776 resultados para Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE)
The research begins with a discussion of the worldwide and the Canadian market. The research profiles the examination of the relationship between a person's self concept (as defined by Malhotra) and fashion orientation (as defined by Gutman and Mills), and to understand how these factors are influenced by acculturation, focusing in-depth on their managerial implications. To study these relationships; a random sample of 196 ChineseCanadian female university students living in Canada was given a survey based on Malhotra's self-concept scale, and the SLASIA acculturation scale. Based on multiple regression analysis, findings suggest that the adoption of language and social interaction dimensions of acculturation constructs have significant effects on the relationship between self concept and fashion orientation. This research contributes significantly to both marketing theory and practice. Theoretically, this research develops new insights on the dimensionality of fashion orientation, identifies various moderating effects of acculturation on the relationship of self concept and fashion orientation dimensions, and provides a framework to examine these effects, where results can be generalized across different culture. Practically, marketers can use available findings to improve their understanding of the fashion needs of Chinese-Canadian consumers, and target them based on these findings. The findings provide valuable implications for companies to formulate their fashion marketing strategies for enhance fashion orientation in terms of different dimensions, based on different levels of acculturation.
The purposes of this study were: a) to examine the role of personality and selfregulation in the gambling behaviour participation of late adolescents and emerging adults. In particular, the present study examined i f certain personality traits were more prevalent in high-risk gamblers than in young people considered low or at-risk gamblers; and, b) to examine i f the ability to self-regulate helped distinguish differences among the three groups of gamblers (low-risk, at-risk, and high-risk gamblers). A sample of late adolescents and emerging adults (N = 100) attending Brock University, completed a survey that assessed current gambling behaviour (both frequency and consequence experience), personality, self-esteem, and self-regulation. It was found that high-risk gamblers had lower scores on the personality dimensions Emotionality, Conscientiousness (especially on its Prudence facet), and Honesty-Humility (especially on its Fairness, Greed Avoidance, and Modesty facets) than at-risk or low-risk gamblers and higher scores on impulsive sensation seeking and impulsivity than at-risk or low-risk gamblers. Similarly, high-risk gamblers reported lower levels of self-regulation than both at-risk and low-risk gamblers. The findings from this study support past research which suggests that young people who gamble at problematic levels differ on many personality traits and often have more difficulty self-regulating than young people who do not participate at problematic levels. Findings may aid in the development of intervention and prevention programs that utilize specific self-regulation techniques with a young gambling population.
A substantial research literature exists regarding the psychopathy construct in forensic populations, but more recently, the construct has been extended to non-clinical populations. The purpose of the present dissertation was to investigate the content and the correlates of the psychopathy construct, with a particular focus on addressing gaps and controversies in the literature. In Study 1, the role of low anxiety in psychopathy was investigated, as some authors have proposed that low anxiety is integral to the psychopathy construct. Participants (n = 346) responded to two self-report psychopathy scales, the SRP-III and the PPI-R, as well as measures of temperament, personality, and antisociality. Of particular interest was the PPI-R Stress Immunity sub scale, which represents low anxiety content. I t was found that Stress Immunity was not correlated with SRP-III psychopathy, nor did it share common personality or temperament correlates or contribute to the prediction of anti sociality. From Study 1, it was concluded that it was unlikely that low anxiety is a central feature of the psychopathy construct. In Study 2, the relationship between SRP-III psychopathy and Ability Emotional Intelligence (Le., Emotional Intelligence measured as an ability, rather than as a self-report personality trait-like characteristic) was investigated, to determine whether psychopathy is be s t seen as a syndrome characterized by emotional deficits or by the ability to skillfully manipulate and prey upon the others' emotions. A negative correlation between the two constructs was found, suggesting that psychopathy is best characterized by deficits in perceiving, facilitating, managing, and understanding emotions. In Study 3, sex differences in the sexual behavior (i.e., promiscuity, age of first sexual behaviors, extradyadic sexual relations) and appearance-related esteem (i.e., body shame,appearance anxiety, self-esteem) correlates