956 resultados para Rural development projects
This paper discusses the urgency of creating a bridge between social participation and civic capacity building. The permanent dialogue between expert and local knowledge should sustain significant, relevant learning processes from/to the rural areas of the Central American region. Consistency and persistence of these processes will enhance human welfare based on the changes experienced in the rural areas. Numerous Central American initiatives require effective social and institutional participation to be implemented. Education, in its different forms and through its different resources, has the crucial responsibility of helping citizens to take advantage of those initiatives.
This thesis offers an exploration of impact and social investments for agricultural development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. It does so through the case of SustAgric-Africa (SAA), a social enterprise that aims to lift smallholder farmers out of poverty through the promotion of sustainable farming and operates with capital provided by a variety of investors who are committed to pairing financial returns with social and environmental outcomes. The thesis sets off to answer the following research questions: What is the moral dimension that emerges in finance with the establishment of environmental and social criteria? What kind of arrangements do social and impact investments give origin to? Is it possible to talk about a ‘spirit of the gift’ in such arrangements? What happens when abstract and globalizing ideas around ‘impact’ hit the ground? Drawing from the STS and Actor-Network Theory, I look at the formation engendered by social and impact investments in terms of a socio-technical arrangement, and look at the movements of “objects” between the main actors in terms of circuits. In these processes ideas about ‘value’ and ‘values’ articulate in complex ways in the interplay of gift, debt and credit in the relationships among the three main categories of involved actors: investors, SAA, and the farmers. In the case of SAA, I contend that the ways abstract and globalising ideas about ‘impact’ hit the ground produce uncertain results and contribute to the reproduction of inequalities and unequal wealth distribution and accumulation, deepening ongoing processes of financialization. However, my ethnography also reveals how actors depicted as beneficiaries of impact and social policies and resources, far from being passive recipients of policies and resources, actually question and appropriate them, potentially unsettling the whole arrangement and the moral and ethical claims underpinning it.
“Closing the gap in curriculum development leadership” is a Carrick-funded University of Queensland project which is designed to address two related gaps in current knowledge and in existing professional development programs for academic staff. The first gap is in our knowledge of curriculum and pedagogical issues as they arise in relation to multi-year sequences of study, such as majors in generalist degrees, or core programs in more structured degrees. While there is considerable knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy at the course or individual unit of study level (e.g. Philosophy I), there is very little properly conceptualised, empirically informed knowledge about student learning (and teaching) over, say, a three-year major sequence in a traditional Arts or Sciences subject. The Carrick-funded project aims to (begin to) fill this gap through bottom-up curriculum development projects across the range of UQ’s offerings. The second gap is in our professional development programs and, indeed, in our recognition and support for the people who are in charge of such multi-year sequences of study. The major convener or program coordinator is not as well supported, in Australian and overseas professional development programs, as the lecturer in charge of a single course (or unit of study). Nor is her work likely to be taken account of in workload calculations or for the purposes of promotion and career advancement more generally. The Carrick-funded project aims to fill this gap by developing, in consultation with crucial stakeholders, amendments to existing university policies and practices. The attached documents provide a useful introduction to the project. For more information, please contact Fred D’Agostino at f.dagostino@uq.edu.au.
Background: The University of Queensland has through an Australian Government initiative, established a Rural Clinical Division (RCD) at four regional sites in the southern and central Queensland. Over the fi rst four years of the existence of the RCD, an integrated package of innovative medical education has been developed. Method: The integrated aspects of the RCD program include: The Rural Medical Rotation: Every medical student undertakes an eight week rural rotation in Year 3. Year 3 and 4 MBBS - 100 students are currently spending one to two years in the rural school and demand is increasing. Interprofessional Education - Medical and Allied Health students attend lectures, seminars and workshops together and often share the same rural clinical placement. Rural health projects - allow students to undertake a project of benefi t to the rural community. Information Technology (IT) - the Clinical Discussion Board (CDB) and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) demonstrate the importance of IT to medical students in the 21st century. Changing the Model of Medical Education - The Leichhardt Community Attachment Placement (LCAP), is a pilot study that resulted in the addition of three interns to the rural workforce. All aspects of the RCD are evaluated with surveys using both qualitative and quantitative free response questions, completed by all students regularly throughout the academic year. Results: Measures of impact include: Student satisfaction and quality of teaching surveys – 86-91% of students improved their clinical skills and understanding across all rotations. Academic results and progress – RCD students out-perform their urban colleagues. Intent to work in rural areas – 90% of students reported a greater interest in rural medicine. Intern numbers – rural / regional intern placements are increasing. Conclusions: The RCD proves to be a site for innovations all designed to help reach our primary goal of fostering increased recruitment of a rural medical workforce.
