851 resultados para Satellite solar power stations.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
The rise of the twenty-first century has seen the further increase in the industrialization of Earth’s resources, as society aims to meet the needs of a growing population while still protecting our environmental and natural resources. The advent of the industrial bioeconomy – which encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, and bio-based products – is seen as an important step in transition towards sustainable development and away from fossil fuels. One sector of the industrial bioeconomy which is rapidly being expanded is the use of biobased feedstocks in electricity production as an alternative to coal, especially in the European Union.
As bioeconomy policies and objectives increasingly appear on political agendas, there is a growing need to quantify the impacts of transitioning from fossil fuel-based feedstocks to renewable biological feedstocks. Specifically, there is a growing need to conduct a systems analysis and potential risks of increasing the industrial bioeconomy, given that the flows within it are inextricably linked. Furthermore, greater analysis is needed into the consequences of shifting from fossil fuels to renewable feedstocks, in part through the use of life cycle assessment modeling to analyze impacts along the entire value chain.
To assess the emerging nature of the industrial bioeconomy, three objectives are addressed: (1) quantify the global industrial bioeconomy, linking the use of primary resources with the ultimate end product; (2) quantify the impacts of the expaning wood pellet energy export market of the Southeastern United States; (3) conduct a comparative life cycle assessment, incorporating the use of dynamic life cycle assessment, of replacing coal-fired electricity generation in the United Kingdom with wood pellets that are produced in the Southeastern United States.
To quantify the emergent industrial bioeconomy, an empirical analysis was undertaken. Existing databases from multiple domestic and international agencies was aggregated and analyzed in Microsoft Excel to produce a harmonized dataset of the bioeconomy. First-person interviews, existing academic literature, and industry reports were then utilized to delineate the various intermediate and end use flows within the bioeconomy. The results indicate that within a decade, the industrial use of agriculture has risen ten percent, given increases in the production of bioenergy and bioproducts. The underlying resources supporting the emergent bioeconomy (i.e., land, water, and fertilizer use) were also quantified and included in the database.
Following the quantification of the existing bioeconomy, an in-depth analysis of the bioenergy sector was conducted. Specifically, the focus was on quantifying the impacts of the emergent wood pellet export sector that has rapidly developed in recent years in the Southeastern United States. A cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment was conducted in order to quantify supply chain impacts from two wood pellet production scenarios: roundwood and sawmill residues. For reach of the nine impact categories assessed, wood pellet production from sawmill residues resulted in higher values, ranging from 10-31% higher.
The analysis of the wood pellet sector was then expanded to include the full life cycle (i.e., cradle-to-grave). In doing to, the combustion of biogenic carbon and the subsequent timing of emissions were assessed by incorporating dynamic life cycle assessment modeling. Assuming immediate carbon neutrality of the biomass, the results indicated an 86% reduction in global warming potential when utilizing wood pellets as compared to coal for electricity production in the United Kingdom. When incorporating the timing of emissions, wood pellets equated to a 75% or 96% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, depending upon whether the forestry feedstock was considered to be harvested or planted in year one, respectively.
Finally, a policy analysis of renewable energy in the United States was conducted. Existing coal-fired power plants in the Southeastern United States were assessed in terms of incorporating the co-firing of wood pellets. Co-firing wood pellets with coal in existing Southeastern United States power stations would result in a nine percent reduction in global warming potential.
Coal ignited the industrial revolution. An organic sedimentary rock that energized the globe, transforming cities, landscapes and societies for generations, the importance of ‘King Coal’ to the development and consolidation of modernity has been well-recognised. And yet, as a critical factor in the production of modern architecture, coal—as well as other forms of energy—has been mostly overlooked.
From Appalachia to Lanarkshire, from the pits of northern France, Belgium and the Ruhr valley, to the monumental opencast excavations of Russia, China, Africa and Australia, mining operations have altered the immediate social and physical landscapes of coal-rich areas. But in contrast to its own underground conditions of production, the winning of coal, especially in the twentieth-century, has produced conspicuously enlightened and humane approaches to architecture and urbanism. In the twentieth century, educational buildings, holiday camps, hospitals, swimming pools, convalescent homes and housing prevailed alongside model collieries in mining settlements and areas connected to them. In 1930s Britain, pit head baths—funded by a levy on each ton produced—were often built in the International Style. Many won praise for architectural merit, appearing in Nicholas Pevsner’s guides to the buildings of England alongside cathedrals, village manors and Masonic halls as testimonies to the public good.
