880 resultados para Reversal of sex


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Different cell cycle synchronization methods were used to increase the mitotic index and accuracy of sex determination in murine and bovine embryos. For sexing purposes, colchicine treatment for 2, 4, 6 and 8 h and the FdU-thymidine-colchicine combination were tested in murine embryos. The best results were obtained with colchicine treatment for 8 h (96.88% accuracy) and with FdU-thymidine-colchicine (97.22% accuracy). Mitotic indexes differed significantly between the 2 treatments (21.71% for colchicine and 32.95% for FdU-thymidine-colchicine). For sex identification of murine and bovine demi-embryos, both treatments were demonstrated to be equally effective (nearly 90%). The mitotic index for the FdU-treated murine demi-embryos (19.04%) was higher than the one obtained for the 8-h colchicine treatment (15.62%).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Despite advances in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in sex determination and differentiation, the specific roles of many genes in these processes are not completely understood in humans. Both DMRT1 and FGF9 are among this group of genes. Dmrt1 controls germ cell differentiation, proliferation, migration and pluripotency and Sertoli cell proliferation and differentiation. Fgf9 has been considered a critical factor in early testicular development and germ cell survival in mice. We screened for the presence of DMRT1 and FGF9 mutations in 33 patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. No deletions in either DMRT1 or FGF9 were identified using the MLPA technique. Eight allelic variants of DMRT1 were identified, and in silico analysis suggested that the novel c.968-15insTTCTCTCT variant and the c.774G>C (rs146975077) variant could have potentially deleterious effects on the DMRT1 protein. Nine previously described FGF9 allelic variants and six different alleles of the 3' UTR microsatellite were identified. However, none of these DMRT1 or FGF9 variants was associated with increased 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. In conclusion, our study suggests that neither DMRT1 nor FGF9 abnormalities are frequently involved in dysgenetic male gonad development in patients with non-syndromic 46,XY disorder of sex development. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


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Although sex ratios close to unity are expected in dioecious species, biased sex ratios are common in nature. It is essential to understand causes of skewed sex ratios in situ, as they can lead to mate limitation and have implications for the success of natural populations. Female-skewed sex ratios are commonly observed in copepods in situ. Here we discuss the challenges of copepod sex ratio research and provide a critical review of factors determining copepod sex ratios, focusing on 2 main objectives. The first is a critique of the male predation theory, which is currently the main process thought to be responsible for female-skewed sex ratios. It assumes that males have higher mortality because of increased vulnerability to predation during their search for mates. We show that there is little support for the male predation theory, that sex ratios skewed toward females occur in the absence of predation, that sex ratios are not related to predation pressure, and that where sex-skewed predation does occur, it is biased toward females. Our second objective is to suggest alternative hypotheses regarding the determination of sex ratios. We demonstrate that environmental factors, environmental sex determination and sex change have strong effects on copepod sex ratios, and suggest that differential physiological longevity of males and females may be more important in determining sex ratios than previously thought. We suggest that copepod sex ratios are the result of a mixture of factors.


