815 resultados para Self-concept analysis
This study aimed to examine the complicated process involved in the influence of parental psychological control on academic self-concept and academic performance in Chinese adolescents. The study considered possible mediating and moderating factors that might influence the relationships of interest. Findings of this study suggested that perceived maternal psychological control was related to adolescents' academic self-concept, and the relationship was mediated by adolescents' satisfaction on basic psychological needs. No statistically significant association was found between perceived maternal psychological control and adolescents' academic performance, instead, the relationship was moderated by adolescent age.
Measurements of both the velocity and the temperature field have been made in the thermal layer that grows inside a turbulent boundary layer which is subjected to a small step change in surface heat flux. Upstream of the step, the wall heat flux is zero and the velocity boundary layer is nearly self-preserving. The thermal-layer measurements are discussed in the context of a self-preserving analysis for the temperature disturbance which grows underneath a thick external turbulent boundary layer. A logarithmic mean temperature profile is established downstream of the step but the budget for the mean-square temperature fluctuations shows that, in the inner region of the thermal layer, the production and dissipation of temperature fluctuations are not quite equal at the furthest downstream measurement station. The measurements for both the mean and the fluctuating temperature field indicate that the relaxation distance for the thermal layer is quite large, of the order of 1000θ0, where θ0 is the momentum thickness of the boundary layer at the step. Statistics of the thermal-layer interface and conditionally sampled measurements with respect to this interface are presented. Measurements of the temperature intermittency factor indicate that the interface is normally distributed with respect to its mean position. Near the step, the passive heat contaminant acts as an effective marker of the organized turbulence structure that has been observed in the wall region of a boundary layer. Accordingly, conditional averages of Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes measured in the heated part of the flow are considerably larger than the conventional averages when the temperature intermittency factor is small.
An experimental study to ascertain the role of external electron donor in methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms has been carried out. The required volume holographic transmission gratings in MBDCG have been recorded using 633-nm light from a He-Ne laser. Three well-known electron donors, namely, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF); ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); triethanolamine (TEA), were used in this study. The variation of diffraction efficiency (η) as a function of light exposure (E) and concentration (C) of the electron donor under consideration was chosen as the figure of merit for judging the role of external electron donor in MBDCG holograms. A self-consistent analysis of the experimental results was carried out by recalling the various known facts about the photochemistry and the hologram formation in DSDCG and also DCG. The important findings and conclusions are as follows: (i) Each η vs E graph is a bell-shaped curve and its peak height is influenced in a characteristic manner by the external electron donor used. (ii) High diffraction efficiency/recording speed can be achieved in pure MBDCG holograms. (iii) The diffraction efficiency/recording speed achieved in electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms did not show any significant improvement at all over that observed in pure MBDCG holograms. (iv) In electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms, the electron donor used, depending on its type and concentration, appears to promote the process of cross-linking of gelatin molecules in a manner to either retain or deteriorate the refractive-index modulation achieved using pure MBDCG.
Yksinäisyyden merkitys hyvinvointia uhkaavana tekijänä on viimeaikoina noussut esiin yhä enenevissä määrin. Yksinäiset korkeakouluopiskelijat ovat erityisen haavoittuvassa elämäntilanteessa, sillä nuoren aikuisen elämään liittyvät erityiset kehitykselliset haasteet. Tärkeää on, että opiskelijat saavat tukea tilanteeseensa, jotta yksinäisyyden kauaskantoisilta vaikutuksilta vältyttäisiin. Vertaistuki voi monen kohdalla olla tärkeää, ja Internet mahdollistaa matalan kynnyksen paikan avun hakemiseen. Tutkielmassani perehdyn Nyyti ry:n ylläpitämään, korkeakouluopiskelijoille tarkoitettuun Yksinäisyys-nettiryhmään, ja siinä esiintyvään vertaistukeen. Erityisen tutkimusasetelmastani tekee vertaistuen tarkastelu sen kaksijakoisuuden kautta: millaisia avunsaajana olemisen ja avunantajana toimimisen tapoja kirjoituksista on löydettävissä, ja miten ne suhteutuvat toisiinsa. Näin voidaan ymmärtää paremmin keskustelijoiden tarpeita ja odotuksia, ja sitä, miten ryhmä pystyy niihin vastaamaan. Aineistoa on tutkittu sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Näyttäisi siltä, että ryhmään kohdistetaan enemmän odotuksia ja tarpeita kuin mihin se pystyy vastaamaan. Avunsaajana olemisen luokkia oli yhteensä 15, jotka kuvasivat viittä eri ulottuvuutta. Ulottuvuudet olivat kokemuksellisuus, kontrolliodotus, vaikeusaste, suhde tietoon ja odotuksellisuus. Avunantajana toimimisen kohdalla luokkia muodostui kahdeksan, jotka kuvasivat neljää ulottuvuutta. Näitä olivat empatia, eteenpäin suuntaavuus, opastus ja kyseenalaistus. Avunsaajana oleminen hallitsi nettiryhmän keskusteluja, ja sitä kuvastavat tekstit olivat paitsi määrällisesti pidempiä, myös sisällöllisesti rikkaampia. Suhteutettaessa avunsaajan ja avunantajan tapoja toisiinsa havaitaan, että ryhmässä osoitettu tuki pystyy hyvin vastaamaan moniin odotuksiin, mutta toisaalta jokin tuenmuoto saattaa olla päinvastainenkin joidenkin luokkien tarpeille. Voikin olla, että vertaistuesta on keskustelijoille hyötyä tiettyyn tasoon asti, mutta suuri määrä erilaisia tarpeita ja odotuksia tekee mahdottomaksi niihin kaikkiin vastaamisen. Hyvä jatkotutkimuksen aihe olisi haastatteluin selvittää kirjoittajien omia näkemyksiä siitä, mistä kokevat ryhmään kirjoittaessaan hyötyvänsä. Tutkielman keskeisimpiä lähteitä ovat olleet: Weiss, R.S. (1973). Loneliness: the experience of emotional and social isolation, Kraut, R. ym (1998). Internet paradox. A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?, Jung, J. (1987) Toward a social psychology of social support., Dennis, C-L. (2003). Peer support within a health care context: a concept analysis.