The deep relationships between coal and modernity, and the expressions of architecture it has articulated, in the collieries from which it was hewn, the landscape and towns it shaped, and the power stations and other infrastructure where it was used, offer innumerable opportunities to explore how coal produced architectures which embodied and expressed both social and technological conditions. While proposals on coal are preferred, we also welcome papers that interrogate the complexity, heterogeneity and hybridity of other forms of energy production and how these have also interceded into architectural form at a range of scales.
För mellan 40-50 år sedan så byggdes en miljon bostäder i Sverige. Idag har arbetet påbörjats med att renovera och restorera dessa bostäder, i samband med dessa åtgärder så görs även många åtgärder för att minska energianvändningen. Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på vad som var det mest ekonomiska valet av olika gröna elkällor. Även fastighetsägarnas egna tankar och uppfattningar ställs i relation till slutsatserna vid beräkningarna för att få en uppfattning om det stämmer överens. För att arbetet inte skulle bli för stort och krävande så gjordes dessa avgränsningar: För att tiden skulle räcka till så avgränsades arbetet till Dalaregionen. Arbetet har dessutom avgränsats till att bara undersöka ekonomin vid valet av de olika gröna elkällorna. Genom två olika undersökningar med mentometerknappar så kunde resultatet om fastighetsägarnas egna tankar och uppfattningar redovisas och analyseras. Vidare kunde fastighetsägarnas tankar och uppfattningar jämföras med beräkningarna och dessa slutsatser kunde då dras: Slutsatser: Vindkraft var ej lönsam med dagens elpriser. Av fastighetsbolag kunde det ses att deltagarna trodde olika på vad som gav bäst lönsamhet mellan vindkraft, solel eller grön el.
Peatlands can be damaged by deposition of pollutants from the atmosphere – often termed ‘ acid rain ’ . This results from the release of sulphur and nitrogen pollutants into the atmosphere . Originally associated with the Industrial Revolution, ‘acid rain’ was first described by Robert Angus Smith, a Manchester chemist of the 1800s , whose obser vations were made in close proximity to the peatlands of the South Pennines. Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) pollution, which is mainly emitted from coal burning power stations, peaked in the 1970s and has since decreased by over 90% due to emission controls and ch anges in energy supply. N itrogen ous air pollutants have decreased less . N itrogen oxide (NO x ) emissions , which are mainly from vehicle s , have decreased by two thirds since their peak in 1990 , but the decrease in ammonia ( NH 3 ) emissions , which are mainly from intensive livestock farming, is much less certain and may be only about 20%.
Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan täysin uusiutuvaa energiajärjestelmää Etelä-Karjalan maakunnan alueella, mikä onkin jo tällä hetkellä Suomen uusiutuvin maakunta. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan julkisen sektorin, liikenteen ja rakennusten energian kulutusta mutta teollisuuden energiankäyttö jätetään tarkastelun ulkopuolelle. Työssä tutustutaan tämän hetken Etelä-Karjalan energiajärjestelmään ja sen perusteella tehdään referenssi-skenaario. Tulevaisuuden skenaariot tehdään vuosille 2030 ja 2050. Tulevaisuuden skenaarioissa muutos keskittyy järjestelmän sähköistymiseen ja uusiutuvien tuotantomuotojen integroimiseen järjestelmään. Sähköistyminen kasvattaa sähkönkulutusta, joka pyritään kattamaan uusiutuvilla tuotantomuodoilla, lähinnä tuuli- ja aurinkovoimalla. Liikennesektori rajataan kumipyöräliikenteeseen ja sen muutos tulee olemaan haastavin ja aikaa vievin. Muutokseen pyritään liikennepolttoaineiden tuotannolla maakunnassa sekä sähköautoilulla. Uusiutuva energiajärjestelmä tarvitsee tuotannon ja kysynnän joustoa sekä älyä järjestelmältä. Työssä tarkastellaan myös järjestelmän kustannuksia sekä työllisyysvaikutuksia.