of SRP-III psychopathy were investigated. The sexual behavior correlates of psychopathy were quite similar for men and women, but the esteem correlates were very different, such that high psychopathy in men was related to high esteem, whereas high psychopathy in women was generally related to low esteem. This sex difference was difficult to interpret in that it was not mediated by sexual behavior, suggesting that further exploration of this topic is warranted. Together, these three studies contribute to our understanding of non-clinical psychopathy, indicating that low anxiety is likely not part of the construct, that psychopathy is related to low levels of ability in Emotional Intelligence, and that psychopathy is an important predictor of behavior, ability, and beliefs and feelings about the self
A significant number of adults in adult literacy programs in Ontario have specific learning difficulties. This study sought to examine the holistic factors that contributed to these learners achieving their goals. Through a case study design, the data revealed that a combination of specific learning methods and strategies, along with particular characteristics of the instructor, participant, and class, and the evidence of self-transformation all seemed to contribute to the participant's success in the program. Instructor-directed teaching and cooperative learning were the main learning methods used in the class. General learning strategies employed were the use of core curriculum and authentic documents, and using phonics, repetition, assistive resources, and using activities that appealed to various learning styles. The instructor had a history of both professional development in the area of learning disabilities as well as experience working with learners who had specific learning difficulties. There also seemed to be a goodness of fit between the participant and the instructor. Several characteristics of the participant seemed to aid in his success: his positive self-esteem, self-advocacy skills, self-determination, self-awareness, and the fact that he enjoyed learning. The size (3-5 people) and type of class (small group) also seemed to have an impact. Finally, evidence that the participant went through a self-transformation seemed to contribute to a positive learner identity. These results have implications for practice, theory, and further research in adult education.
This study explored children's bullying experiences (as bully, victim, and bystander) and their self-worth perceptions in a private school in Ontario, Canada. Forty students from 12 different countries participated in a mixed methodology (both quantitative and qualitative) research design using a self-report questionnaire. Students reported involvement in bullying as a bully, victim, and bystander. The overall results reveal a pattern across the three roles where the degree of bullying observed as a bystander is the highest (57%) followed by the experiences as a victim (29%) and that performed as bully (21%). The bystanders reported direct bullying being witnessed, bullies reported indirect bullying interventions as being used, and victims of bullying reported indirect bullying being the most common type of bullying they experienced. Decreased feeling of self-worth is reported in the qualitative research data in regards to bullying. Boarding students reported issues regarding personal safety, need for social relationships, self-worth, and unacceptability of bullying. Implications for practice for the private school are discussed, focusing on the outcome of this study.
Abstract This study was undertaken to examine traditional forms of literacy and the newest form of literacy: technology. Students who have trouble reading traditional forms of literacy tend to have lower self-esteem. This research intended to explore if students with reading difficulties and, therefore, lower self-esteem, could use Social Networking Technologies including text messaging, Facebook, email, blogging, MySpace, or Twitter to help improve their self-esteem, in a field where spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are commonplace, if not encouraged. A collective case study was undertaken based on surveys, individual interviews, and gathered documents from 3 students 9-13 years old. The data collected in this study were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative methods. These cases were individually examined for themes, which were then analyzed across the cases to examine points of convergence and divergence in the data. The research found that students with reading difficulties do not necessarily have poor self-esteem, as prior research has suggested (Carr, Borkowski, & Maxwell, 1991; Feiler, & Logan, 2007; Meece, Wigfield, & Eccles, 1990; Pintirch & DeGroot, 1990; Pintrich & Garcia, 1991). All of the participants who had reading difficulties, were found both through interviews and the CFSEI-3 self-esteem test (Battle, 2002) to have average self-esteem, although their parents all stated that their child felt poorly about their academic abilities. The research also found that using Social Networking Technologies helped improve the self-esteem of the majority of the participants both socially and academically.
