999 resultados para Reproducció de les plantes
Abstract Lipid derived signals mediate many stress and defense responses in multicellular eukaryotes. Among these are the jasmonates, potently active signaling compounds in plants. Jasmonic acid (JA) and 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) are the two best known members of the large jasmonate family. This thesis further investigates their roles as signals using genomic and proteomic approaches. The study is based on a simple genetic model involving two key genes. The first is ALLENE OXIDE SYNTHASE (AOS), encoding the most important enzyme in generating jasmonates. The second is CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1), a gene involved in all currently documented canonical signaling responses. We asked the simple question: do null mutations in AOS and COI1 have analogous effects on the transcriptome ? We found that they do not. If most COI1-dependent genes were also AOS-dependent, the expression of a zinc-finger protein was AOS-dependent but was unaffected by the coi1-1 mutation. We thus supposed that a jasmonate member, most probably OPDA, can alter gene expression partially independently of COI1. Conversely, the expression of at least three genes, one of these is a protein kinase, was shown to be COI1-dependent but did not require a functional AOS protein. We conclude that a non-jasmonate signal might alter gene expression through COIL Proteomic comparison of coi1-1 and aos plants confirmed these observations and highlighted probable protein degradation processes controlled by jasmonates and COI1 in the wounded leaf. This thesis revealed new functions for COI1 and for AOS-generated oxylipins in the jasmonate signaling pathway. Résumé Les signaux dérivés d'acides gras sont des médiateurs de réponses aux stress et de la défense des eucaryotes multicellulaires. Parmi eux, les jasmonates sont de puissants composés de sig¬nalisation chez les plantes. L'acide jasmonique (JA) et l'acide 12-oxo-phytodienoïc (OPDA) sont les deux membres les mieux caractérisés de la grande famille des jasmonates. Cette thèse étudie plus profondément leurs rôles de signalisation en utilisant des approches génomique et protéomique. Cette étude est basée sur un modèle génétique simple n'impliquant que deux gènes. Le premier est PALLENE OXYDE SYNTHASE (AOS) qui encode l'enzyme la plus importante pour la fabrication des jasmonates. Le deuxième est CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1) qui est impliqué dans la totalité des réponses aux jasmonates connues à ce jour. Nous avons posé la question suivante : est-ce que les mutations nulles dans les gènes AOS et COI1 ont des effets analogues sur le transcriptome ? Nous avons trouvé que ce n'était pas le cas. Si la majorité des gènes dépendants de COI1 sont également dépendants d'AOS, l'expression d'un gène codant pour une protéine formée de doigts de zinc n'est pas affectée par la mutation de COI1 tout en étant dépendante d'AOS. Nous avons donc supposé qu'un membre de la famille des jasmonates, probablement OPDA, pouvait modifier l'expression de certains gènes indépendamment de COI1. Inversement, nous avons montré que, tout en étant dépendante de COI1, l'expression d'au moins trois gènes, dont un codant pour une protéine kinase, n'était pas affectée par l'absence d'une protéine AOS fonctionnelle. Nous en avons conclu qu'un signal autre qu'un jasmonate devait modifier l'expression de certains gènes à travers COI1. La comparaison par protéomique de plantes aos et coi1-1 a confirmé ces observations et a mis en évidence un probable processus de dégradation de protéines contrôlé par les jasmonates et COU_ Cette thèse a mis en avant de nouvelles fonctions pour COI1 et pour des oxylipines générées par AOS dans le cadre de la signalisation par les jasmonates.
