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Sedimentary basins in the Yellow Sea can be grouped tectonically into the North Yellow Sea Basin (NYSB), the northern basin of the South Yellow Sea (SYSNB) and the southern basin of the South Yellow Sea (SYSSB). The NYSB is connected to Anju Basin to the east. The SYSSB extends to Subei Basin to the west. The acoustic basement of basins in the North Yellow Sea and South Yellow Sea is disparate, having different stratigraphic evolution and oil accumulation features, even though they have been under the same stress regime since the Late Triassic. The acoustic basement of the NYSB features China-Korea Platform crystalline rocks, whereas those in the SYSNB and SYSSB are of the Paleozoic Yangtze Platform sedimentary layers or metamorphic rocks. Since the Late Mesozoic terrestrial strata in the eastern of the NYSB (West Korea Bay Basin) were discovered having industrial hydrocarbon accumulation, the oil potential in the Mesozoic strata in the west depression of the basin could be promising, although the petroleum exploration in the South Yellow Sea has made no break-through yet. New deep reflection data and several drilling wells have indicated the source rock of the Mesozoic in the basins of South Yellow Sea, and the Paleozoic platform marine facies in the SYSSB and Central Rise could be the other hosts of oil or natural gas. The Mesozoic hydrocarbon could be found in the Mesozoic of the foredeep basin in the SYSNB that bears potential hydrocarbon in thick Cretaceous strata, and so does the SYSSB where the same petroleum system exists to that of oil-bearing Subei Basin.


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The stratigraphic architecture, structure and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault zone in Laizhou Bay, eastern China, are analyzed based on interpretations of 31 new 2D seismic lines across Laizhou Bay. Cenozoic strata in the study area are divided into two layers separated by a prominent and widespread unconformity. The upper sedimentary layer is made up of Neogene and Quaternary fluvial and marine sediments, while the lower layer consists of Paleogene lacustrine and fluvial facies. In terms of tectonics, the sediments beneath the unconformity can be divided into four main structural units: the west depression, central uplift, east depression and Ludong uplift. The two branches of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone differ in their geometry and offset: the east branch fault is a steeply dipping S-shaped strike-slip fault that cuts acoustic basement at depths greater than 8 km, whereas the west branch fault is a relatively shallow normal fault. The Tan-Lu fault zone is the key fault in the study area, having controlled its Cenozoic evolution. Based on balanced cross-sections constructed along transverse seismic line 99.8 and longitudinal seismic line 699.0, the Cenozoic evolution of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone is divided into three stages: Paleocene-Eocene transtension, Oligocene-Early Miocene transpression and Middle Miocene to present-day stable subsidence. The reasons for the contrasting tectonic features of the two branch faults and the timing of the change from transtension to transpression are discussed. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A predominant sigmoidal clinoform deposit extends from the Yangtze River mouth southwards 800 kin along the Chinese coast. This clinoform is thickest (similar to 40m) between the 20 and 30 m isobaths and progressively thins offshore, reaching water depths of 60 and 90 m and distances up to 100 km offshore. Clay mineral, heavy metal, geochemical and grain-size analyses indicate that the Yangtze River is the primary source for this longshore-transported clinoform deposit. Pb-210 chronologies show the highest accumulation rates (> 3 cm/yr) occur immediately adjacent to the Yangtze subaqueous delta (north of 30 degrees N), decreasing southward alongshore and eastward offshore. The interaction of strong tides, waves, the China Coastal Current, winter storms, and offshore upwelling appear to have played important roles in trapping most Yangtze-derived sediment on the inner shelf and transporting it to the south. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sediment geochemical technique was employed to assess how the sediment records reflect the environmental changes of Jiaozhou Bay, a semi-enclosed bay adjacent to Qingdao, China. In the past hundred years, Jiaozhou Bay has been greatly impacted by human interventions. A dated core sediment by Pb-210 chronology was analyzed for trace metals including Li, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn together with C, N, P and BSi. Based on the research, the development of Jiaozhou Bay environment in the past hundred years can be divided into three stages: (1) before the 1980s characterized by relatively low sedimentation rate, weak heavy metal pollution and scarce eutrophication; (2) from the 1980s to 2000, accelerating in the 1990s, during which high sedimentation rates, polluted by heavy metals and the frequent occurrence of red tide; (3) after 2000, the period of the improvement of environment, the whole system has been meliorated including the heavy metal pollution and hypernutrification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, taking Madong district of Huanghua depression as a case, based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, reservoir geology and geophysics, according to core analysis, seismic attribute analysis, logging constrained inversion, multi-data correlation of strata, reservoir modeling, etc. the lower and middle first member of Shahejie formation of the study area was forecasted and evaluated. As a result, a number of reservoir prediction and remaining oil distribution methods suitable to oil exploitation of gravity flow channel reservoir are presented. Scientific foundation is provided to the next adjustment of development program and exploitation of the remaining oil. According to high resolution sequence stratigraphy theory, precise stratigraphic framework was founded, the facies types and facies distribution were studied under the control of stratigraphic framework, the technologies of seismic attribute abstraction and logging constrained inversion. Result shows that gravity flow channel, as the main facies, developed in the rising period of base-level cycle, and it was formed during the phase of contemporaneous fault growth. As the channel extends, channel width was gradually widened but thickness thined. The single channels were in possession of a great variety of integrated modes, such as isolated, branching off, merging and paralleling, forming a kind of sand-mud interblending complex sedimentary units. Reservoir quality differs greatly in vertical and horizontal direction, and sedimentary microfacies is main controlling factor of the reservoir quality. In major channel, deposition thickness is great, and petrophysical property is well. While in marginal channel, reservoir is thinner, and petrophysical property is unfavorable. Structure and reservoir quality are main factors which control the oil and gas distribution in the study area. On the basis of the research about the reservoir quality, internal, planar and 3-D reservoir heterogeneities are characterized, and the reservoir quality was sorted rationally. At last, based on the research of reservoir numerical simulation of key well group, combined with reservoir performance analysis and geological analysis above, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by internal rhythm of gravity flow channel were set up. Through this research, a facies-restrained reservoir prediction method integrating multi-information was presented, and potential orientation of remaining oil distribution in gravity flow channel reservoir is clarified.


