965 resultados para Salivary Gland Calculi
The balance between the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) has been related to various physiological and pathological processes, including salivary gland morphogenesis and tumor invasion and metastasis processes. Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) and adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) respectively represent benign and malignant neoplasias of salivary glands. Although they share the same cell origin, they present distinct biological behavior. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of MMPs -2, -7, -9 and -26, and of TIMPs -1 and -2, in cases of PA and ACC of minor salivary glands. Twenty cases of PA and twenty cases of ACC were assessed according to the presence, intensity and location of MMPs and TIMPs in the tumor parenchyma. Most of the PAs and ACCs presented a high expression of MMP -2, -7, -9 and -26 and of TIMP -1 and -2, predominantly located in tumor cells. There was no significant difference in the expression of MMPs -2 (p=0.359), -7 (p=0.081) and -26 (p=0.553), as well as of TIMPs -1 (p=0.657) and -2 (p=0.248), between the parenchyma of PAs and ACCs. However, MMP-9 showed a significant difference of expression between the two tumors, with the ACC showing more intense marking for this gelatinase (p=0.041). The strong expression of MMP-9 observed in the parenchyma suggests that this gelatinase may play an important role in the biological behavior of these tumors. On the other hand, although there was no significant difference between the marking of MMP -2, 7 and 26 in the studied tumors, the data, when analyzed as a whole, suggest that these proteases may take part in the process of tissue remodeling in both tumors, but do not present a direct relation with the pattern of aggressiveness of ACC. Nonetheless, matrilisins may indirectly influence the behavior of this tumor due to their capacity of activating MMP-9, strongly expressed in the parenchyma of ACC
Pleomorphic adenoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) consist benign and malignant neoplasm from salivary gland, respectively. These neoplasms share some characteristics, such as cellular origin and considerable production of extracellular matrix, however, with distinct biological behavior. The aim of the present study was to compare the expression of D2E1, D3E1 e D5E1 integrins in pleomorphic adenoma from minor and major salivary glands and ACCs. Furthermore, it was investigated possible differences in the expression of these integrins according to histological subtypes of ACC. Fourteen cases of pleomorphic adenoma from major salivary gland, fourteen cases from minor salivary gland and ten cases of ACC were selected. It was taken into consideration the presence or absence, localization and intensity of integrin immunoexpression. The cases of pleomorphic adenoma were grouped in order to compare the expression between the distinct neoplasms. It was observed a highly significant difference (p<0,0001) in relation to D2E1 integrin between the neoplasms since pleomorphic adenoma showed a pronounced immunostaining. It was not possible to perform statistical tests considering the D2E1 integrin expression; nevertheless, it could be observed a tendency of higher staining in pleomorphic adenoma. For comparative reasons the cases ACCs were divided in two groups: solid and tubular/cribriform. It was not detected significant differences in regard to D2E1 integrin; and statistical analysis could not be realized in relation to D3E1 and D5E integrin expression. However, it was also verified a tendency of absence or reduced expression in the solid subtype. It can be concluded that the reduced D2E1 integrin expression observed in CACs may be related to a lesser degree of cell differentiation in this neoplasm and the reduced D5E1 integrin expression can be associated with aggressive biological behavior. Moreover, the absence and/or reduced expression of the studied integrins in solid ACC suggests a role in pathogenesis and more aggressive biological behavior of this histological subtype
Relatou-se o efeito do transplante de glândulas salivares menores (TGSM) em cães portadores de ceratoconjuntivite seca (CCS) e estudaram-se os efeitos da secreção dessas glândulas usadas como alternativa de lubrificação ocular. A aplicação da técnica foi satisfatória, uma vez que resultou em melhora no quadro clínico oftalmológico sem que houvesse mínimas intercorrências pós-operatórias.