In order to study the memory of the larger eddies in turbulent shear flow, experiments have been conducted on plane turbulent wakes undergoing transition from an initial (carefully prepared) equilibrium state to a different final one, as a result of a nearly impulsive pressure gradient. It is shown that under the conditions of the experiments the equations of motion possess self-preserving solutions in the sense of Townsend (1956), but the observed behaviour of the wake is appreciably different when the pressure gradient is not very small, as the flow goes through a slow relaxation process before reaching final equilibrium. Measurements of the Reynolds stresse show that the approach to a new equilibrium state is exponential, with a relaxation length of the order of 103 momentum thicknesses. It is suggested that a flow satisfying the conditions required by a self-preservation analysis will exhibit equilibrium only if the relaxation length is small compared with a characteristic streamwise length scale of the flow.
[Es]El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar la implicación o compromiso de nuestros estudiantes con sus centros escolares. La implicación posee un componente conductual (la participación) y un componente psicológico (la identificación con el centro escolar). La muestra está compuesta por 656 alumnos de 14 colegios del País Vasco y Cataluña, divididos según diferentes tipologías de centro: 179 en pública-primaria, 151 alumnos en concertada-primaria, 203 alumnos en pública¬-secundaria y 123 alumnos en concertada-secundaria. Los resultados indican que las percepciones en las escalas de participación e identificación son más altas en los centros concertados, de primaria y con una sola línea educativa y modelo lingüístico. Así mismo hemos comprobado que existen correlaciones entre las dos dimensiones de la implicación y las variables independientes analizadas: autoconcepto y motivación académica, tipología de centro, trabajo de los profesores y el entorno familiar.
[Es] El autoconcepto físico juega un papel decisivo en el bienestar personal y la prevención de trastornos y dificultades de conducta. De ahí la importancia de ayudar educativamente al desarrollo de adecuadas autopercepciones físicas. En este artículo se ofrece un análisis comparativo de dos formatos (papel y on line) de un mismo programa de intervención educativa para la mejora del autoconcepto implementado con estudiantes universitarios. Los datos obtenidos en la medida del autoconcepto físico no confirman una mejora significativa, lo cual no necesariamente desacredita el programa ya que puede atribuirse en parte a determinadas limitaciones observadas en la aplicación del mismo. Por otra parte, la valoración del programa que realizan los sujetos participantes es notablemente positiva, en particular, la de quienes han utilizado la versión on line.
[Es] El estudio del autoconcepto continúa siendo uno de los grandes retos de la investigación psicológica. Se trata de un campo de investigación muy amplio en el que tanto la dimensión física como la académica han sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones; por el contrario son pocas las investigaciones llevadas a cabo tanto sobre el autoconcepto social como sobre el autoconcepto personal. En este trabajo se informa de dos estudios llevados a cabo con el fin de verificar si los análisis factoriales confirman una estructura multidimensional de tres componentes en el caso del social (la responsabilidad social, la aceptación social y la competencia social) y de cuatro componentes en la del personal: la autorrealización, la honradez, la autonomía, y el ajuste emocional. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de dos cuestionarios elaborados específicamente para medir ambos dominios (APE y AUSO) confirman en buena medida esta estructura; los factores identificados explican un 52,56% y un 41,43%, respectivamente, de la varianza. Por otro lado, los índices de consistencia interna son aceptables en ambos casos: alpha 0.85 en el APE y alpha 0.76 en el AUSO. Se proponen algunos cambios a incorporar en la versión definitiva de ambos cuestionarios.
