984 resultados para Rna Transcripts


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In male tephritid fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera, feeding on secondary plant compounds (sensu lato male lures = methyl eugenol, raspberry ketone and zingerone) increases male mating success. Ingested male lures alter the male pheromonal blend, normally making it more attractive to females and this is considered the primary mechanism for the enhanced mating success. However, the male lures raspberry ketone and zingerone are known, across a diverse range of other organisms, to be involved in increasing energy metabolism. If this also occurs in Bactrocera, then this may represent an additional benefit to males as courtship is metabolically expensive and lure feeding may increase a fly's short-term energy. We tested this hypothesis by performing comparative RNA-seq analysis between zingerone-fed and unfed males of Bactrocera tryoni. We also carried out behavioural assays with zingerone- and cuelure-fed males to test whether they became more active. RNA-seq analysis revealed, in zingerone-fed flies, up-regulation of 3183 genes with homologues transcripts to those known to regulate intermale aggression, pheromone synthesis, mating and accessory gland proteins, along with significant enrichment of several energy metabolic pathways and gene ontology terms. Behavioural assays show significant increases in locomotor activity, weight reduction and successful mating after mounting; all direct/indirect measures of increased activity. These results suggest that feeding on lures leads to complex physiological changes, which result in more competitive males. These results do not negate the pheromone effect, but do strongly suggest that the phytochemical-induced sexual selection is governed by both female preference and male competitive mechanisms.


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The predicted secondary structure of sub-genomic RNA in dengue virus defective interfering (D.I.) particles from patients, or generated in vitro, resembled that of the 3′ and 5′ regions of wild type dengue virus (DENV) genomes. While these structures in the sub-genomic RNA were found to be essential for its replication, their nucleotide sequences were not, so long as any new sequences maintained wild type RNA secondary structure. These observations suggested that these sub-genomic fragments of RNA from dengue viruses were replicated in the same manner as the full length genomes of their wild type, “helper”, viruses and that they probably represent the smallest fragments of DENV RNA that can be replicated during a natural infection. While D.I. particles containing sub-genomic RNA are completely parasitic, the relationship between wild type and D.I. DENV may be symbiotic, with the D.I. particles enhancing the transmission of infectious DENV.


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The project investigated the molecular response of Tra catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) to elevated salinity conditions. We employed Next generation sequencing platform to evaluate differential gene expression profiles of key genes under two salinity conditions. Results of the current project can form the basis for further studies to confirm the functional roles of specific genes that influence salinity tolerance in the target species and more broadly in other freshwater teleost fishes. Ultimately, the approach can contribute to developing superior culture stocks of the target species.


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Redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, possess a number of biological and commercial attributes that make them ideal for commercial aquaculture. While some studies have investigated digestive enzyme activity and nutritional requirements of this species, little information exists about the expression of digestive enzyme genes and their role in regulating digestive capacity. The current study therefore sequenced and annotated a RNASeq library constructed from a redclaw hepatopancreas to identify genes involved in digestive enzyme production. We observed that most of the transcripts that were annotated as digestive enzyme genes are associated with carbohydrate metabolism, thus confirming that redclaw have an innate capacity to digest a range of carbohydrate substrates. While endoglucanases were the most abundant group of digestive enzymes found, a number of novel transcripts were also detected. Here, we provide the first report for the presence and expression of endo-b-mannanase in freshwater crayfish. This novel gene showed significant alignment with a GH5 family protein from marine Limnoriids, wood borers that do not possess symbiotic microbes in their gut system. Overall, the data generated here provide an important resource to better understand the suite of digestive enzymes in redclaw that are very useful to fully utilize the species’ digestive capacity and will assist development of specific artificial feeds.