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Industrial and domestic sewage effluents have been found to cause reproductive disorders in wild fish, often as a result of the interference of compounds in the effluents with the endocrine system. This thesis describes laboratory-based exposure experiments and a field survey that were conducted with juveniles of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. This small teleost is a common fish in Swedish coastal waters and was chosen as an alternative to non-native test species commonly used in endocrine disruption studies, which allows the comparison of field data with results from laboratory experiments. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate 1) if genetic sex determination and differentiation can be disturbed by natural and synthetic steroid hormones and 2) whether this provides an endpoint for the detection of endocrine disruption, 3) to evaluate the applicability of specific estrogen- and androgen-inducible marker proteins in juvenile three-spined sticklebacks, 4) to investigate whether estrogenic and/or androgenic endocrine disrupting activity can be detected in effluents from Swedish pulp mills and domestic sewage treatment plants and 5) whether such activity can be detected in coastal waters receiving these effluents. Laboratory exposure experiments found juvenile three-spined sticklebacks to be sensitive to water-borne estrogenic and androgenic steroid substances. Intersex – the co-occurrence of ovarian and testicular tissue in gonads – was induced by 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The first two weeks after hatching was the phase of highest sensitivity. MT was ambivalent by simultaneously eliciting masculinizing and feminizing effects. When applying a DNA-based method for genetic sex identification, it was found that application of MT only during the first two weeks after hatching caused total and apparently irreversible development of testis in genetic females. E2 caused gonad type reversal from male to female. E2 and EE2 induced vitellogenin - the estrogen-responsive yolk precursor protein, while DHT and MT induced spiggin – the androgen-responsive glue protein of the stickleback. None of the effluents from two pulp mills and two domestic sewage treatment plants had any estrogenic or androgenic activity. Juvenile three-spined sticklebacks were collected during four subsequent summers at the Swedish Baltic Sea coast in recipients of effluents from pulp mills and a domestic sewage treatment plant as well as remote reference sites. No sings of endocrine disruption were observed at any site, when studying gonad development or marker proteins, except for a deviation of sex ratios at a reference site. The three-spined stickleback – with focus on the juvenile stage – was found to be a sensitive species suitable for the study of estrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruption.


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Previous research has established a significant association between social support and health; high levels of social support are consistently shown to both directly and indirectly improve health (Cohen, 1998, House et al. 1988, Rook, 2001, Schwarzer & Leppin 1989). Additional research has investigated the role of sex and gender differences in social support, health and the interaction between these variables (Barbee et al. 1993, Burda, Vaux & Schill 1984, Cleary, 1987, Rook, 2001, Shumaker & Hill, 1991). The present study aims to further examine the influence of sex-role orientation on social support and health. Forty-nine female participants completed a three-part survey assessing their sex-role orientation, perceived social support, current stress levels and physical health. Results revealed that both masculinity and femininity relate to social support network size and health outcomes. Masculinity and androgyny were significantly negatively associated with health problems, whereas undifferentiated individuals had higher rates of physical illness. These findings demonstrate the important role of gendered traits in social support and ultimately, physical health.


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As a species of major interest for aquaculture, the sex determination system (SDS) of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, has been widely investigated. In this species, sex determination is considered to be governed by the interactions between a complex system of genetic sex determination factors (GSD) and the influence of temperature (TSD) during a critical period. Previous studies were exclusively carried out on domestic stocks with the genetic and maintenance limitations associated. Given the wide distribution and adaptation potential of the Nile tilapia, we investigated under controlled conditions the sex determination system of natural populations adapted to three extreme thermal regimes: stable extreme environments in Ethiopia, either cold temperatures in a highland lake (Lake Koka), or warm temperatures in hydrothermal springs (Lake Metahara), and an environment with large seasonal variations in Ghana (Kpandu, Lake Volta). The sex ratio analysis was conducted on progenies reared under constant basal (27 degrees C) or high (36 degrees C) temperatures during the 30 days following yolk-sac resorption. Sex ratios of the progenies reared at standard temperature suggest that the three populations share a similar complex GSD system based on a predominant male heterogametic factor with additional influences of polymorphism at this locus and/or action of minor factors. The three populations presented a clear thermosensitivity of sex differentiation, with large variations in the intensity of response depending on the parents. This confirms the presence of genotype-environment interactions in TSD of Nile tilapia. Furthermore the existence of naturally sex-reversed individuals is strongly suggested in two populations (Kpandu and Koka). However, it was not possible here to infer if the sex-inversion resulted from minor genetic factors and/or environmental influences. The present study demonstrated for the first time the conservation of a complex SDS combining polymorphic GSD and TSD components in natural populations of Nile tilapia. We discuss the evolutionary implications of our findings and highlight the importance of field investigations of sex determination. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The following commentary serves as a response to the article, “Sex Trafficking of Minors in the U.S.: Implications for Policy, Prevention and Research,” drawing the important, though not often mentioned, connection between the sex trafficking of minors and human rights. The commentary argues that child trafficking has been inadequately addressed due to its relative invisibility, a lack of knowledge about human rights, and a lack of discourse about the human rights issues involved in sexual trafficking. As such, in the current day, the recognition that women and girls who are sexually exploited by traffickers are victims has seemingly been forgotten. The commentator commends the authors ofSex Trafficking of Minors in the U.S.: Implications for Policy, Prevention and Research” for their work to better understand the characteristics of minor sex trafficking victims, which will play an important role in fighting deadly misperceptions about the victims, educating others about this lethal human rights violation, and finding ways to care for those victims who are rescued.