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The Indian monsoon, an integral part of the global climate system, has been extensively investigated during the past decades. Most of the proxy records are derived from marine sediments and focused on time periods of the late Miocene and Pleistocene. The Pliocene represents a period when Earth’s boundary conditions underwent dramatic changes. However, variations of the Indian monsoon during the Pliocene and its forcing mechanisms have remained unclear. The Yuanmou Basin, located in the region of the Indian monsoon, provides an ideal target for understanding the Pliocene history of Indian monsoon variations. Detailed investigations on the lithostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and limnology of a 650-m-thick fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary sequence from the basin are carried out in the present study. The clay and clay-plus-fine-silt fractions of the sediments are referred to the midlake-facies components, and changes in the percentages of both fractions generally reflect changes in the water level of the lakes developed in the basin closely related to variations in the intensity of the Indian monsoon. Whereas the greenish-gray lacustrine mud beds represent the environment of deep-water lakes, and the frequency of individual lacustrine mud beds is considered to indicate the frequency of the deep-water lakes developed in the basin associated with the variability of the Indian monsoon. The proxy data suggest that the Indian monsoon experienced abrupt shifts at 3.53, 3.14, 2.78 and 2.42 Ma, respectivey. 1) Since 3.53 Ma, the midlake-facies components displayed a general trend of increase in the concentrations, accompanied by an increase in the sedimentation rate from an average ~10 to 25 cm ka–1. The data suggest that high stands of the lakes in the basin rose progressively, implying a gradual intensification of the Indian monsoon since that time. This shift occurred coeval with the accelerated uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau, denoting a close link between the Indian monsoon strengthening and the Tibetan Plateau uplifting. 2) 2.78 Ma ago, the concentrations of the midlake-facies components decreased abruptly and the dominant fraction of the sediments turned to fluvial sands. The data indicate that lakes in the basin disappeared, reflecting a dramatic decline in the intensity of the Indian monsoon at that time. This shift coincided with the formation of extensive Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, implying a quick response of the low-latitude monsoon regime to the high-latitude glaciation. 3) At 3.14 Ma, the initial appearance of blackish-grey mud beds with long durations and occasional occurrences of lacustrine mud beds indicate that the basin was overall dominated by shallow lakes, implying a shift to decreased variability of the Indian monsoon at that time. At 2.42 Ma, an increase in the frequency and a decrease in the duration of the lacustrine mud beds suggest that deep-water lakes were frequently developed in the basin, denoting a shift to increased variability of the Indian monsoon at that time. The former shift coincides with the onset of large-scale glaciation in the circum Atlantic region and the latter corresponds to the inception of predominance of the 41 ka periodicity in Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet cover fluctuations, presumably suggesting a physical link between the Indian monsoon system and the high-latitude ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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Sandstone-type uranium deposits are frequently found close to oil fields or uraniferous sandstones contain bitumen or petroleum. However, few evidence has been presented to indicate the association of uranium mineralization with petroleum oxidation. Thus, Dongsheng uranium deposit in Ordos Basin and Qianjiadian deposit in Kailu Basin are taken for examples to solve the puzzle. Integration data from sedimentary petrology, mineralogy, race elements geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and organic geochemistry, the uranium and petroleum sources, and diagenetic paragenesis of the host sandstone are analyzed, and then the genetic relationship between microbes, petroleum and uranium deposits are discussed. The observation under microscope shows that the host sandstone samples from Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation in the Dongsheng deposit contained different kinds of metamorphic rock fragments, which should have been derived form outcrops north to this basin. The LREE/HREE ratios of gneiss and amphibolite sampled from outcrops were close to the highest and the lowest LREE/HREE ratios of the sandstones with well-compared chondrite-normalized REE patterns, respectively. So these results consistently indicated that parent rocks of sandstones were mainly contributed from these two kinds of metamorphic rocks. There was very high Th/U ratio for granite gneiss, which was a mainly potential U resource. Hydrocarbon inclusions and adsorbed hydrocarbons are observed under fluorescence microscope in the host sandstone of Dongsheng uranium deposit, suggesting that the sandstones may have been utilized as oil migration pathways. Based on biomarker parameters, it is indicated that the inclusion oils and adsorbed hydrocarbons were marginally mature to mature, and were derived from humic-sapropel type organic matter under poor reducing freshwater to semi-saline environment. The features are similar to those of organic matter extracted from Triassic sandstone and source rock, but are different from that of cretaceous sandstone. Thus, it can be concluded that the inclusion oils and adsorbed hydrocarbons were mainly derived from Triassic lacustrine facies source rock. Observation results under Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Microprobe with Energy Spectrum Analysis show that, in Dongsheng area, the main uranium ore mineral is coffinite. The coffinite is intimately intergrown or coexists with pyrite and calcite, thus, the solution during mineralization stage is inferred to be alkaline. The alkaline environment is not favored for uranium to be pre-concentrated by absorption, and then be reduced abiogenetically. δ34S of pyrite and δ13C of calcite indicate that pyrite was formed by bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) and part of the carbon of calcite has been dirived from oxidation of petroleum, respectively. Additionally, petroleum is found biodegraded. All the