977 resultados para Rovello, Paola


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Uma das estratégias metodológicas para realizar a prática baseada em evidências é a revisão integrativa, que neste estudo teve como objetivo buscar e sintetizar as evidências disponíveis na literatura científica sobre os fatores de riscos alimentares para o câncer colorretal relacionado ao consumo de carnes. As bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL e COCHRANE Library foram consultadas e os estudos pertinentes ao consumo de carnes somaram seis. As metanálises demonstraram que a ingestão de carne vermelha está relacionada com o aumento do risco para câncer colorretal em 28% a 35%, enquanto a carne processada está associada ao risco elevado de 20% a 49%. As evidências apontam a carne vermelha, a carne processada e o total de carne consumida como fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de pólipos e câncer colorretal. Não foi identificado estudo que indicasse a ingestão de frango e peixe como fatores de risco.


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AbstractOBJECTIVEIdentify whether Heart Failure (HF) is a predictor of functional dependence for Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL) in hospitalized elderly.METHODSWe investigated medical records and assessed dependence to BADL (by the Katz Index) of 100 elderly admitted to a geriatric ward of a university hospital. In order to verify if HF is a predictor of functional dependence, linear regression analyzes were performed.RESULTSThe prevalence of HF was 21%; 95% of them were dependent for BADLs. Bathing was the most committed ADL. HF is a predictor of dependence in hospitalized elderlies, increasing the chance of functional decline by 5 times (95% CI, 0.94-94.48), the chance of functional deterioration by 3.5 times (95% CI, 1.28-11.66; p <0.02) and reducing 0.79 points in the Katz Index score (p <0.05).CONCLUSIONHF is a dependency predictor of ADL in hospitalized elderly, who tend to be more dependent, especially for bathing.


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O nome limao tem sido usado para espécies distintas do gênero Lestrimelitta. O material-tipo de Smith depositado no The Natural History Museum (Londres) foi examinado. A operária de L. limao é descrita e o lectótipo para Trigona limao Smith, 1863 é designado. Esta espécie encontra-se restrita aos cerrados da porção central do Brasil, de São Paulo ao Maranhão. Distingue-se de outras espécies pelos seguintes caracteres diagnósticos: vértice com pouquíssimas cerdas eretas, muito finas e curtas, restritas à região interocelar; bordo anterior do mesoscuto com cerdas eretas castanhas nas laterais; laterais do mesepisterno com cerdas eretas esparsas e restritas à porção ventral e curvatura entre porções lateral e ventral, tornando-se mais longas próximo à base da coxa média; contorno da abertura do espiráculo propodeal, aproximadamente 2,5 x mais longo do que largo; flancos do propódeo coberto por pilosidade decumbente esbranquiçada, fina e ramificada; esporão mesotibial muito reduzido; tergo metassomal 1 com cerdas enegrecidas nas porções laterais.


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Três espécies novas de abelhas do gênero Lestrimelitta são descritas: L. danuncia sp. nov. (da Costa Rica e Panamá), L. mourei sp. nov. (da Costa Rica) e L. glaberrima sp. nov. (da Guiana Francesa). Todas essas espécies foram identificadas anteriormente como Lestrimelitta limao Smith.


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Revisão taxonômica das espécies de abelhas do gênero Lestrimelitta Friese (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponina) que ocorrem no Brasil. Com base em caracteres morfológicos, como aqueles relacionados com a pilosidade, o formato do espiráculo propodeal, as distâncias interorbitais e o comprimento do esporão mesotibial, são reconhecidas catorze espécies, seis das quais novas para a Ciência: L. ciliata. sp. nov., L. maracaia sp. nov., L. similis sp. nov., L. spinosa sp. nov., L sulina. sp. nov. e L. tropica sp. nov. São designados lectótipos para Trigona (Lestrimelitta) limao var. rufipes Friese, 1903 e Trigona (Lestrimelitta) limao var. rufa Friese, 1903. O macho de L. limao (Smith, 1863) é descrito pela primeira vez. É apresentada também uma diagnose das seguintes espécies: L. ehrhardti Friese, 1931; L. glaberrima Oliveira & Marchi, 2005; L. glabrata Camargo & Moure, 1989; L. monodonta Camargo & Moure, 1989; e L. nana Melo, 2003. São apresentados chaves de identificação para operárias e machos, ilustrações e mapas de ocorrência.


