998 resultados para SPIN-GLASS MODELS
This thesis is concerned with investigations of the effects of molecular encounters on nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice relaxation times, with particular reference to mesitylene in mixtures with cyclohexane and TMS. The purpose of the work was to establish the best theoretical description of T1 and assess whether a recently identified mechanism (buffeting), that influences n.m.r. chemical shifts, governs Tl also. A set of experimental conditions are presented that allow reliable measurements of Tl and the N. O. E. for 1H and 13C using both C. W. and F.T. n.m.r. spectroscopy. Literature data for benzene, cyclohexane and chlorobenzene diluted by CC14 and CS2 are used to show that the Hill theory affords the best estimation of their correlation times but appears to be mass dependent. Evaluation of the T1 of the mesitylene protons indicates that a combined Hill-Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound model gives an accurate estimation of T1; subsequently this was shown to be due to cancellation of errors in the calculated intra and intemolecular components. Three experimental methods for the separation of the intra and intermolecular relaxation times are described. The relaxation times of the 13C proton satellite of neat bezene, 1,4 dioxane and mesitylene were measured. Theoretical analyses of the data allow the calculation of Tl intra. Studies of intermolecular NOE's were found to afford a general method of separating observed T1's into their intra and intermolecular components. The aryl 1H and corresponding 13C T1 values and the NOE for the ring carbon of mesitylene in CC14 and C6H12-TMS have been used in combination to determine T1intra and T1inter. The Hill and B.P.P. models are shown to predict similarly inaccurate values for T1linter. A buffeting contribution to T1inter is proposed which when applied to the BPP model and to the Gutowsky-Woessner expression for T1inter gives an inaccuracy of 12% and 6% respectively with respect to theexperimentally based T1inter.
This thesis includes analysis of disordered spin ensembles corresponding to Exact Cover, a multi-access channel problem, and composite models combining sparse and dense interactions. The satisfiability problem in Exact Cover is addressed using a statistical analysis of a simple branch and bound algorithm. The algorithm can be formulated in the large system limit as a branching process, for which critical properties can be analysed. Far from the critical point a set of differential equations may be used to model the process, and these are solved by numerical integration and exact bounding methods. The multi-access channel problem is formulated as an equilibrium statistical physics problem for the case of bit transmission on a channel with power control and synchronisation. A sparse code division multiple access method is considered and the optimal detection properties are examined in typical case by use of the replica method, and compared to detection performance achieved by interactive decoding methods. These codes are found to have phenomena closely resembling the well-understood dense codes. The composite model is introduced as an abstraction of canonical sparse and dense disordered spin models. The model includes couplings due to both dense and sparse topologies simultaneously. The new type of codes are shown to outperform sparse and dense codes in some regimes both in optimal performance, and in performance achieved by iterative detection methods in finite systems.
Spin coating polymer blend thin films provides a method to produce multiphase functional layers of high uniformity covering large surface areas. Applications for such layers include photovoltaics and light-emitting diodes where performance relies upon the nanoscale phase separation morphology of the spun film. Furthermore, at micrometer scales, phase separation provides a route to produce self-organized structures for templating applications. Understanding the factors that determine the final phase-separated morphology in these systems is consequently an important goal. However, it has to date proved problematic to fully test theoretical models for phase separation during spin coating, due to the high spin speeds, which has limited the spatial resolution of experimental data obtained during the coating process. Without this fundamental understanding, production of optimized micro- and nanoscale structures is hampered. Here, we have employed synchronized stroboscopic illumination together with the high light gathering sensitivity of an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device camera to optically observe structure evolution in such blends during spin coating. Furthermore the use of monochromatic illumination has allowed interference reconstruction of three-dimensional topographies of the spin-coated film as it dries and phase separates with nanometer precision. We have used this new method to directly observe the phase separation process during spinning for a polymer blend (PS-PI) for the first time, providing new insights into the spin-coating process and opening up a route to understand and control phase separation structures. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
Many natural, technological and social systems are inherently not in equilibrium. We show, by detailed analysis of exemplar models, the emergence of equilibriumlike behavior in localized or nonlocalized domains within nonequilibrium Ising spin systems. Equilibrium domains are shown to emerge either abruptly or gradually depending on the system parameters and disappear, becoming indistinguishable from the remainder of the system for other parameter values. © 2013 American Physical Society.