Résumé Les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) ont co-évolué avec les plantes terrestres depuis plus de 400 millions d'années. De nos jours, les CEA forment une symbiose avec les racines de la majorité des plantes terrestres. Les CEA sont écologiquement importants parce qu'ils influencent non seulement la croissance des plantes, mais aussi leur diversité. Les CEA sont des biotrophes obligatoires qui reçoivent leur énergie sous forme de glucides issus de la photosynthèse des plantes. En contrepartie, les CEA apportent à leurs hôtes du phospore. Les CEA croissent et se reproduisent clonalement en formant des hyphes et des spores. De plus, les CEA sont coenocytiques et multigénomiques; le cytoplasme d'un CEA contient des noyeaux génétiquement différents. De nombreuses études ont démontré que différentes espèces de CEA agissent différentiellement sur la croissance des plantes. Malgré une conscience de plus en plus forte de l'existence d'une variabilité intraspécifique, la question de savoir si les populations de CEA sont génétiquement variables a été largement négligée. Dans le Chapitre 2, j'ai cherché à savoir si une population de CEA provenant d'un seul champ possède une diversité génétique. Cette étude a mis en évidence une importante variation génétique et phénotypique au sein d'individus de la même population. Des différences au niveau de traits de croissance, héritables et liés à la valeur sélective, indiquent que la variation génétique observée entre isolats n'est pas entièrement neutre. Dans le Chapitre 3, je montre que les différences génétiques entre isolats de CEA d'une population provoquent de la variation dans la croissance des plantes. L'effet des isolats dépend des conditions environnementales et varie de bénéfique à parasitique. Dans le Chapitre 4, je montre que des traits de croissance de CEA varient significativement dans des environnements contrastés. J'ai détecté de fortes interactions entre différents génotypes de CEA et différentes espèces de plantes. Ceci suggère que dans un environnement hétérogène, la sélection pourrait localement favoriser différents génotypes de CEA, maintenant ainsi la diversité génétique dans la population. Les résultats de ce travail aident à mieux comprendre l'importance écologique de la variation intraspécifique des CEA. La possibilité de pouvoir cultiver des individus d'une population de CEA au laboratoire nous a permis une meilleure compréhension de la génétique de ces champignons. De plus, ce travail est une base pour de futures expériences visant à comprendre l'importance évolutive de la diversité intraspécifique des CEA. Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (A1VIF) have co-evolved with land plants -for over 400 million years. Today, AMF form symbioses with roots of most land plants and are ecologically important because they alter plant growth and affect plant diversity. AMF are obligate biotrophs, obtaining their energy in form of plant-derived photosynthates. In return,- they supply their host plants with phosphorous. These fungi grow and reproduce clonally by hyphae and spores. They are coenocytic and multigenomic, harbouring genetically different nuclei in a common cytoplasm. Many studies have shown different AMF species differentially alter plant growth. Despite the increasing awareness of intraspecific variability the question whether there is any genetic variation among different individuals of the same population has been largely neglected. In Chapter 2, we investigated whether there is genetic diversity in a field population of the AMF G. intraradices. This work revealed that large genetic and heritable phenotypic variation exists in this AMF population. Differences in fitness-related growth traits among isolates suggest that some of the observed genetic variation is not selectively neutral. In Chapter 3, we show that genetic differences among isolates from the same population also cause variation in plant growth. The isolate effects on plant growth depended on the environmental conditions and varied from beneficial to detrimental. In Chapter 4, fitnessrelated growth traits of genetically different isolates were significantly altered in contrasting environments. we detected strong AMF isolate by host species interacfions which suggests that in a heterogeneous environment selection could locally favour different AMF genotypes, thereby maintaining high genetic diversity in the population. The results of this work contribute to the understanding of the ecological importance of intraspecific diversity in AMF. The possibility of culturing individuals of an AMF field population under laboratory condition gave new insights into AMF genetics and lays a foundation for future studies to analyse the evolutionary significance of intraspecific genetic diversity in AMF.
La detecció de soques hipovirulentes a Catalunya ha fet necessari l'estudi genètic de Cryphonectria hypovirus. Mitjançant mostrejos, es van obtenir les soques hipovirulentes i es va comprovar el seu caràcter hipovirulent mitjançant l'extracció del dsRNA. Mitjançant RT-PCR i RFLP es va estudiar la diversitat genètica de les poblacions de Cryphonectria hypovirus. En aquest estudi s'ha observat que la hipovirulència a Catalunya és encara un fenomen localitzat. D'altra banda, s'ha obervat certa diversitat genètica del hipovirus, fet que suggereix que C. hypovirus va ser introduït a Catalunya reiterades vegades. Aquestes reiterades introduccions de C. hypovirus també s'han observat a nivell parcel•lari. La majoria de les mostres pertanyen al subtipus CHV1-I, la qual cosa significa que és d'esperar un increment de la presència del hipovirus a les masses, en ser aquest subtipus el més adequat per dispersar en el medi. S'han detectat altres soques amb patrons RFLP encara no descrits, que podrien pertànyer a altres subtipus. Per tant, s'hauria de fer un estudi genètic més detallat d'aquestes mostres. D'altra banda, hi ha certa diversitat de GCVs associada a les soques amb l'hipovirus. Aquest fet podria suggerir que els GCVs presents a Catalunya tenen una bona capacitat per transmetre el virus o bé seria una altra evidència que C. hypovirus ha estat introduït reiteradament a Catalunya. Finalment s'ha detectat una zona especialment interessant amb diversitat de hipovirus i amb hipovirus encara no descrits, així com soques que podrien pertànyer a CHV1-E. Això suggereix que a la zona podria haver encara més diversitat del hipovirus i per tant podria ser interessant realitzar-hi nous mostreigs.
The origin of the carbon atoms in CO2 respired by leaves in the dark of several plant species has been studied using 13C/12C stable isotopes. This study was conducted using an open gas exchange system for isotope labeling that was coupled to an elemental analyser and further linked to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS) or coupled to a gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS). We demonstrate here that the carbon, which is recently assimilated during photosynthesis, accounts for nearly ca. 50% of the carbon in the CO2 lost through dark respiration after illumination in fast-growing and cultivated plants and trees and, accounts for only ca. 10% in slow-growing plants. Moreover, our study shows that fast- growing plants, which had the largest percentages of newly fixed carbon of leaf-respired CO2 , were also those with the largest shoot/root ratios, whereas slow-growing plants showed the lowest shoot/root values.
En aquest treball es presenten les dades referents a la Cova Colomera (Sant Esteve de la Sarga, Pallars Jussà) durant el Neolític cardial final. A partir de diferents sondejos duts a terme des de l'any 2005, s'ha pogut observar la varietat d'usos i funcionalitats del jaciment en moments potencialment sincrònics. Per una banda,una zona on predominen les estructures de caire domètic (fogars, fosses i forats de pal)que ens mostren les dades entorn a l'hàbitat al jaciment; i per altra banda, un gran sector de la cavitat dedicat a l'estabulació dels ramats amb sediments de tipus fumier i probablement també a l'emmagatzematge. Tot això succeix en unes datacions d'entre 6180 +/- 40 i 6020 +/- 510BP. Aquestes dades es contextualitzen amb les d'altres jaciments de la zona pirinenca, un àmbit que sempre ha estat definit en la bibliografia com un espai de pas entre diferents biòtops ecològics, de les plantes fèrtils a les pastures de l'estiu.
Se estudiaron metáfases somáticas de meristemas radicales o de tejidos florales. La tinción se realizó con carmín acético para los tejidos florales y con el método de Feulgen para los meristemas radicales.
A un mes de enero anormalmente templado, durante el cual en las comarcas próximas a Barcelona había principiado ya la brotación primaveral de muchas especies, sucedió, entre los días 2 y 23 de febrero, un período de fríos excepcionales, en que el termómetro descendió por debajo del punto de congelación durante muchas noches consecutivas. He aquí algunos de los datos obtenidos por el Observatorio Meteorológico de Barcelona (Travessera de Dalt) y publicados en el Boletín de Estadística Municipal
L'anàlisi fitosanitària d'unes 40 especies de plantes precedents de diferents localitats de Catalunya, ens ha permès de detectar la presencia de mes de 40 especies de la Fam. Esferopsidàcies que pertanyen a 13 generes. Entre els patrons figuren algunas especies de fongs com Oidium ambrosiae, O. erysiphoides, Uromyces geranii, U. striatus i Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae, que a la vegada son parasitades per altres fongs d'aquesta familia. Cal precisar que si bë algunes d¿aquestes especies han estat citades per nosaltres (Fongs Imperfects paràsits de les plantes a Catalunya, Quaderns Agraris nº 1) algunes altres, com s'indica en la publicació abans esmentada, són noves per Catalunya.
Nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N) in plant organic matter is currently used as a natural tracer of nitrogen acquisition efficiency. However, the δ15N value of whole leaf material does not properly reflect the way in which N is assimilated because isotope fractionations along metabolic reactions may cause substantial differences among leaf compounds. In other words, any change in metabolic composition or allocation pattern may cause undesirable variability in leaf δ15N. Here, we investigated the δ15N in different leaf fractions and individual metabolites from rapeseed (Brassica napus) leaves. We show that there were substantial differences in δ15N between nitrogenous compounds (up to 30 ) and the content in (15N enriched) nitrate had a clear influence on leaf δ15N. Using a simple steady-state model of day metabolism, we suggest that the δ15N value in major amino acids was mostly explained by isotope fractionation associated with isotope effects on enzyme-catalysed reactions in primary nitrogen metabolism. δ15N values were further influenced by light versus dark conditions and the probable occurrence of alternative biosynthetic pathways. We conclude that both biochemical pathways (that fractionate between isotopes) and nitrogen sources (used for amino acid production) should be considered when interpreting the δ15N value of leaf nitrogenous compounds
Wheat plants (Triticum durum Desf., cv. Regallo) were grown in the field to study the effects of contrasting [CO2] conditions (700 versus 370 μmol mol−1) on growth, photosynthetic performance, and C management during the post-anthesis period. The aim was to test whether a restricted capacity of sink organs to utilize photosynthates drives a loss of photosynthetic capacity in elevated CO2. The ambient 13C/12C isotopic composition (δ13C) of air CO2 was changed from-10.2 in ambient [CO2] to-23.6 under elevated [CO2] between the 7th and the 14th days after anthesis in order to study C assimilation and partitioning between leaves and ears. Elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on biomass production and grain filling, and caused an accumulation of C compounds in leaves. This was accompanied by up-regulation of phosphoglycerate mutase and ATP synthase protein content, together with down-regulation of adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphatase protein. Growth in elevated [CO2] negatively affected Rubisco and Rubisco activase protein content and induced photosynthetic down-regulation. CO2 enrichment caused a specific decrease in Rubisco content, together with decreases in the amino acid and total N content of leaves. The C labelling revealed that in flag leaves, part of the C fixed during grain filling was stored as starch and structural C compounds whereas the rest of the labelled C (mainly in the form of soluble sugars) was completely respired 48 h after the end of labelling. Although labelled C was not detected in the δ13C of ear total organic matter and respired CO2, soluble sugar δ13C revealed that a small amount of labelled C reached the ear. The 12CO2 labelling suggests that during the beginning of post-anthesis the ear did not contribute towards overcoming flag leaf carbohydrate accumulation, and this had a consequent effect on protein expression and photosynthetic acclimation.
En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de las limitaciones climaticas del crecimiento secundario de Pinus sylvestris L. en tres zonas de Catalunya. Para ello se han establecido 10 cronologias en otras tantas localidades, de las que 6 corresponden al Prepirineo, 2 al Montseny y 2 a Prades. La metodologia utilizada para poner de manifiesto las relaciones clima- crecimiento ha sido el análisis de regresión múltiple en componentes principales, obteniéndose asi las funciones respuesta. Los resultados confirmaron la hipotesis de que esta especie, incluso en la zona del Prepirineo, se ve influenciada por el estrés hídric0 durante la estación de crecimiento y aunque existe una respuesta similar en las tres zonas de estudio, también se producen diferencias. El efecto de inercia o el retardo con que las especies responden a 10s estímulos climaticos se ha puesto de manifiesto al presentar, alguno de 10s factores climaticos, coeficientes significativos en periodos anteriores a la estación actual de crecimiento. Los resultados son comentados desde la ecofisiologia de esta especie, comparándolos con 10s obtenidos por otros autores en el norte de su distribución geográfica. Finalmente se hace referencia a la estrategia adaptativa de P. sylvestris, considerada una especie pionera
The concentration and ratio of terpenoids in the headspace volatile blend of plants have a fundamental role in the communication of plants and insects. The sesquiterpene (E)-nerolidol is one of the important volatiles with effect on beneficial carnivores for biologic pest management in the field. To optimize de novo biosynthesis and reliable and uniform emission of (E)-nerolidol, we engineered different steps of the (E)-nerolidol biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Introduction of a mitochondrial nerolidol synthase gene mediates de novo emission of (E)-nerolidol and linalool. Co-expression of the mitochondrial FPS1 and cytosolic HMGR1 increased the number of emitting transgenic plants (incidence rate) and the emission rate of both volatiles. No association between the emission rate of transgenic volatiles and their growth inhibitory effect could be established. (E)-Nerolidol was to a large extent metabolized to non-volatile conjugates.
Se estudió la meyosis en botones florales fijados directamente en el campo. Los testigos se conservan en el Herbario de la Facultad de Farmacia de Barcelona (BCF).
Crops and forests are already responding to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and air temperatures. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to enhance plant photosynthesis. Nevertheless, after long-term exposure, plants acclimate and show a reduction in photosynthetic activity (i.e. down-regulation). If in the future the Earth"s temperature is allowed to rise further, plant ecosystems and food security will both face significant threats. The scientific community has recognized that an increase in global temperatures should remain below 2°C in order to combat climate change. All this evidence suggests that, in parallel with reductions in CO2 emissions, a more direct approach to mitigate global warming should be considered. We propose here that global warming could be partially mitigated directly through local bio-geoengineering approaches. For example, this could be done through the management of solar radiation at surface level, i.e. by increasing global albedo. Such an effect has been documented in the south-eastern part of Spain, where a significant surface air temperature trend of -0.3°C per decade has been observed due to a dramatic expansion of greenhouse horticulture.
Background: Carboxyl/cholinesterases (CCEs) are highly diversified in insects. These enzymes have a broad range of proposed functions, in neuro/developmental processes, dietary detoxification, insecticide resistance or hormone/pheromone degradation. As few functional data are available on purified or recombinant CCEs, the physiological role of most of these enzymes is unknown. Concerning their role in olfaction, only two CCEs able to metabolize sex pheromones have been functionally characterized in insects. These enzymes are only expressed in the male antennae, and secreted into the lumen of the pheromone-sensitive sensilla. CCEs able to hydrolyze other odorants than sex pheromones, such as plant volatiles, have not been identified. Methodology: In Spodoptera littoralis, a major crop pest, a diversity of antennal CCEs has been previously identified. We have employed here a combination of molecular biology, biochemistry and electrophysiology approaches to functionally characterize an intracellular CCE, SlCXE10, whose predominant expression in the olfactory sensilla suggested a role in olfaction. A recombinant protein was produced using the baculovirus system and we tested its catabolic properties towards a plant volatile and the sex pheromone components. Conclusion: We showed that SlCXE10 could efficiently hydrolyze a green leaf volatile and to a lesser extent the sex pheromone components. The transcript level in male antennae was also strongly induced by exposure to this plant odorant. In antennae, SlCXE10 expression was associated with sensilla responding to the sex pheromones and to plant odours. These results suggest that a CCE-based intracellular metabolism of odorants could occur in insect antennae, in addition to the extracellular metabolism occurring within the sensillar lumen. This is the first functional characterization of an Odorant- Degrading Enzyme active towards a host plant volatile.