998 resultados para Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Fantasien, violí, piano, D. 934, do major


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"A series of biographies by Franz Ziska, with portraits by J.D. Böhm." cf. Brit. Mus. Cat.


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For voice and piano.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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von Dr. J.D. Hofacker, ausserordentl. Professor der Medicin zu Tübingen ; mit Beiträgen von Med. Dr. Fridr. Notter


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La sostenibilità (ambientale, economica e sociale) non rappresenta per le aziende un trend passeggero, ma una direzione da seguire per poter rispondere a norme sempre più stringenti e a consumatori sempre più attenti. La tesi illustra il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile, il quale ha segnato varie tappe della storia tra cui la pubblicazione nel 2015 dell’Agenda 2030 dalle Nazioni Unite e la definizione dei 17 obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile per contrastare i problemi climatici. Vengono descritti i principali strumenti introdotti dall’Unione Europea per promuovere una crescita verde, utilizzando leve di intervento sia legislative che con incentivi, quali il Green Deal che mira a promuovere attività sostenibili che non generino emissioni di inquinanti, il decreto legislativo che regola l’informativa non finanziaria, il Piano dAzione della Commissione Europea per finanziare la crescita sostenibile. Quello che le aziende comunicano sui propri siti web è una prima indicazione delle loro politiche in materia di sostenibilità, insieme ai report e alle certificazioni più formali. Lo scopo della tesi è valutare a che punto sono le aziende di diversi settori e dimensioni nella comunicazione di queste tematiche, analizzando un campione di esse, per mezzo di un form progettato per raccogliere e archiviare dati strutturati presi dai siti web. Grazie a questo si arriverà ad un punteggio per ciascuna di esse che rappresenta l’attuale livello comunicativo. Un problema attuale riscontrato è quello del greenwashing: una strategia di marketing, per dimostrare un impegno non reale nei confronti dell’ambiente agli occhi degli stakeholder e per farle guadagnare punti in reputazione e immagine aziendale. Il fine ultimo della tesi è quello di dimostrare che la sostenibilità è una scelta necessaria che va compiuta fin da subito, e non una questione solo delle grandi aziende o dei settori più “verdi”.


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Con objeto de analizar si la colonoscopia con infusión de CO2 provoca menos dolor que con la infusión convencional de aire ambiente, se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo, doble ciego y aleatorizado con 93 pacientes distribuidos en 2 grupos (48 colonoscopias con CO2 y 45 con aire) con similares características epidemiológicas (edad, sexo, tabaquismo…). Se ha observado que la infusión de CO2 durante la colonoscopia causa significativamente menos dolor que la infusión de aire. Además, la colonoscopia con infusión de aire provoca mayor aumento del perímetro abdominal, aunque el dolor no se relacione claramente con el perímetro abdominal. Los pacientes cuya colonoscopia se realizó con CO2 no presentaron complicaciones respiratorias durante la sedación, sin registrarse apneas ni disminución de la saturación de oxigeno. En conclusión, la sustitución de la infusión de aire por CO2 en la práctica de la colonoscopia es segura y mejora la tolerancia a la exploración.