lines of evidence consistently indicate that petroleum was involved in uranium mineralization. Coffinite with microbe-like structures is found in the high U sandstone samples and is composed of nanoparticles, indicating the coffinite is biogenic. The conclusion are also supportted by laboratory experiment studies, which have shown that SRB are capable of utilizing U(VI) as the preferred electron acceptor for respiration and reduce U(VI) to U(IV) directly, coupled the oxidaton of organic matter and sulfate reduction. Based on the research results mentioned above, in the Dongsheng area, coffinite is likely to have formed by mixing of brine containing petroleum derived from Triassic with uranium-bearing meteoric water from outcrops north to Ordos Basin. SRB utilize hydrocarbon as carbon source, and directly reduce U(VI) resulting in precipitation of coffinite. The product of metabolism, H2S and CO2, was precipitated as pyrite and calcite during mineralization stage. Petroleum in fluid inclusions and adsorbed type in host sandstone from Lower Cretaceous Yaojia Formation in Qianjiadian uranium deposit, Kailu Basin, are derived from Jurassic Jiufotang Formation in this basin and the uranium mineral consists mainly of pitchblende. The δ34S and δ13C values of pyrite and calcite during mineralization stage indicate SRB have likely degraded petroleum, which is similar to that of Dongsheng deposit. The alkaline environment as indicated by the diagenetic mineral assemblage calcite, Fe dolomite, pyrite and pitchblende deposit suggests that U ore in the Qiangjiajiadian has a similar origin, i.e., direct reduction by SRB. However, less part of pitchblende is intergrown with kaolinite, suggesting the solution during mineralization stage is acidic. The environment is favorable for U(VI) to be adsorded on quartz or other mineral, and then reduced by H2S produced by SRB. Thus, it can be concluded that U(VI) reduction with petroleum oxidation by SRB and other microbes is an important ore-forming mechanism in petroleum-related sandstone-type uranium deposits. The finding is significant in that it provides a theoretical basis for exploration of both uranium and petroleumr.


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The disequilibrium between supply and demand the east part of North China accelerated natural gas exploration in Bohai bay basin. Exploration practice showed that coal-derived gas is important resource. In searching of big to middle scaled coal derived gas field, and realize successive gas supply, the paper carried out integrated study on structural evolution of Pre-Tertiary and evaluation of reservoir forming condition of coal-derived gas. Study work of the paper was based on the following condition: available achievement in this field at present, good understanding of multiphase of tectonic movement. Study work was focused on geological evolution, source rock evaluation and dissection key factors controlling reservoir forming. Based on analysis of seismic data, drilling data, tectonic style of Pre-Tertiary was subdivided, with different tectonic style representing different tectonic process. By means of state of the art, such as analysis of balanced cross section, and erosion restoration, the paper reestablished tectonic history and analyzed basin property during different tectonic phase. Dynamic mechanism for tectonic movement and influence of tectonic evolution on tectonic style were discussed. Study made it clear that tectonic movement is intensive since Mesozoic including 2 phase of compressional movement (at the end of Indo-China movement, and Yanshan movement), 2 phase of extensional movement (middle Yanshan movement, and Himalayan movement), 2 phase of strike slip movement, as well as 2 phase of reversal movement (early Yanshan movement, and early Himalayan movement). As a result, three tectonic provinces with different remnant of strata and different tectonic style took shape. Based on afore mentioned study, the paper pointed out that evolution of Bohai bay basin experienced the following steps: basin of rift valley type (Pt2+3)-craton basin at passive continental margin (∈1-2)-craton basin at active continental margin (∈3- O)-convergent craton basin (C-T1+2)-intracontinental basin (J+K). Superposition of basins in different stage was discussed. Aimed at tectonic feature of multiple phases, the paper put forward concept model of superposition of tectonic unit, and analyzed its significance on reservoir forming. On basis of the difference among 3 tectonic movements in Mesozoic and Cenozoic, superposition of tectonic unit was classified into the following 3 categories and 6 types: continuous subsidence type (I), subsidence in Mesozoic and uplift for erosion in Cenozoic (II1), repeated subsidence and uplift in Mesozoic and subsidence in Cenozoic (II2), repeated subsidence and uplift in Mesozoic and uplift for erosion in Cenozoic (II3), uplift for erosion in Mesozoic and subsidence in Cenozoic (II4), and continuous uplift (III). Take the organic facies analysis as link, the paper established relationship between sedimentary environment and organic facies, as well as organic facies and organic matter abundance. Combined information of sedimentary environment and logging data, the paper estimated distribution of organic matter abundance. Combined with simulation of secondary hydrocarbon generation, dynamic mechanism of hydrocarbon generation, and thermal history, the paper made static and dynamic evaluation of effective source rock, i.e. Taiyuan formation and Shanxi formation. It is also pointed out that superposition of tectonic unit of type II2, type II4, and type I were the most favorable hydrocarbon generation units. Based on dissection of typical primary coal-derived gas reservoir, including reservoir forming condition and reservoir forming process, the paper pointed out key factors controlling reservoir forming for Carboniferous and Permian System: a. remnant thickness and source rock property were precondition; b. secondary hydrocarbon generation during Himalayan period was key factor; c. tectonic evolution history controlling thermal evolution of source rock was main factor that determine reservoir forming; d. inherited positive structural unit was favorable accumulation direction; e. fault activity and regional caprock determined hydrocarbon accumulation horizon. In the end, the paper established reservoir forming model for different superposition of tectonic units, and pointed out promising exploration belts with 11 of the first class, 5 of the second class and 6 of the third class.


