867 resultados para Rural areas.
En todo el mundo, el 70 de la población pobre vive en áreas rurales. A pesar de los programas para revertir la pobreza, los resultados han sido limitados. El desarrollo rural busca reducir la desigualdad. Varios obstáculos que se les presentan a estos programas son psicosociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar y describir las vinculaciones entre la Psicología y los procesos de desarrollo rural territorial en 111 publicaciones aparecidas entre 1985 y 2012. En la revisión, se encontró que los constructos utilizados fueron, entre otros, percepción, creencias, decisión, actitudes, participación y fortalecimiento. La Psicología puede realizar contribuciones al desarrollo rural territorial
Las formas de inserción 'modernizante' de la agricultura científica aliada al agribusiness global eran un tema discutido en ámbitos acotados hasta que, a principios de 2008, se suscitó la discusión pública y mediática sobre los derechos de exportación de cereales y oleaginosas. Frente a este panorama, el presente artículo pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas que se sustenten en una adecuada comprensión de la dinámica de acumulación presente en el sector agrario nacional. Pues, sin una apreciación del conjunto de actores involucrados en el agro, es imposible avanzar en la construcción de escenarios a futuro. el documento que se presenta tiene como objetivos particulares: I) discutir el heterogéneo perfil que asume contemporáneamente la estructura productiva y social del agro argentino; y II) describir lineamientos estratégicos de políticas de tierra, de crédito, fiscal, de precios, ambiental y tecnológica que deberían considerarse en las políticas públicas
El turismo rural ha sido incorporado por pequeños establecimientos agropecuarios del partido de Cnel. Suárez, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, como actividad alternativa para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus miembros y superar situaciones de crisis agravadas por la marginalidad productiva del SO bonaerense, región a la que pertenecen. Bajo el programa Cambio Rural del INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) conforman el Grupo 'Cortaderas II', junto a otros emprendedores interesados en valorar el medio rural. Han avanzado en el proceso de reconocimiento de su identidad y puesta en valor de recursos específicos con anclaje en el territorio. Esta identidad comienza a apreciarse internamente, a raíz de la dinámica grupal lograda y la incipiente articulación con otros actores para la construcción de un partenariado público y privado que genere sinergias y contribuya al desarrollo sustentable del territorio. Sin embargo, aún no es claramente percibida por el turista, cada vez más exigente. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo persigue proponer indicadores para evaluar el desempeño de un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad con enfoque territorial que, adaptando el modelo europeo 'Marca de Calidad Territorial', sustente una estrategia comercial de diferenciación del servicio y simultáneamente, mida el progreso hacia una mejor calidad de vida y fortalecimiento de vínculos con la cultura local y el entorno físico-natural en el marco del desarrollo sustentable. La investigación se plantea para la micro escala, ya que se trata de un estudio de caso, relevándose información primaria mediante observación directa y entrevistas semi-estructuradas, complementada con información secundaria diagnóstica utilizada por INTA. Las características del grupo y su dinámica de funcionamiento bajo el programa Cambio Rural revelan que es posible adoptar un proceso de certificación participativa propuesto para cuatro pilares de la calidad: de Bienes y Servicios, Institucional, Social y Ambiental. El modelo se integra con indicadores de evaluación de desempeño, agrupados en áreas clave para cada una de las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, que contemplan el paisaje y la gestión de los recursos naturales; el impacto económico de la actividad, la calidad de la oferta y satisfacción del turista; así como las relaciones sociales internas y los vínculos con otros actores del territorio. Principalmente se encontraron fortalezas en la búsqueda de partenariados y debilidades en aspectos de comunicación y promoción. Se considera que este sistema de herramientas de gestión sustentable permitiría superar las dificultades de una certificación individual, pudiendo aplicarse a emprendimientos con otra ubicación geográfica
Como en otras regiones argentinas, la zona rural de Córdoba no estuvo habitada sólo por propieta-rios, esclavos y peones. Hubo otros pobladores menos visibles y que sólo aparecen en los documentos producidos por otros protagonistas. Nuestro objetivo fue visualizar y analizar, en el diverso mundo rural cordobés, las relaciones de poder, dependencia y cooperación que se producen entre los actores. Se utilizaron cuatro indicadores principales: los contratos rurales, las relaciones entre amos y esclavos, los litigios en torno a la propiedad de la tierra y las relaciones de parentesco y proximidad. Se pudo observar una complicada trama de relaciones de tensión, poder, dependencia, cooperación, reconocimiento y protección que caracterizan las formas esenciales del régimen social vigente
Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
Las marcas son dispositivos de un alto valor económico y cumplen una función relevante en el proceso de comercialización de bienes y en la determinación de pautas de consumo. No obstante, han recibido escasa atención en la historiografía económica argentina. Este trabajo analiza cuándo y cómo las marcas comerciales se difundieron en el mundo rural a principios del siglo XX. El artículo describe cómo este proceso fue gradual y plantea que ya a finales de los años veinte del siglo pasado las marcas comerciales ocupaban un lugar relevante en las estrategias de comercialización y en la definición de pautas de consumo en áreas rurales. El artículo también analiza el impacto de estos procesos en las prácticas y perfiles de los comerciantes minoristas, así como en los sistemas de distribución de bienes de consumo genéricos (en particular, alimentos y bebidas)
TSEP-RLI was a technical cooperation project jointly conducted by GOP thru DA-Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and GOJ thru JICA aimed at institutionalizing the training program for Rural Life Improvement (RLI) at the (ATI). As expected, farmers, fisherfolk, women, youth and extension agents were provided with efficient and effective training services from ATI leading to the improvement of quality of life in the rural areas through efforts of human resource development. The ATI- Bohol was chosen as the model center where participatory trials and various activities of the project were undertaken for five years. These activities were participatory surveys and data collection of on-farm and off-farm productive activities; planning workshop for RLI; feedbacking of survey results and action plans to the community and the Local Government Units (LGUs), and signing of Memorandum of Agreement between the Project and participating LGUs. The above activities were done to facilitate the planning and development of most effective and necessary rural life improvement activities, to confirm the willingness of the people to support and participate and to formalize the partnership between the Project and the LGUs. Since the concept of rural life covers a vast range of activities, a consensus had been reached that the total aspects of rural life be grasped in three spheres, namely, Production & Livelihood (P/L), Rural Living Condition (RLC) and Community Environment (C/E). The RLI for Ubi (Yam) Growers was one of the pilot activities undertaken in two pilot barangays and the target beneficiaries were members of the Rural Improvement Club (RIC- a group of organized women) with the LGU of the Municipality of Corella as the implementing partner. During the planning workshop, the barangay residents articulated their desire to promote production and processing of ubi (sphere on P/L - as the entry point), lack of nutritious food was one of the identified problem (sphere on RLC- expansion point) and environmental degradation such as deforestation, and soil erosion was another problem articulated by the community people (sphere on C/E- expansion point). Major activities that were undertaken namely, Ubi cooking contest, cooking/processing seminar, training courses on entrepreneurial development, ubi production and storage technology, packaging and product design, human resource development and simplified bookkeeping motivated the beneficiaries as well as developed and enhanced their skills & capabilities while strengthening their associations. Their participation to the 5 ubi festivals and other related activities had brought some impacts on their economic and rural life improvement activities. The seven principles of TSEP-RLI include the participatory process, holistic approach, dialogical approach, bottom -up training needs assessment, demand-driven approach, cost sharing approach and collaborative implementation with other agencies including LGUs and the community.
The following paper is based on the author's two-year research and fieldwork in Iran and examines the process of political and social changes since the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the subsequent impact of the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88. This paper focuses on the transition of traditional, small villages into rusta-shahr or small rural cities and the first and second nation-wide elections of shoura or councils which were the first steps toward self-government. The author is guardedly optimistic regarding this democratic process but warns of possible future social unrest if changes are not more "balanced" between cities and rural areas and if the employment needs of the burgeoning younger generation are not met, political and social consequences may be catastrophic.