The Parabolic Trough (PT) is the most used concentrator in CSP (Concentrated Solar Power). However, this concentrator technology is facing a significant challenge to increase its overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Meanwhile, other low-cost solutions such as Fresnel concentrators are also being perceived as potentially attractive. In order to achieve the lower cost goal, new optical solutions can be considered, in parallel with improvements coming, for instance, through the use of new materials or manufacturing solutions. But conventional PTs can still be improved to yield, for instance, higher concentration values, a possible starting point for higher conversion efficiency. These new solutions, in turn, can also be useful for other technologies and applications (Fresnel Concentrators, Central Tower Receivers, etc.). However it is easier to develop and test these solutions in conjunction with parabolic primaries (continuum primary). And that is the topic of this paper: to present a new Compound Elliptical-type Concentrator for a parabolic primary with a tubular receiver. A comparison is made between this new concentrator and two other concentrators (a conventional PT concentrator and a XX SMS (Simultaneous Multiple Surface) concentrator), as well as a calculation of the total amount of collected energy (kW h) for a particular location, Faro (Portugal). The paper ends with a discussion of the results obtained, their impact and possible applications in the future.
Thin-film photovoltaics have provided a critical design avenue to help decrease the overall cost of solar power. However, a major drawback of thin-film solar cell technology is decreased optical absorption, making compact, high-quality antireflection coatings of critical importance to ensure that all available light enters the cell. In this thesis, we describe high efficiency thin-film InP and GaAs solar cells that utilize a periodic array of nanocylinders as antireflection coatings. We use coupled optical and electrical simulations to find that these nanophotonic structures reduce the solar-weighted average reflectivity of InP and GaAs solar cells to around 1.3 %, outperforming the best double-layer antireflection coatings. The coupling between Mie scattering resonances and thin-film interference effects accurately describes the optical enhancement provided by the nanocylinders. The spectrally resolved reflectivity and J-V characteristics of the devices under AM1.5G solar illumination are determined via the coupled optical and electrical simulations, resulting in predicted power conversion efficiencies > 23 %. We conclude that the nanostructured coatings reduce reflection without negatively affecting the electronic properties of the InP and GaAs solar cells by separating the nanostructured optical components from the active layer of the device.
O objetivo primordial deste trabalho foi estabelecer um roteiro tecnológico para aplicação das tecnologias de “Captação, Utilização e Sequestração de Carbono - CCUS” em Portugal. Para o efeito procedeu-se à identificação da origem das maiores fontes emissoras estacionárias industriais de CO2, adotando como critério o valor mínimo de 1×105 ton CO2/ano e limitado apenas ao território continental. Com base na informação recolhida e referente aos dados oficiais mais recentes (ano de 2013), estimou-se que o volume de emissões industriais de CO2 possível de captar em Portugal, corresponde a cerca de 47 % do valor global das emissões industriais, sendo oriundo de três setores de atividade industrial: produção de cimento, de pasta de papel e centrais termoelétricas a carvão. A maioria das grandes fontes emissoras industriais localiza-se no litoral do país, concentrando-se entre Aveiro e Sines. Pelas condicionantes geográficas do país e, sobretudo pela vantagem de já existir uma rede de gasodutos para o transporte de gás natural, com as respetivas infraestruturas de apoio associadas, admitiu-se que o cenário mais favorável para o transporte do CO2 captado será a criação de um sistema de transporte por gasoduto específico para o CO2. Como critério de compatibilização da proximidade das fontes emissoras de CO2 com potenciais locais para o armazenamento geológico das correntes captadas, adotou-se a distância máxima de 100 km, considerada adequada perante a dimensão do território nacional e as características do tecido industrial nacional. Efetuou-se a revisão das tecnologias de captação de CO2 disponíveis, quer comercialmente, quer em níveis avançados de demonstração e procedeu-se à análise exploratória da adequação desses diferentes métodos de captação a cada um dos setores de atividade industrial previamente identificados com emissões de CO2 suscetíveis de serem captadas. Na