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Background Strand specific RNAseq data is now more common in RNAseq projects. Visualizing RNAseq data has become an important matter in Analysis of sequencing data. The most widely used visualization tool is the UCSC genome browser that introduced the custom track concept that enabled researchers to simultaneously visualize gene expression at a particular locus from multiple experiments. Our objective of the software tool is to provide friendly interface for visualization of RNAseq datasets. Results This paper introduces a visualization tool (RNASeqBrowser) that incorporates and extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser. For example, RNASeqBrowser simultaneously displays read coverage, SNPs, InDels and raw read tracks with other BED and wiggle tracks -- all being dynamically built from the BAM file. Paired reads are also connected in the browser to enable easier identification of novel exon/intron borders and chimaeric transcripts. Strand specific RNAseq data is also supported by RNASeqBrowser that displays reads above (positive strand transcript) or below (negative strand transcripts) a central line. Finally, RNASeqBrowser was designed for ease of use for users with few bioinformatic skills, and incorporates the features of many genome browsers into one platform. Conclusions The features of RNASeqBrowser: (1) RNASeqBrowser integrates UCSC genome browser and NGS visualization tools such as IGV. It extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser by adding several new types of tracks to show NGS data such as individual raw reads, SNPs and InDels. (2) RNASeqBrowser can dynamically generate RNA secondary structure. It is useful for identifying non-coding RNA such as miRNA. (3) Overlaying NGS wiggle data is helpful in displaying differential expression and is simple to implement in RNASeqBrowser. (4) NGS data accumulates a lot of raw reads. Thus, RNASeqBrowser collapses exact duplicate reads to reduce visualization space. Normal PC’s can show many windows of NGS individual raw reads without much delay. (5) Multiple popup windows of individual raw reads provide users with more viewing space. This avoids existing approaches (such as IGV) which squeeze all raw reads into one window. This will be helpful for visualizing multiple datasets simultaneously. RNASeqBrowser and its manual are freely available at http://www.australianprostatecentre.org/research/software/rnaseqbrowser webcite or http://sourceforge.net/projects/rnaseqbrowser/ webcite


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Background: Migraine causes crippling attacks of severe head pain along with associated nausea, vomiting, photophobia and/or phonophobia. The aim of this study was to investigate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 (ADARB1)and adenosine deaminase, RNA specific, B2 (ADARB2) genes in an Australian case-control Caucasian population for association with migraine. Both candidate genes are highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and fit criteria for migraine neuropathology. SNPs in the ADARB2 gene were previously found to be positively associated with migraine in a pedigree-based GWAS using the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island, Australia. The ADARB1 gene was also chosen for investigation due to its important function in editing neurotransmitter receptor transcripts. Methods: Four SNPs in ADARB1 and nine in ADARB2 were selected by inspecting blocks of LD in Haploview for genotyping using either TaqMan or Sequenom assays. These SNPs were genotyped in two-hundred and ninety one patients who satisfied the International Classification of Headache Disorders, ICHD-II 2004 diagnostic criteria for migraine and three-hundred and fourteen controls and PLINK was used for association testing. Results: Chi-square (χ2) analysis found no significant association between any of the SNPs tested in the ADARB1 and ADARB2 genes in this study and the occurrence of migraine. Conclusions: In contrast to findings that SNPs in the ADARB2 gene were positively associated with migraine in the Norfolk Island population, we find no evidence to support the involvement of RNA editing genes in migraine susceptibility in an Australian Caucasian population.


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Background The genetic mutation resulting in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type V was recently characterised as a single point mutation (c.-14C > T) in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of IFITM5, a gene encoding a transmembrane protein with expression restricted to skeletal tissue. This mutation creates an alternative start codon and has been shown in a eukaryotic cell line to result in a longer variant of IFITM5, but its expression has not previously been demonstrated in bone from a patient with OI type V. Methods Sanger sequencing of the IFITM5 5' UTR was performed in our cohort of subjects with a clinical diagnosis of OI type V. Clinical data was collated from referring clinicians. RNA was extracted from a bone sample from one patient and Sanger sequenced to determine expression of wild-type and mutant IFITM5. Results: All nine subjects with OI type V were heterozygous for the c.-14C > T IFITM5 mutation. Clinically, there was heterogeneity in phenotype, particularly in the manifestation of bone fragility amongst subjects. Both wild-type and mutant IFITM5 mRNA transcripts were present in bone. Conclusions The c.-14C > T IFITM5 mutation does not result in an RNA-null allele but is expressed in bone. Individuals with identical mutations in IFITM5 have highly variable phenotypic expression, even within the same family.


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Background Nicotiana benthamiana is an allo-tetraploid plant, which can be challenging for de novo transcriptome assemblies due to homeologous and duplicated gene copies. Transcripts generated from such genes can be distinct yet highly similar in sequence, with markedly differing expression levels. This can lead to unassembled, partially assembled or mis-assembled contigs. Due to the different properties of de novo assemblers, no one assembler with any one given parameter space can re-assemble all possible transcripts from a transcriptome. Results In an effort to maximise the diversity and completeness of de novo assembled transcripts, we utilised four de novo transcriptome assemblers, TransAbyss, Trinity, SOAPdenovo-Trans, and Oases, using a range of k-mer sizes and different input RNA-seq read counts. We complemented the parameter space biologically by using RNA from 10 plant tissues. We then combined the output of all assemblies into a large super-set of sequences. Using a method from the EvidentialGene pipeline, the combined assembly was reduced from 9.9 million de novo assembled transcripts to about 235,000 of which about 50,000 were classified as primary. Metrics such as average bit-scores, feature response curves and the ability to distinguish paralogous or homeologous transcripts, indicated that the EvidentialGene processed assembly was of high quality. Of 35 RNA silencing gene transcripts, 34 were identified as assembled to full length, whereas in a previous assembly using only one assembler, 9 of these were partially assembled. Conclusions To achieve a high quality transcriptome, it is advantageous to implement and combine the output from as many different de novo assemblers as possible. We have in essence taking the ‘best’ output from each assembler while minimising sequence redundancy. We have also shown that simultaneous assessment of a variety of metrics, not just focused on contig length, is necessary to gauge the quality of assemblies.