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Why are Bismarckian social security systems associated with largerpublic pension expenditures, a smaller fraction of private pension andlower income in-equality than Beveridgean systems? These facts arepuzzling for political economy theories of social security whichpredict that Beveridgean systems, involving intra-generationalredistribution, should enjoy larger support among low-income people andthus be larger. This paper explains these features in a bidimensionalpolitical economy model. In an economy with three income groups,low-income support a large, redistributive system; middle-income favoran earning-related system, while high-income oppose any public system,since they have access to a superior saving technology, a privatesystem. We show that, if income inequality is large, the voting majorityof high-income and low-income supports a (small) Beveridgean system,and a large private pillar arises; the opposite occurs with lowinequality. Additionally, when the capital market provides higherreturns, a Beveridgean system is more likely to emerge.


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Se determinó el efecto de un análogo de GnRH sobre la maduración final ovocitaria y los perfiles plasmáticos de testosterona (T), 17β Estradiol (E2) y 17α, 20β dihidroxiprogesterona (17α, 20β DP) en ejemplares de E. ringens. Para ello, individuos de esta especie fueron capturados en la Bahía del Callao fueron acondicionados al cautiverio en tanques de 10 m3 con aeración constante, temperatura del agua de 16 ºC, recirculación de agua de mar y alimentación ad libitum durante un periodo de un mes. Una vez que los peces alcanzaron la madurez gonadal, fueron tomados al azar y anestesiados con tricaína (80 mg L-1) para luego inyectarles 0,005 μg GnRHa g-1 de peso corporal; 0,005 μg GnRHa g-1 de peso corporal + 0,01 mg DOM g-1 de peso corporal y 0,9 % de solución salina. Como GnRHa se empleo acetato de buserelina y como antidopaminérgico se empleó domperidona. Transcurridas 0, 12, 24 y 48 h post inyección (pi) grupos de peces fueron sacrificados mediante sobre exposición de tricaína con la finalidad de extraer las gónadas y colectar la sangre en tubos Eppendorf. El efecto de la hormona sobre la maduración final ovocitaria fue determinado en base al análisis histológico de las gónadas, mientras que su efecto sobre los perfiles de los esteroides mencionados se determinó en base a la cuantificación plasmática mediante radioinmunoanálisis. Los resultados sugieren que la inyección de acetato de buserelina a 0,005 μg g-1 de peso corporal induce la maduración final ovocitaria en hembras maduras de E. ringens 12 horas pi, culminando con el desove entre las 24 y 48 horas pi. Por otro lado, la combinación de esta hormona con domperidona tendría un efecto retardante sobre la activación de dicho proceso. Se determinó además, que los niveles plasmáticos de E2 disminuyen durante la maduración final ovocitaria y luego de producirse el desove se incrementan. Finalmente, se sugiere que el 17α, 20β DP podría estar implicado en la activación de la maduración final ovocitaria sin llegar a ser el principal MIS de la anchoveta.


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El calamar gigante Dosidicus gigas (d'Orbigny, 1835) es un depredador importante en el ecosistema del Perú. Se postula que el papel del calamar gigante varía teniendo en cuenta la talla, tiempo, hora, temperatura y distribución espacial. Para comprobar esta hipótesis se aplicó un modelo aditivo generalizado (GAM) en datos biológicos de alimentación de 4178 calamares gigantes capturados por la flota industrial pesquera a lo largo del litoral peruano (3ºS a 18ºS) desde 2 a 299 millas náuticas (mn) de distancia a la costa desde el año 2004 a 2009 realizados por el Laboratorio de Ecología Trófica del Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE). La talla de los calamares estudiados fluctuó entre 14 y 112 cm de longitud de manto (LM). En total 43 item-presa fueron registrados, los grupos más importantes fueron los cefalópodos (Dosidicus gigas), Teleosteii (Photichthyidae, Myctophidae y Nomeidae) y Malacostraca crustáceos (Euphausiidae). Las presas principales fueron D. gigas (indicando canibalismo) en términos gravimétricos (% W=35.4), los otros cephalopodos en frecuencia de ocurrencia (FO=14.4), y los eufáusidos en términos de abundancia relativa (% N=62.2). Estos resultados reflejan una alta variabilidad de la dieta, y un espectro trófico similar en comparación con otras latitudes en ambos hemisferios (México y Chile). Los modelos GAM muestran que todas las variables predictoras fueron significativas en relación a la variable respuesta llenura estomacal (p <0.0001). La llenura estomacal fue mayor en los individuos juveniles, también durante la noche hubo mayor consumo, mientras no se reflejaron tendencias en la alimentación con relación a la temperatura superficial del mar (TSM), pero espacialmente se observan cambios en la dieta, aumentando el porcentaje de llenura a medida que esta especie se aleja de la costa. Por lo tanto se concluye que la dieta del calamar gigante depende de la talla y su distribución espacio-temporal.