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Malaria is one of the most important tropical and infectious diseases causing many deaths and enormous social and economic consequences, particularly in the developing countries. Despite of widely use of anti-malaria drugs and insecticide, the development of successful vaccines constitutes one of the main strategies to control malaria transmission. Several proteins expressed from blood stage such as merozoite surface proteins (MSP] or liver stage as circumsporozoite protein (CSP) are shown to be the targets of immune responses in humans and in animals. Thus, several studies have illustrated that natural infection and laboratory immunizations of humans and animals with Plasmodium sporozoite (SPZ) and its derivate-proteins (peptides) can elicit protection and control of parasite infection. However, a clear understanding of immune response against defined Plasmodium proteins should be the prerequisite conditions before any development of appropriate vaccines. In this order, our study focused on the immune responses to MSP2 (dimorphic and C-terminal fragments) in human and mice; and the mechanisms by which mouse infected hepatocytes present Plasmodium antigens to CD8+ T-cells to induce protective immunity in mice.¦The first part of this work shows that infected hepatocytes can present Plasmodium antigens to PbCSP-specific CD8+ T-cells and induce a protective immunity in mice. Here, this was addressed in vivo and showed that the infected hepatocytes were able of stimulating of primed-and naive-CD8+ T-cell clones and induced fully protective immunity against SPZ challenge. The role of infected hepatocytes in antigen presentation was illustrated here by their graft into immuno-deficient mice and depletion of cosspresenting dentritic cells (DCs) that are known to have key role in the activation of CD8+ T-cells during the liver cycle stage of Plasmodium.¦The second part of this project concerned the fine specificity of Ab responses regarding D and C regions of the two allelic families of MSP2 (3D7 and FC27). Covering of the two regions by overlapping-20 mers led to delineate the epitopes in the different endemic areas and different age groups of donors. The major epitopes characterizing D or C regions were conserved in different endemic areas (P12/P13 and P15/P16 for the 3D7-D, P23/24 and P25/26 for the FC27-D; P29/P30 for the C region). This offers thus, the possibility of a multi-epitope vaccine design including the major epitopes from the two domains of the two allelic MSP2 families. On the other, the 20 mers, particularly some major epitopes of the 3D7-Dregion (P12, P13 and P16) belonged to the epitopes that presented a high probability to be associated with protection in the children group [1 to 5 year-old). In addition, D and C LSP purified Abs (pAbs) recognized merozoite derived polypeptides and native proteins. A crossreactivity activity of homologous pAbs against the heterologous was also illustrated between the two allelic MSP2 parasites. Finally, the functional analysis of D regions pAbs showed an inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth suggesting the functional biological activity of the D region pAbs in the control of malaria.¦The last part of this project aimed the evaluation of the immunogenicity of the D and C region LSPs of the two allelic MSP2 families in the presence of adjuvants for the possible use in clinical trial study in humans. The MSP2 LSP mixture showed that D and C were immunogenic and defined limited epitopes (whose intensity of immune responses) depending on the adjuvants and mouse strain for the D regions. The major epitopes characterizing the C region were usually conserved in different strains of mouse and adjuvants used. Furthermore, the single region (either with D or C) immunization of mice confirmed the immunogenicity and the presence of their limited epitopes. We concluded that the possibility to finely delineate in animals the immune responses to antigens might help to select optimal antigen/adjuvant combinations to be tested later in clinical trials. Thus, formulation of glucopyranosyl-lipid A stable emulsion, GLA-SE (toll like receptor (TLR) 4 agonist) and its different combination (CpG: TLR9 agonist and GDQ: LR7 agonist) with MSP2 LSP was better than with alum, montanide ISA 720 (Mt) and virosome. Immunization of mice with allelic LSP did not show a crossreactivity between the two allelic MSP2 parasites unlike as humans, suggesting that the crossreactivity could be acquired during natural infection of the population who are usually exposed to both allelic parasite forms (3D7 and FC27).¦Nevertheless, similar epitope of D (P12, P13 and P25) and C (P29) regions have been found both in mice and human. This offers an opportunity to compare their epitopes in naïve immunized donors with LSPs and naturally infected populations in the endemic areas.


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Introduction Vitamin D plays a major role in bone metabolismand neuromuscular function. Supplementation with vitamin D iseffective to reduce the risk of fall and of fracture. However adherenceto oral daily vitamin D is low. Screening and correcting vitamin Dinsufficiency in a rheumatologic population could improve bothmorbidity and quality of life. After determining the prevalence ofvitamin D deficiency in this population, we evaluated if supplementationwith a single high dose of oral 25-OH vitamin D3 wassufficient to correct this abnormality.Methods During one month (November 2009), levels of 25-OHvitamin D were systematically determined in our rheumatology outpatientclinic and classified in: vitamin D deficiency (< 10 μg/l),vitamin D insufficiency (10 to 30 μg/l) or normal vitamin D (> 30 μg/l).Patients with insufficiency or deficiency received respectively a singlehigh dose of 300'000 IU or 600'000 IU oral vitamin D3. In addition,all patients with osteoporosis were prescribed daily supplement ofcalcium (1 g) and vitamin D (800 IU). 25-OH vitamin D levels werereevaluated after 3 months.Results Vitamin D levels were initially determined in 292 patients(mean age 53, 211 women, 87 % Caucasian). 77 % had inflammatoryrheumatologic disease (IRD), 20 % osteoporosis (OP) and 12 %degenerative disease (DD). Vitamin D deficiency was present in 20(6.8 %), while 225 (77.1 %) had insufficiency. Of the 245 patientswith levels < 30μg/l, a new determination of vitamin D level wasavailable in 173 (71 %) at 3 months.Conclusion Vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent in ourrheumatologic population (84 %), and is not adequately correctedby a single high dose of oral vitamin D3 in > 50 % of the patientswith IRD and DD. In patients with OP, despite association of asingle high dose with daily oral vitamin D supplementation, 40 %of patients are still deficient when reevaluated at 3 months.


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La Biblioteca Virtual de la UOC té com a principal objectiu ésser al servei d'una comunitat acadmica formada per estudiants, personal docent i personal de gestió i administració que desenvolupen la seva activitat totalment en línia, usant per a aquesta finalitat una intranet o Campus Virtual. Sobre la base d'aquest objectiu, es dissenyen i ofereixen tota una sèrie de serveis, recursos i eines que permetin cobrir les necessitats informatives que se'ls plantegin als membres d'aquesta comunitat virtual en el desenvolupament de les seves activitats - ja siguin aquestes laborals, docents o acadmiques - i oferint diferents vies d'accés per tal d'aconseguir una major personalització.