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Complex fault block reservoir is very important type in chinese oilfield.The reservoir have for many years and it has been the important issue of oil-gas exploration and development in china that how to increase reserves and production. Therefore,taking the Pucheng-oil field as an example, the article intensive study the geologic feature of oil pool, correctly recognize the rule of oil-gas accumulation and based on the fine representation of the characteristic of reservoir, research the remaining oil in high developed area,which is important for progressive exploratioon and development and taping the remaining oil. The article multipurpose uses the data of geology,drilling,wellloging, analysis and assay and so on, under the guidance multi-disciplinary theory, intensify the comprehension of the geologic feature of oil pool in high developed oil field. Based on the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework ,the article points out that Es_2 upper 2+3 reservoir in the south area of Pucheng oilfield is in the depositional environment of Terminal Fan, which has constant supply of sedimentary source ,and build the sedimentation model. Studies have shown that the major reservoir in work area is the distributary channel sandbody in central Sub-facies of Terminal Fan,secondary is both lateral accretion sandbodies of channel sands,nearby and far away from the channel overflowing sandbodies in front of the fan. The article analyze the effect of depth of burial of the reservoir, sandstone structure, strata pressure and bioturbate structure on control action of physical property for reservoir and indicate that deposition and diagenesis are major controlling factors.By building the model of reservoir heterogeneity, the article show the magnitude of reservoir heterogeneity ,the genesis and identification mark of Interlayer and build the the model of interlayer. in this area the vertical distribution of interlayer is complicated,but the intraed interlayer distribute steady. Thick interlayer is steady and the thin is relatively spreaded. By building models of fault sealing,stress field and fluid potential field of the south of the pucheng oil field, the regular pattern of fluid migration and accumulation runs out. By researching the elements of oil accumulation, migration pathway and accumulation period with quantification and semiquantitative methods,we bulit the oil-gas reservoir-forming mode of the south of the pucheng oil field,which will be the foundation of the rolling exploratory development in the future. We promulgated the master control element and the rule of distribution of the remaining oil with the upside 2+3 oil layer in shaer in the south of the pucheng oil field as an example.In this area, the formation and the distribution of the remaining oil is controled by the sedimentary microfacies, reservoir heterogeneity,fault and reservoir engineering. The remaining oil is concentrated in the vicinity of the gas cap, updip of the fault block and the area with incomplete flooding. Remaining oil saturation in some area can get 50%, so there are many places in which we can enhance oil recovery.


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On the basis of the character of sedimentation and reservoir researching as well as diagenesis, using conventional and update testing measures, classificati-on and evaluation of the tesla low permeability reservoir in Ordos Basin is pr-esented. From Chang 8 to Chang 4+5 oil formations, four facies developed, includi-ng alluvial fan facies, delta facies, lake facies as well as density current. They were controlled by the northeastern, the southwest, the southern and the northwestern provenances. Distributary channel underwater and mouth bar of delta fr-ont are the main reservoirs. Detrital component has the different character in s-outh and in north. Sedimentary system in the northeastern part has more felds-par and less quartz. Sedimentary system in the southern part has more quartz and less feldspar. Because of sedimentation and diagenesis, the oil formations in region of interest formed the different features of pore array of the tesla l-ow permeability reservoirs. After researching, it is found that the active porosity and the main throat radius of Chang 4+5 are the highest, and they are positive correlation with per-meability. The exponent of flowing interval falls in the sortorder: Chang 8, Chang 4+5, Chang 6, Chang 7. Using clustering procedure and quaternion, the reservoirs of Yanchang for-mation in Ordos Basin are divided into five types. Ⅰ-good reservoirs and Ⅱ-appreciably good reservoirs occur in distributary channel and mouth bar. Ⅲ-poor reservoirs and Ⅳ-poorer reservoirs exist in natural levee, crevasse splay under-water and turbidity fan. It is forecasted that the oil area in Ⅰ-good reservoirs is about 4336.68 square kilometers, and the oil area in Ⅱ-appreciably good reservoirs is 28013.28 square kilometers or so, and the oil area in Ⅲ-poor rese-rvoirs is 28538.05 square kilometers more or less.


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Increasing attentions have been paid to the subsurface geological storage for CO2 in view of the huge storage capacity of subsurface reservoirs. The basic requirement for subsurface CO2 storage is that the CO2 should be sequestrated as supercritical fluids (physical trapping), which may also interact with ambient reservoir rocks and formation waters, forming new minerals (chemical trapping). In order to the effective, durable and safe storage for CO2, enough storage space and stable sealing caprock with strong sealing capacity are necessitated, in an appropriate geological framework. Up till now, hydrocarbon reservoirs are to the most valid and appropriate CO2 storage container, which is well proven as the favorable compartment with huge storage capacity and sealing condition. The thesis focuses on two principal issues related to the storage and sealing capacity of storage compartment for the Qingshankou and Yaojia formations in the Daqingzijing block, Southern Songliao Basin, which was selected as the pilot well site for CO2-EOR storage. In the operation area, three facies, including deltaic plain, deltaic front and subdeep-deep lake facies associations, are recognized, in which 11 subfacies such as subaqueous distributary channel, river- mouth bar, interdistributary bay, sheet sandbody, crevasse splay and overflooding plain are further identified. These subfacies are the basic genetic units in the reservoir and sealing rocks. These facies further comprise the retrogradational and progradational depositional cycles, which were formed base- level rise and fall, respectively. During the regressive or lake lowstand stage, various sands including some turbidites and fans occurred mostly at the bottom of the hinged slope. During the progradation stage, these sands became smaller in size and episodically stepped backwards upon the slope, with greatly expanded and deeped lake. However, most of Cretaceous strata in the study area, localized in the basin centre under this stage, are mainly composed of grey or grizzly siltstones and grey or dark grey mudstones intercalated with minor fine sandstones and purple mudstones. On the base of borehole and core data, these siltstones are widespread, thin from 10 to 50 m thick, good grain sorting, and have relative mature sedimentary structures with graded bedding and cross- lamination or crossbeds such as ripples, which reflect strong hydrodynamic causes. Due to late diagenesis, pores are not widespread in the reservoirs, especially the first member of Qingshankou formation. There are two types of pores: primary pore and secondary cores. The primary pores include intergranular pores and micropores, and the secondary pores include emposieus and fracture pores. Throat channels related to pores is also small and the radius of throat in the first, second and third member of Qingshankou formation is only 0.757 μm, 0.802 μm and 0.631 μm respectively. In addition, based on analyzing the probability plot according to frequency of occurrence of porosity and permeability, they appear single- peaked distribution, which reflects strong hetero- geneity. All these facts indicate that the conditions of physical property of reservoirs are not better. One reason may be provided to interpret this question is that physical property of reservoirs in the study area is strong controlled by the depositional microfacies. From the statistics, the average porosity and permeability of microfacies such as subaqueous distributary channel, channel mouth bar, turbidites, is more than 9 percent and 1md respectively. On the contrary, the average porosity and permeability of microfacies including sand sheet, flagstone and crevasse splay are less than 9 percent and 0.2md respectively. Basically, different hydrodynamic environment under different microfacies can decide different physical property. According to the reservoir models of the first member of Qingshankou formation in the No. well Hei47 block, the character of sedimentary according to the facies models is accord to regional disposition evolution. Meantime, the parameter models of physical property of reservoir indicate that low porosity and low permeability reservoirs widespread widely in the study area, but the sand reservoirs located in the channels are better than other places and they are the main sand reservoirs. The distribution and sealing ability of fault- fractures and caprock are the key aspects to evaluate the stable conditions of compartments to store CO2 in the study area. Based on the core observation, the fractures widespread in the study area, especially around the wells, and most of them are located in the first and second member of Qingshankou formation, almost very few in the third member of Qingshankou formation and Yaojia formation instead. In addition, analyzing the sealing ability of eleven faults in the three-dimensional area in the study area demonstrates that most of faults have strong sealing ability, especially in the No. well Hei56 and Qing90-27. To some extent, the sealing ability of faults in the No. well Hei49, Qing4-6 and Qing84-29 are worse than others. Besides, the deposition environment of most of formations in the study area belongs to moderately deep and deep lake facies, which undoubtedly take advantage to caprocks composed of mudstones widespread and large scale under this deposition environment. In the study area, these mudstones distribute widely in the third member of Qingshankou formation, Yaojia and Nenjiang formation. The effective thickness of mudstone is nearly ~550m on an average with few or simple faults and fractures. In addition, there are many reservoir beds with widely- developed insulated interbeds consist of mudstones or silty mudstone, which can be the valid barrier to CO2 upper movement or leakage through diffusion, dispersion and convection. Above all, the closed thick mud caprock with underdeveloped fractures and reservoir beds can be taken regard as the favorable caprocks to provide stable conditions to avoid CO2 leakage.


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Livingston Island, the second island of South Shetland Island, constains Mesozoic-Cenozoic basement, Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanic sequences, plutonic intrusions and post-subduction volcanic rocks, which document the history and evolution of an important part of the South Shetland Islands magmatic arc. The sedimentary sequence is named the Miers Bluff Formation (MBF) and is interpreted as turbidite since the first geological study on South Shetland Islands, and is interpreted as turbidite. It base and top are not exposed, but a thickness of more than 3000m has been suggested and seems plausible. The turbidite is overlain by Mid - Cretaceous volcanic rocks and intruded by Eocene tonalites. The age of the Miers Bluff Formation is poorly constrained Late Carboniferous -Early Triassic. Sedimentary Environment, tectonic setting and forming age of sedimentary rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation were discussed by means of the methods of sedimentology, petrography and geochemistry, combinig with the study of trace fossils and microfossil plants. The following conclusions are obstained. A sedimentary geological section of Johnsons Dock is made by outside measuring and watching, and then according the section, the geological map near the Spanish Antarctic station was mapped. Four pebbly mudstone layers are first distinguished, which thickness is about 10m. The pebbly mudstone is the typical rock of debris flow, and the depostional environment of pebbly mudstone may be the channel of mid fan of submarine fan. The sedimentsry structural characteristics and size analysis of sandstones show the typical sedimentary feature of turbidity flow and the Miers Bluff Formation is a deep-water turbidite (include some gravity-flow sediments). The materials of palaeocurrents suggest the continental slope dip to southeast, and indicate the provenance of turbidity sediment in the northwest area. By facies analysis, six main facies which include seven subfacies were recognized, which are formed in mid-fan and lower-fan of submarine, meanwhile, the sedimentary features of each facies and subfacies are summarized. The study of clastic composition, major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements indicates the forming setting of the Miers Bluff Formaton is active continental margin and continental island arc and the provenance is dissected magmatic arc which main composition is felsic gneiss. Many trace fossils of the whole succession were found in the turbidites of the Miers Bluff Formation. All these trace fossils are deep sea ichnofossils. There are fifteen ichnogenus, sixteen ichnospecies. Moreover, a new trace fossil was found and a new ichnogenus and new ichnospecies was proposed - Paleaichnus antarctics ichnogen, et ichnosp, nov.. Except the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, others had been found in deep-sea flysch turbidites. Some are in mudstone and are preserved in the cast convex of overlying sandstone sole, they formed before turbidity flows occurred and belong to the high-different Graphoglyptida of fiysch mudstone. Others as Fucusopsis and Neonereites are preserved in sandstones and stand for trace assemblages after turbidity sedimentation. These trace fossils are typical members of abyssal "Nereites" ichnofacies, and provide for the depositional environment of the Miers Bluff Formation. Fairly diverse microfossil plants have been recovered from the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, including spores, pollen, acritarchs, wood fragments and cuticles. Containing a total of about 45 species (forms) of miospores, the palynofiora is quantitatively characterized by the dominance of non-striate bisaccate pollen, but spores of pteridophytes and pollen of gymnosperms are proportionate in diversity. It is somewhat comparable to the subzone C+D of the Alisporites zone of Antarctica, and the upper Craterisporites rotundus zone and the lower Polycingulatisporites crenulatus zone of Australia, suggesting a Late Triassic (possibly Norian-Rhaetian) age, as also evidenced by the sporadic occurrence of Aratrisporites and probable Classopollis as well as the complete absence of bisaccate Striatiti. The parent vegetation and paleoclimate are preliminarily deduced. At last, the paper prooses the provenance of sedimentary rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation locates in the east part to the southern Chile(or Southern South American). In the Triassic period, contrasting with New Zealand, Australia and South American of the Pacific margin of Gondwanaland, the Miers Bluff Formation is deposited in the fore-arc basin or back-arc basin of magmatic arc.


