835 resultados para Saturated saline solutions
Adsorption of four dissociating aromatic compounds and one nondissociating compound on a commercial activated carbon is investigated systematically. All adsorption experiments were carried out in pH-controlled aqueous solutions. The adsorption isotherms are fitted to the binary homogeneous Langmuir model, where the concentrations of the molecular and the ionic species in the liquid phase are expressed in terms of the sum of the two and the degree of solute ionization. Examination of the relationships between the solution pH, the degree of ionization of the solutes, and the model parameters is found to give new insights into the adsorption process. Furthermore, this is used to correlate the variation of the monolayer capacity with the solution pH.
Solid solution effects on the hardness and flow stress have been studied for zinc contents between 0.2 and 2.4 at% (0.5 and 6.9 wt%) in Mg. The alloys were grain refined with 0.6 wt% zirconium to ensure a similar grain size at all compositions. The hardness increases with the zinc content as Hv(10) (kg mm(-2)) = 9 Zn (at%) + 33. At low solute concentrations the (0.2%) proof strength does not change significantly with concentration. At concentrations above 0.7 at%, within the supersaturated solid solution region, the rate of solid solution hardening is high, following a c(2) rule, where c is the atom fraction of Zn. It is suggested that short-range order may account for most of the observed strengthening in concentrated Mg-Zn alloys.
Utilization of salt affected wasteland by growing forage shrubs has enormous economic and environmental implication for developing countries like Pakistan, where approximately 6.3 million ha of the land is salt affected. Considering the importance of Atriplex and Maireana species, research has been conducted using their different species on the salt affected soils of Faisalabad. Most of Atriplex and Maireana species survived under the environmental conditions of Faisalabad and gave the good yield in the form of forage. Some of these species are woody and can be used for fuel purposes. Sixteen genotypes of Atriplex and Maireana were tested for their tolerance to waterlogging in order to identify halophytic fodder shrubs suitable for growth on secondary salt-affected and waterlogged farmland. The physiological and morphological responses of the species tested were typical of species with a generally poor tolerance to waterlogging. Despite this, some species (e.g., A. amnicola) were surprisingly resistant, surviving up to five months of waterlogging at moderate salinity and high evapotranspirational demand. The most resistant species, A amnicola maintained higher transpiration rates, leaf water potentials and shoot extension rates than most other species during five weeks of waterlogging, and a return to control levels more quickly than other species after plots were drained. Although little morphological adaptation to waterlogged conditions was detected, a shallow and extensive lateral root system and the formation of many short aerenchymatous adventitious roots from procumbent branches appeared to advantage A. amnicola in an environment highly heterogeneous in salinity and low in oxygen concentration. Waterlogging quickly killed shallow fibrous rooted species, although the procumbent branches of some individuals survived as clones if they developed adventitious roots.
Adsorption of one nondissociating and four dissociating aromatic compounds onto three untreated activated carbons from dilute aqueous solutions were investigated. All adsorption experiments were preformed in pH-controlled solutions. The experimental isotherms were analyzed using the homogeneous Langmuir model. The surface chemical properties of the activated carbons were characterized using a combination of water adsorption, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and mass titration. These data give rise to a new insight into the adsorption mechanism of aromatic solutes, in their molecular and ionic forms, onto untreated activated carbons. It was found that, for the hydrophilic activated carbons, the dominant adsorption forces were observed to be dipolar interactions when the solutes were in their molecular form whereas dispersive forces, such as pi-pi interactions, were most likely dominant in the case of the basic hydrophobic carbons. However, when the solutes were in their ionic form adsorption occurs in all cases through dispersive forces.
Vapotronics Inc. is developing the thermal inkjet (TIJ) technology used extensively in the printer industry to create a digital aerosol inhaler for the inhalation of therapeutics for local and systemic delivery. The operation of thermal inkjet printers requires generation of high temperatures and vaporization of the liquid formulation to effect droplet ejection. A study was conducted to develop formulations that would permit the generation of aerosols of therapeutic proteins without damage to the inkjet system or degradation of the proteins. Two proteins, human growth hormone and insulin, were formulated and aerosolized. The aerosol was collected and subjected to assays to compare the physicochemical and biological activities of these proteins before and after aerosolization. In each case, there was no significant changes to the proteins as a result of the aerosolization, providing evidence that TIJ can be used for aerosolizing solutions of protein therapeutics.
We investigate difference equations which arise as discrete approximations to two-point boundary value problems for systems of second-order, ordinary differential equations. We formulate conditions under which all solutions to the discrete problem satisfy certain a priori bounds which axe independent of the step-size. As a result, the nonexistence of spurious solutions are guaranteed. Some existence and convergence theorems for solutions to the discrete problem are also presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The prevalence of people who are overweight or obese is continuing to rise. This is a key risk indicator of preventable morbidity and mortality resulting from many diseases. The increase in the number of obese people is associated with dietary practices and a reduction in physical activity. There is a need to implement strategies for the reduction of obesity in at-risk groups. People with a mental illness are at high risk of many physical illnesses related to behavioural factors, which include poor diet and lack of exercise. Health promotion programmes need to be incorporated into mental-health services to improve the general health and wellbeing of people with a mental illness. An Australian psychiatric rehabilitation service developed and implemented a health promotion programme, NEW Solutions, which aimed to address issues related to weight gain, dietary practice and physical inactivity.