The single spin asymmetry, ALT ′, and the polarized structure function, σ LT′, for the p( e&ar; , e′K +)Λ reaction in the resonance region have been measured and extracted using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. Data were taken at an electron beam energy of 2.567 GeV. The large acceptance of CLAS allows for full azimuthal angle coverage over a large range of center-of-mass scattering angles. Results were obtained that span a range in Q 2 from 0.5 to 1.3 GeV2 and W from threshold up to 2.1 GeV and were compared to existing theoretical calculations. The polarized structure function is sensitive to the interferences between various resonant amplitudes, as well as to resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This measurement is essential for understanding the structure of nucleons and searching for previously undetected nucleon excited states (resonances) predicted by quark models. The W dependence of the σ LT′ in the kinematic regions dominated by s and u channel exchange (cos qcmk = −0.50, −0.167, 0.167) indicated possible resonance structures not predicted by theoretical calculations. The σLT ′ behavior around W = 1.875 GeV could be the signature of a resonance predicted by the quark models and possibly seen in photoproduction. In the very forward angles where the reaction is dominated by the t-channel, the average σLT ′ was zero. There was no indication of the interference between resonances or resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This might be indicating the dominance of a single t-channel exchange. Study of the sensitivity of the fifth structure function data to the resonance around 1900 MeV showed that these data were highly sensitive to the various assumptions of the models for the quantum number of this resonance. This project was part of a larger CLAS program to measure cross sections and polarization observables for kaon electroproduction in the nucleon resonance region. ^
Ensuring the correctness of software has been the major motivation in software research, constituting a Grand Challenge. Due to its impact in the final implementation, one critical aspect of software is its architectural design. By guaranteeing a correct architectural design, major and costly flaws can be caught early on in the development cycle. Software architecture design has received a lot of attention in the past years, with several methods, techniques and tools developed. However, there is still more to be done, such as providing adequate formal analysis of software architectures. On these regards, a framework to ensure system dependability from design to implementation has been developed at FIU (Florida International University). This framework is based on SAM (Software Architecture Model), an ADL (Architecture Description Language), that allows hierarchical compositions of components and connectors, defines an architectural modeling language for the behavior of components and connectors, and provides a specification language for the behavioral properties. The behavioral model of a SAM model is expressed in the form of Petri nets and the properties in first order linear temporal logic.^ This dissertation presents a formal verification and testing approach to guarantee the correctness of Software Architectures. The Software Architectures studied are expressed in SAM. For the formal verification approach, the technique applied was model checking and the model checker of choice was Spin. As part of the approach, a SAM model is formally translated to a model in the input language of Spin and verified for its correctness with respect to temporal properties. In terms of testing, a testing approach for SAM architectures was defined which includes the evaluation of test cases based on Petri net testing theory to be used in the testing process at the design level. Additionally, the information at the design level is used to derive test cases for the implementation level. Finally, a modeling and analysis tool (SAM tool) was implemented to help support the design and analysis of SAM models. The results show the applicability of the approach to testing and verification of SAM models with the aid of the SAM tool.^
Ensuring the correctness of software has been the major motivation in software research, constituting a Grand Challenge. Due to its impact in the final implementation, one critical aspect of software is its architectural design. By guaranteeing a correct architectural design, major and costly flaws can be caught early on in the development cycle. Software architecture design has received a lot of attention in the past years, with several methods, techniques and tools developed. However, there is still more to be done, such as providing adequate formal analysis of software architectures. On these regards, a framework to ensure system dependability from design to implementation has been developed at FIU (Florida International University). This framework is based on SAM (Software Architecture Model), an ADL (Architecture Description Language), that allows hierarchical compositions of components and connectors, defines an architectural modeling language for the behavior of components and connectors, and provides a specification language for the behavioral properties. The behavioral model of a SAM model is expressed in the form of Petri nets and the properties in first order linear temporal logic. This dissertation presents a formal verification and testing approach to guarantee the correctness of Software Architectures. The Software Architectures studied are expressed in SAM. For the formal verification approach, the technique applied was model checking and the model checker of choice was Spin. As part of the approach, a SAM model is formally translated to a model in the input language of Spin and verified for its correctness with respect to temporal properties. In terms of testing, a testing approach for SAM architectures was defined which includes the evaluation of test cases based on Petri net testing theory to be used in the testing process at the design level. Additionally, the information at the design level is used to derive test cases for the implementation level. Finally, a modeling and analysis tool (SAM tool) was implemented to help support the design and analysis of SAM models. The results show the applicability of the approach to testing and verification of SAM models with the aid of the SAM tool.