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This work provides a contribution to a better understanding of the trophic ecology of important predators in the Northern Humboldt Current System, the jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi), the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) by the characterization of the highly variable feeding patterns of these species at different spatiotemporal scales. We provided new knowledge on the comparative trophic behaviour of these species, defined as opportunistic in previous investigations. For that purpose we applied a variety of statistical methods to an extensive dataset of 27,188 non-empty stomachs. We defined the spatial organization of the forage fauna of these predators and documented changes in prey composition according to predators’ size and spatiotemporal features of environment. Our results highligh the key role played by the dissolved oxygen. We also deciphered an important paradox on the jumbo squid diet: why do they hardly forage on the huge anchovy (Engraulis ringens) biomass distributed of coastal Peru? We showed that the shallow oxygen minimum zone present off coastal Peru could hamper the co-occurrence of jumbo squids and anchovies. In addition, we proposed a conceptual model on jumbo squid trophic ecology including the ontogenetic cycle, oxygen and prey availability. Moreover we showed that the trophic behaviour of jack mackerel and chub mackerel is adapted to forage on more accessible species such as for example the squat lobster Pleurocondes monodon and Zoea larvae. Besides, both predators present a trophic overlap. But jack mackerel was not as oracious as chub mackerel, contradictorily to what was observed by others authors. Fish diet presented a high spatiotemporal variability, and the shelf break appeared as a strong biogeographical frontier. Diet composition of our fish predators was not necessarily a consistent indicator of changes in prey biomass. El Niño events had a weak effect on the stomach fullness and diet composition of chub mackerel and jack mackerel. Moreover, decadal changes in diet diversity challenged the classic paradigm of positive correlation between species richness and temperature. Finally, the global patterns that we described in this work, illustrated the opportunistic foraging behaviour, life strategies and the high degree of plasticity of these species. Such behaviour allows adaptation to changes in the environment.


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The thymus develops from the third pharyngeal pouch of the anterior gut and provides the necessary environment for thymopoiesis (the process by which thymocytes differentiate into mature T lymphocytes) and the establishment and maintenance of self-tolerance. It contains thymic epithelial cells (TECs) that form a complex three-dimensional network organized in cortical and medullary compartments, the organization of which is notably different from simple or stratified epithelia. TECs have an essential role in the generation of self-tolerant thymocytes through expression of the autoimmune regulator Aire, but the mechanisms involved in the specification and maintenance of TECs remain unclear. Despite the different embryological origins of thymus and skin (endodermal and ectodermal, respectively), some cells of the thymic medulla express stratified-epithelium markers, interpreted as promiscuous gene expression. Here we show that the thymus of the rat contains a population of clonogenic TECs that can be extensively cultured while conserving the capacity to integrate in a thymic epithelial network and to express major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) molecules and Aire. These cells can irreversibly adopt the fate of hair follicle multipotent stem cells when exposed to an inductive skin microenvironment; this change in fate is correlated with robust changes in gene expression. Hence, microenvironmental cues are sufficient here to re-direct epithelial cell fate, allowing crossing of primitive germ layer boundaries and an increase in potency.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os teores de N-total, N-NH4+, N-NO3- e pH em colunas de lodo de esgoto anaeróbio alcalinizado e na solução percolada, simulando condições reais de armazenamento. O experimento foi desenvolvido em campo, no município de Curitiba (PR), em clima Cfb e pluviosidade de 197 mm durante o período de incubação, que correspondeu a 48 dias. Os fatores testados foram: três tipos de lodo (lodo alcalinizado coberto - LCC; lodo alcalinizado descoberto - LCD, e lodo bruto descoberto - LBD), quatro intervalos de incubação (0; 15; 27; e 48 dias) e cinco profundidades na coluna (0-5; 5-20; 20-50; 50-80; e composta 0-80 cm), com quatro repetições. O líquido percolado foi avaliado no 1º, 5º, 9º, 13º, 27º, 36º e 48º dia. A alcalinização (CaO) foi realizada à proporção de 50 % da matéria seca (MS) do lodo. A cobertura (vedação com lona plástica e tampo de amianto em LCC) teve a finalidade de conter a volatilização de gases, especialmente amônia (NH3). As condições do meio ocasionadas pela alcalinização do lodo reduziram significativamente a intensidade de mineralização de N e a nitrificação. Os lodos brutos e alcalinizados em condição de estocagem apresentaram perdas consideráveis de N-NH4+ e N-org. Os efeitos diluição, volatilização de NH3 e lixiviação organomineral conseqüentes da alcalinização (50 % MS lodo) reduziram os teores de N-total em até 50 %. O processo de alcalinização potencializou perdas de N por meio da volatilização de NH3 e lixiviação de N-NH4+. Entretanto, a cobertura reduziu as perdas de N sob a forma de NH3.