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The shoot represents the basic body plan in land plants. It consists of a repeated structure composed of stems and leaves. Whereas vascular plants generate a shoot in their diploid phase, non-vascular plants such as mosses form a shoot (called the gametophore) in their haploid generation. The evolution of regulatory mechanisms or genetic networks used in the development of these two kinds of shoots is unclear. TERMINAL EAR1-like genes have been involved in diploid shoot development in vascular plants. Here, we show that disruption of PpTEL1 from the moss Physcomitrella patens, causes reduced protonema growth and gametophore initiation, as well as defects in gametophore development. Leafy shoots formed on ΔTEL1 mutants exhibit shorter stems with more leaves per shoot, suggesting an accelerated leaf initiation (shortened plastochron), a phenotype shared with the Poaceae vascular plants TE1 and PLA2/LHD2 mutants. Moreover, the positive correlation between plastochron length and leaf size observed in ΔTEL1 mutants suggests a conserved compensatory mechanism correlating leaf growth and leaf initiation rate that would minimize overall changes in plant biomass. The RNA-binding protein encoded by PpTEL1 contains two N-terminus RNA-recognition motifs, and a third C-terminus non-canonical RRM, specific to TEL proteins. Removal of the PpTEL1 C-terminus (including this third RRM) or only 16–18 amino acids within it seriously impairs PpTEL1 function, suggesting a critical role for this third RRM. These results show a conserved function of the RNA-binding PpTEL1 protein in the regulation of shoot development, from early ancestors to vascular plants, that depends on the third TEL-specific RRM.


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TERMINAL EAR1-like (TEL) genes encode putative RNA-binding proteins only found in land plants. Previous studies suggested that they may regulate tissue and organ initiation in Poaceae. Two TEL genes were identified in both Populus trichocarpa and the hybrid aspen Populus tremula × P. alba, named, respectively, PoptrTEL1-2 and PtaTEL1-2. The analysis of the organisation around the PoptrTEL genes in the P. trichocarpa genome and the estimation of the synonymous substitution rate for PtaTEL1-2 genes indicate that the paralogous link between these two Populus TEL genes probably results from the Salicoid large-scale gene-duplication event. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed their orthology link with the other TEL genes. The expression pattern of both PtaTEL genes appeared to be restricted to the mother cells of the plant body: leaf founder cells, leaf primordia, axillary buds and root differentiating tissues, as well as to mother cells of vascular tissues. Most interestingly, PtaTEL1-2 transcripts were found in differentiating cells of secondary xylem and phloem, but probably not in the cambium itself. Taken together, these results indicate specific expression of the TEL genes in differentiating cells controlling tissue and organ development in Populus (and other Angiosperm species).


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Proteins are polymerized by cyclic machines called ribosomes, which use their messenger RNA (mRNA) track also as the corresponding template, and the process is called translation. We explore, in depth and detail, the stochastic nature of the translation. We compute various distributions associated with the translation process; one of them-namely, the dwell time distribution-has been measured in recent single-ribosome experiments. The form of the distribution, which fits best with our simulation data, is consistent with that extracted from the experimental data. For our computations, we use a model that captures both the mechanochemistry of each individual ribosome and their steric interactions. We also demonstrate the effects of the sequence inhomogeneities of real genes on the fluctuations and noise in translation. Finally, inspired by recent advances in the experimental techniques of manipulating single ribosomes, we make theoretical predictions on the force-velocity relation for individual ribosomes. In principle, all our predictions can be tested by carrying out in vitro experiments.


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THE rapid development of recombinant DNA technology has brought forth a revolution in biology'>", it aids us to have a closer look at the 'way genes are organized, eS11 ecially in the complex eucaryotic genornes'<", Although many animal and yeast genes have been studied in detail using recombinant DNA technology, plant genes have seldom been targets for such studie., Germination is an ideal process to study gene expression .because it effects a . shift in the metabolic status of seeds from a state of 'dormancy to an active one. AJ;l understanding of gene organization and regulation darin.g germination can be accomplblted by molecular cloning of DNA from seeds lik.e rice. To study the status of histone, rRNA tRNA and other genes in the rice genome, a general method was developed to clone eucarvotic DNA in a' plasmid vector pBR 322. This essentially ~ involves the following steps. The rice embryo and plasmid pBR 322 DNAs were cut witll restriction endonuclease Bam Hi to generate stick.Y ends, The plasmid DNA was puosphatased, the DNA~ ware a~·tnealed and joined 'by T4 phage DNA ligase. The recombinant DNA molecules thus produced were transjerred into E. coli and colonies containing them Were selected by their sensitivity to tetracycline and resistance to ampicillin, Two clones were identified . 2S haVing tRNA genes by hybridization of the DNA in the clones \vitl1 32P-la.belled rice tRNAs.