We investigate by means of Monte Carlo simulation and finite-size scaling analysis the critical properties of the three dimensional O (5) non-linear σ model and of the antiferromagnetic RP^(2) model, both of them regularized on a lattice. High accuracy estimates are obtained for the critical exponents, universal dimensionless quantities and critical couplings. It is concluded that both models belong to the same universality class, provided that rather non-standard identifications are made for the momentum-space propagator of the RP^(2) model. We have also investigated the phase diagram of the RP^(2) model extended by a second-neighbor interaction. A rich phase diagram is found, where most of the phase transitions are of the first order.
In this thesis the low-temperature magnetism of the spin-ice systems Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7 is investigated. In general, a clear experimental evidence for a sizable magnetic contribution kappa_{mag} to the low-temperature, zero-field heat transport of both spin-ice materials is observed. This kappa_{mag} can be attributed to the magnetic monopole excitations, which are highly mobile in zero field and are suppressed by a rather small external field resulting in a drop of kappa(H). Towards higher magnetic fields, significant field dependencies of the phononic heat conductivities kappa_{ph}(H) of Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 are found, which are, however, of opposite signs, as it is also found for the highly dilute reference materials (Ho0.5Y0.5)2Ti2O7 and (Dy0.5Y0.5)2Ti2O7. The dominant effect in the Ho-based materials is the scattering of phonons by spin flips which appears to be significantly stronger than in the Dy-based materials. Here, the thermal conductivity is suppressed due to enhanced lattice distortions observed in the magnetostriction. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of Dy2Ti2O7 has been investigated concerning strong hysteresis effects and slow-relaxation processes towards equilibrium states in the low-temperature and low-field regime. The thermal conductivity in the hysteretic regions slowly relaxes towards larger values suggesting that there is an additional suppression of the heat transport by disorder in the non-equilibrium states. The equilibration can even be governed by the heat current for particular configurations. A special focus was put on the dilution series Dy2Ti2O7x. From specific heat measurements, it was found that the ultra-slow thermal equilibration in pure spin ice Dy2Ti2O7 is rapidly suppressed upon dilution with non-magnetic yttrium and vanishes completely for x>=0.2 down to the lowest accessible temperatures. In general, the low-temperature entropy of (Dy1-xYx)2Ti2O7, considerably decreases with increasing x, whereas its temperature-dependence drastically increases. Thus, it could be clarified that there is no experimental evidence for a finite zero-temperature entropy in (Dy1-xYx)2Ti2O7 above x>=0.2, in clear contrast to the finite residual entropy S_{P}(x) expected from a generalized Pauling approximation. A similar discrepancy is also present between S_{P}(x) and the low-temperature entropy obtained by Monte Carlo simulations, which reproduce the experimental data from 25 K down to 0.7 K, whereas the data at 0.4 K are overestimated. A straightforward description of the field-dependence kappa(H) of the dilution series with qualitative models justifies the extraction of kappa_{mag}. It was observed that kappa_{mag} systematically scales with the degree of dilution and its low-field decrease is related to the monopole excitation energy. The diffusion coefficient D_{mag} for the monopole excitations was calculated by means of c_{mag} and kappa_{mag}. It exhibits a broad maximum around 1.6 K and is suppressed for T<=0.5 K, indicating a non-degenerate ground state in the long-time limit, and in the high-temperature range for T>=4 K where spin-ice physics is eliminated. A mean-free path of 0.3 mum is obtained for Dy2Ti2O7 at about 1 K within the kinetic gas theory.
Decoherence models for discrete-time quantum walks and their application to neutral atom experiments
We discuss decoherence in discrete-time quantum walks in terms of a phenomenological model that distinguishes spin and spatial decoherence. We identify the dominating mechanisms that affect quantum-walk experiments realized with neutral atoms walking in an optical lattice. From the measured spatial distributions, we determine with good precision the amount of decoherence per step, which provides a quantitative indication of the quality of our quantum walks. In particular, we find that spin decoherence is the main mechanism responsible for the loss of coherence in our experiment. We also find that the sole observation of ballistic-instead of diffusive-expansion in position space is not a good indicator of the range of coherent delocalization. We provide further physical insight by distinguishing the effects of short- and long-time spin dephasing mechanisms. We introduce the concept of coherence length in the discrete-time quantum walk, which quantifies the range of spatial coherences. Unexpectedly, we find that quasi-stationary dephasing does not modify the local properties of the quantum walk, but instead affects spatial coherences. For a visual representation of decoherence phenomena in phase space, we have developed a formalism based on a discrete analogue of the Wigner function. We show that the effects of spin and spatial decoherence differ dramatically in momentum space.