Au niveau mondial, la mort par suicide occupe fréquemment la deuxième ou troisième place des causes de décès chez les adolescents (AIPS, 2009). Afin de prévenir le suicide chez les jeunes, une meilleure compréhension des facteurs associés s’avère donc nécessaire. La présente étude avait pour but d’identifier les facteurs de protection d’adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire relatant les habitudes de vie et facteurs psychosociaux a été analysé. Le risque suicidaire a été évalué à partir de la version adaptée pour adolescents du SAD PERSONS Scale (Juhnke, 1994). L’échantillon de l’étude comprenait 101 jeunes de 12 à 17 ans atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Des analyses descriptives, des tests de t, des analyses de variance, des corrélations et des régressions ont été utilisées afin de vérifier la relation entre le risque suicidaire et les facteurs de protection. Il ressort que, pour les adolescents de l’étude, être satisfait du soutien reçu, avoir un bon soutien affectif parental, avoir plusieurs sources de lecture par semaine, souper plusieurs fois avec sa famille par semaine, ne pas fumer de cigarette, ne pas avoir beaucoup d’amis qui fument la cigarette, ne pas consommer d’alcool, ne pas consommer de drogue ainsi que de ne pas mélanger la consommation d’alcool et de drogue peuvent tous agir, individuellement, comme facteurs de protection du suicide chez des adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Par ailleurs, les analyses effectuées ne révèlent aucune relation significative entre les habitudes scolaires, l’activité physique, les habitudes de sommeil, l’estime de soi et le risque suicidaire des adolescents de l’étude. Enfin, miser sur les facteurs de protection du suicide identifiés par la présente étude constitue une nouvelle piste intéressante pour les infirmières et des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique infirmière sont suggérées.
L’estime de soi joue un rôle central lorsqu’il est question de prédire les réactions des individus au feedback. En dépit de son influence indéniable sur les réactions des individus au feedback en contexte d’évaluation de potentiel, peu d’études se sont attardées aux facteurs pouvant en atténuer l’effet dans le cadre d’une telle démarche. Cette thèse vise à combler ce manque à travers deux articles empiriques répondant chacun à plusieurs objectifs de recherche. Dans cette optique, des données ont été amassées auprès de deux échantillons indépendants de candidats (étude 1, N = 111; étude 2, N = 153) ayant réalisé une évaluation de potentiel dans une firme-conseil spécialisée en psychologie industrielle. Le premier article vise à tester deux théories relatives à l’estime de soi s’affrontant lorsqu’il est question de prédire les réactions cognitives au feedback, la théorie de l’auto-valorisation et de l’auto-vérification. Pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène, l’influence de l’estime de soi et de la valence décisionnelle du feedback sur les deux composantes de l’appropriation cognitive du feedback en contexte d’évaluation, l’acceptation et la conscientisation, a été testé. Les résultats soutiennent les postulats de la théorie d’auto-valorisation lorsqu’il est question de prédire l’acceptation du feedback. En contrepartie, les résultats offrent peu de soutien à la théorie de l’auto-vérification dans la prédiction de la conscientisation à l’égard du feedback. Le second article vise à identifier des leviers modulables pour influencer favorablement les réactions des individus ayant une plus faible estime d’eux-mêmes. Pour ce faire, deux variables relatives à l’influence de la source ont été ciblées, la crédibilité perçue et les pratiques de confrontation constructive. Cet article comprend deux études, soit une première ayant pour objectif de valider un instrument mesurant la crédibilité perçue de la source et une seconde examinant les relations entre trois déterminants, soit l’estime de soi du candidat, la crédibilité perçue de la source et les pratiques de confrontation constructive, et deux réactions cognitives au feedback, l’acceptation et la conscientisation. Les analyses de la première étude font ressortir que l’échelle de crédibilité perçue présente des qualités psychométriques satisfaisantes et les résultats corroborent une structure unifactorielle. Les résultats de la seconde étude indiquent que les trois déterminants étudiés sont positivement reliés à l’acceptation et à la conscientisation. Les effets d’interaction significatifs font ressortir des conditions favorisant l’acceptation et la conscientisation chez les individus ayant une plus faible estime d’eux-mêmes. La crédibilité perçue atténue la relation entre l’estime de soi et l’acceptation alors que la confrontation constructive modère les relations entre l’estime de soi et, tant l’acceptation que la conscientisation. Enfin, la crédibilité perçue et la confrontation constructive interagissent dans la prédiction de la conscientisation, faisant ainsi ressortir l’importance d’établir sa crédibilité pour augmenter l’effet positif de la confrontation constructive. Les apports théorique et conceptuel de chacun des articles ainsi que les pistes d’intervention pratiques en découlant sont discutés séparément et repris dans une conclusion globale. Les retombées de cette thèse, tant sur le plan de la recherche que de l'intervention, sont également abordées dans cette dernière section.