This article uses data for Nepal to test contemporary hypotheses about the remitting behaviour and associated motives of rural-to-urban migrants and to consider the likely impact of such remittances on rural development. Possibilities for inheritance, degree of family attachment, likelihood of eventual return to place of origin and family investment in the education of the migrants are found to be significant influences on levels of remittances by Nepalese migrants. However, in Nepal, remittances do not seem to result in long-term capital investment in rural areas and so may not promote long-term development of these areas.
Os diferentes ritmos de crescimento da procura dos vários bens de consumo, como consequência das subidas do rendimento global e do rendimento por habitante, são um fenómeno conhecido, tecnicamente explicado pela ciência económica através da existência de diferente elasticidade procura-rendimento, conforme os bens e os níveis de rendimento. Ora acontece que os bens transformados de ponta e os serviços, em que se especializam tradicionalmente os países mais desenvolvidos, têm apresentado, por norma, um maior dinamismo da procura. Este mecanismo tem aumentado o hiato referente aos níveis de desenvolvimento dos países (Norte versus Sul). Há, porém, excepções, resultantes sobretudo da procura excepcional de certos recursos naturais.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
O empreendedorismo social é um campo que tem vindo a ganhar uma importância crescente nas sociedades atuais, sendo reconhecido como uma ferramenta útil na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Como se trata de um campo emergente, apresenta-se ainda pouco explorado. Em Cabo Verde não existem ainda estudos sobre o tema, embora existam já algumas iniciativas de empreendedorismo social. A investigação foi desenvolvida de forma a responder ao objetivo de se conhecer qual o contributo que as Organizações Não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento (ONGD) portuguesas têm dado para a sedimentação do empreendedorismo social em Cabo Verde. Assim, procurou-se apurar e analisar as ONGD que desenvolvem projetos em Cabo Verde, as áreas em que estas atuam para promoverem o desenvolvimento economico-social, os meios de financiamentos a que recorrem, as dificuldades encontradas no desenvolvimento das suas atividades, bem como compreender a razão que levou a que Cabo Verde fosse beneficiado com as ações dessas ONGD. Para conseguir atingir estas metas recorreu-se à metodologia qualitativa onde se fez uma análise exploratória e descritiva. A técnica utilizada para a recolha da informação primária foi a entrevista dirigida aos responsáveis de seis ONGD portuguesas que atuam em Cabo Verde, nomeadamente a Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos, a Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola, Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr, Meninos do Mundo, Terras Dentro e a Associação Raia Histórica. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram identificar que as ONGD portuguesas agem impulsionando o empreendedorismo social em Cabo Verde através da promoção do desenvolvimento integrado e sustentável, apoiado em parcerias estabelecidas com outras organizações locais caboverdeanas. Estes parceiros são atores chave que estão no terreno e possuem o conhecimento da realidade do país. Cabo Verde foi beneficiado pelos projetos por pertencer aos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e/ou à Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. Na obtenção de recursos, a maioria das ONGD portuguesas recorre a recursos em espécie e a voluntários portugueses, desempenhando estes o papel de formadores. A geração de valor social por parte destas entidades é feita muitas vezes de uma forma indireta, através da criação de valor económico que depois se repercute em valor social. Este valor social resulta da sua atuação em várias áreas como a saúde e segurança alimentar, desenvolvimento rural, meio ambiente, educação e formação profissional, emprego, economia alternativa ou microcrédito, pobreza e exclusão social, ambiente, habitação, promoção social e do turismo, capacitação e reforço institucional e coerência das políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento. Sendo Cabo Verde um arquipélago, as principais dificuldades encontradas pelas ONGD na sua atuação prende-se com a acessibilidade às ilhas devido à falta de transportes e meios de comunicação.
Energy from waste (E/W) technologies in the form o f biogas plants, CHP plants and other municipal solid waste (MSW) conversion technologies, have been gaining steady ground in the provision o f energy throughout Europe and the UK. Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants (UWWTP) are utilising much o f the same biochemical processes common to these E/W plants. Previous studies on Centralised Anaerobic Digestion (CAD) within Ireland found that the legislative and economic conditions were not conducive to such an operation on the grounds o f low energy price for electric and heat energy, and due to the restrictive nature o f the allowable feedstocks. Recent changes to the Irish REFIT tariff on energy produced from Anaerobic digestion; alterations to the regulation o f the allowable use o f animal by products(ABP); the recent enactment o f the Renewable Energy D irective (09/28/EC) and a subsequent review o f the draft Biowaste Directive (2001) required that the issue o f decentralised energy production in Ireland be reassessed. In this instance the feasibility study is based on a extant rural community, centred around the village o f Woodford Co Galway. The review found that the prevailing conditions were now such that it was technically and economically feasible for this biochemical process to provide energy and waste treatment facilities at the above location. The review also outlines the last item which is preventing this process from becoming achievable, specifically the lack o f a digestate regulation on land spreading which deals specifically with biowaste. The study finds that the implementation o f the draft EU biowaste regulations, with amendments for Cr and Hg levels to match the proposed Irish regulation for compost, would ensure that Ireland has some o f the most restrictive regulations in Europe for this application. The delay in completing this piece o f legislation is preventing national energy and waste issues from being resolved in a planned and stepwise fashion. A proposed lay out for the new Integrated Waste from Energy Plant (IW/EP) is presented. Budget economic projections and alternative revenue streams are outlined. Finally a review o f the national policies regarding the Rural Development Plan (RDP), the Rural Planning Guidelines (RPG) and the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) are examined against the relevant EU directives.