Based on the recent census data this paper analyses the district level rural to urban migration rates (both intra-state and the inter-state) among males and females separately. Both the rates are closely associated irrespective of whether the migrants originate from the rural areas within the state or outside the state. This would suggest that women usually migrate as accompanists of the males. Though many of the relatively poor and backward states actually show large population mobility, which is primarily in search of a livelihood, the mobility of male population is also seen to be prominent in the relatively advanced states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. Rapid migration of rural females within the boundaries of the states is, however, evident across most of the regions. The social networks, which play an important role in the context of migration are prevalent among the short distance migrants and tend to lose their significance with a rise in the distance between the place of origin and destination though there are some exceptions to this phenomenon. Besides the north-south divide in the Indian context is indeed a significant phenomenon with a few exceptions of metropolitan cities. As regards the effect of factors at the place of destination, prospects for better job opportunities are a major determinant of male migration. Low castes and minority groups tend to pull migration through network effects. Among females also these effects are evident though with the inclusion of the male migration rate they become less significant. Finally the paper brings out the policy implications.
This paper reveals how rural Cambodian people reconstructed their social relationships after the collapse of the Pol Pot regime by examining farmland, which was the most important means of production in rural areas at that time. Section 1 and 2 illustrate the process of returning from collective farming under the Pol Pot regime to the family farming system. Section 3 analyzes the structure of land ownership created through land distribution by Krom Samakki. Section 4 studies the actualities of tenant farming. Section 5 examines the changes of the land ownership structure during a decade years after the distribution of Krom Samakki. This paper concludes that the legacy of Krom Samakki started to fade as early as the 1990s.
Rural electrification has been an important part of government policy since India gained independence. However, despite the number of electrified villages expanding rapidly in recent years, there are many that still remain un-electrified. This paper addresses the issue of intra-state disparity in access to electricity and examines the determinants of electrification at the village level using data from a survey conducted in rural Bihar, one of the underdeveloped states in India. An econometric analysis demonstrates that small villages in remote locations tend to be considered a low priority in the process of electrification. Electrification at the village level in the more advanced states is no longer an issue, though the challenge of access to electrification at the household level remains. This paper also discusses issues that emerged from interviewing villagers and visiting rural areas, and shows that the actual progress of rural electrification may not be as advanced as government statistics indicate.
This article analyses the long-term performance of collective off-grid photovoltaic (PV) systems in rural areas. The use of collective PV systems for the electrification of small medium-size villages in developing countries has increased in the recent years. They are basically set up as stand-alone installations (diesel hybrid or pure PV) with no connection with other electrical grids. Their particular conditions (isolated) and usual installation places (far from commercial/industrial centers) require an autonomous and reliable technology. Different but related factors affect their performance and the energy supply; some of them are strictly technical but others depend on external issues like the solar energy resource and users’ energy and power consumption. The work presented is based on field operation of twelve collective PV installations supplying the electricity to off-grid villages located in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. Five of them have PV generators as unique power source while other seven include the support of diesel groups. Load demand evolution, energy productivity and fuel consumption are analyzed. Besides, energy generation strategies (PV/diesel) are also discussed.
The lack of useful information has become a major obstacle that hinders the participation of the members of the community in the development process because they can not accurately perceive how their individual and/or collective action can influence their environment, and because of the lack of elements that support the decision-making processes. This article addresses these issues from the work carried out by the Association Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca (IDC Cuenca) in the rural areas of this province of Spain for 25 years. The results show how the application of methodologies for the transmission of information tailored to each group of recipients in some aspects, enhances the participation of individuals.
Commerce in rural territories should not be considered as a needed service, but as a basic infrastructure, that impact not only existent population, but also tourism, and rural industrialization. So, the rural areas need not only agriculture but industry and services, to have a global and balanced development, including for the countryside and the population. In the work presented in this paper, we are considering the formulation of the direct relation between population and the endowment of commerce sites within a geographical territory, the ?area of commercial interactions?. These are the closer set of towns that can gravitate to each other to cover the required needs for the populations within the area. The products retailed, range from basic products for the daily lives, to all other products for industry, agriculture, and services. The econometric spatial model developed to evaluate the interactions and estimate the parameters, is based on the Spatial Error Model, which allows for other spatial hidden effects to be considered without direct interference to the commercial disposition. The data and territory used to test the model correspond to a rural area in the Spanish Palencia territory (NUTS-3 level). The parameters have dependence from population levels, local rent per head, local and regional government budgets, and particular spatial restrictions. Interesting results are emerging form the model. The more significant is that the spatial effects can replace some number of commerce sites in towns, given the right spatial distribution of the sites and the towns. This is equivalent to consider the area of commercial interactions as the unit of measurement for the basic infrastructure and not only the towns.