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Since C.L. Hearn presented the concept of flow unit in 1984, its generation mechanisms and controlling factors have been studied in many aspects using different methods by researchers. There are some basic methods to do the research, and there are several concepts and classification standards about flow unit. Based on previous achievements and using methodologies from sedimentary geology, geophysics, seismic stratigraphy, and reservoir engineering, the author systemically studies the factors controlling flow unit, puts forward a series of methods for recognition, classification and evaluation of flow unit. The results obtained in this paper have important significance not only for understanding the flow unit, but also for revealing the distribution of remaining oil. As a case, this paper deals with the reservoir rocks in Guantao Group of Gudong Oilfield. Zhanhua Sag, Jiyang Depression in Bohaiwan Basin. Based on the study of stratigraphic, depositional and structural characteristics, the author establishes reservoir geological models, reveals the geological characteristics of oil-bearing reservoir of fluvial facies, points out the factors controlling flow unit and geological parameters for classification of flow unit. and summarizes methods and technologies for flow unit study when geological, well-logging and mathematical methods are used. It is the first attempt in literatures to evaluate reservoir by well-logging data constrained by geological conditions, then a well-logging evaluation model can be built. This kind of model is more precise than ever for calculating physical parameters in flow unit. In a well bore, there are six methods to recognize a flow unit. Among them, the activity function and intra-layer difference methods are the most effective. Along a section, the composition type of flow unit can be located according amplitude and impedance on seismic section. Slice method and other methods are used to distinguish flow unit. In order to reveal the distribution laws of flow unit in space, the author create a new method, named combination and composition of flow unit. Based on microscopic pore structure research, the classification methods of flow unit are developed. There are three types of flow unit in the reservoir of fluvial facies. They have their own lithology, petrophysics and pore structure character. Using judgement method, standard functions are built to determine the class of flow unit of fluvial facies. Combining reservoir engineering methods, the distribution laws of remaining oil in different types, or in different part of a flow unit are studied. It is evident that the remaining oil is controlled by the type of flow unit. The author reveals the relationship between flow unit and remaining oil distribution, builds the flowing models, predicts the variation of reservoir parameters in space, put forward different methods developing remaining oil in different flow unit. Especially, based on the results obtained in this paper, some suggestions for the adjustment of the developing flow units have been applied in Districts No.4 and No.7, and good results have been yielded. So, the results of this paper can guide oil field development. They are useful and significant for developing the remaining oil and enhancing the oil recovery efficiency.