Error condition detected We consider discrete two-point boundary value problems of the form D-2 y(k+1) = f (kh, y(k), D y(k)), for k = 1,...,n - 1, (0,0) = G((y(0),y(n));(Dy-1,Dy-n)), where Dy-k = (y(k) - Yk-I)/h and h = 1/n. This arises as a finite difference approximation to y" = f(x,y,y'), x is an element of [0,1], (0,0) = G((y(0),y(1));(y'(0),y'(1))). We assume that f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, that there exist pairs of strict lower and strict upper solutions for the continuous problem, and that f and G satisfy additional assumptions that are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. Under these assumptions we show that there are at least three distinct solutions of the discrete approximation which approximate solutions to the continuous problem as the grid size, h, goes to 0. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Based on the hypothesis that limited receptor solubility of lipophilic compounds may result in lower observed permeability parameters, the aim of this study was to determine the in vitro human epidermal permeability coefficients and membrane retention of a series of aliphatic alcohols (C1-C10, log p -0.72 to 4.06) using two different receptor solutions (water and 4% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline). Aqueous solutions of radiolabeled alcohols were dosed into the stratum corneum side of membranes mounted in side-by-side glass diffusion cells. Appearance of alcohol in the receptor compartment filled with either of the two solutions was monitored over a 7 h period when both stratum corneum (assessed by tape stripping) and the remaining epidermis levels of radioactivity were determined. In a separate study the degree of binding of alcohols to 4% bovine serum albumin was determined. The data showed increased receptor phase solubility in the bovine serum albumin solution and higher permeability coefficients for the more lipophilic alcohols in the series. No changes were seen in the partitioning of the alcohols from the vehicle into either the stratum corneum or tape-stripped epidermis with the two receptor phases; however, a decrease in the amount of the more lipophilic alcohols partitioning into the water receptor phase from the tape-stripped epidermis was observed. We conclude that bovine serum albumin receptor phase allows better estimation of real permeability parameters for lipophilic compounds due to its increased solubility capacity and we question whether permeability parameters for lipophilic solutes from older data sets based on aqueous receptor phases are completely reliable.
In this paper we investigate the construction of state models for link invariants using representations of the braid group obtained from various gauge choices for a solution of the trigonometric Yang-Baxter equation. Our results show that it is possible to obtain invariants of regular isotopy (as defined by Kauffman) which may not be ambient isotopic. We illustrate our results with explicit computations using solutions of the trigonometric Yang-Baxter equation associated with the one-parameter family of minimal typical representations of the quantum superalgebra U-q,[gl(2/1)]. We have implemented MATHEMATICA code to evaluate the invariants for all prime knots up to 10 crossings.
Difference equations which may arise as discrete approximations to two-point boundary value problems for systems of second-order, ordinary differential equations are investigated and conditions are formulated under which solutions to the discrete problem are unique. Some existence, uniqueness implies existence, and convergence theorems for solutions to the discrete problem are also presented.
The Commonwealth Government's Principles Based Review of the Law of Negligence recently recommended reforms aimed at limiting liability and damages arising from personal injury and death, in response to the growing perception that the current system of compensating personal injury had become financially unsustainable. Recent increases in medical liability and damages have eroded the confidence of doctors and their professional bodies, with fears of unprecedented desertion from and reduced recruitment into high risk areas, and one of the primary foci of the review concerned medical negligence. The article analyses proposals to redefine the principles necessary for the finding of negligence, against the terms of reference of the review. The article assumes that for the foreseeable future, Australia will persist with tort-based compensation for personal injury rather than developing a no-fault scheme. If the suggested changes to the fundamental principles of negligence are unlikely to reduce medical liability, greater attention might be given to the processes which come into play after the finding of negligence, where reform is more likely to benefit both plaintiffs and defendants.
Purpose. As reductions in dermal clearance increase the residence time of solutes in the skin and underlying tissues we compared the topical penetration of potentially useful vasoconstrictors (VCs) through human epidermis as both free bases and ion-pairs with salicylic acid (SA). Methods. We determined the in vitro epidermal flux of ephedrine, naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and xylometazoline applied as saturated solutions in propylene glycol: water (1: 1) and of ephedrine, naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline as 10% solutions of 1: 1 molar ratio ion-pairs with SA in liquid paraffin. Results. As free bases, ephedrine had the highest maximal flux, Jmax = 77.4 +/- 11.7 mug/cm(2)/h, being 4-fold higher than tetrahydrozoline and xylometazoline, 6-fold higher than phenylephrine, 10-fold higher than naphazoline and 100-fold higher than oxymetazoline. Stepwise regression of solute physicochemical properties identified melting point as the most significant predictor of flux. As ion-pairs with SA, ephedrine and naphazoline had similar fluxes (11.5 +/- 2.3 and 12.0 +/- 1.6 mug/cm(2)/h respectively), whereas tetrahydrozoline was approximately 3-fold slower. Corresponding fluxes of SA from the ion-pairs were 18.6 +/- 0.6, 7.8 +/- 0.8 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 respectively. Transdermal transport of VC's is discussed. Conclusions. Epidermal retention of VCs and SA did not correspond to their molar ratio on application and confirmed that following partitioning into the stratum corneum, ion-pairs separate and further penetration is governed by individual solute characteristics.