In this paper, we present a formalism designed to model tidal interaction with a viscoelastic body made of Maxwell material. Our approach remains regular for any spin rate and orientation, and for any orbital configuration including high eccentricities and close encounters. The method is to integrate simultaneously the rotation and the position of the planet as well as its deformation. We provide the equations of motion both in the body frame and in the inertial frame. With this study, we generalize preexisting models to the spatial case and to arbitrary multipole orders using a formalism taken from quantum theory. We also provide the vectorial expression of the secular tidal torque expanded in Fourier series. Applying this model to close-in exoplanets, we observe that if the relaxation time is longer than the revolution period, the phase space of the system is characterized by the presence of several spin-orbit resonances, even in the circular case. As the system evolves, the planet spin can visit different spin-orbit configurations. The obliquity is decreasing along most of these resonances, but we observe a case where the planet tilt is instead growing. These conclusions derived from the secular torque are successfully tested with numerical integrations of the instantaneous equations of motion on HD 80606 b. Our formalism is also well adapted to close-in super-Earths in multiplanet systems which are known to have non-zero mutual inclinations.
Enhancing predictive capability of models for solubility and permeability in polymers and composites
The interpretation of phase equilibrium and mass transport phenomena in gas/solvent - polymer system at molten or glassy state is relevant in many industrial applications. Among tools available for the prediction of thermodynamics properties in these systems, at molten/rubbery state, is the group contribution lattice-fluid equation of state (GCLF-EoS), developed by Lee and Danner and ultimately based on Panayiotou and Vera LF theory. On the other side, a thermodynamic approach namely non-equilibrium lattice-fluid (NELF) was proposed by Doghieri and Sarti to consistently extend the description of thermodynamic properties of solute polymer systems obtained through a suitable equilibrium model to the case of non-equilibrium conditions below the glass transition temperature. The first objective of this work is to investigate the phase behaviour in solvent/polymer at glassy state by using NELF model and to develop a predictive tool for gas or vapor solubility that could be applied in several different applications: membrane gas separation, barrier materials for food packaging, polymer-based gas sensors and drug delivery devices. Within the efforts to develop a predictive tool of this kind, a revision of the group contribution method developed by High and Danner for the application of LF model by Panayiotou and Vera is considered, with reference to possible alternatives for the mixing rule for characteristic interaction energy between segments. The work also devotes efforts to the analysis of gas permeability in polymer composite materials as formed by a polymer matrix in which domains are dispersed of a second phase and attention is focused on relation for deviation from Maxwell law as function of arrangement, shape of dispersed domains and loading.
Quantum clock models are statistical mechanical spin models which may be regarded as a sort of bridge between the one-dimensional quantum Ising model and the one-dimensional quantum XY model. This thesis aims to provide an exhaustive review of these models using both analytical and numerical techniques. We present some important duality transformations which allow us to recast clock models into different forms, involving for example parafermions and lattice gauge theories. Thus, the notion of topological order enters into the game opening new scenarios for possible applications, like topological quantum computing. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the numerical analysis of clock models. We explore their phase diagram under different setups, with and without chirality, starting with a transverse field and then adding a longitudinal field as well. The most important observables we take into account for diagnosing criticality are the energy gap, the magnetisation, the entanglement entropy and the correlation functions.
Prosopis rubriflora and Prosopis ruscifolia are important species in the Chaquenian regions of Brazil. Because of the restriction and frequency of their physiognomy, they are excellent models for conservation genetics studies. The use of microsatellite markers (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSRs) has become increasingly important in recent years and has proven to be a powerful tool for both ecological and molecular studies. In this study, we present the development and characterization of 10 new markers for P. rubriflora and 13 new markers for P. ruscifolia. The genotyping was performed using 40 P. rubriflora samples and 48 P. ruscifolia samples from the Chaquenian remnants in Brazil. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the P. rubriflora markers ranged from 0.073 to 0.791, and no null alleles or deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HW) were detected. The PIC values for the P. ruscifolia markers ranged from 0.289 to 0.883, but a departure from HW and null alleles were detected for certain loci; however, this departure may have resulted from anthropic activities, such as the presence of livestock, which is very common in the remnant areas. In this study, we describe novel SSR polymorphic markers that may be helpful in future genetic studies of P. rubriflora and P. ruscifolia.
We report the observation of multiple harmonic generation in electric dipole spin resonance in an InAs nanowire double quantum dot. The harmonics display a remarkable detuning dependence: near the interdot charge transition as many as eight harmonics are observed, while at large detunings we only observe the fundamental spin resonance condition. The detuning dependence indicates that the observed harmonics may be due to Landau-Zener transition dynamics at anticrossings in the energy level spectrum.