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We updated trends in breast cancer mortality in Europe up to the late 2000's. In the EU, age-adjusted (world standard population) breast cancer mortality rates declined by 6.9% between 2002 and 2006, from 17.9 to 16.7/100,000. The largest falls were in northern European countries, but more recent declines were also observed in central and eastern Europe. In 2007, all major European countries had overall breast cancer rates between 15 and 19/100,000. In relative terms, the declines in mortality were larger at younger age (-11.6% at age 20-49 years between 2002 and 2007 in the EU), and became smaller with advancing age (-6.6% at age 50-69, -5.0% at age 70-79 years). The present report confirms and further quantifies the persisting steady fall in breast cancer mortality in Europe over the last 25-30 years, which is mainly due to advancements in the therapy.


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Tissue protein hypercatabolism (TPH) is a most important feature in cancer cachexia, particularly with regard to the skeletal muscle. The rat ascites hepatoma Yoshida AH-130 is a very suitable model system for studying the mechanisms involved in the processes that lead to tissue depletion, since it induces in the host a rapid and progressive muscle waste mainly due to TPH (Tessitore, L., G. Bonelli, and F. M. Baccino. 1987. Biochem. J. 241:153-159). Detectable plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha associated with marked perturbations in the hormonal homeostasis have been shown to concur in forcing metabolism into a catabolic setting (Tessitore, L., P. Costelli, and F. M. Baccino. 1993. Br. J. Cancer. 67:15-23). The present study was directed to investigate if beta 2-adrenergic agonists, which are known to favor skeletal muscle hypertrophy, could effectively antagonize the enhanced muscle protein breakdown in this cancer cachexia model. One such agent, i.e., clenbuterol, indeed largely prevented skeletal muscle waste in AH-130-bearing rats by restoring protein degradative rates close to control values. This normalization of protein breakdown rates was achieved through a decrease of the hyperactivation of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway, as previously demonstrated in our laboratory (Llovera, M., C. García-Martínez, N. Agell, M. Marzábal, F. J. López-Soriano, and J. M. Argilés. 1994. FEBS (Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett. 338:311-318). By contrast, the drug did not exert any measurable effect on various parenchymal organs, nor did it modify the plasma level of corticosterone and insulin, which were increased and decreased, respectively, in the tumor hosts. The present data give new insights into the mechanisms by which clenbuterol exerts its preventive effect on muscle protein waste and seem to warrant the implementation of experimental protocols involving the use of clenbuterol or alike drugs in the treatment of pathological states involving TPH, particularly in skeletal muscle and heart, such as in the present model of cancer cachexia.


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Arabidopsis thaliana contains two genes encoding farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase (FPS), the prenyl diphoshate synthase that catalyzes the synthesis of FPP from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). In this study, we provide evidence that the two Arabidopsis short FPS isozymes FPS1S and FPS2 localize to the cytosol. Both enzymes were expressed in E. coli, purified and biochemically characterized. Despite FPS1S and FPS2 share more than 90% amino acid sequence identity, FPS2 was found to be more efficient as a catalyst, more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of NaCl, and more resistant to thermal inactivation than FPS1S. Homology modelling for FPS1S and FPS2 and analysis of the amino acid differences between the two enzymes revealed an increase in surface polarity and a greater capacity to form surface salt bridges of FPS2 compared to FPS1S. These factors most likely account for the enhanced thermostability of FPS2. Expression analysis of FPS::GUS genes in seeds showed that FPS1 and FPS2 display complementary patterns of expression particularly at late stages of seed development, which suggests that Arabidopsis seeds have two spatially segregated sources of FPP. Functional complementation studies of the Arabidopsis fps2 knockout mutant seed phenotypes demonstrated that under normal conditions FPS1S and FPS2 are functionally interchangeable. A putative role for FPS2 in maintaining seed germination capacity under adverse environmental conditions is discussed.