[EN] This correlational study aims to analyse the relationship of the social dimension of the selfconcept with age, educational level, sex and with the academic performance, understood as qualification and as artistic understanding of a group of primary and secondary students. The results show, generally, negative relationship between social self-concept and demographic variables, while statistically significant, although of opposite sign, of the social self-concept with the qualification in the field and with the artistic understanding respectively.
El autoconcepto es una pieza esencial para el desarrollo adecuado del individuo, por lo que en este trabajo se elabora y aplica una intervención en relación al logro de un autoconcepto ajustado. Para ello, se llevan a cabo una serie de dinámicas en un grupo-clase y periodo de tiempo específicos. Asimismo, se utilizan una serie de instrumentos de medida previa y posteriormente a la intervención, con el objetivo de evaluar las posibles variaciones en lo que al autoconcepto de los alumnos respecta. Finalmente, se concluyen ciertas variaciones que más que reflejar grandes cambios en el autoconcepto del alumnado, indican la importancia y posible eficacia de programas que dirigen su atención a dicho constructo
Este trabalho enfoca a promoção da vida através de comportamentos saudáveis, tendo como objetivos: delinear o perfil sociodemográfico e institucional/profissional dos docentes de enfermagem e analisar seus hábitos de vida, segundo os modos adaptativos de Roy. Foi utilizada a Teoria de Sister Callista Roy, destacando-se os modos de adaptação: fisiológico, autoconceito e interdependência. Implementou-se o método descritivo, quantitativo, transversal através da técnica de autorelato em amostra de 101 docentes. Para investigar esses aspectos, utilizou-se dois questionários, um deles com a escala de Likert, adaptado para a pesquisa. A produção de dados transcorreu de janeiro a março de 2009, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, Protocolo 2187, e concordância das quatro instituições públicas de ensino universitário, do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-Brasil, selecionadas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos á estatística, aplicando-se medidas de tendência central. Quanto ao perfil docente: predomina a faixa etária de 40 a 59 anos, com 69,3%, de união estável. Relacionando cor e crença religiosa, constatou-se 37,6% de católicos brancos. Dos 50 docentes, 5% têm residência própria, na zona norte. Possuem renda individual acima de 8 salários mínimos, 67,32%, a maioria com vínculo trabalhista. No tempo de serviço, 22,94% situam-se entre 11 a 15 anos, com carga horária de 20 a 40 horas. Quanto à titulação, 42,56% são doutores e 80,2% possuem um tipo de regime estatutário. Concernente aos Modos Adaptativos de Roy foi atribuído, predominantemente, o conceito A- hábitos de vida saudável, aos modos Fisiológicos e de Autoconceito, seguindo-se o de Interdependência, que apresentou quatro conceitos B- em busca de hábitos de vida saudável, sendo o mais homogêneo dos três modos. Identificou-se que o Modo Fisiológico foi heterogêneo, pois os valores das medidas de tendência central se distanciam entre si. Concluindo-se que o pressuposto formulado atendeu parcialmente às expectativas dos docentes por utilizarem, em benefício próprio, seus saberes sobre o cuidar promovendo o bem-estar com qualidade. Considerou-se que a interdependência pode ser conquistada pelos sujeitos, visto que o enfrentamento das suas atividades profissionais, paralelamente ao viver pessoal, pode ser motivo de satisfação com o trabalho docente, remuneração recebida, ambiente institucional, relações de poder/saber no trabalho, além da possibilidade de atender sua necessidade gregária promovendo o convívio com a família e amigos. Lembra-se que lidar com pessoas cujas subjetividades devem ser objetivadas, visando sua compreensão para o atendimento de saúde, exige equilíbrio e progresso das dimensões corporais física, mental e espiritual do profissional.
The objective of this investigation has been a theoretical and experimental understanding of ferromagnetic resonance phenomena in ferromagnetic thin films, and a consequent understanding of several important physical properties of these films. Significant results have been obtained by ferromagnetic resonance, hysteresis, torque magnetometer, He ion backscattering, and X-ray fluorescence measurements for nickel-iron alloy films.
Taking into account all relevant magnetic fields, including the applied, demagnetizing, effective anisotropy and exchange fields, the spin wave resonance condition applicable to the thin film geometry is presented. On the basis of the simple exchange interaction model it is concluded that the normal resonance modes of an ideal film are expected to be unpinned. The possibility of nonideality near the surface of a real film was considered by means of surface anisotropy field, inhomogeneity in demagnetizing field and inhomogeneity of magnetization models. Numerical results obtained for reasonable parameters in all cases show that they negligibly perturb the resonance fields and the higher order mode shapes from those of the unpinned modes of ideal films for thicknesses greater than 1000 Å. On the other hand for films thinner than 1000 Å the resonance field deviations can be significant even though the modes are very nearly unpinned. A previously unnoticed but important feature of all three models is that the interpretation of the first resonance mode as the uniform mode of an ideal film allows an accurate measurement of the average effective demagnetizing field over the film volume. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that it is possible to choose parameters which give indistinguishable predictions for all three models, making it difficult to uniquely ascertain the source of spin pinning in real films from resonance measurements alone.
