979 resultados para SYNCHROTON RADIATION


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This paper presents an algorithm and software (available from ICLARM) for estimating the possible amount of sunlight that may fall on any location of the earth, any day of the year, as might be required for ecological modelling.


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A urolitíase é um problema de escala mundial, que ocorre em todas as regiões, culturas e grupos raciais. A incidência desta doença vem aumentando ao redor do mundo e dados mostram que no Brasil estima-se que são afetados 5% da população com uma taxa de recorrência de 2,5%. Conhecer a composição mineral e estrutura interna dos cálculos é um passo importante para tentar entender melhor a fisiopatologia desta doença. Quatro cálculos urinários infecciosos, íntegros de grande volume (diâmetro maior que 20 mm), sendo dois provenientes da bexiga e dois de rins, obtidos cirurgicamente no setor de urologia do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE/UERJ) foram analisados usando microtomografia (μCT) e difração de raios X por policristais (DRXP). As imagens microtomográficas foram obtidas usando tubo de raios X microfoco na estação TomoLab e radiação síncrotron (SR-μCT) na linha de Física Médica, ambos no Laboratório Síncrotron Elettra, Trieste, Itália. As medidas de DRXP foram realizadas na linha de Difração de Raios X do Laboratório Nacional de luz Síncrotron, Campinas, Brasil. Para os cálculos de bexiga foram encontradas quatro fases cristalinas: estruvita (STV), oxalato mono (COM) e dihidratado (COD) e hidroxiapatita (HAp). Nos cálculos renais foram encontrados STV e HAp, sendo predominante a primeira fase cristalina. A quantidade de material amorfo (não-cristalino) foi maior que 60% da composição das amostras. A técnica convencional utilizada foi eficaz para análise dos cálculos urinários inteiros e possibilitou a visualização de estruturas internas sem interferência de procedimentos prévios de preparação da amostra. As análises de DRXP com fonte síncrotron aliadas ao método Rietveld foram determinantes para identificação e quantificação dos minerais presentes nas varias camadas das amostras. Pode-se constatar a complementaridade entre a μCT e a DRXP para caracterização microestrutural e mineralógica de cálculos urinários humanos.


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This is the Impact Assessment of ionising Radiation on Wildlife document produced by the Environment Agency in 2001. This report describes the behaviour and transport of radionuclides in the environment, considers the impact of ionising radiation on wildlife, and makes recommendations on an approach for the Impact assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife for England and Wales. The assessment approach focuses on three ecosystems representative of those considered potentially most at risk from the impact of authorised radioactive discharges, namely a coastal grassland (terrestrial ecosystem); estuarine and freshwater ecosystems. The likely scale of the impact on wildlife is also assessed in light of a preliminary analysis based on this assessment approach. The report demonstrates the behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in a number of different ecosystem types. Particular emphasis is placed on exposure pathways in those ecosystems most likely to be impacted by the authorised discharges of radioactivity within England and Wales. The use of biomarker techniques is reviewed in the report, and their application to the study of exposure to multiple contaminants is discussed.


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Multimode sound radiation from an unflanged, semi-infinite, rigid-walled circular duct with uniform subsonic mean flow everywhere is investigated theoretically. The multimode directivity depends on the amplitude and directivity function of each individual cut-on mode. The amplitude of each mode is expressed as a function of cut-on ratio for a uniform distribution of incoherent monopoles, a uniform distribution of incoherent axial dipoles, and for equal power per mode. The directivity function of each mode is obtained by applying a Lorentz transformation to the zero-flow directivity function, which is given by a Wiener-Hopf solution. This exact numerical result is compared to an analytic solution, valid in the high-frequency limit, for multimode directivity with uniform flow. The high-frequency asymptotic solution is derived assuming total transmission of power at the open end of the duct, and gives the multimode directivity function with flow in the forward arc for a general family of mode amplitude distribution functions. At high frequencies the agreement between the exact and asymptotic solutions is shown to be excellent.


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By how much does changing radiation from the Sun influence Earth's climate compared with other natural and anthropogenic processes? Answering this question is necessary for making policy regarding anthropogenic global change, which must be detected against natural climate variability. Current knowledge of the amplitudes and time scales of solar radiative output variability available from contemporary solar monitoring and historical reconstructions can help specify climate forcing by changing radiation over multiple time scales.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Potential (clear-sky) radiation receipt is modeled for the slopes of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research site in the foothills of the southern Cascade mountains of central Oregon. The modeling method developed by Williams is selected and applied to the forest area for the times of the solstices and equinox as well as mid-month times in January, February, April, and May in order to completely characterize the seasonal change of potential radiation at the location. ... It seems that Lookout Creek approximately divides the Andrews Forest into an area of relatively high potential radiation to the north of the creek and relatively lower potential radiation values to the south of the creek. Potential radiation values seem to be associated with the Andrews GIS data layers of debris flows and predominant tree species zones.