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We have characterised six Australian Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) strains belonging to different subgroups, determined by the sequence of their complete RNA 3 and by their host range and the symptoms they cause on species in the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and on sweet corn. These data allowed classification of strains into the known three CMV subgroups and identification of plant species able to differentiate the Australian strains by symptoms and host range. Western Australian strains 237 and Twa and Queensland strains 207 and 242 are closely related members of CMV subgroup IA, which cause similar severe symptoms on Nicotiana species. Strains 207 and 237 (subgroup IA) were the only strains tested which systemically infected sweet corn. Strain 243 caused the most severe symptoms of all strains on Nicotiana species, tomato and capsicum and appears to be the first confirmed subgroup IB strain reported in Australia. Based on pair-wise distance analysis and phylogeny of RNA 3, as well as mild disease symptoms on Nicotiana species, CMV 241 was assigned to subgroup II, as the previously described Q-CMV and LY-CMV.


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Degradation of RNA in diagnostic specimens can cause false-negative test results and potential misdiagnosis when tests rely on the detection of specific RNA sequence. Current molecular methods of checking RNA integrity tend to be host species or group specific, necessitating libraries of primers and reaction conditions. The objective here was to develop a universal (multi-species) quality assurance tool for determining the integrity of RNA in animal tissues submitted to a laboratory for analyses. Ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) transcribed from the mitochondrial 16S rDNA was used as template material for reverse transcription to cDNA and was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). As mitochondrial DNA has a high level of conservation, the primers used were shown to reverse transcribe and amplify RNA from every animal species tested. Deliberate degradation of rRNA template through temperature abuse of samples resulted in no reverse transcription and amplification. Samples spiked with viruses showed that single-stranded viral RNA and rRNA in the same sample degraded at similar rates, hence reverse transcription and PCR amplification of 16S rRNA could be used as a test of sample integrity and suitability for analysis that required the sample's RNA, including viral RNA. This test will be an invaluable quality assurance tool for determination of RNA integrity from tissue samples, thus avoiding erroneous test results that might occur if degraded target RNA is used unknowingly as template material for reverse transcription and subsequent PCR amplification.


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Background Fusion transcripts are found in many tissues and have the potential to create novel functional products. Here, we investigate the genomic sequences around fusion junctions to better understand the transcriptional mechanisms mediating fusion transcription/splicing. We analyzed data from prostate (cancer) cells as previous studies have shown extensively that these cells readily undergo fusion transcription. Results We used the FusionMap program to identify high-confidence fusion transcripts from RNAseq data. The RNAseq datasets were from our (N = 8) and other (N = 14) clinical prostate tumors with adjacent non-cancer cells, and from the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line that were mock-, androgen- (DHT), and anti-androgen- (bicalutamide, enzalutamide) treated. In total, 185 fusion transcripts were identified from all RNAseq datasets. The majority (76 %) of these fusion transcripts were ‘read-through chimeras’ derived from adjacent genes in the genome. Characterization of sequences at fusion loci were carried out using a combination of the FusionMap program, custom Perl scripts, and the RNAfold program. Our computational analysis indicated that most fusion junctions (76 %) use the consensus GT-AG intron donor-acceptor splice site, and most fusion transcripts (85 %) maintained the open reading frame. We assessed whether parental genes of fusion transcripts have the potential to form complementary base pairing between parental genes which might bring them into physical proximity. Our computational analysis of sequences flanking fusion junctions at parental loci indicate that these loci have a similar propensity as non-fusion loci to hybridize. The abundance of repetitive sequences at fusion and non-fusion loci was also investigated given that SINE repeats are involved in aberrant gene transcription. We found few instances of repetitive sequences at both fusion and non-fusion junctions. Finally, RT-qPCR was performed on RNA from both clinical prostate tumors and adjacent non-cancer cells (N = 7), and LNCaP cells treated as above to validate the expression of seven fusion transcripts and their respective parental genes. We reveal that fusion transcript expression is similar to the expression of parental genes. Conclusions Fusion transcripts maintain the open reading frame, and likely use the same transcriptional machinery as non-fusion transcripts as they share many genomic features at splice/fusion junctions.