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Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of periodontal disease with sex hormones. If periodontal disease is associated with abnormal levels of sex hormones this may indicate a link between periodontal disease and prostate cancer. ^ Methods. All participants were derived from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES III) data. For the purpose of our study, serum samples for hormones measurements such as testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol, free estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and periodontal examination data were available for 1,101 of these men. ^ Results. After adjusting for known risk factors, periodontal disease was significantly associated with sex hormones as testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol and free estradiol. The association of periodontal disease and sex hormone levels were not significantly different between ethnicity groups. ^ Discussion. The results indicate the need for further study of periodontal disease and serum levels of testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol and free estradiol in men.^


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Background: Pathogens are a major regulatory force for host populations, especially under stressful conditions. Elevated temperatures may enhance the development of pathogens, increase the number of transmission stages, and can negatively influence host susceptibility depending on host thermal tolerance. As a net result, this can lead to a higher prevalence of epidemics during summer months. These conditions also apply to marine ecosystems, where possible ecological impacts and the population-specific potential for evolutionary responses to changing environments and increasing disease prevalence are, however, less known. Therefore, we investigated the influence of thermal stress on the evolutionary trajectories of disease resistance in three marine populations of three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus by combining the effects of elevated temperature and infection with a bacterial strain of Vibrio sp. using a common garden experiment. Results: We found that thermal stress had an impact on fish weight and especially on survival after infection after only short periods of thermal acclimation. Environmental stress reduced genetic differentiation (QST) between populations by releasing cryptic within-population variation. While life history traits displayed positive genetic correlations across environments with relatively weak genotype by environment interactions (GxE), environmental stress led to negative genetic correlations across environments in pathogen resistance. This reversal of genetic effects governing resistance is probably attributable to changing environment-dependent virulence mechanisms of the pathogen interacting differently with host genotypes, i.e. GPathogenxGHostxE or (GPathogenxE)x(GHostxE) interactions, rather than to pure host genetic effects, i.e. GHostxE interactions. Conclusion: To cope with climatic changes and the associated increase in pathogen virulence, host species require wide thermal tolerances and pathogen-resistant genotypes. The higher resistance we found for some families at elevated temperatures showed that there is evolutionary potential for resistance to Vibrio sp. in both thermal environments. The negative genetic correlation of pathogen resistance between thermal environments, on the other hand, indicates that adaptation to current conditions can be a weak predictor for performance in changing environments. The observed feedback on selective gradients exerted on life history traits may exacerbate this effect, as it can also modify the response to selection for other vital components of fitness.


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To probe genetic variation in the regulation of sexual dimorphism, we have characterized the mouse protein Slp, coded by the gene sex-limited protein (Slp). Slp expression in many strains is limited to males and is androgen-dependent. However, female expression is also observed in rare strains, due to nonlinked gene(s) termed regulator of sex-limitation (rsl). In this report we demonstrate that female expression of Slp results from homozygous recessive allele(s) at a single autosomal locus that maps to a 2.2-centimorgan interval on chromosome 13. This conclusion was supported by extensive genetic analyses including the use of polymorphic microsatellites to type numerous backcross progeny and a recombinant inbred series and to identify the congenic interval in three independently derived congenic strains. Four attractive candidate genes were identified by the localization of rsl. Interestingly, rsl was found not only to enable expression in females but to also increase expression in males. The findings suggest that the expression of Slp and perhaps other sexually dimorphic proteins is regulated by two pathways, one that is dependent upon rsl but not androgens and another that is rsl-independent but requires androgens.