perspetiva da melhor integração dos processos, esta análise preliminar tomou em consideração as características das misturas gasosas, assim como o contexto industrial correspondente e o processo produtivo que lhe dá origem. As possibilidades de utilização industrial do CO2 sujeito à captação no país foram tratadas neste trabalho de forma genérica dado que a identificação de oportunidades reais para a utilização de correntes de CO2 captadas exige uma análise de compatibilização das necessidades efetivas de utilização de CO2 por parte de potenciais utilizadores industriais que carece da caracterização prévia das propriedades dessas correntes. Este é um tipo de análise muito específico que pressupõe o interesse mútuo de diferentes intervenientes: agentes emissores de CO2, operadores de transporte e, principalmente, potenciais utilizadores de CO2 como: matéria-prima para a síntese de compostos, solvente de extração supercrítica na indústria alimentar ou farmacêutica, agente corretor de pH em tratamento de efluentes, biofixação por fotossíntese, ou outra das aplicações possíveis identificadas para o CO2 captado. A última etapa deste estudo consistiu na avaliação das possibilidades de armazenamento geológico do CO2 captado e envolveu a identificação, nas bacias sedimentares nacionais, de formações geológicas com características reconhecidas como sendo boas indicações para o armazenamento de CO2 de forma permanente e em segurança. Seguiu-se a metodologia preconizada por organizações internacionais aplicando à situação nacional, critérios de seleção e de segurança que se encontram reconhecidamente definidos. A adequação para o armazenamento de CO2 das formações geológicas pré-selecionadas terá que ser comprovada por estudos adicionais que complementem os dados já existentes sobre as características geológicas destas formações e, mais importante ainda, por testes laboratoriais e ensaios de injeção de CO2 que possam fornecer informação concreta para estimar a capacidade de sequestração e de retenção de CO2 nestas formações e estabelecer os modelos geológicos armazenamento que permitam identificar e estimar, de forma concreta e objetiva, os riscos associados à injeção e armazenamento de CO2.
The global climate threat has intensified Sweden’s ambitions to build wind power stations. This thesis explores the planning of, and opposition to, wind power in the inland rural and forest regions of Sweden. It is in these autonomous communities that the plans are implemented and the aim of the thesis was to, from a local perspective, understand and analyse the planning and acceptance challenges that large-scale wind power development faces in places that are both sparsely populated and have good wind conditions. This thesis is based on qualitative methods and was conducted as two studies. The case study area comprises four municipalities in Dalarna County. The first study analyses the planning and establishment process in three municipalities using interviews and an analysis method called process tracing. The second study analyses one wind power establishment, in which the interviews form the basis for a discourse analytical approach. One striking finding highlights the relationship between the global and the local. Global environment and energy aspects are absent in the local process, and wind power becomes a technical land issue that clashes with other local land interests. Another finding of the study reveals that planning for wind power establishment follows a rational planning tradition. The feelings and memories of the individual – different views regarding the landscape – play a background role in the formal permit process, while measurable observable conditions have a more prominent role. Wind power developers thereby acquire a more significant position than what they probably would have had if the planning had included local residents’ views on wind power in the landscape at an early stage.
The variability in non-dispatchable power generation raises important challenges to the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity power grid. This paper provides the coordinated trading of wind and photovoltaic energy to mitigate risks due to the wind and solar power variability, electricity prices, and financial penalties arising out the generation shortfall and surplus. The problem of wind-photovoltaic coordinated trading is formulated as a linear programming problem. The goal is to obtain the optimal bidding strategy that maximizes the total profit. The wind-photovoltaic coordinated operation is modeled and compared with the uncoordinated operation. A comparison of the models and relevant conclusions are drawn from an illustrative case study of the Iberian day-ahead electricity market.