The relation between agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in six Central Eurasian countries, namely Azerbaijan (South Caucasus) and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (Central Asia), is discussed by presenting and analyzing ten propositions. These propositions cover a broad range of issues that relate to rural poverty in this region, such as: the state of income and non-income poverty; the diverse processes of land reform and farm restructuring, and agricultural policy reform; and finally, the institutional and market framework that is needed for dynamic agricultural and rural development. The paper contends that rural poverty is not responding as robustly to rapid economic growth in these countries, and that agricultural growth, in particular in the newly emerging peasant farm sector, is necessary to promote rural poverty reduction.
El parc rural de la Torre Negra ha estat protegit recentment després de 15 anys de lluita ciutadana, gràcies a l’aprovació del Pla Especial de Protecció i Millora el 29 de juny del present any. A partir d’ara, s’obre un ampli ventall de possibilitats per a la seva gestió i desenvolupament. En aquest context és on es situa el present estudi, amb la finalitat de presentar unes línies estratègiques bàsiques per a iniciar l’activitat al parc. Una activitat que té en el punt de mira el desenvolupament rural de l’espai i la transformació social de la ciutadania.
This paper describes new approaches to social and economic research being developed by the Social and Economic Research component of the Special Programme for Research and Trainning in Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization. One of these is a study to acess the possibility of identifying high risk communities for urinary schistosomiasis through a "mailed"questionaire approach distributed through an existing administrative system, thereby eliminating the need for face-to-face interviews by the research or disease control team. This approach, developed by the Swiss Tropical Institute in Ifakara, Tanzania, i s currently being tested in seven other African countries. The paper also describes a change of emphasis of economic research on schistosomiasis, focusing on the intra-household effects of the disease on rural households, rather than, as previously done, studying the impact of the disease on the productivity of individual wage labourers. Other priorities involve the identification of epidemiological information neede for improoved decision-making regarding acceptable treatment strategies in endemic areas with limited financial capacity, as well as research on how the adverse effects of economic development projects can be alleviated.
The Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC) is a government-funded multidisciplinary academic institution dedicated to research, development and technology in many areas of knowledge. Biomedical projects and publications comprise about 40% of the total at IVIC. In this article, we present an overview of some selected research and development projects conducted at IVIC which we believe contain new and important aspects related to malaria, ancylostomiasis, dengue fever, leishmaniasis and tuberculosis. Other projects considered of interest in the general area of tropical medicine are briefly described. This article was prepared as a small contribution to honor and commemorate the centenary of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.
OER development is becoming more sophisticated as instructors and course specialists become more familiar with the environment. Most OER development approaches for online courses have been developed from those that were appropriate in the face-to-face context. However, the OER online environment opens up new possibilities for learning as well as holding particular limitations. This paper presents some approaches that OER implementers should bear in mind when initiating and supporting OER course development projects.1. Beg, borrow, or steal courseware. Don't reinvent the wheel.2. Take what exists and build the course around it.3. Mix and match. Assemble. Don't create.4. Avoid the "not invented here" syndrome. 5. Know the content -garbage in and garbage out.6. Establish deadlines. Work to deadlines, but don't be unrealistic. 7. Estimate your costs and then double them. Double them again. 8. Be realistic in scheduling and scoping.9. The project plan must be flexible. Be prepared for major shifts.10. Build flexibly for reuse and repurposing -generalizability reduces costs 11. Provide different routes to learning. 12. Build to international standards.There are necessary features in every OER, including introduction, schedule etc. but it is most important to keep the course as simple as possible. Extreme Programming (XP) methodology can be adapted from software engineering to aid in the course development process.
The Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation engages in research and development for two reasons: first, to find workable solutions to the many problems that require more than ordinary, routine investigation; second, to identify and implement improved engineering and management practices. This report, entitled Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa, is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 312.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects, which were in progress on June 30, 2005; it is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available in the Research and Technology Bureau in the Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation.