893 resultados para Sebastián Mártir, Santo
The involvement of different sand fly species in the transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) at different altitudes was evaluated in the municipality of Afonso Cláudio in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, from November 1995 to February 1997. CDC light traps and Shannon traps baited with human volunteers were hung simultaneously at three altitudes of a river valley: (a) 650-750 m in an area of active ACL transmission; (b) 750-850 m in a transitional area; and (c) 850-950 m in an area where no ACL transmission occurred. A total of 13,363 specimens belonging to 28 species was collected. The five most abundant man-biting species were Lutzomyia intermedia, which constituted 24.3% of the total, Lu. migonei (22.3%), Lu. whitmani (15.4%), Lu. fischeri (14.9%) and Lu. monticola (5.8%). Analysis of the distribution of these species at the three altitudes provided evidence that Lu. fischeri and Lu. monticola were not involved in ACL transmission, whereas Lu. migonei and Lu. whitmani might act as secondary vectors of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Lu. intermedia was probably the principal vector of the parasite. These results reinforce those published in the existing literature, which indicate that Lu. intermedia is the main vector of Le. (V.) braziliensis in Southeast Brazil, while Lu. migonei and Lu. whitmani are of secondary importance.
Between 1985 and 2000, epidemiological surveys of the American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) were carried out in several rural and urban communities in Espírito Santo, Brazil. A total of 100 stocks of Leishmania (comprising isolates from both human and canine hosts with ATL) were identified by two methods of molecular characterization, using specific monoclonal antibodies and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Parasite isolates from 19 municipalities were found to belong to the same zymodeme and serodeme type as of the Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis reference strain. In contrast, our genotyping studies have shown intra-specific variation among these parasites (comparisons of the variability of the internal transcribed spacers between the small and large subunits of the rRNA genes of the 22 stocks studiedrevealed at least 11 genotypes). Two main clusters of L. (V.) braziliensis genotypes were observed, representing parasites collected from different endemic regions in the state, where transmission reflects distinct eco-epidemiological features. Infection with this pathogen was associated with the characteristic disease forms, but neither the clinical outcome nor the response to treatment could be related to the genetic polymorphism of the isolates, as defined by using the proposed methodology.
In Brazil, the colonization of human dwellings by triatomines occurs in areas with native vegetation of the caatinga or cerrado types. In areas of Atlantic forest such as in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, there are no species adapted to live in human habitations. The few autochthonous cases of Chagas disease encountered in Espírito Santo have been attributed to adult specimens of Triatoma vitticeps that invade houses from forest remnants. In recent years, the entomology unit of the Espírito Santo State Health Secretariat has recorded nymphs infected with flagellates similar to Trypanosoma cruzi in rural localities. Entomological surveys were carried out in the residences and outbuildings in which the insects were found, and serological examinations for Chagas disease performed on the inhabitants. Four colonies were found, all associated with nests of opossums (Didelphis aurita), 111 specimens of T. vitticeps, and 159 eggs being collected. All the triatomines presented flagellates in their frass. Mice inoculated with the faeces presented trypomastigotes in the circulating blood and groups of amastigotes in the cardiac muscle fibres. Serological tests performed on the inhabitants were negative for T. cruzi. Even with the intense devastation of the forest in Espírito Santo, there are no indications of change in the sylvatic habits of T. vitticeps. Colonies of this insect associated with opossum nests would indicate an expansion of the sylvatic environment into the peridomicile.
Genetic variability of human immunodeficiency virus type - 1(HIV-1) is a potential threat for both diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS, as well as the development of effective vaccines. Up to now, HIV subtypes circulating among HIV-positive patients in the state of Espírito Santo were not known. In the present study, blood samples from 100 therapy-naïve HIV-1 infected patients were collected and the HIV subtype was determined through the Heteroduplex Mobility Assay (HMA). Ninety-seven out of 100 studied samples were subtyped by HMA, 73 samples (75.2%) were from subtype B, 9 (9.3%) from subtype F, 3 (3.1%) from subtype C, 6 (6.2%) Benv/Fgag, and another 6 (6.2%) Fenv/Bgag, what suggests that recombinant viruses were present in the studied samples. Twenty-eight percent of the subtype B samples were represented by the Brazilian B" subtype, which were identified by RFLP with Fok I. Data presented here demonstrate that the epidemiological characteristics of the HIV epidemic in the state of Espírito Santo are similar to those from the other Southeastern states and helped to better understand the genetic polymorphism of HIV in Brazil.
Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) falquetoi, sp. nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) is described from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. This new species belongs to the series longipalpis and is easily distinguished from the other members of this taxon by the presence of five well-developed spines and a pre-apical spiniform bristle on the gonostyle as well as nine bristles on the basal tuft of the gonocoxite.
Viruses are the leading cause for hospitalization due to gastroenteritis worldwide. Group A rotaviruses (RV) are the most prevalent and are assorted in glycoproteins (G) and protease sensitive (P) dual genotypes based on polymorphic genes that encode the external VP7 and VP4 capsid proteins, respectively. Noroviruses (NoV) have increasingly answered by sporadic gastroenteritis. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of NoV and RV in 68 hospitalized children, between July 2004 and November 2006, at a pediatric hospital in Vitória city, state of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil. Nucleic acid was extracted from fecal suspension following the guanidine-silica procedure. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were employed for NoV and RV detection, respectively. RV genotyping was accomplished using RT-PCR followed by heminested multiplex PCR with specific primers for the most prevalent types of G and P. Fecal samples were positive for NoV and RV in 39.7% (27/68) and 20.5% (14/68), respectively and together were responsible for 60% (41/68) of the cases. RV genotypes were: 50% G9P[8], 28.7% G2P[4], 7.1% G1P[8], G2P[8] and G?P[8]. Vomit was a prominent manifestation observed in 92% and 85% of the NoV and RV cases, respectively. The median hospitalization was 5 and 5.5 days for the patients infected with NoV and RV, respectively. The data showed that NoV prevailed over RV and it also corroborated the emergence of RV G9 genotype followed by G2P[4], reinforcing the need for RV genotype surveillance.
In Brazil, introduced malaria occurs from the flat to the sloping hot areas, predominantly outside the Amazon Region, where endemic malaria has occurred in the past. This is a consequence of human migrations to other Brazilian states, including the state of Espírito Santo (ES). The objective of this study was to use geoprocessing to define the areas at risk of introduced malaria transmission and evaluate the vectorial importance of species of anophelines in ES. Anophelines were sampled from 1997-2005 in 297 rural localities identified or not identified as foci of malaria during the last 20 years. The geoclimatic variables temperature, relief and marine influence were obtained from a database of the ES Natural Units. The 14,663 anophelines captured belonged to 22 species. A significant association was found between the occurrence of malaria foci and the presence of hot, low-lying areas or gently undulating to undulating relief. The occurrence of the disease was associated with the presence of Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles aquasalis. Geoprocessing was determined to be a useful tool for defining areas at risk for malaria and vectors in ES.
Phlebotomine sand flies present great species diversity, especially in Brazil, where there are about 300 known species. This work describes a new species of sand fly found in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, in the Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, municipality of Cariacica. Spermathecae with superficial striations and the common duct longer than the genital fork permit the inclusion of the new species in the subgenus Evandromyia s. str., series rupicola. The new species resemble Ev. rupicola from which it may be distinguished by the aspects of the spermatheca and the length of the genital filament of the male, longer in the new species.
Canine American visceral leishmaniasis and American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) cases have been recorded in Espírito Santo do Pinhal. The aim of this study was to gather knowledge of the sand fly community and its population ecology within the municipality. Captures were made weekly over a period of 15 months in the urban, periurban and rural areas of the municipality, using automatic light traps. A total of 5,562 sand flies were collected, comprising 17 species. The most abundant species were Nyssomyia whitmani and Pintomyia pessoai in the rural area, Lutzomyia longipalpis and Ny. whitmani in the periurban area and Lu. longipalpis in the urban area. The highest species richness and greatest index species diversity were found in the rural area. The similarity index showed that urban and periurban areas were most alike. Lu. longipalpis was found in great numbers during both dry and humid periods. The presence of dogs infected with Leishmania infantum chagasi in the urban area indicates a high risk for the establishment of the disease in the region. A high abundance of Ny. whitmani and Pi. pessoai in the rural and periurban areas indicates the possibility of new cases of ACL occurring in and spreading to the periurban area of Espírito Santo do Pinhal.
Sporotrichosis is a widespread subcutaneous mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungi now known as the Sporothrix schenckii complex. This complex is comprised of at least six species, including Sporothrix albicans, Sporothrix brasiliensis, Sporothrix globosa, Sporothrix luriei, Sporothrix mexicana and S. schenckii. Cases of sporotrichosis have significantly increased in Brazil over the past decade, especially in the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), where an epidemic among cat owners has been observed. The zoonotic transmission from cats to humans suggests a common source of infection and indicates that animals can act as vectors. We performed a molecular characterisation of samples collected during the first outbreak of familial sporotrichosis caused by S. brasiliensis in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. These results represent the first description of such an outbreak outside the endemic area of zoonotic sporotrichosis in RJ.
Este estudo objetivou verificar o saber e o fazer das enfermeiras que atuam nas unidades municipais de Saúde do Distrito Administrativo 71-Santo Amaro -São Paulo, frente às Terapias Alternativas/Complementares(TA/C). A pesquisa, de abordagem quantitativa com análise qualitativa dos dados, permitiu evidenciar que 89% dos enfermeiros acreditam nas TA/C porém, apenas 22,2% têm conhecimento do respaldo legal e 5,5% têm cursos nesta área; 44,4% aplicam em si mesma e 11,1% aplicam nos pacientes, sete TA/C distintas, classificadas em cinco grupos de HILL. Desvendou-se que há necessidade de buscar novos saberes como opções de assistência à promoção da saúde da população.
Relato de experiência da capacitação em bioética para enfermeiros e médicos da Estratégia Saúde da Família, Santo André, SP. Trata-se de trabalho calcado na problematização e bioética deliberativa, que objetivou apresentar o procedimento da deliberação para subsidiar o manejo de problemas éticos. Trabalharam-se os conteúdos transversalmente em cinco sequências de atividades, em dois momentos de concentração, intercalados por um de dispersão. Na primeira concentração, desenvolveram-se conceitos chaves e conteúdos da bioética deliberativa. Na segunda, houve sessões de deliberação para situações de conflito moral, selecionadas e preparadas durante a dispersão. Os participantes avaliaram a deliberação como um instrumental adequado para lidar com as questões éticas que vivem. A problematização mostrou-se efetiva como estratégia educativa na formação contínua em bioética deliberativa.
As microempresas desempenham um papel fundamental na promoção do emprego, na inovação, na criação de rendimentos e no desenvolvimento económico e social. Para os países em vias de desenvolvimento, crê-se que a dinamização das microempresas pode ser um instrumento privilegiado de promoção e combate à pobreza, na medida em que esta poderá ser a via para incentivar as camadas mais pobres das populações rurais e urbanas a criarem os seus próprios negócios e a providenciarem os seus próprios rendimentos. A criação e o crescimento das microempresas estão, todavia, condicionados por vários constrangimentos. A inexistência de capital inicial (Start-Up Capital) é apontada na literatura financeira como uma das mais relevantes. O recurso ao capital externo, como fonte de financiamento, dependerá, por sua vez, de vários factores. O presente estudo foi realizado em Santo Antão, a ilha mais a norte e a mais montanhosa do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde. O sector micro crédito chama atenção pelo facto de ser um instrumento de importância primordial para Cabo Verde e, particularmente, para a ilha de Santo Antão que possui uma estrutura económica e social muito vulnerável o que nos leva a compreender melhor, o funcionamento das microempresas, instaladas nos três municípios da Ilha (Paul, Ribeira Grande e Porto Novo). Ao longo do estudo definimos o perfil sócio económico do micro empresário Santantonense, com o objectivo de compreender e quantificar o contributo do sector para o desenvolvimento empresarial da ilha, sem esquecer os constrangimentos e dificuldades que se colocam aos micros empresários na procura de financiamento. O processo de recolha de informação foi efectuado com recurso a pesquisas de campo, a partir da elaboração e aplicação de entrevistas de uma forma semi-estruturada, no sentido de identificar as principais características/perfil do empresário. Os dados recolhidos pelas entrevistas têm por base uma apreciação crítica da gestão para melhor compreender e comparar as fragilidades existentes e analisar a capacidade de sucesso dos micros empresários. A configuração da actividade económica foi feita com base na análise quantitativa e qualitativa, dos dados obtidos na aplicação dos questionários. De igual modo, analisamos e comparamos os casos de sucesso e insucesso nas microempresas em estudo, casos de sucesso no que diz respeito aos benefícios de micro créditos para a redução da pobreza e do desemprego, de criação do auto-emprego, e da formação/informação aos micros empresários santantonenses. Nos casos de insucesso analisamos as causas que estiveram na sua