Cette étude porte sur une intervention de groupe basée sur la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour l’hyperphagie boulimique (HB), dont les effets potentiels sur la qualité de vie reliée au poids, la fréquence et la sévérité des crises de boulimie, les symptômes dépressifs, l’image corporelle et le poids corporel ont été mesurés, et le degré d’acceptation par les participantes a été documenté. Ainsi, 11 femmes avec un surplus de poids et répondant aux critères diagnostiques de l’HB ont été recrutées du printemps 2012 à l’hiver 2013, dans la région de Montréal. Le programme comportant huit séances hebdomadaires était dispensé par une nutritionniste et une psychothérapeute. La qualité de vie reliée au poids (Impact of Weight on Quality of Life), la fréquence des crises de boulimie (rappel des sept derniers jours), la sévérité des crises de boulimie (Binge Eating Scale), les symptômes dépressifs (Inventaire de Beck pour la dépression), l’insatisfaction corporelle (Body Shape Questionnaire) et le poids corporel ont été mesurés avant et à la fin de l’intervention. Puis, un questionnaire pour mesurer l’acceptation par les participantes était soumis au terme du programme. Le taux de participation aux séances était aussi colligé. Les résultats montrent que notre programme a permis une amélioration significative du score global de la qualité de vie reliée au poids de 8,4 ± 13,3, ainsi qu’en termes d’estime de soi et de travail. Aussi, une diminution significative de la fréquence des crises de boulimie de 2,1 ± 2,1 jours, de la sévérité des crises de boulimie dont le score a diminué de 10,9 ± 7,7, des symptômes dépressifs dont le score a diminué de 8,3 ± 5,7 et de l’insatisfaction corporelle dont le score a diminué de 32,8 ± 17,1, ont été observées. Toutefois, il n’y a pas eu de perte de poids au terme de l’intervention. Puis, le programme a été bien accepté par les participantes tel que démontré par le taux de participation aux séances de 93,8 % et la satisfaction mesurée par l’appréciation des divers éléments du programme de 4,6 sur 5 et la pertinence de ceux-ci de 4,8 sur 5. Ces données suggèrent que l’intervention de groupe semble être prometteuse pour améliorer les symptômes et conséquences de l’HB, à l’exception du poids.
Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is the most frequent subtype of vulvodynia. Women report negative consequences of PVD on their sexual and romantic relationships. Researchers have recently highlighted the importance of examining interpersonal factors such as intimacy, and of including both women and their partners in study designs. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate sexual and relationship intimacy as defined by the Interpersonal Process Model of Intimacy and their associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, pain self-efficacy, and pain intensity among women with PVD and their partners. Methods Ninety-one heterosexual women (M age = 27.38, SD = 6.04) diagnosed with PVD and their partners (M age = 29.37, SD = 7.79) completed measures of sexual and relationship intimacy, sexual satisfaction, sexual function, pain self-efficacy, and pain intensity. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures were the (i) Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale; (ii) Female Sexual Function Index; (iii) Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale; and (iv) visual analog scale of pain intensity during intercourse. Results After controlling for women's age, women's greater sexual intimacy (β = 0.49, P < 0.001) was associated with women's greater sexual satisfaction and higher pain self-efficacy (β = 0.39, P = 0.001), beyond the effects of partners’ sexual intimacy. Also, women's greater sexual intimacy (β = 0.24, P = 0.05) and women's greater relationship intimacy (β = 0.54, P = 0.003) were associated with greater women's sexual function, beyond the effects of partners’ sexual and relationship intimacy. Conclusions Women's self-reported sexual and relationship intimacy in the couple relationship may promote higher sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy, as well as possibly foster greater sexual well-being among women with PVD. The authors discuss implications for the inclusion of emotional and interpersonal aspects of the couple's dynamic in clinical interventions and future research in PVD.