The aim of the present trial was to evaluate the heminested RT-PCR for the study of rabies virus distribution in mice inoculated experimentally. Inoculation was by the intramuscular route in 150 mice, using the dog street rabies virus. Groups of five animals were killed at different times. Fragments of different organs were collected and the material was tested by Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT) and heminested RT-PCR (hn RT-PCR). Positive results were obtained beginning on the 10th day after inoculation in the brain, spinal cord, salivary gland, limbs, lungs, liver, spleen, urinary bladder, tongue and right kidney. Hn RT-PCR was shown to be more efficient for the study of rabies virus distribution in different tissues and organs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ticks are bloodsucking ectoparasites that cause great damage to host organisms, so these ectoparasites are of great importance in medicine and veterinary medicine. All the biological success achieved by ticks is due to the action of bioactive components present in their saliva, which are synthesized by the salivary glands. These components have great diversity of functions such as enabling feeding and the permanence of ectoparasites on hosts, since they modulate immune system acting as complement inhibitors, immunosuppressors, cytokine expression modulator and chemokine binders of hosts. In addition, these components are an important source of protective antigens. In this sense, salivary glands/saliva are considered a potential source of multifunctional molecules. In this context, many studies have been conducted aiming at searching to establish a better understanding on the biology and morphophysiology of some organs such as salivary glands, as well as elucidate the complex relationship of these ectoparasites with their hosts. Such studies are conducted with the main objective of developing new immunobiological products aimed at the alternative control of ticks, as well as for the identification and isolation of bioactive molecules with pharmacological properties and with great therapeutic potential in the search for treatments for some diseases.
Submandibular glands of male rats were homogenized with 33 mM sodium potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.5, containing 1 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 mM DTT and purified with ammonium sulphate, phosphocellulose chromatography, eluted with KC1 0.5 M, followed by Blue Sepharose CL-6B chromatography, eluted with NADH 0.5 mM. The enzyme kepts stable for 60 days when stored at -15-degrees-C in 33 mM phosphate buffer. In other experiment the enzyme was purified by oxamate-agarose chromatography from a crude extract of submandibular gland and the results obtained were better than by phosphocellulose and Sepharose CL-6B chromatography. The Km values for pyruvate. NADH, lactate and NAD+ were established. Sodium oxamate at 0.1 and 0.9 mM concentrations inhibited the LDH activity by 40 and 85%, respectively (competitive); with sodium oxalate the inhibition was of 30% (uncompetitive) and with 3-acetyl pyridine adenine dinucleotide was 80%.
Tick-bite naive guinea pigs were inoculated three times with Rhipicephalus sanguineus gut or salivary gland extracts and saponin as adjuvant. Dogs were inoculated three times with gut extract only as this fraction induced a more efficient resistance in guinea pigs (lower tick recovery and lower engorged female weights). Freund's adjuvant and saponin were used as adjuvants for the immunisation of dogs. Freund's adjuvant was used to enhance cellular immunity. The highest level of resistance in dogs was induced by the immunisation with gut extract and Freund's adjuvant. Many female ticks from dogs immunised this way engorged fully but died prior to oviposition. Resistant guinea pigs and dogs seemed to trigger different immune mechanisms against R. sanguineus ticks as damage to parasites also differed. A major role for cellular immunity in the resistance of dogs against R. sanguineus ticks is suggested. Resistance mechanisms against R. sanguineus ticks is discussed.
1. The present study was carried out to determine the target cells and tissues for anti-tick immunoglobulins using an indirect immunohistochemical technique.2. Sections in triplicate prepared from unfed ticks Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, R. evertsi and Amblyomma variegatum were used to assess the cross-reactivity of serum from guineapigs naturally infested with these tick species or immunized against them.3. The sections showed slight (+) to strong (++++) labelling of several structures in the tick body, e.g. salivary gland, gut lumen and malpighian tubules, depending on the serum used.4. The immune serum resulting from the immunization of guinea pigs with an extract of unfed nymphs of R. appendiculatus ticks showed the most intense cross-reactivity with the sections examined.