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Le passage de la vie solitaire à la vie sociale représente une des principales transitions évolutives. La socialité a évolué au sein de plusieurs taxons du règne animal et notamment chez les insectes sociaux qui ont atteint son niveau le plus élevé : l'eusocialité. Les colonies d'insectes sociaux se composent d'une reine, qui monopolise la reproduction, et d'ouvrières, non-reproductrices ou parfois stériles, qui aident à élever la descendance de la reine. Selon la théorie de la sélection de parentèle, les ouvrières augmentent leur fitness (succès reproducteur) non pas à travers leur propre progéniture, mais en aidant des individus apparentés (leur reine) à produire davantage de descendants. Cette théorie prédit ainsi que les ouvrières ont un intérêt à rester fidles à leur nid natal. Toutefois, chez la guêpe tropicale Polistes canadensis, de nombreuse ouvrières visitent d'autres nids que leur nid natal : un phénomène appelé « drive des ouvrières ». Le but de ce doctorat est ainsi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans ce comportement particulier des ouvrières ainsi que ces implications pour la théorie de la sélection de parentèle. Nous avons examiné le comportement de drive des ouvrières à travers une étude des dynamiques sociales chez la guêpe tropicale P. canadensis. Mes résultats montrent que les populations de P. canadensis se composent en différentes agrégations de nids. Malgré de précédentes suggestions, on n'observe qu'une faible viscosité génétique au sein des populations de P. canadensis étudiées. On retrouve toutefois un degré d'apparentement entre nids d'une même agrégation. Ceci suggère que les ouvrières driveuses sont susceptibles de bénéficier de fitness indirect en aidant les nids proches géographiquement. De plus, ces échanges d'ouvrières ne semblent pas accidentels puisque l'on constate des variations de taux de drive et puisque les dplacements observés entre nids persistent sur plusieurs périodes de temps. La charge de travail, qui correspond aux différences d'effort de fourragement entre nid visités et natals, est dcrite dans notre étude comme potentiel facteur expliquant le comportement de drive des ouvrières chez P. canadensis. Nos expériences de retrait d'ouvrières et de couvain ont révélées que les driveuses ne semblent pas répondre aux changements de besoins en aide des nids visités. Les ouvrières driveuses biaisent leur effort en aidant leur propre nid, par lequel elles bénéficient le plus en termes de fitness indirect, avant de se consacrer à tout autre nid. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats sur la drive des ouvrières chez P. canadensis sont cohérents et suggèrent que ce comportement est une importante stratégie de reproduction alternative chez cette espèce qui contribue à la fitness indirecte de ces ouvrières non-reproductrices. De plus, ce doctorat apporte des informations sur la structure génétique des populations de guêpes Polistes et dcrit le rôle des ouvrières inactives. Celles-ci semblent servir de réserve en ouvrières apportant du support à la colonie dans l'éventualité d'une perte d'individus. Plus généralement, ce travail met l'accent sur l'organisation complexe et l'adaptabilité des individus dans les sociétés d'insectes. - One major transition in evolution is the shift from solitary to social life. Sociality has evolved in a few taxa of the animal kingdom, most notably in the social insects which have achieved the highest level of sociality: eusociality. Colonies of social insects are formed by a reproductive queen, and many non-reproductive or sterile workers who help raise their mother queen's offspring. Kin selection theory explains worker behaviour in terms of the indirect fitness they gain from raising non-offspring kin. It therefore predicts that workers should stay faithful to their natal nests, to which they are the more related. However, in the tropical paper wasps Polistes canadensis, high levels of nest-drifting, whereby workers spend time on other neighbouring nests, has been reported. This PhD aimed at understanding the mechanisms involved in this peculiar behaviour as well as its implications for kin selection theory. I examined nest-drifting through the study of the social dynamics of the tropical paper wasp P. canadensis. My results showed that populations of this species of paper wasps are composed of different aggregations of nests. The studied populations showed little limited dispersal (viscosity), despite previous suggestion, but nests within these aggregations were more related to each other than nests outside of aggregations. This suggested that drifters may benefit from indirect fitness when helping on neighbouring nests. Drifting was unlikely to be accidental since we found drifting patterns at various rates and consistently over several time periods during monitoring. Workload (differences in colony-level foraging effort) was also a potential factor explaining nest-drifting in P. canadensis. Worker and brood removal experiments revealed that drifters do not respond to any changes in the need for help in the non-natal nests they visit. Drifters thus bias their help in their natal nests, from which they may benefit the most in terms of indirect fitness, before investing in others. Altogether, these results on nest-drifting in P. canadensis are consistent and suggest that nest-drifting is an important alternative reproductive strategy, contributing to the indirect fitness benefits gained by non-reproductive wasps. Additionally, this PhD provides information on the genetic structure of paper wasps' populations and demonstrates the role of inactive or lazy wasps as a "reserve worker force", which provides resilience to the colony in the event of worker mortality. More generally, this work further highlights the complex organization and adaptability of individuals in insect societies.