The variability in non-dispatchable power generation raises important challenges to the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity power grid. This paper provides the coordinated trading of wind and photovoltaic energy assisted by a cyber-physical system for supporting management decisions to mitigate risks due to the wind and solar power variability, electricity prices, and financial penalties arising out the generation shortfall and surplus. The problem of wind-photovoltaic coordinated trading is formulated as a stochastic linear programming problem. The goal is to obtain the optimal bidding strategy that maximizes the total profit. The wind-photovoltaic coordinated operation is modelled and compared with the uncoordinated operation. A comparison of the models and relevant conclusions are drawn from an illustrative case study of the Iberian day-ahead electricity market.
In this work we analyze an optimal control problem for a system of two hydroelectric power stations in cascade with reversible turbines. The objective is to optimize the profit of power production while respecting the system’s restrictions. Some of these restrictions translate into state constraints and the cost function is nonconvex. This increases the complexity of the optimal control problem. The problem is solved numerically and two different approaches are adopted. These approaches focus on global optimization techniques (Chen-Burer algorithm) and on a projection estimation refinement method (PERmethod). PERmethod is used as a technique to reduce the dimension of the problem. Results and execution time of the two procedures are compared.
Cloud parameter retrievals from Meteosat and their effects on the shortwave radiation at the surface
A method based on Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) measured reflectance at 0.6 and 3.9 µm is used to retrieve the cloud optical thickness (COT) and cloud effective radius (re) over the Iberian Peninsula. A sensitivity analysis of simulated retrievals to the input parameters demonstrates that the cloud top height is an important factor in satellite retrievals of COT and re with uncertainties around 10% for small values of COT and re; for water clouds these uncertainties can be greater than 10% for small values of re. The uncertainties found related with geometries are around 3%. The COT and re are assessed using well-known satellite cloud products, showing that the method used characterize the cloud field with more than 80% (82%) of the absolute differences between COT (re) mean values of all clouds (water plus ice clouds) centred in the range from ±10 (±10 µm), with absolute bias lower than 2 (2 μm) for COT (re) and root mean square error values lower than 10 (8 μm) for COT (re). The cloud water path (CWP), derived from satellite retrievals, and the shortwave cloud radiative effect at the surface (CRESW) are related for high fractional sky covers (Fsc >0.8), showing that water clouds produce more negative CRESW than ice clouds. The COT retrieved was also related to the cloud modification factor, which exhibits reductions and enhancements of the surface SW radiation of the order of 80% and 30%, respectively, for COT values lower than 10. A selected case study shows, using a ground-based sky camera that some situations classified by the satellite with high Fsc values correspond to situations of broken clouds where the enhancements actually occur. For this case study, a closure between the liquid water path (LWP) obtained from the satellite retrievals and the same cloud quantity obtained from ground-based microwave measurements was performed showing a good agreement between both LWP data set values.
Las principal conclusión que se puede obtener tras el estudio es que el satélite, tal y como se ha tenido en cuenta, es perfectamente funcional desde el punto de vista eléctrico. Por la parte de la generación de potencia, los paneles son capaces de ofreces una cantidad tal como para que aproximadamente la mitad (en el caso de funcionamiento normal) de esta potencia sea destinada a la carga útil. Además, incluso en los modos de fallo definidos, el valor de potencia dedicada a la carga útil, es suficientemente alta como para que merezca la pena mantener el satélite operativo. Respecto de las baterías, se puede observar por su comportamiento que están, sobredimensionadas y por ello actúan como un elemento regulador del sistema completo, ya que tiene un amplio margen de trabajo por el cual se puede modificar el funcionamiento general. Y esto se demuestra no sólo en cuanto al estado de carga, que para el perfil de consumo constante y el de cuatro pulsos de 120 W por día se mantiene siempre por encima del 99%, si no también en términos de charging rate, el cual se está siempre dentro de los límites establecidos por el fabricante, asegurando una vida operativa acorde con la nominal. Por último, sobre el propio método de simulación se puede extraer que aun no siendo la mejor plataforma donde estudiar estos comportamientos. Presenta el inconveniente de que, en ciertas partes, restringe la flexibilidad a la hora de cambiar múltiples condiciones al mismo tiempo, pero a cambio permite un estudio bastante amplio con un requisito de conocimientos y de complejidad bajo, de manera que habilita a cualquier estudiante a llevar a cabo estudios similares.