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In recent years, chimney structure has been proved one of important indicators and a useful guide to major petroleum fields exploration through their exploration history both at home and abroad. Chimney structure, which has been called "gas chimney" or "seismic chimney", is the special fluid-filled fracture swarm, which results from the boiling of active thermal fluid caused by abruptly decreasing of high pressure and high temperature in sedimentary layers of upper lithosphere. Chimney structure is well developed in continental shelf basin of East China Sea, which indicates the great perspectives of petroleum resources there. However, the chimney structure also complicated the petroleum accumulation. So the study of chimney structure on its formation, its effect on occurrence and distribution of petroleum fields is very important not only on theoretical, but also on its applied research. It is for the first time to make a clear definition of chimney structure in this paper, and the existence and practical meaning of chimney structure are illustrated. Firstly, on the viewpoint of exploration, this will amplify exploration area or field, not only in marine, but also on continent. Secondly, this is very important to step-by-step exploration and development of petroleum fields with overpressure. Thirdly, this will provide reference for the study on complex petroleum system with multi-sources, commingled sources and accumulation, multi-stage accumulations, and multi-suits petroleum system in the overlay basin. Fourthly, when the thermal fluid enters the oceanic shallow layer, it can help form gas hydrate under favorable low-temperature and high-pressure conditions. Meanwhile, the thermal fluid with its particular component and thermal content will affect the physical, chemical and ecological environments, which will help solving the problem of global resources and environment. Beginning from the regional tectonic evolution characteristics, this paper discussed the tectonic evolution history of the Taibei depression, then made an dynamical analysis of the tectonic-sedimentary evolution during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic for the East China Sea basin. A numerical model of the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin via the Basin-Mod technique was carried out and the subsidence-buried history and thermal history of the Taibei depression were inverse calculated: it had undergone a early rapid rift and sag, then three times of uplift and erosion, and finally depressed and been buried. The Taibei depression contains a huge thick clastic sedimentary rock of marine facies, transitional facies and continental facies on the complex basement of ante-Jurassic. It is a part of the back-arc rifting basins occurred during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The author analyzed the diagenesis and thermal fluid evolution of this area via the observation of cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscope and thin section, taking advantage of the evidences of magma activities, paleo-geothermics and structural movement, the author concluded that there were at least three tectonic-thermal events and three epochs of thermal-fluid activities; and the three epochs of thermal-fluid activities were directly relative to the first two tectonic-thermal events and were controlled by the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock simultaneously. Based on these, this paper established the corresponding model between the tectonic-thermal events and the thermal-fluid evolution of the Taibei Depression, which becomes the base for the study on the chimney structures. According to the analyses of the gas-isotope, LAM spectrum component of fluid inclusion, geneses of CO_2 components and geneses of hydrocarbon gases, the author preliminarily verified four sources of the thermal fluid in the Taibei Depression: ① dehydration of mud shale compaction, ② expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock; ③ CO_2 gas hydro-thermal decomposition of carbonatite; ④magma-derived thermal fluid including the mantle magma water and volatile components (such as H_2O, CO_2, H_2S, SO_2, N_2 and He etc.). On the basis of the vitrinite reflectance (Ro), homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion, interval transit time of major well-logging, mud density of the wells, measured pressure data and the results of previous studies, this paper analyzed the characteristics of the geothermal fields and geo-pressure fields for the various parts in this area, and discussed the transversal distribution of fluid pressure. The Taibei depression on the whole underwent a temperature-loss process from hot basin to cold basin; and locally high thermal anomalies occurred on the regional background of moderate thermal structure. The seal was primarily formed during the middle and late Paleocene. The overpressured system was formed during the middle and late Eocene. The formation of overpressured system in Lishui Sag underwent such an evolutionary process as "form-weaken-strengthen-weaken". Namely, it was formed during the middle and late Eocene, then was weakened in the Oligocene, even partly broken, then strengthened after the Miocene, and finally weakened. The existence of the thermal fluid rich in volatile gas is a physical foundation for the boiling of the fluid, and sharply pressure depletion was the major cause for the boiling of the fluid, which suggests that there exists the condition for thermal fluid to boil. According to the results of the photoelastic simulation and similarity physical experiments, the geological condition and the formation mechanism of chimnestructures are summarized: well compartment is the prerequisite for chimney formation; the boiling of active thermal fluid is the original physical condition for chimney formation; The local place with low stress by tension fault is easy for chimney formation; The way that thermal fluid migrates is one of the important factors which control the types of chimney structures. Based on where the thermal fluid come from and geometrical characteristics of the chimney structures, this paper classified the genetic types of chimney structures, and concluded that there existed three types and six subtypes chimney structures: organic chimney structures generated by the hydrocarbon-bearing thermal fluid in middle-shallow layers, inorganic and commingling-genetic chimney structures generated by thermal fluid in middle-deep layers. According to the seismic profiles interpretations, well logging response analysis and mineralogical and petrological characteristics in the study area, the author summarized the comprehensive identification marks for chimney structures. Especially the horizon velocity analysis method that is established in this paper and takes advantage of interval velocity anomaly is a semi-quantitative and reliable method of chimney structure s identification. It was pointed out in this paper that the occurrence of the chimney structures in the Taibei depression made the mechanism of accumulation complicated. The author provided proof of episodic accumulation of hydrocarbon in this area: The organic component in the boiling inclusion is the trail of petroleum migration, showing the causality between the boiling of thermal fluid and the chimney structures, meanwhile showing the paroxysmal accumulation is an important petroleum accumulation model. Based on the evolutionary characteristics of various types of chimney structures, this paper discussed their relationships with the migration-accumulation of petroleum respectively. At the same time, the author summarized the accumulating-dynamical models associated with chimney structures. The author analyzed such accumulation mechanisms as the facies state, direction, power of petroleum migration, the conditions of trap, the accumulation, leakage and reservation of petroleum, and the distribution rule of petroleum. The author also provides explanation for such practical problems the existence of a lot of mantle-derived CO_2, and its heterogeneous distribution on plane. By study on and recognition for chimney structure, the existence and distribution of much mantle-derived CO_2 found in this area are explained. Caused by tectonic thermal activities, the deep magma with much CO_2-bearing thermal fluid migrate upward along deep fault and chimney structures, which makes two wells within relatively short distance different gas composition, such as in well LF-1 and well LS36-1-1. Meanwhile, the author predicted the distribution of petroleum accumulation belt in middle-shallow layer for this area, pointed out the three favorable exploration areas in future, and provided the scientific and deciding references for future study on the commingling-genetic accumulation of petroleum in middle-deep layer and the new energy-gas hydrate.