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Female moths often become depleted of sex pheromone after mating as the various components of virgin behavior are switched off. In examining a potential male contribution to these events in the corn earworm moth Helicoverpa zea, we have characterized a basic polypeptide from the tissues producing (accessory glands) and storing (duplex) the seminal fluids. The peptide evokes the depletion of sex pheromone when injected into virgin females. This pheromonostatic peptide (PSP) is 57 amino acids long and contains a single disulfide bridge. It is blocked at the N terminus with pyroglutamate and at the C terminus by amidation. As little as 23 ng of peptide evokes the near-complete depletion of pheromone in decapitated (neck-ligated) females that had been injected with pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide. Activity is approximately 15-fold less in intact virgins, showing that the head limits the expression of activity in these injected females. Females mated to surgically impaired males, capable of producing a spermatophore but not transferring spermatozoa or seminal fluids, are depleted of pheromone by injected peptide. Females whose abdominal nerve cords have been severed are not depleted of pheromone after mating. Thus, neural signals either descending or ascending via the nerve cord are required for the depletion of pheromone after mating. PSP, from the seminal fluids, may participate in this process by direct or indirect action on the glandular tissue; if so, it represents an unusual mechanism in insects for the regulation by seminal fluids of postmating reproductive behavior.


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The epidemic of sexual assault on American university campuses that was first acknowledged by Mary P. Koss in 1987 has resulted in the centering of consent as a key way of distinguishing between acceptable, normal sex and unacceptable, punishable sex. Unfortunately, various experiences of sex that fit within the acceptable, normal sex category according to university policy frameworks can often have just as detrimental side effects on women as rape does. The need to investigate how simplistic notions of consent might be failing women in challenging rape culture then becomes paramount. This paper uses a mix of intersectional feminist theory and script theory to provide an analytical review of contemporary writings and studies derived from various books, journals, and news articles on sexual assault and consent movements available through the University of Washington library system and various online resources. The findings include how various forms of apparently consensual sex such as coerced sex, compliant sex, and even enthusiastic, pleasurable sex can play into upholding rape culture, harm women disproportionately, and uphold men’s systemic power. By becoming involved in the continued modern discussions of consent, this paper seeks to redirect the current discourse on sexual consent now common on university campuses in hopes of broadening our perception of consensual sex and more adequately challenge rape culture.


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The impact of sex-biased fishing and marine reserve protection on the mud crab Scylla serrata was examined by comparing the catch rates (catch-per-unit-effort, CPUE), mean size, sex ratios and movement of crabs in 2 coastal marine reserves (1.9 and 5.7 km(2)) and 4 fished non-reserve sites in subtropical Australia. Five years after closure, both marine reserves supported higher catch rates and a larger mean size of S. serrata than non-reserve sites. Males dominated catches of S. serrata in both marine reserves, where CPUE was at least twice as high within the reserves compared to non-reserve sites. Male crabs were also 10% larger in the reserves compared to adjacent fished areas, and of the total male catch, over 70% were equal to or greater than legal size compared to less than 50% outside the reserves. The sex ratio of S. serrata was skewed towards females in all nonreserve sites, which was most likely a result of the ban on taking female S. serrata in Moreton Bay. As only male crabs of >= 15 cm CW made up the S. serrata fishery in Moreton Bay, sex ratios of mature male and female crabs were examined, revealing a strong skew (2:1) towards mature males in both marine reserves. Of the 472 S. serrata captured in this study, 338 were tagged in the reserves in order to document movement of the crabs between the reserve and non-reserve sites. Of the 37 recaptured crabs, 73% were recorded inside the reserves, with some spillover (i.e. cross-boundary movement) of crabs recorded in fished areas. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of small (< 6 km(2)) marine reserves for sex-biased exploited fisheries species.


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Around 50 per cent of men with diabetes experience erectile dysfunction. Much of the literature focuses on quality of life measures with heterosexual men in monogamous relationships. This study explores gay and bisexual men's experiences of sex and diabetes. Thirteen interviews were analysed and three themes identified: erectile problems; other 'physical' problems; and disclosing diabetes to sexual partners. Findings highlight a range of sexual problems experienced by non-heterosexual men and the significance of the cultural and relational context in which they are situated. The personalized care promised by the UK government should acknowledge the diversity of sexual practices which might be affected by diabetes.