In order to characterize the cellular component of the polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) of the salivary gland, a morphological and immunohistochemical study was carried out. Thirty cases of PLGA were studied by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry and five cases by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The expression of cytokeratins (CKs) 7,8,10,13,14,18,19, vimentin and muscle-specific actin (MSA) was investigated through the streptavidin-biotin method. The majority of tumor cells stained for vimentin, CKs 8,18 and 7. CK 14 was positive in most cells of the papillary and trabecular sub-types. Although the expression of CKs 8,18 and 14 varied among the tumors sub-types, a straight relationship between each histologic pattern and the CK expression could not be delineated. MSA was reactive in only three tumors while CKs 10 and 13 were not detected in any tumor studied. The absence of MSA and the expression of CKs 8,18 and 7, in most of the tumor cells, lead to the hypothesis that myoepithelial cells are not the major cellular component of the PLGA. TEM revealed cells exhibiting microvilli and variable amounts of secretory granules, some of them suggesting an excretory activity. The presence of CKs 8, 18 and 7, added to the secretory granules, indicates that PLGA originates from cells located at the acinar-intercalated duct junction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fertility (percentage of fertile crosses) and the degree of synapsis in salivary gland chromosomes in isofemale lines of Drosophila buzzatii, D. serido, D. koepferae and D. seriema were analysed. D. buzzatii was completely sterile in intercrosses with strains from the other species except for D. koepferae. The other species intercrossed to a greater or lesser degree, but also differed between crossing directions. Homologous pairing in salivary gland preparations of strains and hybrids conformed with the data on fertility. The lowest degree of synapsis was present in hybrids between D. koepferae and D. buzzatii, D. seriema and D. koepferae and D. koepferae and D. serido. These species also exhibited the lowest degree of reproductive compatibility. Hybrids between D. seriema and D. serido showed an intermediate degree of synapsis (pairing absent in the proximal and distal chromosome ends), as well as fertility greater than that found in the other interspecific crosses. Results of the fertility of crosses involving strains of a single species, compared with data in the literature, indicated that intraspecific divergence occurred in D. serido and D. koepferae.
Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis is an uncommon cause of salivary gland enlargement mainly occurring in the fifth and seventh decade of life. In the Western population, chronic sclerosing sialadenitis has been characterized as an IgG4-related disease. Although rare, this lesion occurs in children. To increase awareness about this entity in the pediatric age group, we report the case of an 11-year-old boy with a hard, 4.0-cm circumscribed mass in the right submandibular gland. Histologically there was marked distortion of the gland architecture by a dense lymphocytic infiltrate and extensive fibrosis with septa that crossed and distorted the gland, leaving atrophic acini and dilated, irregular ducts. The lymphoid infiltrate formed multiple follicles with active germinal centers, numerous plasma cells, and areas with diffuse arrangement. Immunophenotyping showed abundant CD20- and CD3-positive lymphocytes; cytokeratin AE1/AE3 highlighted the distorted architectural pattern; IgG staining showed large numbers of positive cells infiltrating the interstitium and surrounding the atrophic acini and ducts. IgG4 staining revealed a large proportion of positive infiltrating elements. Kuttner tumor belongs to the group of IgG4-related sclerosing diseases. The differential diagnosis includes pleomorphic adenoma and other salivary gland neoplasms. Its recognition in children is important clinically because this entity is amenable to steroid treatment, and additional work up and follow up is warranted to stave off other IgG4-related diseases/complications.
In order to get information about the distribution of glycogen in ameloblasts and odontoblasts, studies were made of newborn rats of sialoadenectomized dams and newborn rats of control dams. Rodent offspring were decapitated on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th days after birth. Their heads were fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution, decalcified in sodium citrate-formic acid and embedded in paraffin, and frontal sections were prepared. Sections 6 micrometers thick were stained by specific histochemical reactions to detect glycogen. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the amount of glycogen was lower in the cytoplasms of ameloblasts and odontoblasts of experimental animals when compared to controls.
Two cases of polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma of the papillary type, from minor salivary glands were studied by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. One case exhibited a predominance of the papillary pattern, whereas the other presented the following patterns of histological appearance: papillary, solid, pseudocystic and tubular. Utilizing the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method, the intermediate filament vimentin, keratin and S100 protein were observed in tumor cells. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed two types of neoplastic cells: myoepithelial and luminal.