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Jiyang & Changwei depressions are two neighboring depressions in Bahai Bay Basin, the famous oil rich basin in East China. The exploration activities in the past 40 years has proved that, within the basins, there exists not only plentiful sandstone hydrocarbon reservoirs (conventional), but also abundant special reservoirs as igneous rock, mudstone and conglomerate ones which have been knowing as the unconventional in the past, and with the prospecting activity is getting more and more detailed, the unconventional reservoirs are also getting more and more important for further resources, among which, the igneous lithological reservoir be of significance as a new research and exploration area. The purpose of this paper is, with the historical researches and data as base, the System Theory, Practice Theory and Modern Comprehensive Petroleum Geology Theory as guide, the theoretical and practice break through as the goal, and the existing problems in the past as the break through direction, to explore and establish a valid reservoir formation and distribution models for igneous strata in the profile of the eastern faulted basins. After investigating the distribution of the igneous rocks and review the history of the igneous rocks reservoirs in basins, the author focused on the following issues and correspondingly the following progresses have been made: 1.Come to a new basin evolution and structure model named "Combined-Basin-bodies Model" for Jiyang even Eastern faulted basins based on the study on the origin and evolution of Jiyang & Changwei basins, depending on this model, every faulted basin in the Bo-hai Bay Basin is consisted of three Basin-Bodies including the Lower (Mesozoic), Middle (Early Tertiary) and the Upper (Late Tertiary) Bodies, each evolved in different geo-stress setting and with different basin trend, shape and igneous-sedimentary buildings system, and from this one to next one, the basin experienced a kind of process named "shape changing" and "Style changing". 2. Supposed a serious of new realizations as follows (1) There were "multi-level magma sources" including Upper mantel and the Lower, Middle and even the Upper Shell magma Chambers in the historical Magma Processes in the basins; (2) There were "multi-magma accessing or pass" from the first level (Mantel faults) to the second, third and fourth levels (that is the different levels of fault in the basin sediment strata) worked in the geo-historical and magma processes; (3) Three tectonic magma cycles and more periods have been recognized those are matched with the "Basin -body-Model" and (4)The geo-historical magma processes were non-homogeneous in time and space scale and so the magma rocks distributed in "zones" or "belts". 3. The study of magma process's effect on basin petroleum conditions have been made and the following new conclusions were reached: (1) the eruptive rocks were tend to be matched with the "caped source rock", and the magma process were favorable to the maturing of the source rocks. (2) The magma process were fruitful to the accumulation of the non-hydrocarbon reservoirs however a over magma process may damage the grade of resource rock; (3) Eruptive activity provided a fruitful environment for the formation of such new reservoir rocks as "co-eruptive turbidity sandstones" and "thermal water carbonate rocks" and the intrusive process can lead to the origin of "metamorphism rock reservoir"; (4) even if the intrusive process may cause the cap rock broken, the late Tertiary intrusive rocks may indeed provide the lateral seal and act as the cap rock locally even regionally. All above progresses are valuable for reconstructing the magma-sedimentary process history and enriching the theory system of modem petroleum geology. 4. A systematic classification system has been provided and the dominating factors for the origin and distribution of igneous rock reservoirs have been worked out based on the systematic case studies, which are as follows: (1) The classification is given based on multi-factors as the origin type, litho-phase, type of reservoir pore, reservoir ability etc., (2) Each type of reservoir was characterized in a detailed way; (3) There are 7 factors dominated the intrusive reservoir's characteristics including depth of intrusion, litho-facies of surrounding rocks, thickness of intrusive rock, intrusive facies, frequency and size of the working faults, shape and tectonic deformation of rock, erosion strength of the rock and the time of the intrusion ect., in the contrast, 4 factors are for eruptive rocks as volcanic facies, frequency and size of the working faults, strength of erosion and the thermal water processing. 5. Several new concept including "reservoir litho-facies", "composite-volcanic facies" and "reservoir system" ect. Were suggested, based on which the following models were established: (1) A seven reservoir belts model for a intrusive unit profile and further more, (2) a three layers cubic model consisted of three layer as "metamorphic roe layer", "marginal layer" and "the core"; (3) A five zones vertical reservoir sequence model consisted of five litho-facies named A, B, C, D and E for a original lava unit and furthermore three models respectively for a erosion, subsidence and faulted lava unit; (4) A composite volcanic face model for a lava cone or a composite cone that is consisted of three facies as "crater and nearby face", "middle slope" and "far slope", among which, the middle slope face is the most potential reservoir area and producible for oil & gas. 6. The concept of "igneous reservoir" was redefined as the igneous, and then a new concept of "igneous reservoir system" was supposed which means the reservoir system consisted of igneous and associated non-igneous reservoirs, with non-hydrocarbon reservoir included. 7. The origin and distribution of igneous reservoir system were probed and generalized for the exploration applications, and origin models of the main reservoir sub-systems have been established including those of igneous, related non-igneous and non-hydrocarbon. For intrusive rocks, two reservoir formation models have been suggested, one is called "Original or Primary Model", and the another one is "Secondary Model"; Similarly, the eruptive rock reservoirs were divided in three types including "Highly Produced", "Moderately Produced" and "Lowly Produced" and accordingly their formation models were given off; the related non-igneous reservoir system was considered combination of eight reservoirs, among which some ones like the Above Anticline Trap are highly produced; Also, the non-hydrocarbon. Trap system including five kinds of traps was discussed. 8. The concept models for four reservoir systems were suggested, which include the intrusive system consisted of 7 kinds of traps, the land eruptive system with 6 traps, the under water eruptive system including 6 kinds of traps and the non-hydrocarbon system combined by 5 kinds of traps. In this part, the techniques for exploration of igneous reservoir system were also generalized and probed, and based on which and the geological progresses of this paper, the potential resources and distributions of every reservoir system was evaluated and about 186 millions of reserves and eight most potential non-hydrocarbon areas were predicted and outlined. The author believe that the igneous reservoir system is a very important exploration area and its study is only in its early stage, the framework of this paper should be filled with more detailed studies, and only along way, the exploration of igneous reservoir system can go into it's really effective stage.