Spin wave resonance measurements of 81% Ni-19% Fe coevaporated films 30 to 9000 Å thick, at frequencies from 1 to 8 GHz, at room temperature, and with the static magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the film plane have been performed. A self-consistent analysis of the results for films thicker than 1000 Å, in which multiple excitations can be observed, shows for the first time that a unique value of exchange constant A can only be obtained by the use of unpinned mode assignments. This evidence and the resonance behavior of films thinner than 1000 Å strongly imply that the magnetization at the surfaces of permalloy films is very weakly pinned. However, resonance measurements alone cannot determine whether this pinning is due to a surface anisotropy, an inhomogeneous demagnetizing field or an inhomogeneous magnetization. The above analysis yields a value of 4πM=10,100 Oe and A = (1.03 ± .05) x 10-6 erg/cm for this alloy. The ability to obtain a unique value of A suggests that spin wave resonance can be used to accurately characterize the exchange interaction in a ferromagnet.
In an effort to resolve the ambiguity of the source of pinning of the magnetization, a correlation of the ratio of magnetic moment and X-ray film thickness with the value of effective demagnetizing field 4πNM as determined from resonance, for films 45 to 300 Å has been performed. The remarkable agreement of both quantities and a comparison with the predictions of five distinct models, strongly imply that the thickness dependence of both quantities is related to a thickness dependent average saturation magnetization, which is far below 10,100 Oe for very thin films. However, a series of complementary experiments shows that this large decrease of average saturation magnetization cannot be simply explained by either oxidation or interdiffusion processes. It can only be satisfactorily explained by an intrinsic decrease of the average saturation magnetization for very thin films, an effect which cannot be justified by any simple physical considerations.
Recognizing that this decrease of average saturation magnetization could be due to an oxidation process, a correlation of resonance measurements, He ion backscattering, X-ray fluorescence and torque magnetometer measurements, for films 40 to 3500 Å thick has been performed. On basis of these measurements it is unambiguously established that the oxide layer on the surface of purposefully oxidized 81% Ni-19% Fe evaporated films is predominantly Fe-oxide, and that in the oxidation process Fe atoms are removed from the bulk of the film to depths of thousands of angstroms. Extrapolation of results for pure Fe films indicates that the oxide is most likely α-Fe2O3. These conclusions are in agreement with results from old metallurgical studies of high temperature oxidation of bulk Fe and Ni-Fe alloys. However, X-ray fluorescence results for films oxidized at room temperature, show that although the preferential oxidation of Fe also takes place in these films, the extent of this process is by far too small to explain the large variation of their average saturation magnetization with film thickness.
By generalization of the methods presented in Part I of the study [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12, 600 (1994)] to the four-dimensional (4D) Riemannian manifold case, the time-dependent behavior of light transmitting in a medium is investigated theoretically by the geodesic equation and curvature in a 4D manifold. In addition, the field equation is restudied, and the 4D conserved current of the optical fluid and its conservation equation are derived and applied to deduce the time-dependent general refractive index. On this basis the forces acting on the fluid are dynamically analyzed and the self-consistency analysis is given.
[eus] Lan honek hirugarren mailako neska-mutilengan autoezagutza akademikoak duen garrantzia behatu eta ikertu nahi du. Helburu bezala, ikasleak bere burua ezagutu, norberaren nortasuna garatzeko oinarrizkoa dena, eta inguruan dituzten pertsonen iritziak errespetatzea planteatu da. Gainera, esfortzuak prozesu honetan ez ezik, hezkuntza sisteman zein aspektu sozialean duen garrantzia ere erakutsi nahi da. Emaitzek aldaketa batzuk adierazten dituzte, batez ere, autoezagutza akademikoan.
[eus] Autoezagutza ez akademikoa pertsonaren garapenaren pilare funtsezkoenetariko bat kontsideratzen da. Aldaketaren bat eragiteko asmoz, Lehen Hezkuntzako hirugarren mailako neska eta mutilei zuzenduta dauden ekintza batzuk diseinatu eta praktikan jarri dira. Adin honetako neska eta mutilak, haien nortasuna eta batez ere autoezagutzaren garapenaren erdian aurkitzen dira. Horregatik, “ad hoc” diseinatu diren pretest eta postest baten bitartez, ekintza hauek espero ziren aldaketak sorrarazi dituzten ebaluatu da.