origem assim como as consequências daí advenientes. Uma das constatações do estudo, como se verá pela análise dos dados, é que o micro empresário Santantonense, possui um baixo nível de escolaridade e que na sua maioria são mulheres. Um outro resultado evidenciado pelo estudo, é que há uma necessidade da política pública de desenvolvimento no sentido de definição de incentivos à criação e à promoção de micro negócios, atendendo às características demográficas e às necessidades específicas dos beneficiários. Micro enterprises perform a fundamental component in promoting employment, innovation, and earnings-generation and in socio-economic development. For countries en route to development, the belief is that the dynamic engine of the micro enterprises could be a privileged instrument to promote in the battle against poverty, in the hope that this could be the venue to incentivize the poorest of the rural and urban populations to create their own businesses and forecast their own earnings. The creation and the growth of micro enterprises is, however, conditional upon various constraints. The inexistence of initial capital is cited in financial literature as one of the more important. To resort to external capital as a financing source, is itself dependent on various factors. The current study was conducted in Santo Antão, the most northern and mountainous island in the Archipelago of Cape Verde. The micro credit´s sector calls attention to the fact that it is an essential instrument in Cape Verde, particularly in the island of Santo Antão which has an economic and social structure extremely vulnerable, leading us to a better understanding of how micro enterprises operate in the three municipalities of the Island (Paul, Ribeira Grande and Porto Novo). During the course of the study we defined the socio-economic character of the micro entrepreneur Santantonense, with the goal of understanding and quantifying the sector´s contribution to the Island´s entrepreneurial development, keeping in mind the contraints and difficulties that confront the entrepreneurs when seeking financing. The process for gathering the information was performed through field research, beginning with elaboration and application of interviews, designed to identify the entrepreneur´s major characteristics and the importance of micro credit for the island of Santo Antão. The data gathered through the interviews have un underlying basic and critic appreciation of management for a better understanding and comparing the existing fragilities and for analyzing the micro entrepreneurs´ capacity to succeed. The configuration of economic activities was designed based on quantitative and qualitative analysis from data obtained from the questionnaires. Likewise, we analyzed and compared the success and non-success cases of the micro enterprises in the study, success cases with respect to the benefits of micro credit in reducing poverty and unemployment, creation of self-employment, and the education/information for the micro entrepreneurs of Santo Antão. In the non-success cases we analyzed the original causes as well as the impending consequences. One of the study´s contentions, as the data analysis shows, is that micro entrepreneur of Santo Antão has a low level of education with the majority of them being women. In addition the study shows that there is a need for a public discourse in terms of defining and developing incentives for creating and promoting micro businesses given the demographic characteristics and the specific necessities of the beneficiaries.
No final dos anos 1980, o movimento cooperativo em Cabo Verde vivia um momento de prosperidade, alimentado por uma conjuntura nacional e internacional favorável. O número de cooperativas de consumo já atingia um patamar considerável, a taxa da população “cooperativa” ascendia aos 6%, o volume de vendas e de investimentos registava crescimentos anuais sistemáticos. A partir de 1991, ocorrem mudanças importantes no país – democratização, abertura económica, retirada de benefícios legais às cooperativas. O movimento cooperativo entra em crise, decresce o volume de negócios realizados pelo sector, o número de cooperativas reduz-se drasticamente, a taxa de população cooperativa cai para menos de 3%. Enquanto os seus líderes e ex-líderes atribuem esta crise às mudanças referidas, este trabalho apresenta uma outra abordagem, focalizada no interior do movimento: o processo da sua gestação e desenvolvmento, os modelos de gestão adoptados e as interacções com os membros, os clientes, o Governo e as instituições relacionadas. O presente trabalho procura demonstrar que a razão principal da falência do cooperativismo foi o desalinhamento entre a ideologia cooperativa e as práticas de gestão adoptadas, que teriam enfraquecido “por dentro” o movimento em Cabo Verde, não lhe permitindo adaptar-se às mudanças ocorridas a partir de 1991. A compreensão desta abordagem tem uma implicação importante na definição do papel do Estado e dos modelos da sua intervenção na dinamização do sector privado como motor de desenvolvimento, no momento em que o país ascende à categoria de País de Desenvolvimento Médio.