impact of CST on clinicians' defenses by comparing the evolution of defenses of clinicians participating in CST with defenses of a control group without training [13]. Defenses are unconscious psychological processes which protect from anxiety or distress. Therefore, they contribute to the individual's adaptation to stress [14]. Perry refers to the term "defensive functioning" to indicate the degree of adaptation linked to the use of a range of specific defenses by an individual, ranging from low defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally less adaptive defenses (such as projection, denial, or acting out) to high defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally more adaptive defenses (such as altruism, intellectualization, or introspection) [15, 16]. Although several authors have addressed the emotional difficulties of oncology clinicians when facing patients and their need to preserve themselves [7, 17, 18], no research has yet been conducted on the defenses of clinicians. For example, repeated use of less adaptive defenses, such as denial, may allow the clinician to avoid or reduce distress, but it also diminishes his ability to respond to the patient's emotions, to identify and to respond adequately to his needs, and to foster the therapeutic alliance. Results of the above-mentioned study [13] showed two groups of clinicians: one with a higher defensive functioning and one with a lower defensive functioning prior to CST. After the training, a difference in defensive functioning between clinicians who participated in CST and clinicians of the control group was only showed for clinicians with a higher defensive functioning. Some clinicians may therefore be more responsive to CST than others. To further address this issue, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the level of adherence to an "ideally conducted interview", as defined by the teachers of the CST, and the level of the clinician' defensive functioning. We hypothesized that, after CST, clinicians with a higher defensive functioning show a greater adherence to the "ideally conducted interview" than clinicians with a lower defensive functioning.
Report analysing responses to the consultation on Who Cares? The Future of Adult Care and Support in NI
The case of a Moroccan woman, age 25, who came into the emergency department with clinical tetany, is presented. She had experienced muscle spasms and paresthaesia of the upper limb over the previous few days. She had also experienced major diarrhoea for the previous 3 weeks. Investigations revealed a severe electrolyte disorder.
TT virus (TTV) is a newly described nonenveloped human virus, with a circular, negative-stranded DNA genome, that was first identified in the blood of a patient with posttransfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. PCR primers and conditions used for TTV DNA amplification may greatly influence the level of TTV detection in serum. Three PCR assays, with different regions of the genome as targets, were used to test TTV DNA in 130 sera from children and adults visiting a hospital in the south of Brazil, most of them for routine procedure. Forty-four percent of adult sera and 73% of sera from children aged 0-10 years were TTV positive with at least one PCR assay. However, the three assays were able to detect only 33%, 35%, and 70% of the total positive samples. Our results showed a high prevalence of TTV infection in the south of Brazil, particularly among young children, and confirmed the necessity of performing several PCR assays to assess the true TTV prevalence in a determined population.
Guidance on Discharge from Hospital and the Continuing Care in the Community of People with a Mental Disorder who could Represent a Risk of Serious Physical Harm to Themselves or Others