Introduction Entry dyspareunia is a sexual health concern which affects about 21% of women in the general population. Characterized by pain provoked during vaginal penetration, introital dyspareunia has been shown by controlled studies to have a negative impact on the psychological well-being, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, and quality of life of afflicted women. Many cognitive and affective variables may influence the experience of pain and associated psychosexual problems. However, the role of the partner's cognitive responses has been studied very little. Aim The aim of the present study was to examine the associations between partners' catastrophizing and their perceptions of women's self-efficacy at managing pain on one side and women's pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction on the other. Methods One hundred seventy-nine heterosexual couples (mean age for women = 31, SD = 10.0; mean age for men = 33, SD = 10.6) in which the woman suffered from entry dyspareunia participated in the study. Both partners completed quantitative measures. Women completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale. Men completed the significant-other versions of these measures. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures were women's responses to (i) the Pain Numeric Visual Analog Scale; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction scale. Results Controlled for women's pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy, results indicate that higher levels of partner-perceived self-efficacy and lower levels of partner catastrophizing are associated with decreased pain intensity in women with entry dyspareunia, although only partner catastrophizing contributed unique variance. Partner-perceived self-efficacy and catastrophizing were not significantly associated with sexual function or satisfaction in women. Conclusions The findings suggest that partners' cognitive responses may influence the experience of entry dyspareunia for women, pointing toward the importance of considering the partner when treating this sexual health problem.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
El presente proyecto se ha elaborado con la finalidad de encontrar la relación existente entre el liderazgo y el locus de control, por medio de una revisión documental que permita dar una visión más amplia de estos dos fenómenos. De acuerdo con investigaciones realizadas, existen características individuales que afectan el desarrollo de liderazgo, lo cual a su vez tiene un impacto sobre el comportamiento de los individuos dentro de una sociedad. Uno de estos factores es el locus de control, el cual sesta determinado por características del individuo, y por el ambiente en el cual se desenvuelven las personas. Existen diferentes evidencias que soportan ésta relación entre locus de control y liderazgo. En éste estudio documental se describirán estos hallazgos, identificando las características del individuo y del contexto que influyen sobre ellos. Asimismo se pondrá en contexto a través del trabajo las características principales de los líderes y como se presentan las interacciones entre los lideres y seguidores, teniendo en cuenta que no todas las veces los seguidores desarrollan este papel al seguir a su líder, sino que por otro lado y estos pueden tomar parte fundamental en la interacción, influyendo de manera directa sobre el líder. Se recuerda que a los lideres los hacen sus seguidores y que sin estos no podrían desarrollar el papel de líder.
Comprobar la existencia o no de influencias de la Educación en Valores en las actitudes hacia sí mismo de los adolescentes. Comprobar, en forma indirecta, los posibles cambios en el rendimiento académico de los adolescentes a los cuales se trató de influir en sus actitudes hacia sí mismos, por medio de una Educación en Valores. 37 sujetos de octavo curso de EGB de dos colegios próximos entre sí en Cornella de Llobregat (Barcelona) ubicados en un barrio obrero y de inmigrantes. Grupo experimental 1: 14 alumnos; grupo experimental 2: 12 alumnos; grupo control: 11 alumnos. Investigación cuasiexperimental que a partir de la aplicación de distintos instrumentos, previa validación, a los grupos experimentales y grupo control, pretende establecer una relación entre las dinámicas de educación y el proceso de valoración personal, actitudes hacia sí mismo y rendimiento académico, respectivamente. Variable independiente: dinámica de educación en valores. Variable dependiente: maduración personal y rendimiento académico. Tests: d-70 (para medir la inteligencia general de los sujetos); Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS) y metodología Q ad hoc. Los dos últimos con el método test-retest. Para medir las actitudes hacia si mismo además del tscs se utilizó el test (¿Cómo soy?'. El test Self Esteem Inventory (SEI) de Stanley Coopersmith se aplicó de forma reducida con 25 ítems (primera utilización en España con sujetos de 14-15 años). También se trabajó con cuestionarios de observación hacia los alumnos y pautas de autoevaluación. Prueba de Wilcoxon, diferencia de medias (datos apareados e independientes), prueba de signos, prueba U de Mann-Whitney, prueba de Kolgomorov-Smirnov, varianza de Bartlett, análisis de varianza, perfiles, mapas, análisis de contenidos, etc.. Las dinámicas potencian los componentes de autoconcepto y autocomportamiento de las actitudes hacia sí mismo. Las dinámicas de Educación en Valores, por medio del proceso de valoración, se relacionan con las actitudes hacia sí mismo como un factor de la madurez personal. Cada vez se ve más claro la necesidad de trabajar de forma más personalizada para poder detectar los cambios conductuales.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED